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Air temperature feedback results from the thermal-radiative coupling between the atmosphere and the surface and plays an important role in surface energy balance. This paper reveals the contribution of air temperature feedback to the global warming from 1980 to 2000. The air temperature feedback kernel, evaluated using the ERA-Interim reanalysis data, is used to discuss the physical mechanism for air temperature feedback, the dependency of the strength of air temperature feedback on the climatological spatial distributions of air temperature, water vapor and cloud content, and the contributions of air temperature feedback to rapid global warming. The coupling between temperature feedback and each of the external forcings and individual feedback processes will amplify the anomaly of direct energy flux convergence at the surface induced by the external forcings and individual processes. The air temperature feedback amplifies the initial surface warming due to the increase in CO2 concentration, ice and snow melting, increase in water vapor, and change in ocean heat storage. It also amplifies the surface warming due to the longwave radiaitve forcing associated with the increase in cloud cover, which acts to suppress the cooling of the shortwave effect of cloud forcing. Overall, temperature feedback plays an important role in the global warming from 1980 to 2000, as the net positive contribution to the perturbation of global mean energy flux at the surface from the air temperature feedback is larger than the net negative contribution from external forcing and all non-temperature feedbacks.  相似文献   
High-temperature, intermediate-pressure calc-silicate marbles occur in the granulite-facies terrain of the La Huerta Range in the Province of San Juan, NW-Argentina, in three bulk-compositional varieties: Type (1) dolomite-absent scapolite-wollastonite-grandite-clinopyroxene-quartz—calcite marbles; Type (2) diopside-forsterite-spinel-corundum—calcite marbles with dolomite exolution lamellae in calcite; Type (3) serpentinized forsterite-spinel-dolomite marbles. An isobaric cooling path from peak-metamorphic conditions of 860°C to 750°C at 6.5 kbar is inferred from scapolite-wollastonite-grandite reaction textures in Type (1) and is consistent with cooling after an advective heat input from related gabbroic and tonalitic intrusive bodies. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry was used to decipher the fluid/rock evolution of the three marble types. An interpreted four-stage temperature-time-fluid flow path comprises: (1) infiltration of pre-peak-metamorphic fluids, depleted in δ18O, that caused a shift of primary sedimentary δ18O ratios to lower values (19.6–20.0); (2) syn-metamorphic fluid liberation from Type (1) marbles with evidence for processes close to batch devolatilization that caused a weak coupled 13C and 18O depletion during prograde metamorphism. A different devolatilization behaviour, close to Rayleigh fractionation, texturally associated with fold settings indicates that granulite-facies fluid flow was focused rather than pervasive; (3) H2O-absent conditions were dominant when coronal grandite formed during incipient high-temperature isobaric cooling at the expense of scapolite and wollastonite in the Type (1) marbles; (4) intense post-peak- hydration of Type (2) and Type (3) marbles is the last recognizable metasomatic event. In combination, the three marble types record fluid infiltration both before and after the metamorphic peak.  相似文献   
This article introduces a new approach to the analysis of changes in sex offender residences over time. Using a Markov chain framework, we analyze residential movement patterns of registered sex offenders in Hamilton County, Ohio, over a three-year period (2005–2007). Results indicate a 46 percent reduction in offenders violating spatial restriction zone policy as compared to a counterfactual case where offenders move as a function of housing distributions. Strong legacy effects are also found as offenders previously in violation of restriction policies move into other restricted zones at a higher rate than offenders who were previously in compliance with the policy. Parcels that previously were home to registered offenders also continue to attract offenders in future periods. Although we find differences in the probabilities of attracting offenders for parcels outside and inside restricted zones that are consistent with offender restrictive policies, these differences are actually significantly smaller than what holds under the counterfactual. Parcels in restricted zones continue to attract offenders at a higher rate than expected, despite the policy restrictions.  相似文献   
