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Estuaries are dynamic transition zones acting as filters and transformers of nutrients passing from catchments to the sea. We propose an extension to an existing southern hemisphere model on nutrient dynamics in estuaries to include the relatively constricted, microtidal estuaries located along wave-dominated coasts in the region, specifically focusing on the limiting macronutrients nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and on key processes, including physical (e.g. flushing, mixing and sedimentation), geochemical (e.g. flocculation), biochemical (e.g. remineralisation) and biological (e.g. primary production) processes. A simplified model of the physical states (primarily controlled by hydrological characteristics) is used as the basis for the qualitative model, where these are defined in terms of characteristic salinity-induced stratification of the water column, flushing time and the mouth condition. Four physical states are identified: a freshwater-dominated state, freshwater pulsed/recovery state, marine-dominated state and the closed mouth state. The states and their physical characteristics largely resemble that of the earlier model, except that the extended model reflects the dynamics of restricted inlets and introduces the closed mouth state. This model specifically explores the variation within southern African estuarine systems to better inform research and management programmes on the appropriate trophic, temporal and spatial scales at which uncertainties in ecosystem functioning need resolving. It can also be applied to other regions in the southern hemisphere, and even the northern hemisphere, with similar hydrological and estuarine geomorphological characteristics (e.g. the Mediterranean coast, the west coasts of North and South America, and the south-west and south-eastern coasts of Australia).  相似文献   
The European Research Project AquaDEB (2007–2011, http://www.ifremer.fr/aquadeb/) is joining skills and expertise of some French and Dutch research institutes and universities to analyse the physiological flexibility of aquatic organisms and to link it to ecological and evolutionary processes within a common theoretical framework for quantitative bioenergetics [Kooijman, S.A.L.M., 2000. Dynamic energy and mass budgets in biological systems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge]. The main scientific objectives in AquaDEB are i) to study and compare the sensitivity of aquatic species (mainly molluscs and fish) to environmental variability of natural or human origin, and ii) to evaluate the related consequences at different biological levels (individual, population, ecosystem) and temporal scales (life cycle, population dynamics, evolution). At mid-term life, the AquaDEB collaboration has already yielded interesting results by quantifying bio-energetic processes of various aquatic species (e.g. molluscs, fish, crustaceans, algae) with a single mathematical framework. It has also allowed to federate scientists with different backgrounds, e.g. mathematics, microbiology, ecology, chemistry, and working in different fields, e.g. aquaculture, fisheries, ecology, agronomy, ecotoxicology, climate change. For the two coming years, the focus of the AquaDEB collaboration will be in priority: (i) to compare energetic and physiological strategies among species through the DEB parameter values and to identify the factors responsible for any differences in bioenergetics and physiology; and to compare dynamic (DEB) versus static (SEB) energy models to study the physiological performance of aquatic species; (ii) to consider different scenarios of environmental disruption (excess of nutrients, diffuse or massive pollution, exploitation by man, climate change) to forecast effects on growth, reproduction and survival of key species; (iii) to scale up the models for a few species from the individual level up to the level of evolutionary processes.  相似文献   
Over the time-scale, earth's atmospheric CO2 concentration has varied and that is mostly determined by balance among the geochemical processes including burial of organic carbon in sediments, silicate rock weathering and volcanic activity. The best recorded atmospheric CO2 variability is derived from Vostok ice core that records last four glacial/interglacial cycles. The present CO2 concentration of earth's atmosphere has exceeded far that it was predicted from the ice core data. Other than rapid industrialization and urbanization since last century, geo-natural hazards such as volcanic activity, leakage from hydrocarbon reservoirs and spontaneous combustion of coal contribute a considerable amount of CO2 to the atmosphere. Spontaneous combustion of coal is common occurrence in most coal producing countries and sometimes it could be in an enormous scale. Remote sensing has already proved to be a significant tool in coalfire