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The aim of this study was to assess trace metal contamination of drinking water in the Pearl Valley, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan). The objectives were to determine physical properties and the dissolved concentration of five trace metals, i. e., lead, copper, nickel, zinc, and manganese, in drinking water samples collected from various sites of municipal water supply, natural water springs and wells in the valley. Concentrations of the metals in the water samples were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Results showed physical parameters, i. e., appearance, taste and odor within acceptable limits and pH was between 5.5 and 7.0. The observed concentrations of the metals varied between sources of water samples and between sampling sites. Maximum dissolved concentration observed was 4.7 mg/L for Pb and Mn, 4.6 mg/L for Zn, 2.9 mg/L for Ni and 2.8 mg/L for Cu. The observed concentrations of the metals were compared with the World Health Organization's guideline values for drinking water. Overall, the quality of water samples taken from the water springs at Mutyal Mara and Bonjosa was good; however, the water quality was unsuitable for drinking in Kiraki, Kharick, and Pothi Bala localities particularly. Finally, the authors discuss possible causes for increased concentrations of the trace metals in drinking water in the study area.  相似文献   
Twenty four new strains were tested for their yield, quality and Leaf Curl Virus (ClCuV) resistance. NIAB-111/S, NIAB-98 and NIAB-999 were significantly high fruit bearing varieties at 90 days completing 59.54, 48.26 and 46.00% fruiting respectively. Seed cotton yield of VH-142 was highest with 5417 kgha?1 and 52 per plant boll bearing, DNH-57 and NIAB-999 remained second and third with 5234 and 5095 kg ha?1 seed cotton yield, respectively. BH-160 and CRIS-467 were found to be second and third highest boll bearing varieties with 50.97 and 40.20 per plant average bolls respectively. Plant height in CRIS-467, MNH-642 and SLH-224 was significantly higher in comparison to other varieties.NIAB-98, CIM-499 and CIM-506 were found short stature varieties in comparison with other but out of these NIAB-98 and CIM-506 were in high yielding position and CIM-499 was found medium yielder variety. GOT% of MNH-642 remained highest having value of 45.00%. While GOT%. of NIBGE-1, CRIS-168 and CRIS-467 was at lowest position with 35.73, 35.89 and 36.62% respectively. NIAB-111, CIM-499 and BH-160 were at first position in terms of fibre fineness with micronaire values 3.98, 4.00 and 4.07 ìg/inch having fibre length 28.53, 31.38 and 30.23 mm respectively. Out of 26 varieties, 16 varieties resulted maturity index in the range of 85.03% and 90.30% with highest maturity index in case of NIBGE-1 (i.e. 90.30%) followed by NIAB-999 and MNH-642 with 89.55 and 85.5% respectively.CRIS-168, CRIS-468 and CRIS-467 were found viral susceptible.  相似文献   
The Rum Layered Suite (NW Scotland) is generally regarded as one of a handful of classic examples of open‐system layered mafic‐ultramafic intrusions, or ‘fossilized’ basaltic magma chambers, world‐wide. The eastern portion of the Rum intrusion is constructed of sixteen repeated, coupled, peridotite–troctolite units. Each major cyclic unit has been linked to a major magma replenishment event, with repeated settling out of ‘crops’ of olivine and plagioclase crystals to form the cumulate rocks. However, there are variations in the lithological succession that complicate this oversimplified model, including the presence of chromitite (>60 vol. percent Cr‐spinel) seams. The ~2 mm thick chromitite seams host significant platinum‐group element (PGE) enrichment (e.g. ~2 ppm Pt) and likely formed in situ, i.e. at the crystal mush–magma interface. Given that the bulk of the world's exploited PGE come from a layered intrusion that bears remarkable structural and lithological similarities to Rum, the Bushveld Complex (South Africa), comparisons between these intrusions raise intriguing implications for precious metal mineralization in layered intrusions.  相似文献   
The suitability of groundwater quality for drinking and agricultural purposes was assessed in the rural areas of Delhi based on the various water quality parameters. A total of 50 ground water samples were collected randomly from different sources viz. hand pump, tube well, boring and analyzed for major ion chemistry to understand the operating mechanism of geochemical processes for ground water quality. The quality analysis is performed through the estimation of pH, EC, TDS, total hardness, total alkalinity, Na, K, Cl, NO3, SO4, DO, BOD, Cu, Cr, Cd, Ni, Zn and Pb. Hydrochemical facies were identified using Piper, Durov and Chadha diagram. Chemical data were also used for mathematical calculations (SAR, %Na, RSC, PI, KI, and chloroalkaline indices) for better understanding the suitability of ground water for irrigation purposes. The results of saturation index shows that all the water samples were supersaturated to undersaturated with respect to carbonate minerals and undersaturated with respect to sulphate and chloride minerals. According to USSL diagram, most of the samples fall in the field of C3S1, indicating medium salinity and low sodium water which can be used for almost all types of soil with little danger of exchangeable sodium. Assessment of water samples from various methods indicated that majority of the ground water in the study area is chemically suitable for drinking and agricultural uses.  相似文献   
Demand for irrigation water increases day by day along with meteorological vagaries and extension of irrigated area in the drought-prone Barind area of Bangladesh. This increasing stress on water resource is gradually making the area water scare. The study is aimed at studying the morphometric parameters of the Atrai-Sib river basin in the Barind area and on their relevance in water resource management based on satellite images and SRTM DEM. Computation and delineation of linear and areal aspects of the river basin and its morphometric components reveals that stream order ranges from first to eighth order showing dendritic drainage pattern. The basin represents homogeneity of soil texture; possibility of flash flood after heavy rainfall with low discharge of runoff; and is not largely affected by structural disturbance. Moderate drainage density of the river basin area indicates semipermeable soil lithology with moderate vegetation. Mean bifurcation ratio of the basin is calculated as 