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The microscopic remains of organisms, or “microfossils,” can occur within or attached to a range of different inorganic archaeological materials. Because of their small size, these inconspicuous phenomena can be easily overlooked. However, as this paper illustrates, the detailed biological and palaeontological analysis of microfossils in such contexts may be an important source of archaeological data. By critically reviewing a range of specialized cross‐disciplinary analyses, it is shown how microfossils can be used to provenance inorganic artifacts, reconstruct aspects of their manufacturing technology, and infer their function. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
High-precision in-situ ion microprobe (SIMS) oxygen isotope analysis of zircons from two diorite intrusions associated with the late Caledonian Lochnagar pluton in Scotland has revealed large differences in the degree of heterogeneity in zircon δ18O between the diorites. Zircon crystals from the Cul nan Gad diorite (CnG) show a unimodal distribution of oxygen isotope values (δ18O = 6.0 ± 0.6‰ (2σ)) and no or only minor grain-scale variation. Those from the Allt Darrarie diorite (AD1) show a large range in δ18O and an apparent bimodal distribution with modes of 6.6 ± 0.4‰ and 7.3 ± 0.4‰. Variations of up to 1.2‰ occur between and within grains; both an increase and decrease in δ18O with zircon growth has been observed. The δ18O composition of growing zircon can only change if open-system processes affect the magma composition, i.e. if material of contrasting δ18O composition is added to the magma. The variability in AD1 is interpreted to represent a cryptic record of magma mixing. A ‘deep crustal hot zone’ is a likely site for generation of the dioritic magmas which developed by mixing of residual melts and crustal partial melts or by melting of mafic lower crustal rocks. The overall small number of zircons with mantle-like δ18O values (5.3 ± 0.6‰ (2σ)) in the Lochnagar diorites is largely the product of crustal differentiation rather than crustal growth.

The δ18O of quartz from the CnG and AD1 diorites shows only minor variation (CnG: 10.9 ± 0.5‰ (2σ), AD1: 11.7 ± 0.6‰ (2σ)) within single populations, with no evidence of mixing. Quartz–zircon isotopic disequilibrium is consistent with later crystallisation of quartz from late magmatic fluids, and in case of the AD1 diorite after the inferred magma mixing from a homogenised, higher δ18O melt.

High-precision SIMS oxygen isotope analysis of zircon provides a new approach to identifying and resolving previously undetected early-stage magma mixing and constraining the compositions and origins of the component magmas. A combination of zircon, quartz and whole-rock data has proven to be a powerful tool in reconstructing the petrogenetic evolution of diorite from early crystallisation to late alteration.  相似文献   

Land cover changes associated with urbanization have negative effects on downstream ecosystems. Contemporary urban development attempts to mitigate these effects by designing stormwater infrastructure to mimic predevelopment hydrology, but their performance is highly variable. This study used in situ monitoring of recently built neighbourhoods to evaluate the catchment‐scale effectiveness of landscape decentralized stormwater control measures (SCMs) in the form of street connected vegetated swales for reducing runoff volumes and flow rates relative to curb‐and‐gutter infrastructure. Effectiveness of the SCMs was quantified by monitoring runoff for 8 months at the outlets of 4 suburban catchments (0.76–5.25 ha) in Maryland, USA. Three “grey” catchments installed curb‐and‐gutter stormwater conveyances, whereas the fourth “green” catchment built parcel‐level vegetated swales. The catchment with decentralized SCMs reduced runoff, runoff ratio, and peak runoff compared with the grey infrastructure catchments. In addition, the green catchment delayed runoff, resulting in longer precipitation–runoff lag times. Runoff ratios across the monitoring period were 0.13 at the green catchment and 0.37, 0.35, and 0.18 at the 3 grey catchments. Runoff only commenced after 6 mm of precipitation at the decentralized SCM catchment, whereas runoff occurred even during the smallest events at the grey catchments. However, as precipitation magnitudes reached 20 mm, the green catchment runoff characteristics were similar to those at the grey catchments, which made up 37% of the total precipitation in only 10 of 72 events. Therefore, volume‐based reduction goals for stormwater using decentralized SCMs such as vegetated swales require additional redundant SCMs in a treatment train as source control and/or end‐of‐pipe detention to capture a larger fraction of runoff and more effectively mimic predevelopment hydrology for the relatively rare but larger precipitation events.  相似文献   
