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The accurate surface wind in the equatorial Indian Ocean is crucial for modeling ocean circulation over this region. In this study, the surface wind analysis generated at the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) are compared with NASA QuikSCAT satellite derived Level2B (swath level) and Level3 (gridded) surface winds for the year 2005. It is observed that the ECMWF winds exhibit speed bias of 1.5 m/s with respect to QuikSCAT Level3 in the southern equatorial Indian Ocean. The NCEP winds are found to exhibit speed bias (1.0–1.5 m/s) in the southern equatorial Indian Ocean specifically during January–February 2005. The biases are also observed in the analysis when compared with Level2B product as well; however, it is less in comparison to Level3 products. The amplitude of daily variations of both ECMWF and NCEP wind speed in Bay of Bengal and parts of the Arabian Sea is about 80% of that in QuikSCAT, while in the equatorial Indian Ocean it is about 60% of that of QuikSCAT.  相似文献   
Formation and maturation of glauconites within the early Middle Eocene Harudi Formation, built up in a lagoon to shelf transition in western Kutch, India is addressed taking recourse to a combined sedimentological, micropalaeontological and mineralogical investigation. The glauconite is authigenic and its occurrence coincides with maximum flooding. The glauconite is more matured within the fecal pellets and is less matured within the intra-particle pores of bioclasts namely, foraminifera, ostracoda, gastropoda and bryozoa. SEM-EDS, XRD and geochemical studies clearly document that the infilling within the intra-particle pores of bioclasts belong to nascent to slightly evolved glauconite (<5 wt% K2O), while the pellet belongs to slightly evolved to evolved glauconite (5-7 wt% K2O). Based on chemical characteristics and SEM investigations the glauconitization process can be best explained by the ‘verdissement theory’. The glauconite possibly formed as initial authigenic glauconitic smectite precipitates; while the pellet matured subsequently by addition of K, the process was hindered in case of infillings. The maturation process also involved addition of Si and release of Al, with or without release of Mg. The glauconite maturation was facilitated in case of fecal pellets because of higher porosity, inter-granular nature of pores and availability of necessary elements in semi-confined micro-environments. In contrast, the maturation was aborted at an early stage in case of infillings because of the minute, closed nature of the pores and prevalent alkaline conditions not allowing dissolution of calcitic tests. A low negative cerium anomaly suggests glauconite formation in sub-oxic micro-environments, created by decay of organic matters within the fecal pellets and bioclasts. A clear case of substratum control on glauconitization becomes apparent.  相似文献   
The Yamuna flood plains spread across the northern part of Indian subcontinent is home to millions of people. The ever-growing population in these plains make it difficult to sustain the demand of freshwater resources. However, the productive aquifers of flood plains could provide solution for these issues. In this context, it is necessary to understand the aquifer characteristics. Thus, the paper attempts to characterize the aquifer in Palla area of the flood plain using integrated approach. Besides, grain size analysis and site-litholog study, the nature of aquifer material was also ascertained from bulk mineralogy of the sediments using X-Ray Diffraction. The aquifer parameters were estimated with help of long duration pumping test data. Moreover, the effect of pumping on salinity variation and hydrochemical facies evolution was also examined. The sand dominant, unconfined aquifer was estimated to have horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the range of 25 m/day and vertical hydraulic conductivity of 6–7 m /day. While the specific yield of the aquifer was estimated in the range of 0.07–0.08. It is observed that under conducive active flood plain environment, the given sand mineralogy at the site does not allow salinity increase in groundwater even after more than a decade of groundwater pumping. In fact, over years, hydrochemical facies have evolved towards Bicarbonate type. These things put together make the active flood plain aquifer a sustainable groundwater resource.  相似文献   
In the NW Sub-Himalayan frontal thrust belt in India, seismic interpretation of subsurface geometry of the Kangra and Dehradun re-entrant mismatch with the previously proposed models. These procedures lack direct quantitative measurement on the seismic profile required for subsurface structural architecture. Here we use a predictive angular function for establishing quantitative geometric relationships between fault and fold shapes with ‘Distance–displacement method’ (D–d method). It is a prognostic straightforward mechanism to probe the possible structural network from a seismic profile. Two seismic profiles Kangra-2 and Kangra-4 of Kangra re-entrant, Himachal Pradesh (India), are investigated for the fault-related folds associated with the Balh and Paror anticlines. For Paror anticline, the final cut-off angle \(\beta =35{^{\circ }}\) was obtained by transforming the seismic time profile into depth profile to corroborate the interpreted structures. Also, the estimated shortening along the Jawalamukhi Thrust and Jhor Fault, lying between the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) and the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in the frontal fold-thrust belt, were found to be 6.06 and 0.25 km, respectively. Lastly, the geometric method of fold-fault relationship has been exercised to document the existence of a fault-bend fold above the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT). Measurement of shortening along the fault plane is employed as an ancillary tool to prove the multi-bending geometry of the blind thrust of the Dehradun re-entrant.  相似文献   
