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Summary The hydrothermal evolution of the Sengan geothermal area, Northern Honshu, was studied using fluid inclusion microthermometry. Sengan is one of the most active geothermal areas in Japan, and it is dominated by andesitic to dacitic volcanic rocks of Pliocene and Quaternary age. Fluid inclusions were studied in hydrothermal minerals (quartz, calcite, anhydrite, wairakite) and in fractured igneous quartz phenocrysts from core samples retrieved from five geothermal exploration wells, which penetrated Quaternary and Tertiary formations, and intrusive rocks in or around the calderas. A caldera-hosted hydrothermal system was heated by a shallow intrusion, which produced hypersaline fluids. During the early stages some heterogeneity in fluid composition occurred, but during peak activity of the hydrothermal system, the fluid was dominantly low-salinity, and most likely of meteoric origin. We have reconstructed, by means of fluid inclusion studies, the structure of an extinct hydrothermal system in a Pliocene caldera filled with ignimbrites, and of an active hydrothermal system which is now being heated under the northern slope of Yakeyama volcano. Based on inclusion data, the aqueous fluids that circulated in the hydrothermal system ranged from very low saline (0–7 wt.% NaCl equiv.) to hypersaline (up to 60 wt.% NaCl equiv.), with temperatures ranging from 130 to 400 °C.  相似文献   
An eddy-resolving coupled physical–biological model is used to study the effect of cyclonic eddy in enhancing offshore chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) bloom in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean during boreal summer–fall 2006. The results demonstrate that the offshore Chl-a blooms are markedly coincident with the high eddy kinetic energy. Moreover, the vertical variations in Chl-a, nitrate, temperature, and mixed-layer depth (MLD) strongly imply that the cyclonic eddies induce surface Chl-a bloom through the injection of nutrient-rich water into the upper layer. Interestingly, we found that the surface bloom only occurs when the deep Chl-a maximum is located within the MLD. On the other hand, the response of subsurface Chl-a to the eddy pumping is remarkable, although it is hardly observable at the surface.  相似文献   
Abstract. Many granitic plutons of Early Cretaceous age are intruded on various scales in the Kitakami Mountains. The stock‐type Ganidake pluton accompanies enormous Fe‐Cu mineralization of the Kamaishi deposits, whereas the Kurihashi pluton accompanies less mineralization. To elucidate the cause of these differences, the metamorphic conditions and redox state of the contact metamorphic aureole around the Kurihashi pluton have been examined by the petrochemical study and gas analysis of the metamorphic rocks. A typical mineral assemblage in the pelitic rocks in the lowest‐grade part is biotite‐muscovite‐chlorite‐quartz‐plagio‐clase‐graphite, which occur more than 2 km away from the contact point with the Kurihashi pluton. Graphite disappears at the 1550 m point, and cordierite and garnet appear in the middle and highest‐grade parts, respectively. A typical mineral assemblage in the tuffaceous rocks in the lower‐grade part is chlorite‐actinolite‐biotite‐quartz‐plagioclase. Actinolite changes into hornblende near to the pluton. The CO2/CH4 ratios obtained in measurements by gas chromatography exceeds 100 in the pelitic rocks at the contact point with the pluton. The ratios decrease and become less than 0.1 with distance from the pluton. Equilibrium temperatures calculated from a garnet‐biotite pair in the pelitic rock and a hornblende‐plagioclase pair in the tuffaceous rock are 640d? and 681 d?C at the contact point, respectively. The log?o2 values among these metamorphic aureoles estimated from the CO2/CH4 ratios are slightly lower than the FMQ‐buffer. Redox states of the contact metamorphic aureole are kept in an intermediate condition between oxidized magma of the Kurihashi pluton and graphite‐bearing pelitic country rocks. Judging from these metamorphic conditions around the Kurihashi pluton and from the re‐evaluation of the previous knowledge about contact metasomatism around the Ganidake pluton, the Kurihashi metamorphism has occurred at higher temperatures and dry conditions than the Ganidake metasomatism. These differences in the metamorphic conditions and presence or absence of a large limestone mass around the pluton might be the principal reasons why the Kurihashi pluton accompanies less mineralization and the Ganidake pluton accompanies gigantic Kamaishi skarn mineralization.  相似文献   
Concentration of Fe-oxides and alumina in weathering processes are main geological reactions for lateritization and bauxitization, respectively. In western Japan, red-coloured soil formed by weathering processes developed in many places. This soil is composed of hydrous Fe-oxide minerals, hydrous alumina minerals and other minerals. It was formed in the upper part of deep weathering crust by weathering processes under some kind of sub-tropical climate, probably in the Pliocene. One of these occurrences is observed in the upper part of Goshikidai and Konodai, west part of Takamatsu city, northeast Shikoku Island, west Japan. A deep weathering crust is distributed on wide hilly plains ranging from 250 to 400 m a.m.s.l. in the northwestern region of Takamatsu city. Original rock of the weathering crust is bronzite andesite and glassy bronzite andesite, so-called ‘sanukite’. The andesites had been weathered under some special climate, and the geological age of the weathering is the same as above. The mineral assemblage and formation mechanism are similar to those of laterite and bauxite. The weathering crust developing in this region are subdivided into the three following zones: (1) A zone, composed of hydrous Fe-oxides and metahalloysite with small amounts of gibbsite and it is associated with white veins of metahalloysite; (2) B zone, composed of hydrous Fe-oxides and metahalloysite (some material is associated with -cristobalite); and C zone, composed of metahalloysite or halloysite and -cristobalite with relict crystals of feldspar and quartz, and some material is associated with montmorillonite. Chemical analyses of the materials of the three zones show the formation mechanisms of the weathering crust.