This study explores interlocking directorates, with specific focus on those connections when a director sits as an inside director for an American corporation and an outside director for firm located outside of North America. The goal of this study is to explore the spatial relationship between the personal histories of directors and the headquarter's location of the corporate boards on which they sit. First, it was found that a geographical relationship in the interlocking network of American companies exists. Second, it was determined that domestic personal histories played a significant role as 96.5 percent of directors attended a university in the United States and 93.4 percent directors were born there. When North American universities and North American births were deleted from the sample, a geographical pattern also emerges for Asian firms. Finally, the study found that the lone region that consistently displayed greater firm performance where a director's personal history and the interlocked company were the same as Asia.  相似文献   
As sedimentation progresses in the formation and evolution of a depositional geologic basin, the rock strata are subject to various stresses. With increasing lithostatic pressure, compressional forces act to compact the porous rock matrix, leading to overpressure buildup, changes in the fluid pore pressure and fluid flow. In the context of petroleum systems modelling, the present study concerns the geometry changes that a compacting basin experiences subject to deposition. The purpose is to track the positions of the rock layer interfaces as compaction occurs. To handle the challenge of potentially large geometry deformations, a new modelling concept is proposed that couples the pore pressure equation with a level set method to determine the movement of lithostratigraphic interfaces. The level set method propagates an interface according to a prescribed speed. The coupling term for the pore pressure and level-set equations consists of this speed function, which is dependent on the compaction law. The two primary features of this approach are the simplicity of the grid and the flexibility of the speed function. A first evaluation of the model concept is presented based on an implementation for one spatial dimension accounting for vertical effective stress. Isothermal conditions with a constant fluid density and viscosity were assumed. The accuracy of the implemented numerical solution for the case of a single stratigraphic unit with a linear compaction law was compared to the available analytical solution [38]. The multi-layer setup and the nonlinear case were tested for plausibility.  相似文献   
The polarization structure in several spectral lines in solar type stars is computed using the method described by McKenna (1981, 1984a). The frequency redistribution function used for these calculations is a linear combination ofR II andR III. The line profiles and polarization structures have been computed for several weak solar resonance lines includingKi 7664 Å, Sri 4607 Å, Baii 4554 Å, for various polar angles along the stellar disk. Both the line profiles and polarization structures as well as the center to limb behavior of the line center polarization agree well with observations.The somewhat stronger resonance line Cai 4227 Å shows a different polarization structure when compared to the weaker solar resonance lines. It is found that for strong resonance lines the proper redistribution function to be used is a linear combination ofR III andR v (see McKenna, 1981, 1984b; Heinzel, 1981). The major reason for this is that for strong resonance lines both the upper and lower levels are broadened by collisions. This violates the assumptions upon which the redistribution functionsR II andR III are based.  相似文献   
In 1964, E.H. Hammond proposed criteria for classifying and mapping physiographic regions of the United States. Hammond produced a map entitled “Classes of Land Surface Form in the Forty‐Eight States, USA”, which is regarded as a pioneering and rigorous treatment of regional physiography. Several researchers automated Hammond?s model in GIS. However, these were local or regional in application, and resulted in inadequate characterization of tablelands. We used a global 250 m DEM to produce a new characterization of global Hammond landform regions. The improved algorithm we developed for the regional landform modeling: (1) incorporated a profile parameter for the delineation of tablelands; (2) accommodated negative elevation data values; (3) allowed neighborhood analysis window (NAW) size to vary between parameters; (4) more accurately bounded plains regions; and (5) mapped landform regions as opposed to discrete landform features. The new global Hammond landform regions product builds on an existing global Hammond landform features product developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, which, while globally comprehensive, did not include tablelands, used a fixed NAW size, and essentially classified pixels rather than regions. Our algorithm also permits the disaggregation of “mixed” Hammond types (e.g. plains with high mountains) into their component parts.  相似文献   
