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Fourteen samples obtained from Torridon sandstone boulders on four moraines marking the limit of the Wester Ross Readvance (WRR) in NW Scotland yielded tightly clustered 10Be exposure ages confirming contemporaneous or penecontemporaneous moraine deposition. Collectively, the 14 samples yield mean ages of 13.5 ± 1.2 ka to 14.0 ± 1.7 ka, depending on choice of geomagnetic scaling and sampling surface erosion rates. All fourteen moraine ages are significantly younger than an age of ca 16.3 ka previously proposed for the WRR, and also younger than most samples obtained from rock outcrops within the WRR limits. The ages obtained for the WRR moraines appear to confirm that a substantial cover of glacier ice persisted over low ground in NW Scotland during at least the early part of the Lateglacial Interstade (≈Greenland Interstade 1). We infer that the WRR probably occurred in response to rapid short-lived cooling during the Older Dryas climatic reversal (≈Greenland Interstade 1d), though the possibilities that the WRR represents ice-margin response to a later climatic reversal during the Lateglacial Interstade or stabilization and readvance of the ice margin following rapid offshore calving cannot be discounted.  相似文献   
Abstract— Despite having melted during formation, seven of eight Canyon Diablo spheroids weighing from 0.6 to 13 mg retain cosmic‐ray‐produced 38Ar (38Arcos) in concentrations (10?10 cm3 STP/g) ranging from 0.35 to 68. The presence of 38Arcos is consistent with pre‐atmospheric depths of <2.3 m and most likely rules out an origin for the spheroids deep within the projectile, which had a radius of ?15 m. Low levels of 21Necos indicate gas loss from these spheroids. Relative to most Canyon Diablo meteorites, the spheroids contain lower concentrations of cosmogenic noble gases. The difference partly reflects diffusion losses from the spheroids, especially for 3He and 21Ne, but also suggests deeper locations on average for the precursor material, consistent with independent results from 59Ni.  相似文献   
Abstract— The compositionally typical H5 chondrite St‐Robert has an exposure age, 7.8 Ma, indistinguishable from that of the main cluster of H chondrites. Small values of the cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio in interior samples imply a pre‐atmospheric radius on the order of 40 cm. Sample depths based on tracks and the production rates of Bhattacharya et al. (1973) range from 6 to ~40 cm and are generally larger than depths estimated from published 60Co activities, perhaps because the track production rates adopted are too high. Depth profiles of the production rates of 14C, 36Cl, 26Al, 10Be, and 21Ne in stony material show increases with depth and reach levels 5% to 15% higher than expected from modeling calculations. The maximum concentrations in St‐Robert are, however, generally comparable to those measured for the L5 chondrite, Knyahinya, whose pre‐atmospheric radius of ~45 cm is thought to lead to the maximum possible production rates in chondrites. We infer that the pre‐atmospheric radius of St‐Robert was within 5 cm of the value that supports maximum production rates (i.e., 45 ± 5 cm). This radius corresponds to a pre‐atmospheric mass of (1.3 ± 0.4) × 103 kg. The agreement of exposure ages for St‐Robert obtained in several different ways and the similarity of the depth profiles for 14C, 26Al, 10Be, and 21Ne argue against a lengthy pre‐exposure of St‐Robert on the parent body and against a two‐stage exposure after launch from the parent body. Following Morbidelli and Gladman (1998), we suggest that St‐Robert was chipped from deep in its parent body, spent the next 7–8 Ma without undergoing a major collision, was nudged gradually into an orbital resonance with Jupiter, and then traveled quickly to Earth.  相似文献   
Abstract— The internal structures of type I spherules (melted micrometeorites rich in iron) have been investigated using synchrotron‐based computed microtomography. Variations from sphericity are small—the average ratio of the largest to the smallest semimajor axis is 1.07 ± 0.06. The X‐ray tomographs reveal interior cavities, four spherules with metal cores with diameters ranging from 57 to 143 μm and, in two spherules, high attenuation features thought to be nuggets rich in platinumgroup elements. Bulk densities range from 4.2 to 5.9 g/cm3 and average grain densities from 4.5 to 6.5 (g/cm3) with uncertainties of 10–15%. The average grain densities are those expected for materials containing mostly oxides of iron and nickel. The tomographic density measurements indicate an average void space of 5+8‐5%. The void spaces may be contraction features or the skeletons of bubbles that formed in the molten precursors during atmospheric passage.  相似文献   
