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Regional patterns of sandstone distribution were examined in the coal-bearing Bochumer Formation with the help of fence diagrams and isolith (thickness) maps. In addition, isolith maps and cross-sections were drawn for some well defined sandstone bodies, like Dickebank sandstone (Lower), Röttgersbank sandstone (Middle), and Matthias sandstone (Upper), and sand-mud ratio maps were prepared, on which isolith contours showing the total thickness of coal were superimposed. Most sandstone bodies are oriented west-southwest; they are elongate, straight to sinuous, show bifurcation and branching, and closely resemble sand-bodies designated as belt and dendroid. The area with greater thickness (50 m or more) of sandstone and poorer in mudstone (sand-mud ratio > 1.0) is linearly distributed to the north in the Lower unit, but shifts toward the south in the Middle and Upper units. Interrelationship between certain stratigraphic variables was investigated statistically, and it is concluded that the total thickness of strata or net subsidence of the basin exhibits direct relationship with the number and thickness of sandstone, rooty bed, and coal. A synthesis of integrated results reveals that the sediments of the Bochumer Formation were transported to and across the basin down the regional paleoslope toward west-southwest, and partly toward northwest; that it was a longitudinal marginal basin; and that the depositional environment consisted mainly of a high-constructive delta plain, in which distributary and tributary channels and their subenvironments including natural levees and coal-forming swamps developed and migrated constantly across the plain to give rise to characteristic interbedded (cyclic) sequence.  相似文献   
Randomness in the occurrence of lithologies in a cyclical succession is evaluated in terms of entropies which can be calculated from a Markov chain matrix. Two types of entropies are linked with every lithologic state; one is the entropy before deposition E (pre) and the other is that after deposition E (post),which together form an entropy set. The entropy sets for pebbly sandstone, sandstone, shale, and coal for the Karharbari coal measures, and sandstone, shale, carbonaceous shale, and coal for the Barakar coal measures were plotted separately and compared with Hattori's idealized plots. These coal measures probably were essentially of symmetrical cyclical pattern (Type-B)of Hattori. The entropy of the whole sedimentation unit readily fits under the broad framework of fluvial cycles.  相似文献   
We examine the effect of varying roughness-element aspect ratio on the mean velocity distributions of turbulent flow over arrays of rectangular-prism-shaped elements. Large-eddy simulations (LES) in conjunction with a sharp-interface immersed boundary method are used to simulate spatially-growing turbulent boundary layers over these rough surfaces. Arrays of aligned and staggered rectangular roughness elements with aspect ratio >1 are considered. First the temporally- and spatially-averaged velocity profiles are used to illustrate the aspect-ratio effects. For aligned prisms, the roughness length (\(z_\mathrm{o}\)) and the friction velocity (\(u_*\)) increase initially with an increase in the roughness-element aspect ratio, until the values reach a plateau at a particular aspect ratio. The exact value of this aspect ratio depends on the coverage density. Further increase in the aspect ratio changes neither \(z_\mathrm{o}\), \(u_*\) nor the bulk flow above the roughness elements. For the staggered cases, \(z_\mathrm{o}\) and \(u_*\) continue to increase for the surface coverage density and the aspect ratios investigated. To model the flow response to variations in roughness aspect ratio, we turn to a previously developed phenomenological volumetric sheltering model (Yang et al., in J Fluid Mech 789:127–165, 2016), which was intended for low to moderate aspect-ratio roughness elements. Here, we extend this model to account for high aspect-ratio roughness elements. We find that for aligned cases, the model predicts strong mutual sheltering among the roughness elements, while the effect is much weaker for staggered cases. The model-predicted \(z_\mathrm{o}\) and \(u_*\) agree well with the LES results. Results show that the model, which takes explicit account of the mutual sheltering effects, provides a rapid and reliable prediction method of roughness effects in turbulent boundary-layer flows over arrays of rectangular-prism roughness elements.  相似文献   
