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An investigation undertaken recently by the Division of Regional Geoecology and Marine Geology of the Karpinsky All-Russian Research Geological Institute in the coastal zones of the Eastern Gulf of Finland allowed finding some specific relief forms of both near-shore bottom topography and shoreline shape. First of all, among the most interesting objects, the sand ridges on the surface of submarine terrace (between Repino locality and Cape Lautaranta) should be mentioned. These ridges are elongated at an angle to the shoreline and are located beyond the limits of wave action. The other interesting morphological type is represented by longshore sand waves up to some hundreds of meters long and some tens of meters wide near the Bol’shaya Izhora locality. Longshore sand waves move along the southern coast of the gulf, this causing alteration of erosion and accretion zones and leading to formation and degradation of the sand spits. Shore-face-connected ridges are believed to develop under the action of drift currents generated during the passage of deep west cyclones. It is shown that the ridge turned toward the current gives rise to a convergence of the cross-shore flows over the crest and provokes a shift of the maximum velocity toward the front side of the structure. Associated changes in sediment discharges result in accumulation and growth of the ridge. The origin of wavelike features in the shoreline contour (longshore sand waves) is due to a very oblique wave approach caused by predominance of the west winds blowing along the axis of the gulf. Under these conditions a small perturbation of the shoreline contour is shown to manifest a trend to increase with time.  相似文献   
In this paper, the results of a laboratory experiment on investigating the wind-velocity field over a water surface using the PIV method are described. The use of a rapid CCD-camera made it possible to perform a detailed study of the eddy structure of airflow. We have measured the velocity fields over a flat plate by wind waves and waves induced by a wave generator. The model of a turbulent boundary layer over a rough surface was directly verified. It has been shown that the wind-velocity profiles over waves obtained by averaging the instantaneous fields over the ensemble of samples and horizontal coordinate are satisfactorily consistent with the profiles calculated within the frameworks of the model of wind flow over rough water surface.  相似文献   
Results are presented from CCD BVRI observations of comparison stars in the neighborhoods of 22 galaxies with active nuclei having right ascensions ranging from 0 to 12 hours, of which 19 are Seyfert galaxies. The observed stars have magnitudes ranging from V=11 to V=17. For stars brighter than V=14 the typical photometic error is 0.01m. The B, V, Rc, and Ic magnitudes of most of these stars were not known previously. 14′×14′ finding charts are included. These results can be used for differential photometry of the AGNs in the B, V, Rc, and Ic bands.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 191–211 (May 2005).  相似文献   
Based on our UBV RI observations and X-ray data from the RXTE satellite, we have investigated the variability of the galaxy 3C 120 over the period 1996–2008. The relative variability amplitude in the U and B bands without any subtraction of the contribution from the underlying galaxy is 23 and 22%, respectively, against 21% in the X-ray band. The autocorrelation function based on the B-band data is considerably wider than that based on the X-ray data. The structure functions on a time scale from 1 to ~100–300 days in the X-ray and optical spectral ranges have the form of a power law (SFτ b ). However, their indices differ significantly: b = 0.42 in the X-ray band and b = 1.36 in the B band. Considering the X-ray and optical variabilities as a superposition of independent flares in a wide range of durations, we may conclude that the amplitudes of short flares in the X-ray band are higher than those in the optical one and, conversely, the relative amplitudes of long flares in the X-ray band are slightly lower than those in the optical one, i.e., short events dominate in the X-ray band. The optical flux variations in the R c and I c bands lag significantly behind those in the B band, by 3.9 ?0.7 +1.0 and 6.2 ?0.6 +1.1 days, respectively, if the lag is estimated from the centroid of the cross-correlation function. The X-ray variability on a time scale of about 1800 days (~5 yr) lags behind the B-band variations by 5.3 ?3.3 +2.7 days, but the confidence level of this estimate is only 87%. A more detailed analysis of the correlation between the X-ray and optical emissions has revealed a fairly complex picture: different degrees of correlation between the optical and X-ray fluxes are observed at different times.  相似文献   
Five sky areas about the radio sources ICRS 1254+571, ICRS 1345+125, ICRS 1641+399, ICRS 1732+389, and ICRS 1807+698 were observed with the aim to identify reliably the extragalactic radio sources in these areas with bright infrared objects and objects in the optical range. The test CCD observations were made in the U, V, and R bands of the Johnson system with the 2-meter telescope of the Terskol Peak Observatory (North Caucasus, Russian Federation). The U, V, and B magnitudes and the equatorial coordinates α and δ in the USNO-A2.0 catalog system were determined for objects down to V ≈ 23m in 8.5′ × 8.5′ areas, and these objects were identified with stars and infrared objects in the 2MASS catalog. The CCD image processing realized within the MIDAS/ROMAFOT program package on the basis of a new method for flat-field elimination is briefly described.  相似文献   
