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Six microfacies are defined on quantitative petrographic data in a carbonate/clastic sequence from the subsurface, oil producing Mauddud Formation of early Middle Cretaceous age. These are, in descending order of importance and abundance: (1) biomicritic wackestone-packstone, (2) argillaceous mudstone, (3) micritic mudstone, (4) glauconitic sandstone, (5)Orhitolina pelsparitic grainstone, and (6) argillaceous dolomite.Sedimentation took place during a marine transgression onto a very shallow, intertidal, restricted marine shelf lagoons. Facies variations appear to be related to depth and energy changes and proximity to areas of clastic deposition. These changes may have been controlled by slight tectonic events in the hinterland and changes in the rate of basin subsidence.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage quantitativer petrographischer Daten werden sechs Mikrofazies in einer karbonat/klastischen Folge aus der unter der ErdoberflÄche liegenden, ölliefernden Mauddud-Formation der frühen Mittelkreide definiert. In absteigender Reihenfolge der Bedeutung und HÄufigkeit sind dieses: (1) biomikritischer wackestone-packstone, (2) toniger Schlickstein, (3) unkritischer Schlickstein, (4) glaukonitischer Sandstein, (5) Orbitolina-führender pelsparitischer Grainstone und (6) toniger Dolomit.Die Sedimentation erfolgte wÄhrend einer marinen Transgression auf sehr flache, intertidale Lagunen eines begrenzten marinen Schelfs. Die Fazies-Variationen scheinen mit den Wechseln in Wassertiefe und Energie sowie der mit NÄhe von Gebieten mit klastischer Sedimentation zusammenzuhÄngen.Diese Wechsel könnten durch kleinere tektonische Ereignisse im Hinterland und durch VerÄnderungen der Absenkungsrate des Beckens ausgelöst worden sein.

Résumé Des données pétrographiques quantitatives permettent de définir six microfacies dans une série clasto-carbonatée d'âge crétacé inférieur du sous-sol de la région pé trolifère de Mauddud. Ce sont par ordre décroissant d'importance et d'abondance: (1) des wacstones-pacstone biomicritiques; (2) des argilites; (3) des argilites micritiques; (4) des grès glauconitiques; (5) des grainstone pelsparitiques à orbitolines; (6) des dolomies argileuses.La sédimentation se produisit au cours d'une transgression marine dans des lagunes très plates, intercotidales, d'une plate-forme continentale de faible étendue. Les variations de facies semblent Être dues à des changements de profondeur et d'énergie, ainsi qu'à la proximité de régions à sédimentation clastique.Ces changements pourraient résulter de légers mouvements tectoniques dans l'arrière-pays et de variations dans le degré de subsidence du bassin de sédimentation.

- Mauddud, ( ). : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) , 6) . , . , , , . , .
Important mafic–ultramafic masses have been located for the first time in the intersection area between the Keraf Shear Zone and the Nakasib Suture Zone of the Nubian Shield. The masses, comprising most of the members of the ophiolite suite, are Sotrebab and Qurun complexes east of the Nile, and Fadllab complex west of the Nile. The new mafic–ultramafic masses are located on the same trend of the ophiolitic masses decorating the Nakasib Suture. A typical complete ophiolite sequence has not been observed in these complexes, nevertheless, the mafic–ultramafic rocks comprise basal unit of serpentinite and talc chlorite schists overlain by a thick cumulate facies of peridotites, pyroxenites and layered gabbros overlain by basaltic pillow lavas with dolerite dykes and screens of massive gabbros. Associated with pillow lavas are thin layers of carbonates and chert. The best section of cumulate mafic–ultramafic units has been observed in Jebel Qurun and El Fadlab complexes, comprising peridotites, pyroxenites and layered gabbros. Dolerite dykes and screens of massive gabbros have been observed with basaltic pillow lava sections in Wadi Dar Tawaiy. The basal ultramafic units of the complexes have been fully or partly retrograded to chlorite magnetite schist and talc to talc-carbonate rocks (listowenites), especially in the Jebel Qurun and Sotrebab complexes. Petrographically, the gabbros (layered and massive) and the basaltic pillow lavas show mineral assemblages of epidote amphibolite facies. The mafic members from the three complexes show a clear tholeiitic trend and oceanic floor affinity. The pillow lavas plot in the field of oceanic floor basalt, namely in the back arc field. Primitive mantle normalized spider diagram of the pillow lavas reveals a closer correspondence to Enrich-Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalt (E-MORB) type, which is confirmed by the flat chondrite normalized Rare Earth Elements (REE) pattern. Field, petrographical and geochemical evidence supports ophiolitic origin of the three complexes. The newly discovered ophiolitic complexes mark the western continuation of the Nakasib Suture Zone.  相似文献   