identification and monitoring studies. However, coalfire related CO2 quantification from remote sensing data has not endeavoured yet by scientific communities because of low spectral resolution of commercially available remote sensing data and relatively sparse CO2 plume than other geological hazards like volcanic activity. The present research has attempted two methods to identify the CO2 flux emitted from coalfires in a coalmining region in north China. Firstly, a band rationing method was used for column atmospheric retrieval of CO2 and secondly atmospheric models were simulated in fast atmospheric signature code (FASCOD) to understand the local radiation transport and then the model was implemented with the inputs from hyperspectral remote sensing data. It was observed that retrieval of columnar abundance of CO2 with the band rationing method is faster as less simulation required in FASCOD. Alternatively, the inversion model could retrieve CO2 concentration from a (certain) source because it excludes the uncertainties in the higher altitude.  相似文献   
The varved sediment of Lake Suigetsu (central Japan) provides a valuable opportunity to obtain high‐resolution, multi‐proxy palaeoenvironmental data across the last glacial/interglacial cycle. In order to maximize the potential of this archive, a well‐constrained chronology is required. This paper outlines the multiple geochronological techniques being applied – namely varve counting, radiocarbon dating, tephrochronology (including argon–argon dating) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) – and the approaches by which these techniques are being integrated to form a single, coherent, robust chronology. Importantly, we also describe here the linkage of the floating Lake Suigetsu (SG06) varve chronology and the absolute (IntCal09 tree‐ring) time scale, as derived using radiocarbon data from the uppermost (non‐varved) portion of the core. This tie‐point, defined as a distinct (flood) marker horizon in SG06 (event layer B‐07–08 at 1397.4 cm composite depth), is thus derived to be 11 255 to 11 222 IntCal09 cal. years BP (68.2% probability range).  相似文献   
Global climate change will likely increase temperature and variation in precipitation in the Himalayas, modifying both supply of and demand for water. This study assesses combined impacts of land‐cover and climate changes on hydrological processes and a rainfall‐to‐streamflow buffer indicator of watershed function using the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in Kejie watershed in the eastern Himalayas. The Hadley Centre Coupled Model Version 3 (HadCM3) was used for two Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenarios (A2 and B2), for 2010–2099. Four land‐cover change scenarios increase forest, grassland, crops, or urban land use, respectively, reducing degraded land. The SWAT model predicted that downstream water resources will decrease in the short term but increase in the long term. Afforestation and expansion in cropland will probably increase actual evapotranspiration (ET) and reduce annual streamflow but will also, through increased infiltration, reduce the overland flow component of streamflow and increase groundwater release. An expansion in grassland will decrease actual ET, increase annual streamflow and groundwater release, while decreasing overland flow. Urbanization will result in increases in streamflow and overland flow and reductions in groundwater release and actual ET. Land‐cover change dominated over effects on streamflow of climate change in the short and middle terms. The predicted changes in buffer indicator for land‐use plus climate‐change scenarios reach up to 50% of the current (and future) range of inter‐annual variability. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Intestinal samples from the one-month-old Siberian mammoth calf ‘Lyuba’ were studied using light microscopy and ancient DNA to reconstruct its palaeo-environment and diet. The palynological record indicates a ‘mammoth steppe’. At least some pollen of arboreal taxa was reworked, and thus the presence of trees on the landscape is uncertain. In addition to visual comparison of 11 microfossil spectra, a PCA analysis contributed to diet reconstruction. This yielded two clusters: one of samples from the small intestine and the other of large-intestine samples, indicating compositional differences in food remains along the intestinal tract, possibly reflecting different episodes of ingestion. Based on observed morphological damage we conclude that the cyperaceous plant remains and some remains of dwarf willows were originally eaten by a mature mammoth, most likely Lyuba’s mother. The mammoth calf probably unintentionally swallowed well-preserved mosses and mineral particles while eating fecal material deposited on a soil surface covered with mosses. Coprophagy may have been a common habit for mammoths, and we therefore propose that fecal material should not be used to infer season of death of mammoths. DNA sequences of trnL and rbcL genes amplified from ancient DNA extracted from intestinal samples confirmed and supplemented plant identifications based on microfossils and macro-remains. Results from different extraction methods and barcoding markers complemented each other and show the value of longer protocols in addition to fast and commercially available extraction kits.  相似文献   
