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Development of a spectral library is a prerequisite for the higher order classification of satellite data and hyperspectral image analysis to map any ecosystem with rich diversity. In this study, sampling methodology, collection of field and laboratory spectral signatures and post-processing methodologies were investigated for developing an exclusive spectral library of mangrove species using hyperspectral spectroscopic techniques. Canopy level field spectra and leaf level laboratory spectra were collected for 34 species (25 true and 9 associated mangroves) from two different mangrove ecosystems of the Indian east coast. Post-processing steps such as removal of water vapour absorption bands, correction of drifts which occur due to the thermal properties of the instrument during data collection and smoothing of spectra for its further utilisation were applied on collected spectra. The processed spectra were then compiled as spectral library.  相似文献   
Summary Atmospheric flows exhibit long-range spatiotemporal correlations manifested as the fractal geometry to the global cloud cover pattern concomitant with inverse power law form for power spectra of temporal fluctuations on all space-tie scales ranging from turbulence (centimetersseconds) to climate (kilometers-years). Long-range spatiotemporal correlations are ubiquitous to dynamical systems in nature and are identified as signatures ofself-organized criticality. Standard models in meteorological theory cannot explain satisfactorily the observed self-organized criticality in atmospheric flows. Mathematical models for simulation and prediction of atmospheric flows are nonlinear and do not possess analytical solutions. Finite precision computer realizations of nonlinear models give unrealistic solutions because ofdeterministic chaos, a direct consequence of round-off error growth in iterative numerical computations. Recent studies show that roundoff error doubles on an average for each iteration of iterative computations. Round-off error propagates to the main stream computation and gives unrealistic solutions in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate models which incorporate thousands of iterative computations in long-term numerical integration schemes. An alternative non-deterministic cell dynamical system model for atmospheric flows described in this paper predicts the observed self-organized criticality as intrinsic to quantumlike mechanics governing flow dynamics. The model provides universal quantification for self-organized criticality in terms of the statistical normal distribution. Model predictions are in agreement with a majority of observed spectra of time series of several standard climatological data sets representative of disparate climatic regimes. Universal spectrum for natural climate variability rules out linear trends. Man-made greenhouse gas related atmospheric warming will result in intensification of natural climate variability, seen immediately in high frequency fluctuations such as QBO and ENSO and even shorter timescales. Model concepts and results of analyses are discussed with reference to possible prediction of climate change.With 11 Figures  相似文献   
Characteristics of cloud drop spectra were studied using 400 samples obtained from 120 warm cumulus clouds formed during the summer monsoon season.The total concentration of cloud drops (N T) varied from 384 to 884 cm–3 and the maximum concentration was observed in the layer below the cloud-top. The width of the drop spectrum was broader in the cloud-base region and in the region below the cloud-top. The spectrum was multimodal at all levels except in the cloud-top region where it was unimodal. The concentration of drops with diameter greater than 50 m (N L) varied from 0.0 to 0.674 cm–3.N L was larger in the cloud-base region.N L decreased with height up to the middle level and thereafter showed an increase. In the cloud-top region no large drops were present. The computed values of the liquid water varied between 0.132 and 0.536 g m–3 and the mean volume diameter (MVD) varied between 8.1 and 12.0 m. The LWC and MVD showed a decrease with height except in the middle region of the cloud where the values were higher than the adjacent levels. The dispersion of the cloud drops was lower (0.65) in the cloud-top region and higher (1.01) in the cloud-base region.The observed cloud microphysical characteristics were attributed to vertical mixing in clouds induced by the cloud-top gravity oscillations (buoyancy oscillations) generated by the intensification of turbulent eddies due to the buoyant production of energy by the microscale-fractional-condensation (MFC) in turbulent eddies.  相似文献   
Monitoring and time-series analysis of the hydrological parameters electrical conductivity (EC), water pressure, precipitation and tide were carried out, to understand the characteristics of the parameter variations and their correlations at a coastal area in Busan, South Korea. The monitoring data were collected at a sharp interface between freshwater and saline water at the depth of 25 m below ground. Two well-logging profiles showed that seawater intrusion has largely expanded (progressed inland), and has greatly affected the groundwater quality in a coastal aquifer of tuffaceous sedimentary rock over a 9-year period. According to the time series analyses, the periodograms of the hydrological parameters present very similar trends to the power spectral densities (PSD) of the hydrological parameters. Autocorrelation functions (ACF) and partial autocorrelation functions (PACF) of the hydrological parameters were produced to evaluate their self-correlations. The ACFs of all hydrologic parameters showed very good correlation over the entire time lag, but the PACF revealed that the correlations were good only at time lag 1. Crosscorrelation functions (CCF) were used to evaluate the correlations between the hydrological parameters and the characteristics of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer system. The CCFs showed that EC had a close relationship with water pressure and precipitation rather than tide. The CCFs of water pressure with tide and precipitation were in inverse proportion, and the CCF of water pressure with precipitation was larger than that with tide.  相似文献   