A suite of dissolved trace metals (Ag, Cd, Cu and Pb), inorganic nutrients (NO(3), PO(4)), and chlorophyll a was measured along a 55 mile transect from the East River into western and central Long Island Sound. The main objectives of this study were to determine the relative levels of contamination from sewage, and to assess its possible biological impact on local waters. The East River-Long Island Sound system receives large volumes of treated sewage and industrial effluent as a result of the heavy urbanization of the area. Despite these strong environmental pressures, this study is among the first to report dissolved metal levels from that region. Consistent with the locations of anthropogenic sources, a strong east-west concentration gradient was observed for Ag, Pb, NO(3) and PO(4) with the highest levels found in the East River. In contrast, dissolved Cd and Cu were relatively constant throughout the area of study, suggesting that sewage sources have a more limited influence on the levels of those metals. Remobilization from contaminated sediments may represent the primary source of Cd and Cu to the Long Island Sound under low-runoff conditions in summer. Chlorophyll a concentrations, used as an indicator of total biomass, were also low in the East River. These low chlorophyll concentrations could not be explained by nutrient or light limitation, water column stratification, or to advection of phytoplankton out of the river during tidal flushing. These preliminary results suggest a potential toxic effect of sewage on the biological communities of the East River.  相似文献   
We present the seafloor morphology and shallow seismic structure of the continental slope south-east of the Balearic promontory and of the adjacent Algero-Balearic abyssal plain from multibeam and chirp sonar data. The main purpose of this research was to identify the sediment pathways from the Balearic promontory to the Algero-Balearic deep basin from the Early Pliocene to the Present. The morphology of the southern Balearic margin is controlled by a SW–NE structural trend, whose main expressions are the Emile Baudot Escarpment transform fault, and a newly discovered WSW–ENE trend that affects the SW end of the escarpment and the abyssal plain. We relate the two structural trends to right-lateral simple shear as a consequence of the Miocene westward migration of the Gibraltar Arc. Newly discovered steep and narrow volcanic ridges were probably enabled to grow by local transtension along the transform margin. Abyssal plain knolls and seahills relate to the subsurface deformation of early stage halokinetic structures such as salt rollers, salt anticlines, and salt pillows. The limited thickness of the overburden and the limited amount of deformation in the deep basin prevent the formation of more mature halokinetic structures such as diapirs, salt walls, bulbs, and salt extrusions. The uppermost sediment cover is affected by a dense pattern of sub-vertical small throw normal faults resulting from extensional stress induced in the overburden by subsurface salt deformation structures. Shallow gas seismic character and the possible presence of an active polygonal fault system suggest upward fluid migration and fluid and sediment expulsion at the seafloor through a probable mud volcano and other piercement structures. One large debris flow deposit, named Formentera Debris Flow, has been identified on the lower slope and rise of the south Formentera margin. Based on current observations, we hypothesize that the landslide originating the Formentera Debris Flow occurred in the Holocene, perhaps in historical times.
Angelo CamerlenghiEmail:
On 9 May 1989 a M L = 5.2 earthquake struck a region between the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria. We investigated the time-spatial evolution of seismic patterns affecting the Canary Islands region during 1989–1995, using a quantitative spatial fractal analysis method. This method allows quantitative investigation of subtle trends in seismicity distribution through time. The fractal analysis indicates that epicenters clustered around a large zone during the May 1989 sequence affected narrow zones during 1991–1993, but then larger zones during 1993–1995 with an overall trend to shallower focal depths. The spatial localisation of seismic data and its time evolution appear to be related to magmatic rather than tectonic activity. Spatial clustering properties of seismicity are consistent with a major intrusive episode in 1989, followed by a period of quiescence and renewed deep intrusive activity from 1993 onwards. This interpretation suggests an increasing probability of future volcanic hazard in the region investigated.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report efforts to develop a parallel implementation of the p-compact regionalization problem suitable for multi-core desktop and high-performance computing environments. Regionalization for data aggregation is a key component of many spatial analytical workflows that are known to be NP-Hard. We utilize a low communication cost parallel implementation technique that provides a benchmark for more complex implementations of this algorithm. Both the initialization phase, utilizing a Memory-based Randomized Greedy and Edge Reassignment (MERGE) algorithm, and the local search phase, utilizing Simulated Annealing, are distributed over available compute cores. Our results suggest that the proposed parallelization strategy is capable of solving the compactness-driven regionalization problem both efficiently and effectively. We expect this work to advance CyberGIS research by extending its application areas into the regionalization world and to make a contribution to the spatial analysis community by proposing this parallelization strategy to solve large regionalization problems efficiently.  相似文献   
