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Intermediate orbit for general planetary theory is constructed in the form of multivariate Fourier series with numerical coefficients. The structure and efficiency of the derived series are illustrated by giving various statistical properties of the coefficients.The ability of the recently proposed elliptic function approach to compress the Fourier series representing the intermediate orbit is investigated. Our results confirm that when mutual perturbations of a pair of planets are considered the elliptic function approach is quite efficient and allows one to compress the series substantially. However, when perturbations of three or more planets are under study the elliptic function approach does not give any advantages.  相似文献   
Main part of the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province was formed in a short time-span at the Permo-Triassic boundary c. 250 Ma. New 40Ar/39Ar dating results for the Usol'skii dolerite sill in south-eastern part of the province indicate its probable emplacement c. 6 Myr after the main Permo-Triassic magmatic phase. Compilation of the published 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb ages implies that basaltic and related magmatism lasted in total as long as 22–26 Myr. Therefore, similar to other large igneous provinces, magmatism of the Siberian Traps combined voluminous short-lived and less prominent long-lived events.  相似文献   
Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province (STLIP) is one of the most voluminous volcanic provinces on Earth. The dominant erupted rocks are low-Ti basalts, which make up 80% by volume of the classical Noril’sk lava sequence. In the west Siberian basin and Maymecha-Kotuy area, the low-Ti basalts make up about 99% and 50% by volume, respectively. Dolerite sills in the Angara-Taseevskaya Syncline at the southeastern STLIP exhibit trace element patterns and Sr isotope ratios typical of the low-Ti basalts of the Noril’sk sequence. The most Mg-rich (MgO 9.5–11 wt%) and hence least differentiated dolerites are characterized by trace element patterns with Ta-Nb depletion, low Ce/Pb and high Sr/Pr. These trace element features are similar to water-saturated, mantle wedge-derived island arc basalts. These imply an important role of subduction fluid-derived trace elements in the source of melting beneath the Angara-Taseevskaya Syncline and other regions of the STLIP. Less magnesium rocks (MgO 3.8–6.1 wt%) with less prominent Ta-Nb depletion, higher Ce/Pb and lower Sr/Pr could be produced via olivine-plagioclase fractionation of primary high-magnesium melts.  相似文献   

We analyzed the relationship between an index of Great Lakes winter severity (winters 1950–1998) and atmospheric circulation characteristics. Classification and Regression Tree analysis methods allowed us to develop a simple characterization of warm, normal and cold winters in terms of teleconnection indices and their combinations. Results are presented in the form of decision trees. The single most important classifier for warm winters was the Polar/Eurasian index (POL). A majority of warm winters (12 out of 15) occurred when this index was substantially positive (POL > 0.23). There were no cold winters when this condition was in place. Warm winters are associated with a positive phase of the Western Pacific pattern and El Niño events in the equatorial Pacific. The association between cold winters and La Niña events was much weaker. Thus, the effect of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on severity of winters in the Great Lakes basin is not symmetric. The structure of the relationship between the index of winter severity and teleconnection indices is more complex for cold winters than for warm winters. It takes two or more indices to successfully classify cold winters. In general, warm winters are characterized by a predominantly zonal type of atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere (type W1). Within this type of circulation it is possible to distinguish two sub‐types, W2 and W3. Sub‐type W2 is characterized by a high‐pressure cell over North America, which is accompanied by enhanced cyclonic activity over the eastern North Pacific. Due to a broad southerly “anomalous” flow, surface air temperatures (SATs) are above normal almost everywhere over the continent. During the W3 sub‐type, the polar jet stream over North America, instead of forming a typical ridge‐trough pattern, is almost entirely zonal, thus effectively blocking an advection of cold Arctic air to the south. Cold winters tend to occur when the atmospheric circulation is more meridional (type C1). As with warm winters, there are two sub‐types of circulation, C2 and C3. In the case of C2, the jet stream loops southward over the western part of North America, but its northern excursion over the eastern part is suppressed. In this situation, the probability of a cold winter is higher for Lake Superior than for the lower Great Lakes. Sub‐type C3 is characterized by an amplification of the climatological ridge over the Rockies and the trough over the East Coast. The strongest negative SAT anomalies are located south of the Great Lakes basin, so that the probability of a cold winter is higher for the lower Great Lakes than for Lake Superior.  相似文献   