Considering the fest pace of development, up-to-date maps have become imperative in developmental planning. Conventional map updating techniques are expensive and time consuming. The present paper makes an attempt to tackle the problem using GIS techniques. Maps generated from IRS-1A LISS II data and Survey of India (SOI) toposheets were used as input maps in GIS. These maps were overlaid to obtain the positional errors at road junction points. The area statistics of each sector were calculated taking the SOI map as reference data. The results show that the areas calculated from LISS II data and SOI map are well comparable and the deviations are within 10%, whereas the positional accuracy (MSE) of points is within 30 m. The study demonstrates that the IRS-1A LISS II data can be used for updating of maps on scale 1:100,000 and smaller in areas where linear features are identifiable in the IRS LISS II image.  相似文献   
Total magnetic intensity and bathymetric surveys were carried out in the northern Bay of Bengal between 6° to 11° 45 N latitudes and east of 84° to 93° 30 E longitudes. The hitherto known 85° E Ridge is characterised as a subsurface feature by a large amplitude, positive magnetic anomaly surrounded by Mesozoic crust. A newly identified NE to NNESSW trending magnetic anomaly between 7° N, 87° 30 E and 10° 30 N, 89–90° E may be one of the unidentified Mesozoic lineations in the northern Bay of Bengal. The Ninetyeast Ridge is not associated with any recognizable magnetic anomaly. The Sunda Trough to the east of the Ninetyeast Ridge is characterised by a positive magnetic anomaly. A combined interpretation, using Werner deconvolution and analytical signal methods, yields basement depths ~ 10 km below sea level. These depths are in agreement with the seismic results of Curray (1991).Deceased 24 December 1991  相似文献   
Several bimodal complex processes having great socio-economic impact exist in nature, yet more often than not it is non-trivial to find prediction rules for their regime change. Generic prediction rules for regime transition and duration of subsequent regime are given for several two-regime models. It is demonstrated that prediction rules are a universal property of a large class of bimodal processes. An effort is made to explore the applicability of generic prediction rules to real-world bimodal processes, namely the Indian summer monsoon rainfall and the Indian Ocean Dipole event. Time series representative of these phenomena are analyzed to establish their bimodality and to show that prediction rules hold well for these time series also.  相似文献   
We have studied periodic orbits generated by Lagrangian solutions of the restricted three body problem when one of the primaries is an oblate body. We have determined the periodic orbits for different values of μ, h and A (h is energy constant, μ is mass ratio of the two primaries and A is an oblateness factor). These orbits have been determined by giving displacements along the tangent and normal to the mobile coordinates as defined by Karimov and Sokolsky (Celest. Mech. 46:335, 1989). These orbits have been drawn by using the predictor-corrector method. We have also studied the effect of oblateness by taking some fixed values of μ, A and h. As starters for our method, we use some known periodic orbits in the classical restricted three body problem.  相似文献   
Uttarakhand, a state of India, is located in seismically active Himalayan region and in the proximity of plate boundaries. The effects of important ground motion parameters like magnitude, distance, and local geology and site conditions on acceleration response spectra are examined in Uttarakhand Himalayas in this work. A total of 447 strong ground motion histories (horizontal and vertical) from 42 earthquakes were selected. The results show that the shape of the acceleration response spectra is influenced by the local site conditions and regional geology. The studies are carried out for two categories of sites, i.e., rock sites and soft soil sites. The maximum average horizontal spectral amplification for rock sites is 2.7 at 0.1 s, while for soft soil sites, it is found to be 3.2 at 0.2 s. In the same way, the maximum average vertical spectral amplification for rock is found to be 2.7 at 0.1 s, while for soft soil, it is found to be 2.95 at 0.1 s. The average spectral amplification in vertical component also shifts from low period (rock) to high period (soft soil). The level of spectra increases with decrease in distance for rock sites as well as soft soil sites. When comparing different magnitude earthquakes in different geological conditions, the response spectra are found to follow each other up to 0.04 s, while for period greater than 0.04 s, the spectra of higher magnitude earthquake is observed on the higher side. For soft soil sites, spectra from different magnitude earthquakes are observed to follow each other up to 0.1 s, beyond which they get separated.  相似文献   
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