On 11 November 1976, after a magnetically quiet period with the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) directed northward, a sudden southward turning of the IMF immediately led to a world-wide intensification of convection which was observed to start almost simultaneously at stations within the auroral zone and polar cap. The two-dimensional equivalent current system over the northern hemisphere had a typical two-cell convection pattern with a maximum disturbance of ΔH = ?300 nT observed on the morningside in the westward electrojet region. This enhancement of activity ended after 35 min in a localized substorm onset in the midnight sector over Scandinavia.The recordings made in this area indicate large fluctuations of various ionospheric parameters starting several minutes before the substorm onset. Two subsequent stages can be resolved: (1) high-energy particle precipitation recorded by balloon X-ray detectors and maximum ionospheric current density increase, while the electrojet halfwidth shrinks and the total electrojet current becomes weaker; (2) the maximum ionospheric current density stays constant and the high-energy particle precipitation decreases, while the auroral brightness increases and the total electrojet current and its half-width show a growing trend prior to the final breakup. A suggestion is made that the time interval of these two stages should be called “trigger phase”. A short discussion explains the trigger phase observations in a magnetospheric scale. The energy coupling between solar wind and magnetosphere during the pre-substorm phases is discussed by utilizing the energy coupling function ? defined by Perreault and Akasofu (Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc.54, 547, 1978). The ? values appear to be on substorm level during the period of enhanced convection. A good correlation between ? and the growth of the Joule heating rate (estimated from the AE data) is found in the beginning, but during the last 20 min before substorm triggering ? is high while the Joule heating rate decreases. The behaviour of ? during the two stages of the trigger phase suggests that the start of the trigger phase is purely internally controlled while the length of the trigger phase and the final substorm onset may be influenced by the variation in ?.  相似文献   
Silicified carbonates of the latest Mesoproterozoic Sukhaya Tunguska Formation, northwestern Siberia, contain abundant and diverse permineralized microfossils. Peritidal environments are dominated by microbial mats built by filamentous cyanobacteria comparable to modern species of Lyngbya and Phormidium. In subtidal to lower intertidal settings, mat-dwelling microbenthos and possible coastal microplankton are abundant. In contrast, densely woven mat populations with few associated taxa characterize more restricted parts of tidal flats; the preservation of vertically oriented sheath bundles and primary fenestrae indicates that in these mats carbonate cementation was commonly penecontemporaneous with mat growth. Eoentophysalis mats are limited to restricted environments where microlaminated carbonate precipitates formed on or just beneath the sediment surface. Most microbenthic populations are cyanobacterial, although eukaryotic microfossils may occur among the simple spheroidal cells interpreted as coastal plankton. Protists are more securely represented by large (up to 320 micrometers in diameter) but poorly preserved acritarchs in basinal facies. The Sukhaya Tunguska assemblage contains 27 species in 18 genera. By virtue of their stratigraphic longevity and their close and predictable association with specific paleoenvironmental conditions, including substrates, Proterozoic cyanobacteria support a model of bacterial evolution in which populations adapt rapidly to novel environments and, thereafter, resist competitive replacement. The resulting evolutionary pattern is one of accumulation and stasis rather than the turnover and replacement characteristic of Phanerozoic plants and animals.  相似文献   
Results of VRI photometry of two components of the gravitationally lensed quasar UM 673 in 2003–2005 are presented. The observational data were obtained on the 1.5-m telescope of the Maidanak observatory. During the monitoring of the system, considerable brightness variations in components A and B with amplitudes of about 0.2 m were recorded, demonstrating variability of the quasar. The increase in the brightness of the components was accompanied by reddening of their V-R color indices. Analysis of the brightness and color variations of the components shows no variations related to microlensing.  相似文献   
Complex study of the U–Pb and Lu–Hf systems of zircon from a lhertzolite lens of Archean gneiss enderbites of the Bug complex, Ukrainian Shield, showed that ultramafic magma was contaminated by the material of the country gneiss enderbites. The age of the zircons of 2.81 ± 0.05 Ga corresponds to the period of ultramafic magmatism within the Bug complex. Previously, this peak of endogenic activity was considered the stage of manifestation of metamorphism and magmatism of mafic composition.  相似文献   
We present new results of our visual (V, R, I) and near-infrared (J,H,K) photometry for the unusual young star V718 Per. They show that, in addition to prolonged eclipses following one another with a period of 4.7 yr, the star also exhibits low-amplitude brightness oscillations with a period that is approximately a factor of 8 shorter than the main one. In contrast to the large-scale eclipses accompanied by the star’s reddening, the low-amplitude oscillations are neutral in character and are produced by large particles. Bimodal oscillations of this type can arise in a circumstellar disk divided by a large matter-free gap into two zones—an inner, dense region and an outer, less dense disk. Such configurations emerge in the presence of a fairly massive perturbing body in the disk. In this case, density waves rotating with different angular velocities can be formed in each of these zones. Therefore, when such systems are observed nearly edge-on, two oscillation modes with different periods can be present in the extinction variations. We suggest that such a situation takes place in the case of V718 Per. Since this star exhibits no signatures of spectroscopic binarity, the perturbing body can be either a giant planet or a brown dwarf.  相似文献   
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