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In the densely populated semi-arid territory around Delhi, the water demand is rising continuously, while the surface- and groundwater resources are threatened by contamination and overexploitation. This is a typical scenario in many newly industrialising and developing countries, where new approaches for a responsible resources management have to be found. Bank filtration holds a great potential, thus being a low tech method and benefiting from the storage and contaminant attenuation capacity of the natural soil/rock. For this study, three field sites have been constructed to investigate bank filtration in different environments in and around the megacity with a main focus on inorganic contaminants. Hydraulic heads, temperature gradients and hydrochemistry of surface water and groundwater were analysed in three different seasons. Depending on site-specific conditions, distinct hydrogeological conditions were observed and both positive and negative effects on water quality were identified. Most concerning issues are the impact of anthropogenic ammonia, the mixing with ambient saline groundwater and the mobilisation of arsenic during the reductive dissolution of manganese- and iron-(hydr)oxides. Positive aspects are the dilution of contaminants during the mixing of waters from different sources, the sorption of arsenic, denitrification, and the precipitation of fluoride under favourable conditions.  相似文献   
Mittal  Himanshu  Kumar  Ashok 《Natural Hazards》2015,78(2):1145-1161
Natural Hazards - In this work, an attempt has been made to simulate strong ground motion of M w 5.4 earthquake in Kumaun region of Uttarakhand. The simulation is based on modified stochastic...  相似文献   
Beldih mine at the central part of the South Purulia Shear Zone (SPSZ) has been reported with low grade uranium-bearing formation within quartz-magnetite-apatite host in kaolinized formation. Therefore, the present integrated geophysical study with gravity, magnetic, radiometric, very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF) and gradient resistivity profiling methods around the known mineralized zones aimed at identifying the exact geophysical signatures and lateral extent of these uranium mineralization bands. The closely spaced gravity-magnetic contours over the low to high anomaly transition zones of Bouguer, reduced-to-pole magnetic, and trend surface separated residual gravity-magnetic anomaly maps indicate the possibility of high altered zone(s) along NW-SE direction at the central part of the study area. High current density plots of VLF method and the low resistive zones in gradient resistivity study depict the coincidence with low gravity, moderately high magnetic and low resistivity anomalies at the same locations. Moderate high radioactive zones have also been observed over these locations. This also suggests the existence of radioactive mineralization over this region. Along profile P2, drilled borehole data revealed the presence of uranium mineralization at a depth of ~100 m. The vertical projection of this mineralization band also identified as low gravity, low resistivity and high magnetic anomaly zone. Thus, the application of integrated geophysical techniques supported by geological information successfully recognized the nature of geophysical signatures associated with the uranium mineralization of this region. This enhances the scope of further integrated geophysical investigations in the unexplored regions of SPSZ.  相似文献   
A statistical approach by a modified Markov process model was used to prove that the lower Permian coal measures of the Tanzanian Mchuchuma basin developed distinct cyclicities during deposition. From results the transition path of lithologic states typical for this coal sequence is as follows: (A) coarse sandstone, (B) medium sandstone, (C) fine-very fine sandstone, (D) shale, (E) mudstone, (F) coal or (E+F) and again (A) coarse sandstone. The majority of cycles is are asymmetric (ABCDEF-ABC.)but symmetrical cycles are present as well (ABCDEFED). The statistical results concur with observed sedimentological evidence of depositional environment. Fining upward cycles correspond to the development of basal channel bars, changing into levées, then into back swamps which are topped by coal swamps. Frequent interbedding of coal and mudstone in the upper part of the coal measures calls for periodic flooding and flushing of fine clastics into coal-forming swamps causing interruption of peat formation. Cyclical deposition is explained by wandering channels in response to varying discharge and rate of deposition, their lateral frequent shifting caused the formation of asymmetrical cycles in this fluviodeltaic depositional model.
Zusammenfassung Das kohleführende untere Perm des Mchuchuma Beckens (SW-Tanzania) wurde statistisch mit Hilfe der Markov Analyse auf Zyklizität innerhalb der Abfolge untersucht. Die statistischen Daten zeigen, daß die bevorzugte und für dieses Kohlebecken typische Sequenz folgende lithologische Abfolge umfaßt: (A) grober Sandstein, (B) mittlerer Sandstein, (C) feiner Sandstein, (D) Siltstein, (E) Tonstein, (F) bzw. (E+F) Kohle und erneut (A) grober Sandstein. Es existieren meist asymmetrische Zyklen (ABCDEF-ABCD...) aber symmetrische Zyklen (ABCDEFED) treten ebenfalls auf. Die Markov Analyse ergänzt sehr gut die Beobachtungen bezüglich des Ablagerungsmilieus in den Aufschlüssen. »Fining up« Zyklen beginnen mit basalen Gerinnesanden, überlagert von levée Ablagerungen, welche ihrerseits übergehen in »back swamps« und Kohlesümpfe. Der obere Teil der Kohleabfolge ist durch häufige Wechsellagerungen von Kohle mit Tonstein charakterisiert, die auf periodische Überflutungen und Verfrachtungen von Feinklastika in die Kohlesümpfe zurückzuführen sind. Wandernde Flußgerinne, ausgelöst durch rasch wechselnde Sedimentfracht und Ablagerungsrate, führten zu zyklischen Ablagerungen. Häufig auftretende laterale Gerinneverlagerungen erklären die asymmetrischen Zyklen in diesem fluvio-deltaischen Ablagerungsmodell.

