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循环温度场作用下PCC能量桩热力学特性模型试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PCC能量桩是河海大学岩土所开发的一种新型能量桩技术。在常规桩基静载荷模型试验基础上,将PCC能量桩放置在南京典型砂土中,并通过导热管内水体的循环对模型桩体施加温度场,以模拟PCC能量桩在实际运行过程中的承载力特性与受力机制,PCC能量桩先加载至工作荷载(极限荷载的一半),再施加热-冷循环一次,最后加载至极限荷载,测得不同温度下PCC能量桩的荷载-位移关系曲线、桩身应力-应变关系曲线等变化规律。试验结果表明,能量桩换热过程中,热量更容易从桩体传向土体(即夏季模式的热循环);热循环及制冷循环都明显改变了桩顶位移值,且往复循环作用下产生的塑性变形不能完全恢复,其积累变形可能危害上部结构安全;桩身受温度场作用产生的热应力相对较大,且不同约束条件下其变化值有所差异;在制冷循环下,桩底部甚至可能产生较大拉应力。  相似文献   
The snails (Pomacea insularum) were collected from polluted and unpolluted sites at Juru River and the Universiti Putra Malaysia Lake, respectively. Besides the shells, the soft tissues of snails were dissected into 6 different parts: intestine, operculum, foot, pennial sac, lung sac and the remainder. They were analyzed for the concentrations of Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, Ni and Fe. The present study found 6 interesting points. First, all the metal levels found in the different parts of P. insularum collected from Juru River were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those in the snails of unpolluted lake. These results were also supported by the sediment data in which the Juru River sediment had significantly (p<0.05) higher levels of metal than those in the unpolluted lake. Second, the high levels of Cd and Pb were found in the shell of P. insularum, indicating that it is a potential biomonitoring material for these metals. Third, intestine accumulated elevated levels of Zn, Ni and Fe and thus is a potential biomonitoring organ for the 3 metals. Fourth, high levels of Cu were found in the lung sac and this phenomenon could be related to this metal binding to metallothionein in this organ. Fifth, elevated level of Pb found in the soft tissues of P. insularum indicated that this snail is not suitable for human consumption since its pollution level was higher than the food safety guideline for Pb. Sixth, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the different sizes (small sizes: 30.5-33.2 mm; large sizes: 37.7-40.4 mm) of P. insularum. The first 5 points supported the use of different soft tissues of P. insularum as biomonitoring organs of heavy metal pollution in the freshwater ecosystem in Malaysia although further validation is required.  相似文献   
In this paper of the series, elliptic expansions in terms of the sectorial variables j (i) introduced recently in Paper IV (Sharaf, 1982) to regularize highly oscillating perturbations force of some orbital systems will be established analytically and computationally for the fifth and sixth categories. For each of the elliptic expansions belonging to a category, literal analytical expressions for the coefficients of its trigonometric series representation are established. Moreover, some recurrence formulae satisfied by these coefficients are also established to facilitate their computations; numerical results are included to provide test examples for constructing computational algorithms.  相似文献   
A combination of major and trace elements have been used to characterize surface- and groundwater in El Minia district, Egypt. Surface water versus groundwater chemistry data enabled geographical zonation and chemical types to be differentiated. The main target of this research is to investigate the groundwater quality and hydrochemical evaluation. The situation is further complicated by contamination with lithogenic and anthropogenic (agricultural and sewage wastewaters) sources and low plan exploitation techniques. The investigated Pleistocene aquifer is composed of sand and gravel of different sizes, with some clay intercalation. The semi-confined condition was around the River Nile shifted to unconfine outside the floodplain. The groundwater flow generally from south to north and locally diverts towards the western part from the River Nile. Fifty-six, 11, five, and two water samples were collected from the Pleistocene aquifer, River Nile, Ibrahimia canal, and Al Moheet drain, respectively. The collected water samples were analyzed for major and trace elements. The toxic metal concentrations of Al Moheet drain are higher than those in the River Nile and the Ibrahimia canal. Cr, Hg, As, and Cd concentrations in the River Nile and Ibrahimia canal are fluctuated above and below the WHO drinking standards. Se concentration in River Nile and Ibrahimia canal is below WHO drinking and irrigation guidelines. Total dissolved solid content in groundwater is generally low, but it is increased due to the western part of the study area. The geographic position of the River Nile, Ibrahimia canal, and Al Moheet drain impact on the groundwater quality. The PHREEQC confirm the high mixing proportions from the River Nile into the groundwater and decline away from it. In addition to the thicknesses of the Pleistocene, aquifer and aquitard layer enhance the River Nile and agricultural wastewaters intrusion into the aquifer system. The toxic metal concentrations (Pb, Cd, Cr, PO4, Se, Mn, As, Hg, Ni, Al, Fe, and SIO2) in groundwater were increased mainly in the northwestern and southeastern part (far from the River Nile). It is attributed to anthropogenic, high vulnerability rate (unconfined), and partially to lithogenic. In most localities, the groundwater are unsuitable for drinking and irrigation purposes with respect to Se concentration, while they are unsuitable for dinking according Mn, As, and Hg contents. There are some Cd and Pb anomalies concentrations, which cause severe restriction if used in irrigation. The results suggested that significant changes are urgently needed in water use strategy to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

Rainfall simulators have often been used to mimic natural rainfall for studies of various land-surface and water interaction processes. The characteristics of the simulated rainfall are the main indicators used to judge the performance of the rainfall simulators. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of piezoelectric transducers for measuring and evaluating a dripper-type simulated rainfall drop-size distribution (DSD) and kinetic energy (KE). The directly measured KE was significantly correlated with the estimated KE using the drop-size distribution and empirical rain drop fall velocity relationships. This result emphasizes the potential use of the piezoelectric sensor to directly measure and evaluate rainfall kinetic energy. Also, the relationship between rainfall intensity and KE showed good patterns of agreement between simulated rainfall and natural rainfall.

