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Genesis of the calc-alkaline igneous rock suite   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
A high pressure experimental study of the partial melting fields of synthetic high-alumina olivine tholeiite, high-alumina quartz tholeiite, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyodacite under dry and wet conditions has been conducted in order to investigate possible origins of the calc-alkaline series from the upper mantle. Detailed analyses of crystallizing phases using the electron microprobe has enabled calculation of the liquid line of descent in these compositions at various pressures.At 27–36 kb garnet and clinopyroxene are the liquidus or near-liquidus phases in dry tholeiite, basaltic andesite and andesite, while quartz is the liquidus phases in dry dacite and rhyodacite. Under wet conditions at 27 kb garnet, not quartz, is the liquidus phase in the dacite. Qualitatively these results show that the low melting fraction of a quartz eclogite at 27–36 kb under dry conditions is of andesitic composition whereas under wet conditions it is rhyodacitic or granodioritic. At these pressures under dry conditions the andesite liquidus lies in a marked low temperature trough between the more basic and more acid compositions. Quantitatively, the calculated compositions of liquid fractionates for varying degrees of melting of the quartz eclogite bulk composition broadly follow the calc-alkaline trend.At 9–10 kb under wet conditions sub-silicic amphibole and pyroxenes are the near-liquidus phases in tholeiite and basaltic andesite compositions. Calcic plagioclase and garnet occur nearer the solidus. The calculated liquid fractionates follow the calc-alkaline trend and demonstrate that the calc-alkaline series may be derived by the partial melting of amphibolite at lower crustal depths under wet conditions , Or by the fractional crystallization of a hydrous basalt magma at similar depths.These experimental results support two complementary hypotheses for the derivation of the calc-alkaline igneous rock suite from the mantle by a two stage igneous process. In the first stage of both hypotheses large piles of basalt are extruded on the earth's surface. Subsequently this pile of basalt may, under dry conditions, transform to quartz eclogite, sink into the mantle and finally undergo partial melting at 100–150 kms depth. This partial melting gives rise to the calc-alkaline magma series leaving a residuum of clinopyroxene and garnet. Alternatively, if wet conditions prevail in the basalt pile and the geotherms remain high, partial melting of the basalt may take place near the base of the pile, at about 10 kb pressure . The liquids so formed constitute the calc-alkaline suite and the residuum consists of amphibole, pyroxenes and possibly minor garnet and calcic plagioclase. Both models may be directly linked to the hypothesis of sea-floor spreading.  相似文献   
Abstract— Laboratory dissolution experiments using the LL6 ordinary chondrite Bensour demonstrate that meteoritic minerals readily react with distilled water at low temperatures, liberating ions into solution and forming reaction products. Three experiments were performed, all for 68 days and at atmospheric fO2 but using a range of water/rock ratios and different temperatures. Experiments 1 and 2 were batch experiments and undertaken at room temperature, whereas in experiment 3, condensed boiling water was dripped onto meteorite subsamples within a Soxhlet extractor. Solutions from experiment 1 were chemically analyzed at the end of the experiment, whereas aliquots were extracted from experiments 2 and 3 for analysis at regular intervals. In all three experiments, a very significant proportion of the Na, Cl, and K within the Bensour subsamples entered solution, demonstrating that chlorapatite and feldspar were especially susceptible to dissolution. Concentrations of Mg, Al, Si, Ca, and Fe in solution were strongly affected by the precipitation of reaction products and Mg and Ca may also have been removed by sorption. Calculations predict saturation of experimental solutions with respect to Al hydroxides, Fe oxides, and Fe (oxy)hydroxides, which would have frequently been accompanied by hydrous aluminosilicates. Some reaction products were identified and include silica, a Mg‐rich silicate, Fe oxides, and Fe (oxy)hydroxides. The implications of these results are that even very short periods of subaerial exposure of ordinary chondrites will lead to dissolution of primary minerals and crystallization of weathering products that are likely to include aluminosilicates and silicates, Mg‐Ca carbonates, and sulfates in addition to the ubiquitous Fe oxides and (oxy)hydroxides.  相似文献   
The Paleoproterozoic (Statherian) Thelon Basin is located in the Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield, formed following the Trans‐Hudson Orogeny. Basin formation followed an interval of felsic volcanism and weathering of underlying bedrock. The diagenetic evolution of the Thelon lasted about one billion years and was punctuated by fluid movement influenced by tectonic events. Early quartz cements formed in well‐sorted, quartz‐rich facies during diagenetic stage 1; fluids in which these overgrowths formed had δ18O values near 0‰ (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water). Uranium‐rich apatite cement (P1) also formed during diagenetic stage 1 indicating that oxygenated, uranium‐bearing pore water was present in the basin early in its diagenetic history. Syntaxial quartz cement (Q1) formed in water with δ18O from ?4 to ?0.8‰ in diagenetic stage 2. Diagenetic stage 3 occurred when the Thelon Formation was at ca. 5 km depth, and was marked by extensive illitization, alteration of detrital grains, and uranium mineralization. Basin‐wide, illite crystallized at ~200 °C by fluids with δ18O values of 5–9‰ and δD values of ?60 to ?31‰, consistent with evolved basinal brines. Tectonism caused by the accretion of Nena at ca. 1600 Ma may have provided the mechanism for brine movement during deep burial. Diagenetic stage 4 is associated with fracturing and emplacement of mafic dikes at ca. 1300 Ma, quartz cement (Q3) in fractures and vugs, further illitization, and recrystallization of uraninite (U2). Q3 cements have fluid inclusions that suggest variable salinities, δ18O values of 1.5–9‰, and δD values of ?97 to ?83‰ for stage 4 brines. K‐feldspar and Mg‐chlorite formed during diagenetic stage 5 at ca. 1000 Ma in upper stratigraphic sequences, and in the west. These phases precipitated from low‐temperature, isotopically distinct fluids. Their distribution indicates that the basin hydrostratigraphy remained partitioned for >600 Ma.  相似文献   