The ophiolitic metabasalts (pillowed and sheeted dikes) of Wadi Ghadir area, Eastern Desert, Egypt, were analyzed for their major, trace and rare earth elements, Nd and Sr isotopes and the chemistry of their plagioclase, amphibole and chlorite was also reported. Geochemically these rocks range from tholeiitic basalt to basaltic andesite. The generally low MgO, Cr and Ni and high Zr contents are consistent with derivation of these rocks from an evolved magma. The high TiO2 contents (mostly between 1.76% and 2.23%) classify Wadi Ghadir ophiolitic metabasalts as MORB ophiolite. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of most samples display small LREE-enrichment with (La/Yb)n ranging from 1.44 to 2.56. The MORB-normalized spider diagram shows variable LILE abundances, which are either similar to or enriched relative to MORB, and most samples display small Nb depletion. The abundances of some LILE (Ba, Rb and K) as well as Na and Si were modified by post-magmatic seafloor hydrothermal alteration. Enrichment of the least mobile LILE (Th & U) indicates that Wadi Ghadir ophiolitic metabasalts are akin to C (contaminated)-MORB. These geochemical characteristics are similar to BABB modified by contamination.Wadi Ghadir metabasalts have low initial Sr ratios (0.7010–0.7034) which are similar to those of MORB, while their εNd(t) values (+7.7–+4.5) are either more or less positive than the value of depleted mantle (DM). The more positive εNd(t) values indicate DM source for these basalts, while the less positive εNd(t) values reflect the involvement of slightly older component in Wadi Ghadir ophiolite. We suggest that the parent magma of metabasalts was contaminated by slightly older material, most probably oceanic-arc crustal rocks, which caused enrichment in LREE, and by analogy LILE, but did not significantly affect Nd isotopic systematics or modify Sr isotopes.Such contaminated MORB character also revealed by other ophiolitic metavolcanics in the Central Eastern Desert, contrasting the N-MORB character of the Gerf ophiolite in the South Eastern Desert. Moreover, the present work suggests the increase of the degree of contamination of the ophiolitic metabasalts from south to north in the Central Eastern Desert.  相似文献   
Underground structures are currently widely used and are built as urbanism develops. The interactions between perpendicularly crossing and parallel tunnels in the Tehran region are investigated by using a full three-dimensional (3D) finite difference analysis with elastic-plastic material models. Special attention is paid to the effect of subsequent tunneling on the support system, i.e., the shotcrete lining and rock bolts of the existing tunnel. Eventually, as the tunnels are excavated at certain levels, the interaction between the tunnels will certainly have a significant influence on both stress distribution and consequently deformations. Since multilayer tunneling is a three-dimensional phenomenon in nature, 3D numerical solutions must be utilized for analyzing effect of perpendicularly crossing tunnels at various levels. As Tohid twin tunnels and Line 7 pass beneath the Line 4 metro tunnel, changes in stress distribution, deformations, and surface settlements are studied for various conditions and the results are presented in this paper. Consequently, it is shown that there is a significant interaction between tunnels that necessitate certain preventive measures to maintain a stable tunneling operation.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous was an important epoch in the evolution of the Earth system in which major tectonic episodes occurred, especially along the Alpine–Himalayan belt. The paucity of reliable palaeogeographic data from the central segment of this geological puzzle, however, hampers the reconstruction of a panoramic view of its Early Cretaceous palaeogeography and geodynamic setting. Here we present multidisciplinary provenance data from Lower Cretaceous strata of the overriding plate of the Neo-Tethyan subduction zone (the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone; SSZ, of central Iran), including structural, basin-fill evolution, petrographic and geochemical analyses. Sandstone provenance analysis of Lower Cretaceous red beds suggests the occurrence of sub-mature litho-quartzose sandstones attributed to an active continental arc margin in convergent setting predominantly derived from plutonic, quartzose sedimentary and metamorphic rocks exposed in the central SSZ. Weathering indices indicate moderate chemical weathering in the source area which may be related to close source-to-sink relationships or arid climate. Our palaeogeographic reconstructions and original geological mapping indicate that the erosion of uplifted basement rocks exposed in horst blocks provided the sediment sources for the syn-extensional deposition of uppermost Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous conglomerates and Lower Cretaceous siliciclastic red beds within a continental retro-arc basin during initiation of the ‘Neo-Tethys 2?. The polyphase tectonic reactivation along the principal fault of the study area controlled the syn- and post-extensional tectonostratigraphic evolution that reflect the corresponding mechanical decoupling/coupling along the northern Neo-Tethyan plate margin.  相似文献   
