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Multiple Random Walk Simulation consists of a methodology adapted to run fast simulations if close-spaced data are abundant (e.g., short-term mining models). Combining kriging with the simulation of random walks attempts to approximate traditional simulation algorithm results but at a computationally faster way when there is a large amount of conditioning samples. This paper presents this new algorithm illustrating the situations where the method can be used properly. A synthetic study case is presented in order to illustrate the Multiple Random Walk Simulation and to analyze the speed and goodness of its results against the ones from using Turning Bands Simulation and Sequential Gaussian Simulation.  相似文献   
Twenty-four piston core sediment samples and 13 sediments and 3 basalts from DSDP Leg 78 Site 543 were analyzed for Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. The results show sediment with highly radiogenic Pb206Pb204Pb up to 19.8) and rather radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd has been deposited in the region since the Cretaceous. The source of this sediment is probably the Archean Guiana Highland, which is drained by the Orinoco River. Pb and Sr isotopic compositions and sediment thickness decrease and143Nd144Nd increases northward due to a decrease in turbiditic component. This decrease is partly due to the damming action of basement ridges. Rare earth concentrations in the sediments are somewhat low, due to the abundance of detrital and biogenic components in the sediment and rapid sedimentation rates. Both positive and negative Ce anomalies occur in the surface sediments, but only positive Ce anomalies occur in the Site 543 sediments. It is unlikely that sediment subducted to the source region of Lesser Antilles arc magmas could be the cause of negative Ce anomalies in those magmas.Isotopic compositions of Site 543 basalts show some effect of contamination by seawater-basalt reaction products and sediments. Beyond this, however, they are typical of “normal” depleted MORB.  相似文献   
Résumé Dans l'article est examinée la question de l'analogie du niveau moyen mensuel de la mer pour un nombre de stations marégraphiques sur les côtes italiennes ct françaises de la Méditerranean. On peut constater que la variation de la quantité de l'eau dans la mer est le facteur principal à ce rapport, mais qu'on doit aussi tenir compte de la distance reciproque entre les stations, de l'influence de la force de Coriolis et de l'effet des éléments météorologiques.
Summary In the paper it is studied the question of the analogy between the average monthly sea-levels for a few tide gauge stations on the Italian and French coasts of the Mediterranean. It could be established that the variation of the water amount in the sea is the principal factor in this regard, but that the distance between the stations, the influence of the Coriolis force and the effect of meteorological elements must be considered, too.
Water scarcity and climatic variability in the Mediterranean region have traditionally required the construction of dams to guarantee water supply for irrigation, industrial and urban uses and hydropower production. Reservoirs affect the hydrology of the river downstream, but the magnitude and persistence of these effects are still poorly unknown. Understanding the magnitude of these effects is the objective of this paper, in which we analyse the flow regimes of twelve rivers located in the NW Mediterranean region. Different temporal scales (daily, monthly and annual) are used for the analysis and also to estimate flow variables associated with flow magnitude, frequency, duration and variability. It is shown that dams alter the hydrological regime of most of the studied rivers, with special influence on monthly flows and flood magnitude and frequency. The most altered rivers (Muga and Siurana, NE Iberian Peninsula) experience a complete overturn in their flow regime with, for instance, flood reduction reaching up to 76% for the 2‐year flood event. Other rivers showed lower changes in hydrology (e.g. Orb and Têt). Annual runoff showed a pattern of decrease in all the studied rivers (regulated and non‐regulated) indicating that besides dams (i.e. reservoir evaporation), other factors likely affect water yield. A general recovery downstream from dams is also observed at all temporal scales, mainly because of the inflow from tributaries. Although dams have a clear impact on the hydrology of Mediterranean rivers, water withdrawals and diversions for irrigation and other consumptive uses also affected the hydrological patterns. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Résumé On a déjà souvent signalé que le champ magné ique terrestre s'est trouvé modifié de fa?on durable à la suile de mouvements séismiques. L'auteur rappelle plusieurs exemples récents d'anomalies magnétiques mesurées au Japon à la suite d'importants séismes (Kato). L'anomalie magnélique duBassin de Paris se déforme dans le temps en liaison possible avec des déplacements magmatiques et une activité séismique avortée. Le séisme du 11 juin 1938 en Belgique montre d'intéressants rapports avec l'anomalie magnétique belge. Les cartes isoporiques mondiales présentent des relations avec les cartes de séismicité (Omer). L'auteur pense que séismes et déformations du champ magnétique terrestre sont plus ou moins étroitement liés et que peut être une réaction atomiqueen chaine peut expliquer les séismes orogéniques et leurs répliques.
