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The present study aims to explain some hydrogeological problems that are related to geological setting in two wadis: El Kallabiyyah and As Sabil East Esna. For this purpose, land magnetic, vertical electrical soundings, and two-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging profiles were measured. The lithological succession comprises Upper Cretaceous to Quaternary deposits that rest on a Precambrian basement rock. The results of the interpretation of the land magnetic measurements in wadi El Kallabiyyah represent the depth to the basement rock which ranges from 260 to 660 m and increases towards the northeast trend, but in wadi As Sabil, there is a large basin at the center of the wadi with the recorded depth to the basement reaching 1,300 m due to the effect of two normal faults (F1 and F2). The results of the interpretation of the vertical electrical sounding and two-dimensional imaging confirmed the presence of these faults in wadi As Sabil. The results of the geoelectrical measurements in wadi El Kallabiyyah represented the water-bearing layer at the third unit that consists of sands, gravels, boulders, and clays. The presence of clay will affect the potentiality of a drilled well. For wadi As Sabil, the results of geoelectrical measurements led to the lower part of the second unit which acts as a water-bearing layer that consists of sands, boulders, gravels, and clays. It can be concluded that the best site for drilling wells in wadi El Kallabiyyah is at vertical electrical sounding no.5 with a total depth of not less than 230 m. In wadi As Sabil, the drilled wells must be concentrated at the center and the downstream.  相似文献   
The bottom of the magnetized crust determined from the spectral analysis of magnetic anomaly is interpreted as a level of the Curie point isotherm. A spectral analysis technique was used to estimate the depth of the magnetic anomalies sources (Curie point depth analysis) of the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. The depth to the tops and centers of the magnetic anomalies are calculated by azimuthally averaged power spectrum method for the whole area. The results obtained suggests from this study showed that the average depth to the top of the crustal block ranges between 1.15 and 1.9 km, whereas the average depth to the center of the deepest crustal block ranges between 9.1 and 12.7 km. Curie point depths in the study area range between 14.5 km in the northwestern part of the study area and 26 km in the southeastern part of the study area. The results imply a high geothermal gradient (34.7 °C/km) and corresponding high heat flow value (72.87 mW/m2) in the northwestern part of the study area. The southeastern part of the study area displays a low geothermal gradient (24.26 °C/km) and low heat flow value (50.9 mW/m2). These results are consistent with the existence of the possible promising geothermal reservoir in the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez especially at Hammam Faraun area.  相似文献   
The Kuwait Group consists mainly of clastic sediments overlying unconformably the Dammam Formation of Tertiary age. The Kuwait Group is generally divided into three main hydrostratigraphic units: the upper and lower aquifers separated by an aquitard. The upper aquifer is further divided into the water table aquifer, an aquitard and a semiconfined aquifer. This semiconfined unit was pumped and the drawdowns were observed in piezometers screened in various subunits of the Kuwait Group. Some pumping tests of short duration were carried out in the top water table aquifer as well. These tests showed that the subunits of the Kuwait Group are hydraulically interconnected to a varying degree.

The pumping test data were analysed using conventional analytical solutions. The semiconfined pumping test was also simulated by a quasi-three-dimensional model using a leaky multiaquifer modelling technique. The initial hydraulic parameters were improved manually in the model till best fit drawdowns were obtained.

The final parameters obtained by simulation of the pumping tests were used in designing a pilot drainage system for the control of a rising groundwater table in parts of Kuwait City.  相似文献   