The Western Sonobari Complex in northwestern Mexico consists of metamorphosed rocks mostly derived from Palaeozoic (?) sedimentary and Mesozoic igneous protoliths. Rocks of this complex display amphibolite facies orogenic metamorphism, pervasive foliation, migmatization, and four folding phases. These features are ascribed to a contractional tectonic event with NNW–SSE shortening direction, which caused thrusting, thickening of the crust, and sinking of the lithological units. U–Pb geochronology of migmatitic leucosome bands indicates that peak metamorphic conditions were reached between ~93 and 89 Ma. Post-tectonic Late Cretaceous peraluminous aplite-pegmatite dikes transect the metamorphic foliation. Traditional thermobarometry in the metamorphic rocks yields average pressures and temperatures of 9.0–7.1 kbar and 745–663°C, typical of intermediate P/T Barrovian metamorphism. On the basis of its age and contractional character, the thickening event originating the metamorphism may be related to collision of the Alisitos island arc against crustal blocks of Mexico. Thermobarometric data of post-tectonic intrusives including Late Cretaceous granodiorite and Eocene gabbro indicate emplacement within an overthickened crust, while P-T conditions of post-tectonic dikes point towards an almost isothermal decompression path along the amphibolite facies field. Rock units of similar age and metamorphic character are discontinuously exposed from the Islas Marias offshore the Nayarit coast to the Peninsular Ranges batholith of Baja California, and even extend north into the Sierra Nevada batholith and the Sevier hinterland. This extensive belt of Barrovian metamorphic rocks thus provides a record of middle Cretaceous shortening and crustal thickening related to arc-continent collision followed by subduction resuming.  相似文献   
Observations of the large two-ribbon flare on 7 November 2004 made using SOHO and TRACE data are interpreted in terms of a three-dimensional magnetic field model. Photospheric flux evolution indicates that ?1.4×1043 Mx2 of magnetic helicity was injected into the active region during the 40-hour buildup prior to the flare. The magnetic model places a lower bound of 8×1031 ergs on the energy stored by this motion. It predicts that 5×1021 Mx of flux would need to be reconnected during the flare to release the stored energy. This total reconnection compares favorably with the flux swept up by the flare ribbons, which we measure using high-time-cadence TRACE images in 1?600 Å. Reconnection in the model must occur in a specific sequence that would produce a twisted flux rope containing significantly less flux and helicity (1021 Mx and ?3×1042 Mx2, respectively) than the active region as a whole. The predicted flux compares favorably with values inferred from the magnetic cloud observed by Wind. This combined analysis yields the first quantitative picture of the flux processed through a two-ribbon flare and coronal mass ejection.  相似文献   
The Abbott Unit (∼508 Ma) and the Vegetation Unit (∼475 Ma) of the Terra Nova Intrusive Complex (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) represent the latest magmatic events related to the Early Paleozoic Ross Orogeny. They show different emplacement styles and depths, ranging from forcible at 0.4–0.5 GPa for the Abbott Unit to passive at ∼0.2 GPa for the Vegetation Unit. Both units consist of mafic, felsic and intermediate facies which collectively define continuous chemical trends. The most mafic rocks from both units show different enrichment in trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic signatures. Once the possible effects of upper crustal assimilation-fractional crystallisation (AFC) and lower crustal coupled AFC and magma refilling processes have been taken into account the following features are recognised: (1) the modelled primary Abbott Unit magma shows a slightly enriched incompatible element distribution, similar to common continental arc basalts and (2) the modelled primary Vegetation Unit magma displays highly enriched isotope ratios and incompatible element patterns. We interpreted these major changes in magmatic affinity and emplacement style as linked to a major change in the tectonic setting affecting melt generation, rise and emplacement of the magmas. The Abbott Unit mafic melts were derived from a mantle wedge above a subduction zone, with subcontinental lithospheric mantle marginally involved in the melting column. The Vegetation Unit mafic melts are regarded as products of a different source involving an old layer of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. The crustal evolution of both types of mafic melts is marked by significant compositional contrasts in Sr and Nd isotopes between mafic and associated felsic rocks. The crustal isotope signature showed an increase with felsic character. Geochemical variations for both units can be accounted for by a similar two-stage hybridisation process. In the first stage, the most mafic magma evolved mainly by fractional crystallisation coupled with assimilation of metasedimentary rocks having crustal time-integrated Sr and Nd compositions similar to those of locally exposed metamorphic basement. The second stage involves contaminated products mixing with independently generated crustal melts. Petrographic, geochemical and isotope data also provide evidence of significant compositional differences in the felsic end-members, pointing to the involvement of metaigneous and metasedimentary source rocks for the Abbott granite and Vegetation leucogranite, respectively. Received: 31 March 1998 / Accepted: 3 May 1999  相似文献   
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