Abstract— In January 2006, the Stardust mission will return the first samples from a solid solar system body beyond the Moon and the first samples of contemporary interstellar dust ever collected. Although sophisticated laboratory instruments exist for the analysis of Stardust samples, techniques for the recovery of particles and particle residues from aerogel collectors remain primitive. Here, we describe our recent progress in developing techniques for extracting small volumes of aerogel, which we have called “keystones,” which completely contain particle impacts but minimize the damage to the surrounding aerogel collector. These keystones can be fixed to custom‐designed micromachined silicon fixtures (so called “microforklifts”). In this configuration, the samples are self‐supporting, which can be advantageous in situations where interference from a supporting substrate is undesirable. The keystones may also be extracted and placed onto a substrate without a fixture. We have also demonstrated the capability of homologously crushing these unmounted keystones for analysis techniques that demand flat samples.  相似文献   
Carbonate concretions can form as a result of organic matter degradation within sediments. However, the ability to determine specific processes and timing relationships to particular concretions has remained elusive. Previously employed proxies (e.g., carbon and oxygen isotopes) cannot uniquely distinguish among diagenetic alkalinity sources generated by microbial oxidation of organic matter using oxygen, nitrate, metal oxides, and sulfate as electron acceptors, in addition to degradation by thermal decarboxylation. Here, we employ concentrations of carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) and δ34SCAS (along with more traditional approaches) to determine the specific nature of concretion authigenesis within the Miocene Monterey Formation.Integrated geochemical analyses reveal that at least three specific organo-diagenetic reaction pathways can be tied to concretion formation and that these reactions are largely sample-site specific. One calcitic concretion from the Phosphatic Shale Member at Naples Beach yields δ34SCAS values near Miocene seawater sulfate (~+22‰ VCDT), abundant CAS (ca. 1000 ppm), depleted δ13Ccarb (~?11‰ VPDB), and very low concentrations of Fe (ca. 700 ppm) and Mn (ca. 15 ppm)—characteristics most consistent with shallow formation in association with organic matter degradation by nitrate, iron-oxides and/or minor sulfate reduction. Cemented concretionary layers of the Phosphatic Shale Member at Shell Beach display elevated δ34SCAS (up to ~+37‰), CAS concentrations of ~600 ppm, mildly depleted δ13Ccarb (~?6‰), moderate amounts of Mn (ca. 250 ppm), and relatively low Fe (ca. 1700 ppm), indicative of formation in sediments dominated by sulfate reduction. Finally, concretions within a siliceous host at Montaña de Oro and Naples Beach show minimal CAS concentrations, positive δ13C values, and the highest concentrations of Fe (ca. 11,300 ppm) and Mn (ca. 440 ppm), consistent with formation in sediments experiencing methanogenesis in a highly reducing environment. This study highlights the promise in combining CAS analysis with more traditional techniques to differentiate among diagenetic reactions as preserved in the geologic record and shows potential for unraveling subsurface biospheric processes in ancient samples with a high degree of specificity.  相似文献   
As coral reef ecosystems decline in health worldwide, reef‐associated fishes are being impacted by changes to their coral reef habitats. While previous studies have shown coral reef structure to affect the demography of reef fishes, changes in reef conditions may also impact the behavior of reef fishes as they cope with altered habitats. In this study, we examined spatial patterns of intraspecific behavioral variation in the bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) across the fringing reefs of Curaçao (Caribbean Sea), and explored how this behavioral variation associated with physical and social conditions on the reef. Principal components analysis (PCA) condensed physical parameters of the reef into principal component 1 (PC1), comprising depth, coral cover (%), rugosity, and average hole size (cm2), and principal component 2 (PC2), which represented the number of holes. PC1, but not PC2, increased spatially across the reef as the habitat transitioned from coral rubble in the shallows to live coral on the reef slope. This transition in reef structure was paralleled by changes in social conditions including decreases in bicolor damselfish density in habitats with higher PC1 values. The behavior of bicolor damselfish also varied spatially with greater aggression and more frequent shelter use in habitats with lower PC1 values. Path analysis revealed robust associations between this behavioral variation and physical habitat conditions of the reef, indicating that physical – rather than social – habitat variation is the primary determinant of these spatial patterns of intraspecific behavioral variation. Taken as a whole, this coupling between physical reef structure and behavior suggests that reef fish may show altered behaviors on coral reefs degraded by anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   
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