Summary It was yet often noted that the earth's magnetic field has been steadily modified on the result of seismic earth movements. The author cites many recent examples of magnetic anomalies measured in Japan after major earthquakes (Kato). The ?Bassin de Paris?'s magnetic anomaly is modified during a certain time in a possible connection with magmatic removals and with some seismic activity. The earthquake of June 11 th., 1938 in Belgium shows some very interesting connections with the belgian magnetic anomaly. Suggestive relationships are noted between changes in the earth's secular magnetic field and areas of seismicity (Omer). The author thinks that the earthquakes and the deformations of the earth's magnetic field are more or less closely connected one with another, and it may perhaps be that the atomic energy (chain reactions) may explain some orogenic earthquakes and their aftershocks.
Three groups of Sn-W veins occur in the contact aureole of composite granitic plutons South of Bragança (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal). Thin layers of calcic quartzites with or without scheelite are interbedded in the Ordovician and Silurian metamorphic country-rocks. Could they represent synsedimentary preconcentrations and a likely source for the W-deposits? The geologic features and the trace-elements distribution (W, Sn, Be, B, Li, F, Rb) in the metasedimentary and granitic rocks support the following conclusions: 1) the scheelite-bearing calcic quartzites are tactites, that occur only in the contact aureole of the granites; 2) the dynamo-metamorphic country-rocks are weakly enriched in W and impoverished in Sn compared to the "clarke" values; 3) the trace-elements concentration is higher in the contact aureole (X 2) than outwards; 4) the quartzites are scheelite-bearing only in the vicinity of the wolframite veins. Thus, scheelite appears related to mineralizing hydrothermal processes. Through their chemical composition and their mechanical properties, the calcic quartzites appear as traps for a tungsten mainly foreign to the metamorphic rocks close to the granites. Thus, the source of W lies deeper in lower crust levels or in the upper-mantle.  相似文献   
Top–down and bottom–up effects interact to structure communities, especially in salt marshes, which contain strong gradients in bottom–up drivers such as salinity and nutrients. How omnivorous consumers respond to variation in prey availability and plant quality is poorly understood. We used a mesocosm experiment to examine how salinity, nutrients, an omnivore (the katydid Orchelimum fidicinium) and an herbivore (the planthopper Prokelisia spp.) interacted to structure a simplified salt marsh food web based on the marsh grass Spartina alterniflora. Bottom–up effects were strong, with both salinity and nutrients decreasing leaf C/N and increasing Prokelisia abundance. Top–down effects on plants were also strong, with both the herbivore and the omnivore affecting S. alterniflora traits and growth, especially when nutrients or salt were added. In contrast, top–down control by Orchelimum of Prokelisia was independent of bottom–up conditions. Orchelimum grew best on a diet containing both Spartina and Prokelisia, and in contrast to a sympatric omnivorous crab, did not shift to an animal-based diet when prey were present, suggesting that it is constrained to consume a mixed diet. These results suggest that the trophic effects of omnivores depend on omnivore behavior, dietary constraints, and ability to suppress lower trophic levels, and that omnivorous katydids may play a previously unrecognized role in salt marsh food webs.  相似文献   
This work presents sedimentological observations and interpretations on three detailed sections of the Pliocene Yutengping/Ailiaochiao formations, deposited in the early stages of collision in Taiwan. Seven facies associations record paleoenvironments of deposition ranging from nearshore to lower offshore with a strong influence of tidal reworking, even in shelfal sub-tidal environments, and a pro-delta setting characterized by mass-flows. The association of shallow facies of the upper offshore to lower shoreface with pro-delta turbidite facies sourced in the orogen to the east suggests a peculiar setting in which turbidite deposition occurred below wave base but on the shelf, in water depths of probably less than 100 m. This adds to the examples of “shallow turbidites” increasingly commonly found in foreland basins and challenges the classical view of a “deep” early underfilled