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The Hikurangi Trough, off eastern New Zealand, is at the southern end of the Tonga–Kermadec–Hikurangi subduction system, which merges into a zone of intracontinental transform. The trough is mainly a turbidite-filled structural trench but includes an oblique-collision, foredeep basin. Its northern end has a sharp boundary with the deep, sediment-starved, Kermadec Trench. Swath-mapping, sampling and seismic surveys show modern sediment input is mainly via Kaikoura Canyon, which intercepts littoral drift at the southern, intracontinental apex of the trough, with minor input from seep gullies. Glacial age input was via many canyons and about an order of magnitude greater. Beyond a narrow, gravelly, intracontinental foredeep, the southern trench-basin is characterized by a channel meandering around the seaward edge of mainly Plio-Pleistocene, overbank deposits that reach 5 km in thickness. The aggrading channel has sandy turbidites, but low-backscatter, and long-wavelength bedforms indicating thick flows. Levées on both sides are capped by tangentially aligned mudwaves on the outsides of bends, indicating centrifugal overflow from heads of dense, fast-moving, autosuspension flows. The higher, left-bank levée also has levée-parallel mudwaves, indicating Coriolis and/or boundary currents effects on dilute flows or tail plumes. In the northern trough, basin-fill is generally less than 2 km thick and includes widespread overbank turbidites, a massive, blocky, avalanche deposit and an extensive, buried, debris flow deposit. A line of low seamounts on the subducting plate acts as a dam preventing modern turbidity currents from reaching the Kermadec Trench. Major margin collapse probably occurred in the wake of a large subducting seamount; this seamount and its wake debris flow probably dammed the trench from 2 Ma to 0.5 Ma. Before this, similar dams may have re-routed turbidity currents across the plateau.  相似文献   
An integrated hydrological model (MOHISE) was developed in order to study the impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle in representative water basins in Belgium. This model considers most hydrological processes in a physically consistent way, more particularly groundwater flows which are modelled using a spatially distributed, finite-element approach. Thanks to this accurate numerical tool, after detailed calibration and validation, quantitative interpretations can be drawn from the groundwater model results. Considering IPCC climate change scenarios, the integrated approach was applied to evaluate the impact of climate change on the water cycle in the Geer basin in Belgium. The groundwater model is described in detail, and results are discussed in terms of climate change impact on the evolution of groundwater levels and groundwater reserves. From the modelling application on the Geer basin, it appears that, on a pluri-annual basis, most tested scenarios predict a decrease in groundwater levels and reserves in relation to variations in climatic conditions. However, for this aquifer, the tested scenarios show no enhancement of the seasonal changes in groundwater levels.
Resumen Se ha desarrollado un modelo hidrológico integrado (MOHISE) para estudiar el impacto del cambio climático en el ciclo hidrológico de cuencas representativas en Bélgica. Este modelo considera todos los procesos hidrológicos de forma coherente, especialmente en relación con los flujos de aguas subterráneas, que son modelados por medio de un enfoque de elementos finitos espacialmente distribuidos. Gracias a esta herramienta numérica precisa, y tras una calibración y validación detalladas, se puede obtener interpretaciones cuantitativas de los resultados del modelo del acuífero. Considerando escenarios de cambio climático IPCC, se ha aplicado el enfoque integrado a la evaluación del impacto de dicho cambio climático en el ciclo hidrológico de la cuenca del Geer. Se describe los detalles y resultados del modelo de las aguas subterráneas en términos del impacto del cambio climático en la evolución de las reservas de los acuíferos. Los resultados preliminares indican que es posible esperar déficits de aguas subterráneas en un futuro en Bélgica.

Résumé Un modèle hydrologique intégré (MOHISE) a été développé afin détudier limpact du changement climatique sur le cycle hydrologique de bassins versants représentatifs de Belgique. Ce modèle prend en compte tous les processus hydrologiques dune manière physiquement consistante, plus particulièrement les écoulements souterrains qui sont modélisés par une approche spatialement distribuée aux éléments finis. Grâce à cet outil numérique précis, après une calibration et une validation détaillées, des interprétations quantitatives peuvent être réalisées à partir des résultats du modèle de nappe. Considérant des scénarios de changements climatiques de lIPCC, lapproche intégrée a été appliquée pour évaluer limpact du changement climatique sur le cycle de leau du bassin du Geer en Belgique. Le modèle de nappe est décrit en détail et les résultats sont discutés en terme dimpact du changement climatique sur lévolution des réserves souterraines. Les premiers résultats indiquent que des déficits deau souterraine peuvent apparaître dans le futur en Belgique.