Increases in nitrate loading to the Mississippi River watershed during the last 50 years are considered responsible for the increase in hypoxic zone size in Louisiana-Texas shelf bottom waters. There is currently a national mandate to decrease the size of the hypoxic zone to 5000 km2 by 2015, mostly by a 30% reduction in annual nitrogen discharge into the Gulf of Mexico. We developed an ecosystem model for the Mississippi River plume to investigate the response of organic matter production and sedimentation to variable nitrate loading. The nitrogen-based model consisted of nine compartments (nitrate, ammonium, labile dissolved organic nitrogen, bacteria, small phytoplankton, diatoms, micro- and mesozooplankton, and detritus), and was developed for the spring season, when sedimentation of organic matter from plume surface waters is considered important in the development of shelf hypoxia. The model was forced by physical parameters specified along the river-ocean salinity gradient, including residence time, light attenuation by dissolved and particulate matter, mixed layer depth, and dilution. The model was developed using measurements of biological biomasses and nutrient concentrations across the salinity gradient, and model validation was performed with an independent dataset of primary production measurements for different riverine NO3 loads. Based on simulations over the range of observed springtime NO3 loads, small phytoplankton contributed on average 80% to primary production for intermediate to high salinities (>15), and the main contributors to modeled sedimentation at these salinities were diatom sinking, microzooplankton egestion, and small phytoplankton mortality. We investigated the impact of limiting factors on the relationship between NO3 loading and ecosystem rates. Model results showed that primary production was primarily limited by physical dilution of NO3, followed by abiotic light attenuation, light attenuation due to mixing, and diatom sinking. Sedimentation was mainly limited by the first three of these factors. Neither zooplankton grazing or plume residence times acted as limiting factors of ecosystem rates. Regarding nutrient reductions to the watershed, simulations showed that about half of the percent decrease in NO3 load was reflected in decreased plume sedimentation. For example, a 30% decrease in NO3 load resulted in a 19% decrease in average plume primary production and a 14% decrease in sedimentation. Finally, our model results indicated that the fraction of primary production exported from surface waters is highly variable with salinity (7–87%), a finding which has important implications for predictive models of hypoxic zone size that assume a constant value for this ratio.  相似文献   
A portable Wavelength Scanned‐Cavity Ring‐Down Spectrometer (Picarro L2120) fitted with a diffusion sampler (DS‐CRDS) was used for the first time to continuously measure δ18O and δ2H of stream water. The experiment took place during a storm event in a wet tropical agricultural catchment in north‐eastern Australia. At a temporal resolution of one minute, the DS‐CRDS measured 2160 δ18O and δ2H values continuously over a period of 36 h with a precision of ±0.08 and 0.5‰ for δ18O and δ2H, respectively. Four main advantages in using high temporal resolution stream δ18O and δ2H data during a storm event are highlighted from this study. First, they enabled us to separate components of the hydrograph, which was not possible using high temporal resolution electrical conductivity data that represented changes in solute transfers during the storm event rather than physical hydrological processes. The results from the hydrograph separation confirm fast groundwater contribution to the stream, with the first 5 h of increases in stream discharge comprising over 70% pre‐event water. Second, the high temporal resolution stream δ18O and δ2H data allowed us to detect a short‐lived reversal in stream isotopic values (δ18O increase by 0.4‰ over 9 min), which was observed immediately after the heavy rainfall period. Third, δ18O values were used to calculate a time lag of 20 min between the physical and chemical stream responses during the storm event. Finally, the hydrograph separation highlights the role of event waters in the runoff transfers of herbicides and nutrients from this heavily cultivated catchment to the Great Barrier Reef. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Ephemeral streams are small headwater streams that only experience streamflow in response to a precipitation event. Due to their highly complex and dynamic spatial and temporal nature, ephemeral streams have been difficult to monitor and are in general poorly understood. This research implemented an extensive network of electrical resistance sensors to monitor three ephemeral streams within the same small headwater catchment in Southern Ontario, Canada. The results suggest that the most common patterns of network expansion and contraction in the studied streams are incomplete coalescence and disintegration, respectively. Binary logistic regression analysis of the primary controls on ephemeral streamflow showed only weak Nagelkerke R2 values, suggesting that there are more complex processes at work in these ephemeral streams. A comparison of all three streams suggests that even ephemeral streams within the same subwatershed may experience differences in network expansion and contraction and may be dominated by different spatial and temporal controls. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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