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V. P. Singh 《水文研究》2001,15(4):671-706
The history of the kinematic wave theory and its applications in water resources are traced. It is shown that the theory has found its niche in water resources and its applications are so widespread that they may well constitute what may be termed ‘kinematic wave hydrology’. Few theories have been applied in hydrology and water resources as extensively as the kinematic wave theory. This theory, however, is not without limitations and when it is applied they must be so recognized. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A numerical study of gas flow through a porous cometary mantle is presented. A kinetic model based on the well-known Test Particle Monte Carlo Method for the solution of rarefied gas dynamics problems is proposed. The physical model consists of two spatial plane regions: the condensed ice phase and a porous dust mantle. The structure of the porous dust layer is described as a bundle of cylindrical inclined channels not crossing each other. A vertical temperature gradient may exist across the dust mantle. The aim is to investigate how the characteristics of molecular flow depend on the capillary length, inclination angle, and temperature gradient. Examples illustrating a significant deviation of some results from equilibrium values are shown. In particular, the gas velocity distribution at both ends of the pore is strongly non-Maxwellian if there is an important temperature contrast across the pore. The emergent gas flow rate is found to vary with the pore length/radius ratio in excellent agreement with Clausing's empirical formula. The degree of collimation of the flow is quantitatively studied as a function of the length/radius ratio, and consequences for the jet force of outgassing through a dust mantle or, indeed, a rough surface are estimated.  相似文献   
We present the first observations of the AM Her type object EF Eri where both the polarization and the photometric data are recorded simultaneously in five color bands (UBVRI). The position angle rotates strongly (30°) vs. wavelength from U to I, probably due to Faraday rotation or due to fact that the polarized radiation seen in the different wavelength bands comes from different parts of the accretion region. The phase dependence of the position angle requires field and accretion geometry more complicated than a simple centered dipole and a second emitting region producing weaker intermediate pulses in the infrared seems to be present. We derive the value of the inclination of the system i=55°±5°, the colatitude of the active pole 1,= 38° ±5° and the second emitting region = 115° ± 5°, both of which are nearly at the same longitude facing the main accretion stream.Based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   
Observations of linear and circular polarization in five colour bands during a highly active state of VV Puppis in January-86 are reported. A strong linear polarization pulse with the maximum in the blue, PB22 %, is observed at the end of the bright phase when the active pole is at the limb and a weaker secondary pulse, PB7 %, is seen in the beginning of the bright phase, when the active pole reappears. Strong positive circular polarization is also observed in the blue and the ultraviolet, PUPB18 %, PV10 % during the bright phase. The circular polarization reverses the sign in the B and V bands during the faint phase and a negative polarization hump is seen when the active pole crosses the limb. The circular polarization in the V band reaches the value PV–10% at the hump, after which it remains near PV–5% during the faint phase. This is probably due to radiation coming from the second, less active pole and accretion thus takes place onto both poles. The wavelength dependences of the positive and negative parts of the circular polarization curve are different and no polarization reversal is seen in the U band. The position angle of the linear polarization is well determined during a large portion of the cycle, especially in the V band, thanks to the activity from both poles. A best fit to the position angle curve, taking into account also the duration of the positive circular polarization phase interval =0.40 (in the V band), yields the values of orbital inclination i=78°±2° and the colatitude of the active magnetic pole =146°±2°. The relatively good fit to the position angle data indicates that the simple dipole model is nearly correct in the case of VV Puppis. Some wavelength dependence is, however, seen in the position angle curves, especially in the I band where the slope / at the main pulse is considerably smaller than in the other bands. The shape of the position angle curves changes also in the blue and the ultraviolet around the middle of the bright phase. This is probably due to optical thickness effects as the side of the accretion column which is toward the observer changes near this phase.Based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.On leave from University of Helsinki Observatory  相似文献   