Molluscs associated with a Zostera marina bed from Cantarriján bay (Southern Spain, Alboran Sea) at 14–16 m depth were sampled monthly from October 1996 to September 1997. A total of 44,819 individuals belonging to 80 species were identified. In spite of the high species richness, only seven species of gastropods showed a dominance value (D) higher than 1%. Jujubinus striatus was the dominant species of the assemblage with 70.8% of the total abundance. The other dominant species were Rissoa membranacea (9.8%), Nassarius pygmaeus (5.8%), Mitrella minor (4%), Smaragdia viridis (1.9%), Rissoa monodonta (1.4%), Bittium reticulatum (1.3%). The dynamic pattern of the mollusc populations showed a temporal trend with monthly values of species richness and abundance ranging between 10 and 25 species and between 178 and 4412 individuals·222 m−2. The species richness and abundance were higher in the spring and summer months than in the autumn and winter ones. The diversity (Shannon–Wiener, H’) follows a similar trend, with increases from April to September and decreases from October to March. H’ values (ranging from 0.45 to 3.10) are more influenced by the evenness (J) than by the species richness. A multivariate analysis (Cluster, Multi-dimensional Scaling) based on both presence/absence and quantitative data has also pointed out a temporal trend, with spring–summer samples significantly different from autumn–winter samples. The temporal changes in abundance seem related with the species’ biology, such as recruitment events, as well as to the canopy features and shoot density variation in the Zostera meadow. From the biogeographical point of view, most of the molluscs (65%) found in the Cantarriján bed, have a Lusitanian–Mediterranean distribution (sensu Ekman 1953 ). The proximity to Africa is shown by the presence of four species with a mainly West African distribution. Only R. membranacea has a typical Atlantic distribution, driven by that of Z. marina in NW Europe.  相似文献   
Located between the Okinawa trough (OT) backarc basin and the collisional zone in Taiwan, the southernmost Ryukyu subduction zone is investigated. This area, including the southwestern portions of the OT and Ryukyu island arc (RA) and located west of 123.5° E, is named the Taiwan-Ryukyu fault zone (TRFZ). West of 123.5° E, the OT displays NNW-SSE structural trends which are different in direction from the ENE-WSW trending pattern of the rest of the OT. Using joint analysis of bathymetric, magnetic, gravity and earthquake data, three major discontinuities, that we interpret as right-lateral strike-slip faults (Faults A, B and C), have been identified. These faults could represent major decouplings in the southern portion of the Ryukyu subduction zone: each decoupling results in a decrease of the horizontal stress on the portion of the RA located on the eastern side of the corresponding fault, which allows the extension of the eastern side of OT to proceed more freely.We demonstrate that the 30° clockwise bending of the southwestern RA and the consecutive faulting in the TRFZ are mainly due to the collision of the Luzon arc with the former RA. After the formation of Fault C, the counterclockwise rotated portion of the ancient RA located west of the Luzon arc was more parallel to the Luzon arc. This configuration should have increased the contact surface and friction between the Luzon arc and the ancient RA, which could have reduced the northward subduction of the Luzon are. Thus, the westward component of the compressive stress from the collision of the Luzon arc should become predominant in the collisional system resulting in the uplift of Taiwan. Presently, because the most active collision of the Luzon arc has migrated to the central Taiwan (at about 23° N; 121.2° E), the southwestern OT has resumed its extension. In addition, the later resistent subduction of the Gagua ridge could have reactivated the pre-existing faults A and B at 1 M.y. ago and present, respectively. From 9 to 4 M.y., a large portion of the Gagua ridge probably collided with the southwestern RA. Because of its large buoyancy, this portion of the ridge resisted to subduct beneath the Okinawa platelet. As a result, we suggest that a large exotic terrane, named the Gagua terrane, was emplaced on the inner side of the present Ryukyu trench. Since that period, the southwestern portion of the Ryukyu trench was segmented into two parallel branches separated by the Gagua ridge: the eastern segment propagated westward along the trench axis while the western segment of the trench retreated along the trench axis.  相似文献   
The ability of inorganic geochemistry to record environmental change and especially human impact has been evidenced by several studies across Europe, especially in peat, where it is possible to record the impact of agriculture, mining and other industries. However, despite the numerous investigations on the impact of ancient human activities such as ore mining and smelting, little attention has been paid to geochemistry as a tool to solve problems of palaeopollution in the surroundings of archaeological sites. This paper presents geochemical evidence of the impact of a possible early Roman road built in SE Belgian peatland. Increased Zn and Pb concentrations suggest that Pb–Zn ores were transported on the road. Lead isotope analyses suggest that these ores are locally derived, being compatible with those found in the nearby Pb–Zn ore deposits from East Belgium. Present results provide direct evidence that East Belgian Pb–Zn ores were already being mined during Roman times, i.e. earlier than previously suspected (i.e. 14th century) and that Zn appears to be relatively immobile here. On a broader scale, it also demonstrates that such an early road already had an impact on the environment in terms of metal pollution. This paper enlarges on the range of possibilities offered by geochemistry in the field of geoarchaeology.  相似文献   
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