Organochlorine compounds (OCs) in surface and core sediments collected from Lake Maryut, Egypt, were examined to elucidate their distribution, ecological risk and historical trend. To our knowledge, this is the first study on residue levels of OCs in sediments from Lake Maryut. Concentrations of PCBs and DDTs were higher than other OCs, ranging from 3.06 to 388 and from 0.07 to 106 ng/g dry wt., respectively. The highest concentrations of OCs were found at stations near the discharge point of sewage and close to industrial areas. The distribution of DDT and its metabolites suggest no recent inputs into the lake environment. Contamination levels of sedimentary PCBs and DDTs, can be categorized moderate to high compared to other urbanized regions worldwide. Temporal trends in OCs levels were influenced by input pathways at two sites. Evaluation of ecotoxicological risks suggests that adverse biological effects are expected mainly in the main basin area.  相似文献   
The groundwater extracted from the unconfined Quaternary aquifer is the main source of water supply in El-Tur area. The area is bounded from the east by the elevated basement complex of Southern Sinai and from the west by El-Qabaliyat Ridge. The wadis dissecting these highlands form effective watersheds of the Quaternary aquifer. These wadis form areas of focused recharge. Recharge also occurs directly via the Quaternary sediments covering El-Qaa Plain. Subsurface lateral groundwater flow from the fractured basement contributes significant recharge to the aquifer as well. The aquifer sediment facies affect the type and quality of groundwater. In the eastern part where the aquifer is composed mainly of gravel and coarse sand with fragments of weathered basement, the Na-Cl-SO4 water dominates. In the west where the facies change is rapid and complex, many water types arise. The base exchange index (BEX) is positive in this part reflecting the role of clay minerals in changing the water types via cation exchange. In the east where clays are insignificant in the aquifer, the BEX is negative. In the western part next to El-Qabaliyat Ridge, the wells discharging from the calcareous sand zone have low groundwater salinities compared to the wells discharging from the alluvium. In general, the groundwater salinity increases in the direction of groundwater flow from the northeast to the southwest which reflects the dissolution of aquifer sediments. The concentration relationships between the major ions on one hand and chloride on the other reflect the dissolution of calcium carbonates, precipitation of K- and Mg-bearing minerals, and cation exchange of Ca for Na on clay minerals. The hydrochemical models support these reactions. In addition, they show that the effect of evaporation on the recharge water in the western catchment is about four times its effect on the eastern recharge water which reflects the rapid recharge through the wadis draining the fractured basement. Moreover, the contribution from the eastern catchment in sample No. 23 is more than four-folds the contribution from the western recharge area. The stable isotopes (2H and 18O) show that the Quaternary aquifer is recharging from recent rainfall. However, upward leakage of Paleogene groundwater (depleted in 18O) also occurs. The groundwater level map shows strong overpumping impact especially in the areas close to El-Tur city.  相似文献   
A unique zircon was studied in the gneiss samples collected from the Wadi Abu Rusheid psammitic gneiss using electron scanning microscope and electron probe microanalyses. This zircon can be categorized into two types according to the texture and trace element content: (l) magmatic zircon slightly enriched in HfO2 with ordinary zone. (2) Overgrowths of zircon occur as two species, the first species being highly enriched in HfO2 with irregular zoning. The second species is highly enriched in HfO2 forming a rim around the second species with a very sharp thinner boundary. The first type shows a distinct oscillatory internal zoning pattern without change in shape of this zone and has conspicuous inclusion-free zircon overgrowths with distinct poor concentrations in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in both rim and core. The second type shows two species, the first one displays distinct irregular interval zoning and irregular overgrowth with abrupt change in composition of these zones with distinct enrichment in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in the rim relative to the core. The second species is forming a rim around the first species also with distinct enrichment in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta content. These indicate that two events (crystallization environment) have played an important role in the formation of this zircon and largely reflect differences in whole-rock trace element contents between the successive generations of this zircon. The first event is believed to be of magmatic origin giving rise to normal composition of magmatic zircon. The second event shows an intense successive process of metasomatic activity during the formation of the Abu Rusheid radioactive gneiss. Electron microprobe analysis indicates that oscillatory zoned zircon shows poor content of Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, Ta, and rare earth elements (REE) in the rim and core, while overgrowths of zircon are slightly enriched by these elements. Also, these analyses indicate that the Abu Rusheid psammitic gneiss has been significantly enriched by the thorite mineral (Th content up to 54.72% ThO2) and columbite-bearing minerals (Nb content up to 64.74% Nb2O5, Ta content up to 9.32% Ta2O5). The poor content of REE in overgrowths of zircon indicates mobilization of REE during the metamorphism processes of gneiss.  相似文献   
Al-Arbaeen and Al-Shabab inlets are two Red Sea coastal inlets lying on the mid-coast of Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia. Forty-four surface sediment samples were collected from these inlets and surrounding areas during June 2010. Water depths and the overlying environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen) of these samples were measured. Sediment samples were analyzed for variables, such as loss on ignition (LOI, organic matter), CaCO3, heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr and Pb) and benthic foraminifera to assess any changes in the environment of the inlets and surrounding areas. Variables distribution patterns indicated that mud sediments dominated the inlets and enriched by LOI, heavy metals and Ammonia tepidaQuinqueloculina seminula assemblage, whereas coarse (sand–gravel) sediments dominated the substrates of surrounding areas and enriched by CaCO3 and Coscinospira hemprichii–Peneroplis planatusVaridentella neostriatula assemblage with low values of LOI and heavy metals. Highest concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr and Pb were recorded inside the inlets, especially near the discharge points, and they were positively correlated with the LOI and mud fraction indicating their affinity to anthropogenic materials. However, highest concentrations of Fe and Mn were typically recorded in the whole study area. These metals were positively correlated with the LOI values of the surrounding area, but in the inlets they were negatively correlated with the LOI, indicating an existence of reducing conditions caused by limited dissolved oxygen conditions at bottom waters of the inlets. Changing the environment within the inlets, according to higher concentrations of heavy metals and LOI, is probably responsible for the existence of the low density and diversity of benthic foraminifera and the absence of (reefal) symbiont-bearing species.  相似文献   
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