This meta-analysis of land-cover transformations of the past 10–15 years in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers world-wide shows that swidden agriculture decreases in landscapes with access to local, national and international markets that encourage cattle production and cash cropping, including biofuels. Conservation policies and practices also accelerate changes in swidden by restricting forest clearing and encouraging commercial agriculture. However, swidden remains important in many frontier areas where farmers have unequal or insecure access to investment and market opportunities, or where multi-functionality of land uses has been preserved as a strategy to adapt to current ecological, economic and political circumstances. In some areas swidden remains important simply because intensification is not a viable choice, for example when population densities and/or food market demands are low. The transformation of swidden landscapes into more intensive land uses has generally increased household incomes, but has also led to negative effects on the social and human capital of local communities to varying degrees. From an environmental perspective, the transition from swidden to other land uses often contributes to permanent deforestation, loss of biodiversity, increased weed pressure, declines in soil fertility, and accelerated soil erosion. Our prognosis is that, despite the global trend towards land use intensification, in many areas swidden will remain part of rural landscapes as the safety component of diversified systems, particularly in response to risks and uncertainties associated with more intensive land use systems.  相似文献   
The Lophelia pertusa community at Viosca Knoll (VK826) is the most extensive found to date in the Gulf of Mexico. As part of a multi-disciplinary study, the physical setting of this area was described using benthic landers, CTD transects and remotely operated vehicle observations. The site was broadly characterised into three main habitats: (1) dense coral cover that resembles biogenic reef complexes, (2) areas of sediment, and (3) authigenic carbonate blocks with sparse coral and chemosynthetic communities. The coral communities were dominated by L. pertusa but also contained numerous solitary coral species. Over areas that contained L. pertusa, the environmental conditions recorded were similar to those associated with communities in the north-eastern Atlantic, with temperature (8.5–10.6 °C) and salinity (~35) falling within the known species niche for L. pertusa. However, dissolved oxygen concentrations (2.7–2.8 ml l?1) and density (σΘ, 27.1–27.2 kg m?3) were lower and mass fluxes from sediment trap data appeared much higher (4002–4192 mg m?2 d?1). Yet, this species still appears to thrive in this region, suggesting that L. pertusa may not be as limited by lower dissolved oxygen concentrations as previously thought. The VK826 site experienced sustained eastward water flow of 10–30 cm s?1 over the 5-day measurement period but was also subjected to significant short-term variability in current velocity and direction. In addition, two processes were observed that caused variability in salinity and temperature; the first was consistent with internal waves that caused temperature variations of 0.8 °C over 5–11 h periods. The second was high-frequency variability (20–30 min periods) in temperature recorded only at the ALBEX site. A further pattern observed over the coral habitat was the presence of a 24 h diel vertical migration of zooplankton that may form part of a food chain that eventually reaches the corals. The majority of detailed studies concerning local environmental conditions in L. pertusa habitats have been conducted within the north-eastern Atlantic, limiting most knowledge of the niche of this species to a single part of an ocean basin. Data presented here show that the corals at VK826 are subjected to similar conditions in temperature, salinity, and flow velocity as their counterparts in the north-east Atlantic, although values for dissolved oxygen and density (sigma-theta: σΘ) are different. Our data also highlight novel observations of short-term environmental variability in cold-water coral habitat.  相似文献   