Continuous periodogram analyses of 115 years (1871-1985) summer monsoon rainfall over the Indian region show that the power spectra follow the universal and unique inverse power law form of the statistical normal distribution with the percentage contribution to total variance representing the eddy probability corresponding to the normalized standard deviation equal to [(log L/log T50) – 1] where L is the period length in years and T50 the period up to which the cumulative percentage contribution to total variance is equal to 50. The above results are con-sistent with a recently developed non-deterministic cell dynamical model for atmospheric flows. The implications of the above result for prediction of interannual variability of rainfall is discussed.  相似文献   
Our laboratory study concerns the competitive interaction between two marine rotifer species Brachionus plicatilis and Brachionus rotundiformis at five algal (Nannochloropsis salina) concentrations (0.4×106 to 32.4×106 cells/ml) and at four initial inoculation densities (numerically, 100% B. plicatilis; 75% B. plicatilis and 25% B. rotundiformis, 50% each of the two species; 25% B. plicatilis and 75% B. rotundiformis and 100% B. rotundiformis. The initial biomass varied as 0.33 and 0.22 μg/ml for B. plicatilis and B. rotundiformis respectively. Experiments were performed at (25±1)℃. Population densities were enumerated and the medium was changed daily up to 8 d in the experiment. At the lowest food level tested, B. rotundiformis formed superior competitor than B. plicatilis, regardless of starting inoculation density. Generally when the food concentrations increased, B. plicatilis showed a greater increase in biomass than B. rotundiformis. B. rotundiformis formed the largest in population growth, regardless of increasing food concentrations. When grown alone, B. plicatilis reached peak abundances of (1.311 5±0.028) and (137.5±0.014) μg/ml at low and high food densities respectively. The corresponding values of B. rotundiformis were 0.724 5±0.016 and 18.15±0.021. The adverse effects of B. rotundiformis on the peak abundances of B. plicatilis were observed at the lowest food level and higher initial density. The rate of population growth in controls varied from (0.792±0.162) to (1.482±0.132) μm/d for B. plicatilis and (0.445±0.041) to (0.856±0.012) μm/d for B. rotundiformis, depending on food level. When both species were introduced together, low food levels favoured higher abundance of B. rotundiformis than B. plicatilis, suggesting that increased population density of the smaller B. rotundiformis was more successfull than larger B. plicatilis in brackish waters. Our work reveals that available food (type and quantity) along with starting inoculation density had significant effect on the interspecific competition between marine sibling rotifer species in zooplankton community structure.  相似文献   
The physical characteristics of the summer monsoon clouds were investigated. The results of a simple cloud mod-el were compared with the aircraft cloud physical observations collected during the summer monsoon seasons of 1973,1974,1976 and 1981 in the Deccan Plateau region.The model predicted profiles of cloud liquid water content (LWC) are in agreement with the observed profiles. There is reasonable agreement between the model predicted cloud vertical thickness and observed rainfall.The observed cloud-drop spectra were found to be narrow and the concentration of drops with diameter >20μm is either low or absent on many occasions. In such clouds the rain-formation cannot take place under natural atmos-pheric conditions due to the absence of collision-coalescence process. A comparison of the model predicted and ob-served rainfall suggested that the precipitation efficiency in cumulus clouds of small vertical thickness could be as low as 20 per cent.The clouds forming in the Deccan Plateau region during the summer monsoon are, by and large, cumulus and strato-cumulus type. The vertical thickness of the cumulus clouds is in the range of 1.0-2.0 km. The LWC is found to be more in the region between 1.6-1.9 km A. S. L., which corresponds to the level at almost 3 / 4 th of the total verti-cal thickness of the cloud and thereafter the LWC sharply decreased. Nearly 98 per cent of the tops of the low clouds in the region are below freezing level and the most frequent range of occurrence of these cloud-tops is in the range of 2.0-3.0 km A. S. L.. The dominant physical mechanism of rain-formation in these summer monsoon clouds it the col-lision-coalescence process.  相似文献   
Groundwater is a dynamic and replenishable natural resource. The numerical modeling techniques serve as a tool to assess the effect of artificial recharge from the water conservation structures and its response with the aquifers under different recharge conditions. The objective of the present study is to identify the suitable sites for artificial recharge structures to augment groundwater resources and assess its performance through the integrated approach of Geographic Information System (GIS) and numerical groundwater modeling techniques using MODFLOW software for the watershed located in the Kodaganar river basin, Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu. Thematic layers such as geology, geomorphology, soil, runoff, land use and slope were integrated to prepare the groundwater prospect and recharge site map. These potential zones were categorized as good (23%), moderate (54%), and poor (23%) zones with respect to the assigned weightage of different thematic layers. The major artificial recharge structures like percolation ponds and check dams were recommended based on the drainage morphology in the watershed. Finally, a threelayer groundwater flow model was developed. The model was calibrated in two stages, which involved steady and transient state condition. The transient calibration was carried out for the time period from January 1989 to December 2008. The groundwater model was validated after model calibration. The prediction scenario was carried out after the transient calibration for the time period of year up to 2013. The results show that there is 15 to 38% increase in groundwater quantity due to artificial recharge. The present study is useful to assess the effect of artificial recharge from the proposed artificial structures by integrating GIS and groundwater model together to arrive at reasonable results.  相似文献   
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