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Hishikari epithermal gold deposit consists of parallel vertical veins hosted by the Quaternary volcanic rocks (QVR) and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks (CSR) at the shallow and deep levels, respectively. In order to reveal the litholog‐ical influence on the evolution of vein systems in the Hishikari field, vein density, width, spacing and position were statistically examined using cores sampled from three boreholes. The statistical features of the veins identified were summarized as follows, (i) The QVR have lower mean vein densities than the CSR. (ii) The former has smaller deformation degrees (ratios of total vein width per length) than the latter, (iii) Cumulative frequencies of vein density obey negative‐exponential distributions in both the types of rocks, (iv) Cumulative frequencies of vein width obey power‐law distributions with exponents of about ‐1 in both the types of rocks, but consist of two segments in the CSR. (v) Cumulative frequencies of vein spacing obey lognormal distributions with coefficients of variation between 1.8 and 3.5 in both the types of rocks. And (vi) fractal dimensions of vein position are between 0.45 and 0.52 at measure lengths between 0.1 and 10 m without distinctive difference between the two types of rocks. The feature (i) indicates higher ductility of the QVR against fracturing than the CSR. The feature (ii) implies that large deformation was accumulated in rocks themselves (e.g., alteration zones) in addition to the veins examined in the QVR compared to only the veins in the CSR. The feature (iv) suggests that the vein systems in the CSR reached a stage at which the several selected large veins grew as main conduit, that potentially provided pathways for ore‐forming fluids to ascend from deep levels. The coefficients of variation of vein spacing and fractal dimensions of vein position (features v and vi) indicate clustered distribution of the veins in the field. This study might be helpful for a better understanding of lithological influence on the evolution of vein systems not only in the Hishikari field but also in other fields.  相似文献   
The kinetic energy (KE) seasonality has been revealed by satellite altimeters in many oceanic regions. Question about the mechanisms that trigger this seasonality is still challenging. We address this question through the comparison of two numerical simulations. The first one, with a 1/10° horizontal grid spacing, 54 vertical levels, represents dynamics of physical scales larger than 50 km. The second one, with a 1/30° grid spacing, 100 vertical levels, takes into account the dynamics of physical scales down to 16 km. Comparison clearly emphasizes in the whole North Pacific Ocean, not only a significant KE increase by a factor up to three, but also the emergence of seasonal variability when the scale range 16–50 km (called submesoscales in this study) is taken into account. But the mechanisms explaining these KE changes display strong regional contrasts. In high KE regions, such the Kuroshio Extension and the western and eastern subtropics, frontal mixed-layer instabilities appear to be the main mechanism for the emergence of submesoscales in winter. Subsequent inverse kinetic energy cascade leads to the KE seasonality of larger scales. In other regions, in particular in subarctic regions, results suggest that the KE seasonality is principally produced by larger-scale instabilities with typical scales of 100 km and not so much by smaller-scale mixed-layer instabilities. Using arguments from geostrophic turbulence, the submesoscale impact in these regions is assumed to strengthen mesoscale eddies that become more coherent and not quickly dissipated, leading to a KE increase.  相似文献   
 The cation distribution of Co, Ni, and Zn between the M1 and M2 sites of a synthetic olivine was determined with a single-crystal diffraction method. The crystal data are (Co0.377Ni0.396Zn0.227)2SiO4, M r  = 212.692, orthorhombic, Pbnm, a = 475.64(3), b = 1022.83(8), and c = 596.96(6) pm, V = 0.2904(1) nm3, Z = 4, D x  = 4.864 g cm−3, and F(0 0 0) = 408.62. Lattice, positional, and thermal parameters were determined with MoKα radiation; R = 0.025 for 1487 symmetry-independent reflections with F > 4σ(F). The site occupancies of Co, Ni, and Zn were determined with synchrotron radiation employing the anomalous dispersion effect of Co and Ni. The synchrotron radiation data include two sets of intensity data collected at 161.57 and 149.81 pm, which are about 1 pm longer than Co and Ni absorption edges, respectively. The R value was 0.022 for Co K edge data with 174 independent reflections, and 0.034 for Ni K edge data with 169 reflections. The occupancies are 0.334Co + 0.539Ni + 0.127Zn in the M1 sites, and 0.420Co + 0.253Ni + 0.327Zn in the M2 sites. The compilation of the cation distributions in olivines shows that the distributions depend on ionic radii and electronegativities of constituent cations, and that the partition coefficient can be estimated from the equation: ln [(A/B)M1/(A/B)M2] = −0.272 (IR A -IR B ) + 3.65 (EN A EN B ), where IR (pm) and EN are ionic radius and electronegativity, respectively. Received: 8 April 1999 / Revised, accepted: 7 September 1999  相似文献   
Yang  Yang  Liang  X. San  Sasaki  Hideharu 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(11-12):1069-1086
Ocean Dynamics - In the power spectrum, the upper and deep parts of the Kuroshio Extension have distinctly different peaks. The former peaks around 200 days, while the latter is mainly at the...  相似文献   
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