Sedimentary processes in the paleocoastal part of the Bengal basin that occured in the Tertiary and Quaternary have been addressed. Three indicators were used: sedimentary bedding forms, microstructure of the sediment, and trace fossils. Various forms of sedimentary structures developed under the influence of dynamic geomorphic processes in the study area in the Quaternary. The microstructure analysis of the sedimentary materials was made by two methods: microphotography and Digital Color Analysis (DCA). The microstructure analysis shows that the geomorphic process remained very dynamic in the Quaternary, influencing the form, thickness, and mineral composition of the sediment strata. The enrichment of the sediments in heavy minerals evidences either oscillating or combined flow sedimentation, while under stable conditions light-mineral deposition took place. The digital data of microfabric study by the DCA method also show that larger particles deposited in the oscillating or high-flow environment and evidence a greater amount of heavy minerals like ferruginous materials. Trace fossils found in the sediments of this area also strongly support the concept that the environment remained dynamic during the Tertiary and Quaternary. The Late Tertiary deposition shows that, during these periods, the sediments were transported from tide-dominated marine coast with low flow energy, which is typical of hot and humid conditions. From Late Tertiary to Early Quaternary, the macrotidal coast became mesotidal (wave-dominated). The second phase is the Middle Pleistocene, when the environment was stable, favoring the continuous deposition of finer particles under low- to medium-flow energy conditions. The third phase, the Recent, is marked by the shoreline shift and modification of the environment. In the Early–Middle Holocene, the shoreline started to shift, which modified the geomorphic conditions of this place from coastal to estuarine and, finally, inland fluvial.  相似文献   
The East Kolkata Wetlands is a unique resource recovery system. The Ramsar Convention recognized it as a ‘Wetland of International Importance’ in August 2002. However, the long-term resource exploitation and land use changes in the dynamic ecosystem have resulted in non-linear environmental responses. This is an attempt using open source remote sensing datasets to capture the spatio-temporal transformation of the wetland resulting from various anthropogenic activities. Landsat MSS and TM imageries of 1973, 1980, 1989, 2001 and 2010 were classified using Maximum Likelihood Classifier to monitor the wetland change; however, to study wetland dynamics, the post-classification wetland change detection maps have been generated for two temporal phases, i.e. 1973–1989 and 1989–2010. This study finds that the area under wetlands has reduced comprehensively in the past 40 years due to the conversion of wetlands into various other uses such as urban expansion of the Kolkata metropolitan city.  相似文献   
Detrital mode, composition of feldspars and heavy minerals, and major element chemistry of sandstones from the Permo-Triassic succession in the intracratonic Satpura Gondwana basin, central India have been used to investigate provenance. The Talchir Formation, the lowermost unit of the succession, comprises glacio-marine and glacio-fluvial deposits. The rest of the succession (base to top) comprising the Barakar, Motur, Bijori, Pachmarhi and Denwa formations, largely represent variety of fluvial depositional systems with minor fluvio-deltaic and fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation under a variety of climatic conditions including cold, warm, arid, sub-humid and semi-arid. QFL compositions of the sandstones indicate a predominantly continental block provenance and stable cratonic to fault-bounded basement uplift tectonic setting. Compositional maturity of sandstones gradually increases upwards from the Early Permian Talchir to the Middle Triassic Denwa but is punctuated by a sharp peak of increased maturity in the Barakar sandstones. This temporal change in maturity was primarily controlled by temporal variation in fault-induced basement uplift in the craton and was also influenced by climatic factors. Plots of different quartz types suggest plutonic source rocks for the Talchir sandstones and medium-to high-rank metamorphic plus plutonic source rocks for the younger sandstones. Composition of alkali feldspars in the Permo-Triassic sandstones and in different Precambrian rocks suggests sediment derivation from felsic igneous and metasedimentary rocks. Compositions of plagioclase in the Talchir and Bijori sandstones are comparable with those of granite, acid volcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Precambrian basement suggesting the latter as possible source. Rare presence of high-K plagioclase in the Talchir sandstones, however, indicates minor contribution from volcanic source rock. Exclusively plagioclase-bearing metasedimentary rock, tonalite gneiss and mafic rocks are the probable sources of plagioclase in the Upper Denwa sandstones. Quartz-rich nature of the sandstones, predominance of K-feldspar over plagioclase and albite rich character of plagioclase in the sandstones is consistent with deposition in an intracratonic, pull-apart basin like the Satpura Gondwana basin. Composition of garnet and its comparison with that from the Precambrian basement rocks suggests mica-schist and amphibolite as possible sources. Predominance of dravite variety of tourmaline in the Permian sandstones suggests sediment supply from metasedimentary rocks. Presence of both dravite and schorl variety of tourmaline in subequal amount in the Triassic sandstones indicates sediment derivation from granitic and metasedimentary rocks. However, schorl-bearing rocks are absent in the basement complex of the study area. A-CN-K plot suggests granites, acid volcanic rock and meta-sediments of the basement as possible sources of the Talchir sandstones and metasedimentary rocks for the Barakar to Pachmarhi sandstones. The Denwa sandstones were possibly derived from K-feldspar-free, plagioclase-bearing metasediments, mafic rocks and tonalite gneiss. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values suggest low intensity source rock weathering for the Talchir sandstones and higher intensity source rock weathering for the others. Various bivariate plots of major oxides composition of the sandstones suggest passive to active continental margin setting and even arc tectonic setting for a few samples.  相似文献   
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