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Measurement of ecological, climatic and anthropogenic changes underpins the formulation of effective management strategies for sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. Sensors are traditionally used in marine studies to determine physical parameters, but there is increasing demand for real-time information about chemical and biological parameters. These parameters are currently measured in samples collected at sea and subsequently analysed in the laboratory. Biosensors fuse the exquisite sensitivity and specificity of living systems with the processing power of microelectronics to deliver simple, inexpensive measurement systems for use in the field or deployment in situ. While their potential for use in the marine environment is enormous, much published work to date has focussed on applications in freshwater and wastewater. Marine applications pose a substantial challenge in the robustness required for remote application, but recent developments in portable medical devices and receptor design suggest that these demands can now be realistically tackled.  相似文献   
Forward dissolution rates of Na-Montmorillonite (Wyoming) SWy-2 smectite (Ca0.06Na0.56)[Al3.08Fe(III)0.38Mg0.54] [Si7.93 Al0.07]O20(OH)4 were measured at 25 °C in a mixed-flow reactor equipped with interior dialysis compartment (6-8 kDa membrane) as a function of pH (1-12), dissolved carbonate (0.5-10 mM), phosphate (10−5 to 0.03 M), and nine organic ligands (acetate, oxalate, citrate, EDTA, alginate, glucuronic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, gluconate, and glucosamine) in the concentration range from 10−5 to 0.03 M. In organic-free solutions, the Si-based rates decrease with increasing pH at 1 ? pH ? 8 with a slope close to −0.2. At 9 ? pH ? 12, the Si-based rates increase with a slope of ∼0.3. In contrast, non-stoichiometric Mg release weakly depends on pH at 1 ? pH ? 12 and decreases with increasing pH. The empirical expression describing Si-release rates [R, mol/cm2/s] obtained in the present study at 25 °C, I = 0.01 M is given by
The latest data on holes in the spinous processes of the vertebrae of woolly mammoths, a rare pathology, are presented. This was identified at 19 sites of northern Eurasia. Such destructive changes are recorded ca. 34–12k 14C a bp , and only two sites dated to >50k and >41k 14C a bp. The main hypotheses about hole formation are: vertebral abnormalities; bone infections; genetic traits; and unfavourable geochemical environment. The pathology occurred in mammoths of all age groups, and could have arisen at the embryonic stage. There are two types: classic holes associated with osteolytic changes; and very rarely tumour-like lesions. The most likely cause of the lesions is alimentary osteodystrophy caused by chronic mineral starvation. The aetiology of this disease is usually associated with a deficiency or excess of macro- and microelements in the geochemical landscape, and through forage and water this leads to a severe metabolic disorder. Analysis of palaeopathological data shows two waves of geochemical stress in animals, ca. 26–18k and ca. 16–12k 14C a bp. Therefore, the woolly mammoth extinction can be viewed as a non-linear function, with two peaks of high mortality corresponding to the Last Glacial Maximum and the Lateglacial.  相似文献   
With the objective of investigating the windwind collision phenomenon and supporting contemporaneous X-ray observations, we have organized a large-scale, coordinated optical monitoring campaign of the massive, highly eccentric O9 III+B1 III binary Iota Orionis. Successfully separating the spectra of the components, we refine the orbital elements and confirm the rapid apsidal motion in the system. We also see strong interaction between the components during periastron passage and detect phase-locked variability in the spectrum of the secondary star. However, we find no unambiguous signs of the bow shock crashing on the surface of the secondary, despite the predictions of hydrodynamic simulations. Combining all available photometric data, we find rapid, phase-locked variations and model them numerically, thus restricting the orbital inclination to 50° i 70°.  相似文献   
Measuring the internal velocity of debris flows is very important for debris flow dynamics research and designing debris flow control works. However, there is no appropriate method for measuring the internal velocity because of the destructive power of debris flow process. In this paper, we address this problem by using the relationship between velocity and kinetic pressure, as described by surface velocity and surface kinetic pressure data. Kinetic pressure is the difference of impact pressure and static pressure. The former is detected by force sensors installed in the flow direction at the sampling section. Observations show that static pressure can be computed using the formula for static water pressure by simply substituting water density for debris flow density. We describe the relationship between surface velocity and surface kinetic pressure using data from seven laboratory flume experiments. It is consistent with the relationship for single phase flow, which is the measurement principle of the Pitot tube.  相似文献   