After Mesozoic rifting, the Atlantic margin of Morocco has recorded the consequences of the continental collision between Africa and Europe and the relative northward motion of the African plate over the Canary Island hotspot during Cenozoic times. Interpretation of recently acquired 2D seismic reflection data (MIRROR 2011 experiment) presents new insights into the Late Cretaceous to recent geodynamic evolution of this margin. Crustal uplift presumably started during the Late Cretaceous and triggered regional tilting in the deep‐water margin west of Essaouira and the formation of the Base Tertiary Unconformity (BTU). An associated hiatus in sedimentation is interpreted to have started earlier in the north (presumably in the Cenomanian at well location DSDP 416) and propagated to the south (presumably in the Coniacian at well location DSDP 415). The difference in the total duration of this hiatus is postulated to have controlled the extrusion of Late Triassic to Early Jurassic salt during the Late Cretaceous to Early Palaeocene non‐depositional period, resulting in regional differences in the preservation of salt structures: the Agadir Basin in the south of the study area is dominated by salt diapirs, whereas massive canopies characterised the Ras Tafelnay Plateau farther north and salt‐poor canopies and weld structures the northernmost offshore Essaouira and Safi Basins. Accompanied by volcanic intrusions, a presumably Early Palaeogene reactivation of previously existing basement faults is interpreted to have formed a series of deep‐water anticlines with associated gravity deformation of shallow‐seated sediments. The orientation of the fold axes is roughly perpendicular to the present day coast and the extensional fault direction; therefore, not a coast‐line parallel pattern of extensional faults, related to the rifting and break‐up of the margin, but rather a coast‐line perpendicular oceanic fracture zone might have caused the basement faults associated with the deep‐water folds. Both the volcanic intrusions and the formation of the deep‐water anticlines show a comparable age trend which gets progressively younger towards the south. A potential tempo‐spatial relationship of the BTU and the reactivation of basement faults can be explained by the relative northward motion of the African plate over the Canary Island hotspot. Regional uplift producing the BTU could have been the precursor of the approaching hotspot during the Late Cretaceous, followed during the Early Palaeogene by a locally more pronounced uplift above the hotspot centre.  相似文献   
The offshore and coastal geomorphology of southwest Greenland records evidence for the advance and decay of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. Regional ice flow patterns in the vicinity of Sisimiut show an enlarged ice sheet that extended southwestwards on to the shelf, with an ice stream centred over Holsteinsborg dyb. High level periglacial terrain composed of blockfield and tors is dated to between 101 and 142 ka using 26Al and 10Be cosmogenic exposure ages. These limit the maximum surface elevation of the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheet in this part of southwest Greenland to ca 750–810 m asl, and demonstrate that terrain above this level has been ice free since MIS 6. Last Glacial Maximum ice thickness on the coast of ca 700 m implies that the ice sheet reached the mid to outer continental shelf edge to form the Outer Hellefisk moraines. Exposure dates record ice surface thinning from 21.0 to 9.8 ka, with downwasting rates varying from 0.06 to 0.12 m yr−1. This reflects strong surface ablation associated with increased air temperatures running up to the Bølling Interstadial (GIS1e) at ca 14 ka, and later marine calving under high sea levels. The relatively late retreat of the Itilleq ice stream inland of the present coastline is similar to the pattern observed at Jakobshavn Isbræ, located 250 km north in Disko Bugt, which also retreated from the continental shelf after ca 10 ka. We hypothesise that the ice streams of West Greenland persisted on the inner shelf until the early Holocene because of their considerable ice thickness and greater ice discharge compared with the adjacent ice sheet.  相似文献   
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