Citation Abd Elbasit, M. A. M., Yasuda, H. & Salmi, A. (2011) Application of piezoelectric transducers in simulated rainfall erosivity assessment. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(1), 187–194.  相似文献   
In this paper of the series, the expansions of the functionsH 1,H 2, andH 3 will be established analytically and computationally form positive integer,q any real number and , are both positive <1. Full recursive computational algorithms with their numerical results will also be included.  相似文献   
The problem of the change in internal energy of a colliding galaxy due to tidal effects is considered, assuming that the galaxies may be regarded as spherical stellar systems whose over-all structure remains unchanged during the collision and that the stars move in circular orbits. The numerical estimates thus made for the energy gained by the stars during the collision are compared with those derived on the basis of the assumption that the motions of the stars may be neglected during the encounter (the impulsive approximation) to test the adequacy of the latter approximation. If the two galaxies are of 1011 M , of radii 10 kpc and of mass distribution that of a polytrope of indexn=4; and if the relative distance and velocity at their closest approach are taken as 2 kpc and 1000 km/sec respectively, the mass of escaping stars from a galaxy is estimated to be roughly 4% of the total mass of the galaxy and the total increase in the internal energy of a galaxy during the collision due to the tidal acceleration of all its stars is equal in magnitude to approximately 25% of its initial internal energy, about one-fifth of which is associated with the escaping stars.  相似文献   
A finite element 2D Monte Carlo approach is used to evaluate the sensitivity of groundwater contaminant discharges to a Damkohler number ω and spatial variability in aquifer hydraulic conductivity, initial microbial biomass concentrations, and electron acceptor/donor concentrations. Bioattenuation is most sensitive to spatial variations in incipient biomass and critical electron donors/acceptors for ω ≥ 1 (i.e., when pore-water residence times are high compared to the time needed for microbial growth or contaminant attenuation). Under these conditions, critical reaction processes can become substrate-limited at multiple locations throughout the aquifer; which in turn increases expected contaminant discharges and their uncertainties at monitored transects. For ω ≤ 0.2, contaminant discharge is not sensitive to incipient biomass variations. Physical heterogeneities expedite plume arrival and delay departure at transects and in turn attenuate peak discharges but do not affect cumulative contaminant discharges. Physical heterogeneities do, however, induce transect mass discharge variances that are bimodal functions of time; the first peak beings consistently higher. A simple stream tube model is invoked to explain the occurrence of peaks in contaminant discharge variance.  相似文献   
The Bir Dakhl section which is located in the southern Galala plateau, north eastern desert was sampled for microfacies analysis of the upper Cretaceous–lower Paleogene succession. Microfacies analysis led to the recognition of eight mixed clastic-carbonate facies types (black shale lithofacies MF-1, pure shale lithofacies MF-2, sandy shale lithofacies MF-3, marly shale lithofacies MF-4, mudstone microfacies MF-5, foraminiferal wackestone microfacies MF-6, bioclastic wackestone microfacies MF-7, and bioclastic packstone microfacies MF-8) of the studied interval. These microfacies can be grouped into three depositional environments: inner, middle and outer ramp. The interpreted depositional environments have been suggested to range from neritic to middle bathyal (~ 700 m). Based on cyclostratigraphy, five deepening upward cycles and three shallowing upward cycles have been differentiated in Bir Dakhl section.  相似文献   
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