A model is presented for the generation and evolution of bump-in-tail driven Langmuir waves in the solar wind during type III emission, which removes a number of apparent inconsistencies between theory and observations. It is argued that there must be localized enhancements of f b /v by a factor of 102 over the measured average values. Growth rates and energy densities of Langmuir waves are, therefore, considerably enhanced, permitting growth to overcome linear scattering losses, and also allowing nonlinear decay into ion-acoustic waves, in line with observations. Estimates are made of the probability distribution p(E), of wave field strengths E, based on linear and nonlinear wave-packet evolution, yielding p(E) E –a, 3. This helps explain why very high values of E are rarely found in the measured spiky wave turbulence.  相似文献   
Observations made by the differential method in the H line have revealed longperiod (on a timescale of 40 to 80 min) line-of-sight velocity oscillations which increase in amplitude with distance from the centre to the solar limb and, as we believe, give rise to prominence oscillations. As a test, we present some results of simultaneous observations at the photospheric level where such periods are absent.Oscillatory processes in the solar chromosphere have been studied by many authors. Previous efforts in this vein led to the detection of shortperiod oscillations in both the mass velocities and radiation intensity (Deubner, 1981). The oscillation periods obtained do not, normally, exceed 10–20 min (Dubov, 1978). More recently, Merkulenko and Mishina (1985), using filter observations in the H line, found intensity fluctuations with periods not exceeding 78 min. However, the observing technique they used does not exclude the possibility that those fluctuations were due to the influence of the Earth's atmosphere. It is also interesting to note that in spectra obtained by Merkulenko and Mishina (1985), the amplitude of the 3 min oscillations is anomalously small and the 5 min period is altogether absent, while the majority of other papers treating the brightness oscillations in the chromosphere, do not report such periods in the first place. So far, we are not aware of any other evidence concerning the longperiod velocity oscillations in the chromosphere on a timescale of 40–80 min.Longperiod oscillations in prominences (filaments) in the range from 40 to 80 min, as found by Bashkirtsev et al. (1983) and Bashkirtsev and Mashnich (1984, 1985), indicate that such oscillations can exist in both the chromosphere and the corona (Hollweg et al., 1982).In this note we report on experimental evidence for the existence of longperiod oscillations of mass velocity in the solar chromosphere.  相似文献   
The behaviour of the flare in the period of enhancement and maximum of hard X-ray, microwave and decimetric type IV continuum is analysed. The elongation of the H ribbons and microwave source disclose that the energy release site was shifting through a system of loops with a velocity less than 200 km s-1, and that the energy was carried down the field lines with a velocity of about 1000 km s-1, implying the thermal conduction front mechanism of energy transport. Several processes of energy release are considered and it is concluded that an explanation in terms of succeeding interactions of neighbouring loops, involving fast reconnection of their poloidal components is in best agreement with the observations.Proceedings of the Second CESRA Workshop on Particle Acceleration and Trapping in Solar Flares, held at Aubigny-sur-Nère (France), 23–26 June, 1986.  相似文献   
We limit the photometric contrast of solar giant convection cells using 525.6 nm continuum images obtained on 15 days in May 1985. The r.m.s. of the giant cell intensity pattern must be less than or equal to the observed r.m.s. on spatial scales 80 to 240 Mm which is 0.023% or, equivalently, 0.33 K. However, the spatial scale and time-scale dependence of the variance demonstrate that giant cells are not the source of the observed variance. Consequently, a tighter constraint on the r.m.s. of the giant cell pattern may be placed, namely 0.016% or 0.23 K. This limit is consistent with temperature perturbations estimated from recent nonlinear simulations of global-scale solar convection. We use this limit on the r.m.s. of the giant cell pattern to estimate that the contribution of giant cells to the fluctuation of the solar irradiance on a one-month time-scale is less than 3 × 10–5 S.  相似文献   
The containment property Goudas' surfaces has been studied in this paper. Physical implications of this property a consequently discussed. A general relationship is obtained, which connects the sizes of those surfaces, the magnetic moments of two stars and their mean motion.  相似文献   
Littoral '92     


Littoral '92  相似文献   
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