foreland basin. Time series analysis on tidal rhythmites allow us to identify a yearly signal in the form of periodic changes of sand-supply, energy and bioturbation that suggests a marked seasonality possibly affecting precipitation and sediment delivery as well as temperature. The Taiwan foreland basin may also present a potentially high-resolution record in shallow sediments of the early installation of monsoonal circulation patterns in east Asia. We confirm partly the paleogeography during the early stages of collision in Taiwan: the Chinese margin displayed a pronounced non-cylindrical geometry with a large basement promontory to the west in place of the modern Taiwan mountain range. Collision in Taiwan may have happened at once along the whole length of the modern mountain range, instead of progressively from north to south as classically considered.  相似文献   

Accretion discs in astrophysics are fundamental for converting gravitational binding energy into observed electromagnetic radiation. We study the behavior of waves in a two dimensional supersonic Keplerian flow inside a given gravitational potential. We present the effects of shearing and rotation on short waves, and the numerical study of the dynamical stability of such flows with respect to various perturbations. We show that a large class of dynamical effects, due to pressure and associated to short time scales, may be excited.  相似文献   
Résumé L'analyse de la distribution des gisements et indices à Sn-W de la province ouesteuropéenne permet de constater une organisation en bandes parallèles, alternativement à Sn et à W dominant. Leur orientation relativement constante, N 110 dans le Massif Central français et E-W dans le Nw de l'Ibérie, et leur indépendance par rapport aux axes structuraux de l'orogène varisque, suggèrent l'existence d'anisotropies crustales antérieures aux granitisations varisques. En effet, le comportement géochimique de Sn-W dans les processus de différenciation magmatique, et une polarité éventuelle du magmatisme dans l'orogène varisque, ne suffisent pas seuls à expliquer une telle distribution. Il faut rechercher ces anisotropies géochimiques bien avant la mise en place des granites peu différenciés subautochtones tardi-dévoniens qui sont déjà spécialisés en Sn. Depuis le Cadomien même, les granitoïdes qui ont concentré Sn-W par cristallisation fractionnée et fusion répétées ont été des révélateurs de plus en plus efficaces pour Sn, un peu moins pour W qui est surtout concentré par une phase hydrothermale. Deux grandes époques de mise en place des minéralisations en Sn-W peuvent être ainsi attribuées à deux lignées différenciées de granitoïdes: 1) namurienne et westphalienne dans le Massif Central; 2) westphalienne et autunienne dans le NW de la péninsule ibérique. Les gisements s'ordonnent suivant deux directions. Les unes N 110/N 90 sont les structures plicatives qui guident la mise en place des granites namuriens à westphaliens. Les autres sont N 20/N160 et guident les différenciations du toit des granites.
The Sn-W spatial distribution (deposits and occurrences) in the west-european province emphazises an alternating W and Sn rich banded pattern. The bands have a fairly constant trend (N 110 in the french Massif Central, E-W in the northwestern Iberia) and are generally independant of that of the variscan orogenic domains. This supports the idea of crustal anisotropies previous to late paleozoïc granite emplacement. The banded organization is not readily explained by the geochemical behaviour of Sn-W during the magmatic evolution and the possible magmatic polarity of the orogen. So, geochemical anisotropies must be sought in rocks older than the late devonian poorly differentiated subautochtonous granites which were already anomalous in Sn. Since cadomian time, the granites which have concentrated Sn and W through repeated fractionate crystallization and remelting have been more and more effective revealers for Sn, a little less for W, which especially concentrates through hydrothermal processes. So, two main periods of Sn-W mineralization can be bound to two differentiated suites of granites: 1) Namurian-Westphalian in the french Massif Central; 2) Westphalian-Autunian in the north-western Iberia. The ore deposits occur along two directions: N 110/N 90 which are the trends of late fold axis and the guide of the setting of namurian granites and N 20/N 160 the trends of zones of differentiation in the roofs of the granites.
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