3.92 and elongation ratio 0.75, which indicate elongated shape of the river basin with low to moderate relief bounded in the east and west by ‘moderate to steep’ sloping land area. It reveals a flatter peak of runoff flow for longer duration and gravity flow of water. The gentle but undulating slope of the basin represents ‘excellent’ category for groundwater management as the site is favorable for infiltration due to maximum time of runoff water percolation. The east facing slopes of the basin show higher moisture content and higher vegetation than the west-facing slope. The land use pattern of the area shows that major part (95.29%) comes under the cultivated land which will support future river basin development and management. Results obtained from the study would be useful in categorization of river basins for future water resource development and management, and selection of suitable sites for water conservation structures such as check dam, percolation tank, artificial recharge of groundwater through MAR technique etc.  相似文献   
The current debate on the origin of platinum-group element (PGE) reefs in layered intrusions centres mostly on gravity settling of sulphide liquid from overlying magma versus its introduction with interstitial melt/fluids migrating upward from the underlying cumulate pile. Here, we show that PGE-rich chromitite seams of the Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion provide evidence for an alternative origin of such deposits in layered intrusions. These laterally extensive 2-mm-thick chromitite seams occur at the bases of several cyclic mafic–ultramafic units and show lithological and textural relationships suggesting in situ growth directly at a crystal–liquid interface. This follows from chromitite development along the edges of steeply inclined culminations and depressions at unit boundaries, even where these are vertically oriented or overhanging. High concentrations of PGE (up to 2–3 ppm Pd + Pt) are controlled by fine-grained base-metal sulphides, which are closely associated with chromitite seams. The following sequence of events explains the origin of the PGE-rich chromitite seams: (a) emplacement of picritic magma that caused thermal and mechanical erosion of underlying cumulate, followed by in situ growth of chromite against the base, (b) precipitation of sulphide droplets on chromite grains acting as favourable substrate or catalyst for sulphide nucleation, (c) the scavenging of PGE by sulphide droplets from fresh magma continuously brought towards the base by convection. Since the rate of magma convection is 105–107 times higher than that of the solidification (km/year to km/day versus 0.5–1.0 cm/year), the in situ formed sulphide droplets can equilibrate with picritic magma of thousands to million times their own volume. As a result, the sulphide-bearing rocks are able to reach economic concentrations of PGE (several ppm). We tentatively suggest that the basic principles of our model may be used to explain the origin of PGE-rich chromitites and classical PGE reefs in other layered mafic–ultramafic intrusions.  相似文献   
Sixteen genotypes developed through hybridization and mutation breeding techniques were evaluated during the year 2003–04 on nine locations covering most of the area of Punjab province including Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh and Jhang. NIAB-IRRI-9, Jhona-379 salt tolerant genotypes and super Basmati, a salt sensitive variety were included as standard checks. The tested material (six genotypes) was generated by crossing fine varieties of rice viz. Basmati-370 and Basmati-385 with three coarse varieties of rice viz. NIAB-IRRI-9, Jhona-349 and NIAB-Rice-1. The mutants (seven mutants) were derived by gamma irradiation of rice varieties, Basmati-370 and Basmati-385. The nine sets of experiments were conducted in the naturally high saline sodic soils having EC range of 9.2–18.13 d/Sm pH=8.65–9.50, and SAR=20.7–37.15. The seed yield data collected at maturity and stability parameters were computed to know genotypic x environment interaction and varietals performance. The combined analysis of variance showed highly significant variance in case of varieties, locations and varieties x locations interaction. Varieties and varieties x Environment (Lin) also showed highly significant differences. It means that genotypes exhibited different behavior in different locations / environments which is due to their different genetic make up. The behavior may be cross over (in which significant change in ranking occurs from one environment to another) or cross over nature (in which case the ranking of genotype remains constant across environments and the interaction is significant because of change in the magnitude of response) depending upon the ranking order of genotypes performance under different environment. In our study, only super Basmati behavior was of almost non cross over nature, while others had cross over type of interaction. Based on overall mean seed performance, mutant NIAB-Rice-4 and DM-38/88 produced significantly the highest grain yield (5.6 t/ha) followed by mutant line NIAB-Rice-5 (5.4 t/ha) and NIAB-rice-2 (5.3 t/ha). The lowest performing genotype was super Basmati (3.0 t/ha). The coarse variety Jhona-349 produced (4.8 t/ha) grain yield. Mutant line DM-38/88 showed significant regression co-efficient differences from unity while mutant line NIAB-Rice-4 showed non significant difference of regression co-efficient from unity. Mutant line, NIAB-Rice-4 also showed non significant difference of standard deviation to regression co-efficient from zero. All the three parameters of stability i.e. overall mean seed yield, regression co-efficient and standard deviation to regression, provided clear evidence that mutant line NIAB-Rice-4 produced maximum stable yield compared to super Basmati.  相似文献   
The germplasm of 15 guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) ecotypes was collected from different stressed ecozones of Pakistan to study the morphogenetic parameters under various levels of salt stress. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with three repeats and three treatments, i.e. 3, 9 and 15 dS m−1 in 135 pots lined with polythene bags. The results showed that salt stress had considerable effect on plant height, root length, roof fresh and dry weights, shoot fresh and dry weights and seed yield per plant. However, ecotype/accession 281/3 and 239/2 performed better than others at higher salinity levels.  相似文献   
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