Measurements of sap flow, meteorological parameters, soil water content and tension were made for 4 months in a young cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) plantation during the 2002 rainy season in Ejura, Ghana. This experiment was part of a sustainable water management project in West Africa. The Granier system was used to measure half‐hourly whole‐tree sap flow. Weather variables were observed with an automatic weather station, whereas soil moisture and tension were measured with a Delta‐T profile probe and tensiometers respectively. Clearness index (CI), a measure of the sky condition, was significantly correlated with tree transpiration (r2 = 0·73) and potential evaporation (r2 = 0·86). Both diurnal and daily stomata conductance were poorly correlated with the climatic variables. Estimated daily canopy conductance gc ranged from 4·0 to 21·2 mm s−1, with a mean value of 8·0 ± 3·3 mm s−1. Water flux variation was related to a range of environmental variables: soil water content, air temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity and vapour pressure deficit. Linear and non‐linear regression models, as well as a modified Priestley–Taylor formula, were fitted with transpiration, and the well‐correlated variables, using half‐hourly measurements. Measured and predicted transpiration using these regression models were in good agreement, with r2 ranging from 0·71 to 0·84. The computed measure of accuracy δ indicated that a non‐linear model is better than its corresponding linear one. Furthermore, solar radiation, CI, clouds and rain were found to influence tree water flux. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary The Gruvåsen sulphide skarns in Western Bergslagen are hosted by a sequence of marbles and metacherts, intruded by a number of thin mafic sills and dykes of midProterozoic age. The sulphide skarns show a zonal distribution with Cu-Zn-Fesulphide-rich pyroxene skarns (± scheelite, molybdenite, cassiterite, bismuth) in the central, and Zn-Fe-Pb-As-sulphide-rich amphibole skarns in the peripheral zones of mineralization. The sulphide skarns in the central zone are closely related to a phase of local potassic alteration that affected the marbles, cherts and mafic intrusions. 34S values of sulphides range between + 0.5 and + 1.3% for the central zone, and between-1.4 and + 1.5% for the peripheral zone. Sulphide-pair sulphur isotope geothermometry (Ohmoto and Rye, 1979) yields temperatures around 555°C corresponding with the temperature of 550–600°C estimated from silicate and sulphide parageneses. Although the Gruvâsen deposit is situated close to the Filipstad-type granitic intrusion, this granite is unlikely to have a genetic relationship with the sulphide mineralization, because the sulphide skarns were deformed at about 1,860 Ma, whereas the postkinematic Filipstad-type granite is dated at +- 1,640Ma (Oen, 1982). Hydrothermal fluids at estimated temperatures around 550°C, presumably heated by the coeval solidifying mafic sills and dykes, are considered responsible for the dissolution and transport of sulphur from the mafic rocks, and of metals from both mafic and felsic rocks underlying the Gruvåsen marbles, and for the redeposition of metals and sulphur in the Gruvåsen sulphide skarn deposit.
Schwefelisotopen der Gruvåsen Sulfid-Skarnlagerstätte, Bergslagen, Schweden
Zusammenfassung Die sulfidischen Skarne von Gruvåsen, West-Bergslagen, sitzen in Mergeln and Metaquarziten auf, die von zahlreichen mitelproterozoischen, geringmächtigen mafischen Sills und Gängen durchdrungen werden. Die Sulfid-Skarne sind zoniert. Im zentralen Bereich der Mineralisation treten Cu-Zn-Fe-sulfidreiche Pyroxen-Skarne auf (+- Scheelit, Molybdenit, Cassiterit, Wismuth), während die Randzonen vorwiegend aus Zn-Fe-Pb-As-sulfidreichen Amphibol-Skarnen bestehen. Die zentralen Skarnanteile zeigen engen Zusammenhang mit einer lokalen K-Alteration der Mergel, Metaquarzite und mafischen Intrusionen. In der zentralen Zone liegen die 34 S-Werte der Sulfide zwischen + 0.5 und + 1.3%, in der Randzone zwischen - 1.43 und + 1.5%. SchwefelisotopenGeothermometrie von Sulfidpaaren (Ohmoto & Rye, 1979) ergaben Temperaturen um 550°C. Diese stimmen mit den Temperaturen aus den Silikat- und Sulfidparagenesen von 550–600°C gut überein. Obwohl die Gruvåsen Lagerstätte nahe der FilipstadTyp Granitintrusion liegt, erscheint eine genetische Verbindung mit der Sulfidmineralisation unwahrscheinlich, da die Sulfid-Skarne ein Deformationsalter von 1860 Mio zeigen, während der postkinematische Filipstad-Typ Granit auf +- 1640 mio datiert ist (Oen, 19982). Es wird vermutet, daß hydrothermale Lösungen, die durch die erstarrenden mafischen Sills und Gänge auf etwa 550°C aufgeheizt worden sind, für die Vererzung verantwortlich sind. Der Schwefel kann aus den mafischen Gesteinen bezogen werden, die Metalle aus mafischen und felsischen Gesteinen, die die Gruvåsen Mergel unterlagern. Hydrothermale Aktivität verursachte Lösung, Transport und Umlagerung des Schwefels und der Metalle in die Gruväsen Sulfid-Skarn Lagerstätte.
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