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Except for those occurring at seafloor, most of natural gas hydrate form in sediments and are subject to the influence of sediment. Among these factors, the particle size effect on hydrate saturation level in sediment have been studied with a series of silica sands with various sizes, and the results obtained clearly indicate that particle size does play an important role in affecting the saturation level of hydrate in sediments. The proton relaxation times of water confined in the same series of silica sands, which were determined with NMR measurement, show logarithmic relationship with particle size. By comprehensive consideration of the results of hydrate saturation and water proton relaxation times, the particle size effect observed is tentatively explained by the water availability for hydrate formation in sediments.  相似文献   
Takuro  Nunoura  Hanako  Oida  Noriaki  Masui  Fumio  Inagaki  Ken  Takai  Satoshi  Hirano  Kenneth H.  Nealson  Koki  Horikoshi 《Island Arc》2006,15(3):328-337
Abstract   Culture-dependent and independent methods were used to evaluate the microbial communities in cores collected at depths up to 200 m in oil-bearing and oil-free strata near the Sagara oil reservoir near Shizuoka, Japan. Direct microbial counts revealed much higher numbers (2.2 × 104−7.9 × 106/g) of microbes in the oil-bearing strata than in the oil-free zones, where counts were uniform at approximately 1.0 × 104/g. Molecular taxonomic analyses via 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons showed that the oil-free strata were dominated by members of the γ-Proteobacteria including Pseudomonas , Stenotrophomonas and Sphingomonas , whereas the oil-bearing strata were dominated by a single species closely related to Pseudomonas stutzeri . All archaeal clones were phylogenetically affiliated with the uncultured soil group in Crenarchaeota with the exception of a single phylotype that belonged to the genus Thermococcus . Culture-dependent analysis was carried out by most-probable-number culturing as well as direct plating to determine viable cell counts, using both complex organic substrates or native oil and autotrophic media. Both culture-dependent and independent methods revealed the abundant cultivable member was the aerobic oil-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri and neither autotrophs nor anaerobic heterotrophs could be detected in the oil-bearing strata.  相似文献   
Removal of natural free estrogens and estrogen conjugates in a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was investigated and analyzed by GC‐MS, in which estrogen conjugates were first transformed to their corresponding free estrogens with an acid solvolysis procedure before their analysis. Natural free estrogens, E1‐3‐sulfate (E1‐3S), and E3‐3‐sulfate (E3‐3S) were detected with high concentrations in both the influent and effluent of the primary settling tank (PS), while no estrogen glucuronides were detected in any of the monitored wastewater samples. Regarding their removal efficiencies, all were almost completely removed, except for E1 with only a minor decrease. The estrogenic/androgenic removal of the same WWTP was also evaluated with estrogen receptor (androgen receptor) (ER (AR))‐binding assays, in which the removal efficiencies for E2 equivalents (EEQ) or testosterone equivalents (TEQ) were 68.5 and 72.2%. In addition, the chemically calculated EEQ from natural estrogens were about 20.6–39.3% that of the ER‐binding assay, in which E3 contributed the biggest proportion in both the influent and PS, while the calculated value of E1 increased from only 6.7% in the influent to as high as 20.6% in the effluent.  相似文献   
The stratigraphy of tsunami deposits along the Japan Sea, southwest Hokkaido, northern Japan, reveals tsunami recurrences in this particular area. Sandy tsunami deposits are preserved in small valley plains, whereas gravelly deposits of possible tsunami origin are identified in surficial soils covering a Holocene marine terrace and a slope talus. At least five horizons of tsunami events can be defined in the Okushiri Island, the youngest of which immediately overlies the Ko‐d tephra layer (1640 AD) and was likely formed by the historical Oshima‐Ohshima tsunami in 1741 AD. The four older tsunami deposits, dated using accelerator mass spectrometry 14C, were formed at around the 12th century, 1.5–1.6, 2.4–2.6, and 2.8–3.1 ka, respectively. Tsunami sand beds of the 1741 AD and circa 12th century events are recognized in the Hiyama District of Hokkaido Island, but the older tsunami deposits are missing. The deposits of these two tsunamis are found together at the same sites and distributed in regions where wave heights of the 1993 tsunami (Hokkaido Nansei‐oki earthquake, Mw = 7.7) were less than 3 m. Thus, the 12th century tsunami waves were possibly generated near the south of Okushiri Island, whereas the 1993 tsunami was generated towards the north of the island. The estimated recurrence intervals of paleotsunamis, 200–1100 years with an average of 500 years, likely represents the recurrence interval of large earthquakes which would have occurred along several active faults offshore of southwest Hokkaido.  相似文献   
Assessments of the molecular and isotopic composition of hydrate-bound and dissolved gases in pore water were conducted during the multi-phase gas hydrate project (MHP-09) cruise VER09-03 to the southern basin of Lake Baikal in September 2009. To avoid changes in gas composition during core sampling and transport, various headspace methods were investigated aimed at preserving the dissolved gases in pore water. When distilled water was added to the sediment samples, the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen decreased because of dissolution into the water and/or microbial consumption. When the headspace was not flushed with inert gases, trace levels of hydrogen and ethylene were detected. The findings suggest that best preparation is achieved by flushing the headspace with helium, and adding a saturated aqueous solution of sodium chloride. This improved headspace method served to examine the molecular and isotopic compositions of gas samples retrieved at several new sites in the southern basin. Methane was the major component, and the proportion of ethane ranged widely from 0.0009 to 1.67?mol% of the total hydrocarbon gases. The proportions of propane and higher hydrocarbons were small or less than their detection limits. The carbon isotope signatures suggest that microbial-sourced methane and ethane were dominant in the Peschanka study area, whereas ethane was of thermogenic origin at all other study sites in the southern basin of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   
Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) analysis is a radar technique for generating large-area maps of ground deformation using differences in the phase of microwaves returning to a satellite. In recent years, high-resolution SAR sensors have been developed that enable small-scale slope deformation to be detected, such as the partial block movement of a landslide. The L-band SAR (PALSAR-2) is mounted on Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2), which was launched on 24 Mar. 2014. Its main improvements compared with ALOS are enhanced resolution of as high as 3 m with a high-frequency recurrence period (14 days). Owing to its high resolution and the use of the L-band, PALSAR-2 can obtain reflective data passing through a tree canopy surface, unlike the other synthetic aperture radars. Therefore, the coherence of InSAR in mountainous forest areas is less likely to decrease, making it advantageous for the extraction of slope movement. In this study, to verify the accuracy of InSAR analysis using PALSAR-2 data, we compared the results of InSAR analysis and the measurement of the displacement in a landslide by global navigation satellite system (GNSS) observation. It was found that the average difference between the displacements obtained by InSAR analysis and the field measurements by GNSS was only 15.1 mm in the slant range direction, indicating the high accuracy of InSAR analysis. Many of the areas detected by InSAR analysis corresponded to the locations of surface changes due to landslide activity. Additionally, in the areas detected by InSAR analysis using multiple datasets, the ground changes due to landslide movement were confirmed by site investigation.  相似文献   
Discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA), a discrete numerical analysis method, is used to simulate the behaviour of falling rock by applying a linear displacement function in the computations. However, when a block rotates, this linear function causes a change in block size called the free expansion phenomenon. In addition, this free expansion results in contact identification problems when the rotating blocks are close to each other. To solve this problem of misjudgment and to obtain a more precise simulation of the falling rock, a new method called Post‐Contact Adjustment Method has been developed and applied to the program. The basic procedure of this new method can be divided into three stages: using the linear displacement function to generate the global matrix, introducing the non‐linear displacement function to the contact identification, and applying it to update the co‐ordinates of block vertices. This new method can be easily applied to the original DDA program, demonstrating better contact identification and size conservation results for falling rock problems than the original program. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Eoarchean Nulliak supracrustal rocks in the Saglek Block of northeastern Labrador, Canada, contain some of the world's oldest carbonate rocks. This work attempted to reveal the origin of the carbonate rocks and estimate the surface environmental conditions of the early Earth based on their occurrence and geochemistry. They occur together with mafic and ultramafic rocks in Pangertok Inlet and St. John's Harbour South, whereas they are interlayered with pelitic rock layers with quartzofeldspathic mineral assemblages in St. John's Harbour East and Big Island. The geological occurrence suggests that the formers were formed around hydrothermal fields, whereas the latters were deposited near a continental margin. Some carbonate rocks have high SiO2, Al2O3, and Zr contents, indicating that the silicification and involvement of detrital materials influenced their composition; thus, pure carbonate rocks were selected using a combined filter of the SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Zr, and Ba contents. The selected carbonate rocks have positive La, Eu, Gd, Y, U, Pb, and Sr anomalies, negative Nb, Zr, and Hf anomalies, and relatively small enrichment in heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). The La and Y anomalies suggest that they originated from chemical sediments precipitated from seawater. On the other hand, the small HREE-enrichment suggests that REEs were mainly dissolved as REE-carbonate complexes in seawater or that the riverine influxes were dominated by the detritus of Eoarchean continental crusts, presumably composed of HREE-depleted TTG. The U anomaly suggests that uranium was more dissolved than Th as U-bearing carbonate complexes in seawater. The Nulliak carbonate rocks also show a positive correlation between Y and Eu anomaly values, suggesting that the precipitation of iron-oxyhydroxide causing the Y anomaly was more significant near the hydrothermal fields than the continental margin, consistent with an alkaline hydrothermal model.  相似文献   
The Miocene Tokuwa pluton of ‘I-type’ granitoidaffinity was emplaced discordantly into a Cretaceous to Paleogeneaccretionary complex and induced a contact aureole in whichvarious thermally metamorphosed rocks were developed, includinghornfels, metatexite, diatexite and cordierite-bearing tonalite(Crd-tonalite) of ‘S-type’ granite affinity. Thethermally metamorphosed rocks show low-pressure reaction texturesculminating in partial melting. Peak P–T conditions of3 kbar at 780°C are estimated on the basis of the TWQ thermobarometerfor the garnet-bearing rocks. The rocks in the contact aureoleexhibit a gradual transition from hornfels, through metatexiteand diatexite to Crd-tonalite. The Sr-isotopic composition atthe time of Tokuwa pluton emplacement at 12 Ma decreases systematicallyfrom metatexite (0·7100–0·7112) throughdiatexite (0·7078–0·7094) to Crd-tonalite(0·7067–0·7068); this trend is interpretedin terms of mixing between the Tokuwa magma and the aureolemigmatites. The field relationships, geochemical data, and isotopicdata collectively suggest that the emplacement of the Tokuwapluton triggered partial melting of the surrounding metasedimentaryrocks. Subsequent hybridization of the Tokuwa magma with themetatexite in variable proportions produced the Crd-tonaliteand diatexite. The hybridization was caused by invasion of theTokuwa magma into the migmatite zone, accompanied by gravitationalcollapse of the previously crystallized wall of the magma chamber.The data presented demonstrate that even a relatively low-temperature,shallow, ‘I-type’ granitoid pluton can induce contactanatexis and hybrid ‘S-type’ granitoid formationat the intrusive contact. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; hybridization; magma–host-rock interaction; migmatite; ‘S-type’ granitoid  相似文献   
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