Résumé Des analyses statistiques ont été effectuées par la méthode de Markov sur le Permien inférieur charbonnier du bassin de Mchuchuma (Tanzanie du sud-ouest) dans le but de montrer l'existence de cycles sédimentaires. Les résultats font apparaître une séquence, typique de ce bassin, qui s'ordonne ainsi de bas en haut: (A) grès grossier, (B) grès moyen, (C) grès fin à très fin, (F) siltite, (E) pélite, (F) charbon ou (E+F) et de nouveau (A) grès grossier. Les cycles sont pour la plupart assymétriques (ABCDEF-ABC...) mais il en existe aussi de symétriques (ABCDEFED).Les résultats obtenus par la méthode de Markov concordent avec les observations sédimentologiques relatives au milieu de dépôt. Les cycles granoclassés débutent par des sables fluviatiles surmontés par des dépôts de levées suivis à leur tour de »back swamps«, et se terminent par des dépôts de marais tourbeux. La partie supérieure de la série est caractérisée par une stratification alternée de charbon et de pélite due à des inondations périodiques amenant dans les marais des produits clastiques fins qui interrompaient la formation de la tourbe. La sédimentation cyclique s'explique par la migration de chenaux, provoquée par les variations de l'apport sédimentaire et de la vitesse de dépôt. Les fréquents déplacements latéraux des chenaux expliquent l'asymétrie des cycles, dans ce modèle fluvio-deltaïque.

- Mchuchuma (-). , : (A) ; (B) ; (C) - ; (D) ; (E) ; (F) , (E + F) (A) . (ABCDEF-ABCD), (ABCDEFED). . « » , , , . (). , , , . / .
This paper presents results of a study of long term trends in the characteristics of the within-season temporal profile of southwest monsoon rainfall over western India during the last five decades in relation to global warming induced regional climate change. In contrast to recent climate change analyses and projections, no significant long-term trends have been observed in this study. Slow decadal scale variations observed are analysed in relation to Pacific Decadal Oscillations (PDO). Daily variations in rainfall anomaly show opposite characteristics during negative and positive phases of PDO. The above-normal rainfall (>25%) is found during the starting phase of monsoon in negative PDO. Over the last decade, i.e., during 2000–2007, the seasonal rainfall amount, as well as seasonal span of southwest monsoon over western India is indicative of a gradual increase.  相似文献   
River bank erosion control by soil nailing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A study has been done for analysing soil nailed cuts with circular type wedge failure by friction circle method. Various parameters such as nail length, nail diameter, nail inclination, wall inclination and angle of internal friction of soil have been considered to determine the factor of safety of nailed open cuts. The study shows that for cohesionless soil nailed cut, factor of safety increase with increase of parameters like angle of internal friction of soil, length of nail (L) versus height of cut (H) ratio, cohesion of soil and nail inclination (upto 15°) with horizontal. The study revealed that nails grouted with cement perform better than driven nails. A case study further confirms the analytical findings. Received 7 October  相似文献   
In the present study, analysis of 238U concentration in 40 drinking water samples collected from different locations of Jodhpur, Nagaur, Bikaner and Jhunjhunu districts of Rajasthan, India has been carried out by using high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS) technique. The water samples were taken from hand pumps and tube wells having depths ranging from 50 to 800 feet. The measured uranium concentration lies in the range from 0.89 to 166.89 μg l-1 with the mean value of 31.72 μg l-1. The measured uranium content in twelve water samples was found to be higher than the safe limit of 30 μg l-1 as recommended by World Health Organization (WHO, 2011) and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, 2011). Radiological risk calculated in the form of annual effective dose estimated from annual uranium intake ranges from 0.66 to 138.63 μSv y-1 with the mean value of 26.28 μSv y-1. The annual effective dose in two drinking water samples was found to be greater than WHO (2004) recommended level of 100 μSv y-1. Chemical risk calculated in the form of lifetime average daily dose (LAAD) estimated from the water samples varies from 0.02 to 4.57 μg kg-1 d-1 with the mean value of 0.87 μg kg-1 d-1. The lifetime average daily dose (LAAD) of ten drinking water samples was found to be greater than WHO (2011) recommended level of 1 μg kg-1 d-1. The corresponding values of hazard quotient of 48% water samples were found to be greater than unity.A good positive correlation of uranium concentration with total dissolved solids (TDS) and conductance has been observed. However no correlation of uranium concentration with pH was observed. The results revels that uranium concentration in drinking water samples of the study area can cause radiological and chemical threat to the inhabitants.  相似文献   
We study in detail the effect of different particle release times from sources on the cosmic ray (CR) spectrum below 1015 eV in the Galaxy. We discuss different possible forms of particle injection such as burst-like injection, continuous injection for a finite time, injection from a stationary source and energy-dependent injection. When applied to the nearby known supernova remnants, we find that the observed CR anisotropy data favour the burst-like particle injection model for the CR diffusion coefficient   D ( E ) ∝ E a   with   a = 0.3 –0.6  in the local region. In this study we have also found that the contribution of the sources G114.3+0.3 and Monogem dominate if the observed anisotropy is a result of the effect of the nearby sources. Further study shows that we should not neglect the contribution of the undetected old sources to the local CR anisotropy.  相似文献   
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