Io’s sublimation-driven atmosphere is modeled using the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. These rarefied gas dynamics simulations improve upon earlier models by using a three-dimensional domain encompassing the entire planet computed in parallel. The effects of plasma heating, planetary rotation, inhomogeneous surface frost, molecular residence time of SO2 on the exposed (non-volatile) rocky surface, and surface temperature distribution are investigated. Circumplanetary flow is predicted to develop from the warm dayside toward the cooler nightside. Io’s rotation leads to a highly asymmetric frost surface temperature distribution (due to the frost’s high thermal inertia) which results in circumplanetary flow that is not axi-symmetric about the subsolar point. The non-equilibrium thermal structure of the atmosphere, specifically vibrational and rotational temperatures, is also examined. Plasma heating is found to significantly inflate the atmosphere on both the dayside and nightside. The plasma energy flux causes high temperatures at high altitudes but plasma energy depletion through the dense gas column above the warmest frost permits gas temperatures cooler than the surface at low altitudes. A frost map (Douté, S., Schmitt, B., Lopes-Gautier, R., Carlson, R., Soderblom, L., Shirley, J., and the Galileo NIMS Team [2001]. Icarus 149, 107-132) is used to control the sublimated flux of SO2 which can result in inhomogeneous column densities that vary by nearly a factor of four for the same surface temperature. A short residence time for SO2 molecules on the “rock” component is found to smooth lateral atmospheric inhomogeneities caused by variations in the surface frost distribution, creating an atmosphere that looks nearly identical to one with uniform frost coverage. A longer residence time is found to agree better with mid-infrared observations (Spencer, J.R., Lellouch, E., Richter, M.J., López-Valverde, M.A., Jessup, K.L, Greathouse, T.K., Flaud, J. [2005]. Icarus 176, 283-304) and reproduce the observed anti-jovian/sub-jovian column density asymmetry. The computed peak dayside column density for Io assuming a surface frost temperature of 115 K agrees with those suggested by Lyman-α observations (Feaga, L.M., McGrath, M., Feldman, P.D. [2009]. Icarus 201, 570-584). On the other hand, the peak dayside column density at 120 K is a factor of five larger and is higher than the upper range of observations (Jessup, K.L., Spencer, J.R., Ballester, G.E., Howell, R.R., Roesler, F., Vigel, M., Yelle, R. [2004]. Icarus 169, 197-215; Spencer et al., 2005).  相似文献   
MgSiO3 akimotoite is stable relative to majorite-garnet under low-temperature geotherms within steeply or rapidly subducting slabs. Two compositions of Mg–akimotoite were synthesized under similar conditions: Z674 (containing about 550 ppm wt H2O) was synthesized at 22 GPa and 1,500 °C and SH1101 (nominally anhydrous) was synthesized at 22 GPa and 1,250 °C. Crystal structures of both samples differ significantly from previous studies to give slightly smaller Si sites and larger Mg sites. The bulk thermal expansion coefficients of Z674 are (153–839 K) of a 1 = 20(3) × 10?9 K?2 and a 0 = 17(2) × 10?6 K?1, with an average of α 0 = 27.1(6) × 10?6 K?1. Compressibility at ambient temperature of Z674 was measured up to 34.6 GPa at Sector 13 (GSECARS) at Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory. The second-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (BM2 EoS) fitting yields: V 0 = 263.7(2) Å3, K T0 = 217(3) GPa (K′ fixed at 4). The anisotropies of axial thermal expansivities and compressibilities are similar: α a  = 8.2(3) and α c  = 10.68(9) (10?6 K?1); β a  = 11.4(3) and β c  = 15.9(3) (10?4 GPa). Hydration increases both the bulk thermal expansivity and compressibility, but decreases the anisotropy of structural expansion and compression. Complementary Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy shows multiple structural hydration sites. Low-temperature and high-pressure FTIR spectroscopy (15–300 K and 0–28 GPa) confirms that the multiple sites are structurally unique, with zero-pressure intrinsic anharmonic mode parameters between ?1.02 × 10?5 and +1.7 × 10?5 K?1, indicating both weak hydrogen bonds (O–H···O) and strong OH bonding due to long O···O distances.  相似文献   
海洋沉积物有机质碳氮稳定同位素(δ13C、δ15N)广泛用于有机质来源示踪、古生产力和古海洋环境重建。日本海沉积物δ13C和δ15N值一个显著特征是在末次冰盛期(LGM)同步负偏,但是对这一现象产生的原因以及他们的演化过程的认识仍然存在明显不足。在本研究中,我们详细调查了37 ka以来日本海中部LV53-23-1岩心沉积物δ13C和δ15N演化历史。结果显示,沉积物δ13C和δ15N分别介于-26.3‰至-22.5‰和1.6‰至6.1‰,低值出现在LGM(26.5~17 ka)暗色层状泥发育时期,指示较强的陆源输入贡献。在Heinrich冰阶1时期(17~14.5 ka),δ13C和δ15N快速正偏,表明日本海海洋环境发生了明显的转换,对应于对马海峡淹没及对马暖流入侵。14.5 ka之后,沉积物δ15N值恢复到5‰,与开阔大洋海水硝酸盐的δ15N值近似。我们采用二端员混合模型粗略地估算了有机质来源的相对贡献。LGM时期陆源有机质贡献介于65%至80%,14.5 ka以后海源有机质贡献介于60%至80%。除了增加的陆源有机质贡献以外,LGM时期沉积物δ15N亏损还涉及如下过程:(1)较高的含Fe沙尘供给提高日本海表层海洋生物固氮效率;(2)缺氧环境盛行减弱成岩作用对沉积物δ15N影响。37 ka以来,日本海沉积物δ13C和δ15N变化与有机质来源、营养盐的供给、表层生产力和沉积物氧化还原条件相关,实际受海平面和全球气候制约。  相似文献   
Role of water in the origin of podiform chromitite deposits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report experiments in basalt oversaturated with water to duplicate the nodular ore textures of podiform chromitite ores. In immiscible basalt-water systems saturated with olivine and chromite, olivine will reside in the melt while chromite will collect in the fluid phase. Fractionation is physical and is driven by differential wetting properties of melt and fluid against silicate and oxide surfaces. There is no need to suppress olivine from the liquidus of a primitive basaltic melt as suggested by Irvine [Irvine, T.N., Geology 5 (1977) 273-277], to achieve chromite accumulations as observed in natural podiform ore deposits. The results imply that podiform chromitite ores will form where a primitive olivine-chromite-saturated mantle melt is sufficiently water-rich to exsolve a fluid phase during passage through the uppermost mantle. The most likely geodynamic environment for podiform chromite mineralization to take place is a supra-subduction zone setting.  相似文献   
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