A hybrid discrete–finite element model is introduced for simulation of mechanical behavior of geomaterials. The soil or rock is modeled as a system of discrete balls that interact through normal and shear springs. The balls can be bonded at the contact points to withstand the applied deviatoric stresses. The important feature of this model is that the confining walls that can be imagined for example as the surrounding membrane or the mold in a physical test are modeled by deformable finite elements. This allows simulation of laboratory test features more realistically compared to the situations where the surrounding walls are rigid. The relationships between micro- and macro-properties are investigated in this paper as well. These relationships and the corresponding curves are helpful tools in calibration of the numerical model for the macroscopic elastic properties.  相似文献   
The Sultanate of Oman is located in the south-eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula and covers the larger part of the southern coasts of the Arabian Peninsula in both arid and semi-arid environments except for the southern part which is swept by the monsoon affecting the Arabian Sea during the period from June to September. The summer rainfall over Oman shows year-to-year variability, and this is caused by oceanic and atmospheric influences. In the present study, we tried to explore the influence of El Niño on the rainfall over Oman using different data sets. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) technique employed to the zonal wind at 850 hPa for the 30-year period shows that the second and third modes of EOF are showing high variability over the Oman regions. The corresponding PCs were subjected to FFT analysis, and it showed a peak about 5–6 years. In addition to this, the zonal wind over the Oman regions is correlated with the global zonal wind and found a significant correlation (1 % significant level). It has already been proved that the wind and rainfall during summer monsoon is in phase. Moreover, the spectral analysis of rainfall at Masirah station and the Niño3.4 index show the similar mode of variability indicating a direct relationship. The correlation between rainfall and the Niño3.4 index is also showing a positive significant value, and therefore, it can be concluded that the El Niño in the Pacific favours rainfall over the Oman region.  相似文献   
In arid regions, flash floods often occur as a consequence of excessive rainfall. Occasionally causing major loss of property and life, floods are large events of relatively short duration. Makkah area in western Saudi Arabia is characterized by high rainfall intensity that leads to flash floods. This study quantifies the hydrological characteristics and flood probability of some major wadis in western Saudi Arabia, including Na’man, Fatimah, and Usfan. Flood responses in these wadis vary due to the nature and rainfall distribution within these wadis. Rainfall frequency analysis was performed using selected annual maximums of 24-h rainfall from eight stations located in the area. Two of the most applied methods of statistical distribution, Gumbel’s extreme value distribution and log Pearson type III distribution, were applied to maximum daily rainfall data over 26 to 40 years. The Gumbel’s model was found to be the best fitting model for identifying and predicting future rainfall occurrence. Rainfall estimations from different return periods were identified. Probable maximum floods of the major wadis studied were also estimated for different return periods, which were extrapolated from the probable maximum precipitation.  相似文献   
In this study, we used data recorded by two consecutive passive broadband deployments on the Gulf of Aden northern margin, Dhofar region, Sultanate of Oman. The objective of these deployments is to map the young eastern Gulf of Aden passive continental margin crust and upper mantle structure and rheology. In this study, we use shear-wave splitting analysis to map lateral variations of upper mantle anisotropy beneath the study area. In this study, we found splitting magnitudes to vary between 0.33 and 1.0 s delay times, averaging about 0.6 s for a total of 17 stations from both deployment periods. Results show distinct abrupt lateral anisotropy variation along the study area. Three anisotropy zones are identified: a western zone dominated by NW–SE anisotropy orientations, an eastern zone dominated with NE–SW anisotropy orientations, and central zone with mixed anisotropy orientations similar to the east and west zones. We interpret these shorter wavelength anisotropy zones to possibly represent fossil lithospheric mantle anisotropy. We postulate that the central anisotropy zone may be representing a Proterozoic suture zone that separates two terranes to the east and west of it. The anisotropy zones west and east were being used indicative of different terranes with different upper mantle anisotropy signatures.  相似文献   
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