Notable within-crystal variability of mineralogical and geochemical properties of single natural diamonds are commonly attributed to changing chemistry of parental fluids, sources of carbon and redox conditions of diamond precipitation. A distinct type of compositional heterogeneity (mixed-habit structure) is well-known to occur in diamonds as well as in many other minerals due to purely “structural” reasons that are unequal crystal chemistry of crystallographically different faces and selective absorption and fractionation of impurities between adjacent growth pyramids. Based on the combined cathodoluminescence, Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy, study of nine diamond crystals with different growth histories and external morphology, but all showing mixed-habit patterns at different growth stages, we show that mixed-diamonds may grow in closed system conditions or with a slowly decreasing growth rate from a media with a much lower impurity content than previously thought. Intracrystal nitrogen distribution seems to be a function of growth rate even in the cases of unusual impurity partitioning between growth sectors. Generally poor with IR-active hydrogen at moderate nitrogen aggregation parameters, studied diamonds likely resemble the low hydrogen content from the growth medium that, for cubic diamonds, was typically suggested hydrogen-rich and a crucial factor for growth of cubic and mixed-habit diamonds. We also show that mixed-habit diamond growth may occur not only in peridotitic suite but also in an extended field of geochemical affinities from high-Ni to low-Ni or maybe even Ni-free environments, such as pyroxenitic or eclogitic.  相似文献   
A nearly complete frozen mummy of a woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum., 1799) was discovered in a gold mine on the lower reaches of the Kolyma River, north–eastern Siberia. This is the first find of the whole body of woolly rhino in permafrost. A large part of the mummified body was preserved, including the left part of the body, covered by skin, including skin of the head and ear, fore and hind legs. The skull with 2 horns and the lower jaw were also preserved. Most of the internal organs were lost, except the intestines, stomach, and their contents. A rib fragment from this individual was dated by AMS-radiocarbon method to 39,140 ± 390 years BP (OxA-18755). Spore and pollen analyses of the stomach contents indicate that grasses and sagebrushes formed the main part of the diet of C. antiquitatis in this region of Arctic Siberia.  相似文献   
We determined the concentrations of platinum‐group elements (PGE) and rhenium in granular spinel lherzolites entrained as xenoliths in the Late Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the East Sayan within the Sarkhoi palaeo‐arc block of the Tuva‐Mongolian massif. Major element, PGE and rhenium variations in the East Sayan xenoliths can be explained by impregnation of up to 15% of arc‐type melt into initially depleted mantle harzburgite. Such a refertilization process probably took place in the Middle Neoproterozoic, when the Tuva‐Mongolian massif was in a subduction environment. East Sayan xenoliths show close similarities to Vitim xenoliths, whose host basalts erupted within an off‐cratonic crustal block. Both East Sayan and Vitim xenoliths are different from cratonic and circum‐cratonic peridotite xenoliths of worldwide localities.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consistently estimate geodetic parameters such as weekly 3-D station coordinates, Earth orientation parameters (EOP) including daily x/y-pole coordinates and the excess length of day \(\Delta \hbox {LOD}\), and selected weekly Earth’s gravitational field (Stokes) coefficients up to degree and order 6 from Satellite Laser Ranging measurements to up to 11 geodetic satellites. The SLR constellation consists of LAGEOS-1/2, Etalon-1/2, Stella, Starlette, Ajisai, Larets, LARES, BLITS and WESTPAC, and its observations cover a time span of 38 years ranging from February 16, 1979, to April 30, 2017. If multiple satellites with various altitudes and orbit inclinations are combined, correlations between estimated parameters are significantly reduced. This allows us (i) to investigate the ability of satellite constellations to reduce existing correlations and (ii) to estimate reliable parameters with higher precision compared to the standard 4-satellite constellation (LAGEOS-1/2, Etalon-1/2) which is currently used by the International Laser Ranging Service for the determination of the Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) and EOP products. In particular, the Stokes coefficients, EOP and TRF datum parameters (three translations, three rotations, one scale factor), which are highly correlated with satellite-specific orbit parameters, are improved. From our investigations, we found for an 11-satellite solution compared to the above-mentioned 4-satellite solution a decrease in the scatter of the TRF datum parameters of up to 37%, the transformation residuals are decreased by up to 22%, the scatter of the EOP is decreased by up to 22%, and their mean values are decreased by up to 84% w.r.t. the reference solutions. The largest improvement is obtained for the Stokes coefficients which significantly benefit from a combination of multiple satellites (inclinations and orbit altitudes). In total, single coefficients are improved by up to 93% and the overall improvement is up to 74%. Moreover, it could be clearly identified that Ajisai significantly disturbs the TRF solution due to an erroneous center-of-mass correction. We further quantify the impact of specific satellites on the determination of different geodetic parameters and finally evaluate the potential of the existing SLR-tracked spherical satellite constellation to support the goals of GGOS.  相似文献   
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