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The hourly data of nine geomagnetic observatories situated in Central Europe have been analyzed using the generalized magnetovariation (GMV) method designed recently for induction soundings of inhomogeneous media. In this method, impedance is one of transfer functions in the differential relation between spectra of the magnetic components and their derivatives. The peculiarity of this impedance is its correspondence to the magnetotelluric one estimated from the linear relations. Three transfer functions have been estimated simultaneously for data of geomagnetic observatories, using three different routines working in the period range from three hours up to two days. Noises in the source field components have been compared with noise in the estimated plane field divergence. The multivariate errors-in-variables method was used to extract spatially and temporally coherent geomagnetic field structure from the partially incoherent geomagnetic variations. This method allows estimating reliably impedances and gradient tippers for each observatory, taking into consideration the Earth’s sphericity. The obtained responses have been used for induction soundings and for detecting a deep inhomogeneity in the region.  相似文献   
The condensation process of water vapors in the exhaust plume of a rocket engine in the upper atmosphere is considered. We take into account the processes of particle heating during the release of latent heat of condensation, radiative heating, and energy losses to emission. From the solution of the equations of thermal balance and mass balance of condensing particles, we obtained the time dependences of variations in temperature and particle sizes. In the process of condensation, the thickness of the ice layer on particles may reach >70 Å.  相似文献   
A spherical model of the Earth including a heterogeneous upper mantle and excited by the magnetic field of a magnetospheric ring current is constructed. The obtained synthetic data are used for testing a new approach to gradient geomagnetic sounding ensuring the immunity of the sought impedance to distortions caused by lateral heterogeneity of the Earth. It is shown that this approach significantly increases the informativeness of deep electromagnetic sounding.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - The influence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) on large-scale atmospheric circulation in the Atlantic region in summer for the period of 1950–2015 is...  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - The effect of heat generation due to friction in faults under the conditions of shear and thrust was evaluated by computer modeling, and 3D and 2D thermomechanical...  相似文献   
The study of the Lukkulaisvaara layered massif from the Olang group of intrusions in northern Karelia corroborates the important role of supplementary intrusive phases of PGE mineralization. Injection and crystallization of new magma portions result in (1) the formation of potholelike depressions within intrusion and (2) a return to high-temperature olivine-bearing mineral assemblages in the mafic part of section. PGM formation is accompanied by crystallization of secondary minerals in a wide range of temperatures and pressures. To provide insight into these problems, a geochemical study of Nadezhda area has been performed and new data obtained for the distribution of isotopes in the Rb–Sr, Pb–Pb, and Sm–Nd systems.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of long-term forecasting of the spring runoff in the Belaya River basin based on the water-balance model are presented. The structure and parameters of the...  相似文献   
The understanding of the mechanisms of the selenium behavior under near-surface conditions is an urgent problem of modern mineralogy and geochemistry, and is very important for solving environmental problems. The objective of this study is to synthesize analogs of ahlfeldite and cobaltomenite and to estimate their solubility in water. These analogs have been synthesized by mixing aqueous solutions of cobalt and nickel nitrates, respectively, and sodium selenite acidified with a solution of nitric acid. The obtained samples have been identified by X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy. The solubility has been determined by the isothermal saturation method in ampoules at 25°C, while the solubility products have been calculated using the Geochemist’s Workbench (GMB 7.0) software package. The solubility products of ahlfeldite and cobaltomenite are 10?9.20 and 10?9.44, respectively. The Eh-pH diagrams were calculated and plotted with the GMB 7.0 software package. The Eh-pH diagrams of the Ni-Se-H2O and Co-Se-H2O systems have been calculated for the average contents of these elements in underground water and their contents in acidic water of the oxidation zone of sulfide deposits. The formation of ahlfeldite and cobaltomenite under near-surface conditions is discussed.  相似文献   
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