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Major and trace element geochemistry of coexisting hornblendes and biotites from the Ambalavayal granite, northern Kerala, are presented. The hornblendes correspond to edenitic composition, whereas the biotites correspond to annite. The hornblendes typically show high Al2O3 contents (9·69–11·89%) comparable with those from anorogenic granites. The biotites are characteristically low Mg-type, similar to those reported from alkaline rocks. The distribution coefficients calculated for all the major and trace elements are presented and an evaluation of the nature of variation indicate near-chemical equilibrium conditions during the crystallization of the two minerals. The hornblende-biotite tie lines in the Fe3+?Fe2+?Mg compositional triangle, lie parallel to those of buffered biotites, indicating crystallization in an environment closed to oxygen and well above the Ni?NiO buffer. It is inferred that thefH2O increased towards the residual stage andfO2 values were high, in the range of 10?15 bars.  相似文献   
Panning for placer gold in the river beds of Punna Puzha and Chaliyar Puzha in the Nilambur Valley, southwest India, has been in vogue among the local people for the last few centuries. The auriferous quartz veins and reefs associated with the Precambrian migmatitic gneisses of the region had been mined for several years. Of late, Au is also being recovered from the laterite matrix of gravels in the old river terraces and from the residual laterites overlying the gneisses. The size of Au nuggets associated with the laterites is much higher (0.5 mm) than that of the Au in vein quartz (0.2 mm) and the associated heavy minerals in the placers (0.2 mm). The Au nuggets show surface and internal textures characteristic of redeposition under low-temperature conditions. Our field and laboratory investigations suggest that dissolution, transport and redeposition of Au occurred in Nilambur concomitant with the lateritisation process.  相似文献   
Ophiolite studies over the decades have played a crucial role in better understanding of mid-ocean ridge and subduction zone processes,mantle dynamics and heterogeneity,fluid-rock interactions in both sub-oceanic and sub-arc upper mantle,and the mechanisms of continental growth in accretionary and collisional belts.The continued interest in ophiolites as a topic of multi-disciplinary research in Earth Sciences has resulted in a wealth of new data,syntheses,and ideas from ophiolites around the world.  相似文献   
采用气相色谱检测的方法,进行大西洋庸鲽精液脂肪酸组成分析及激素GnRHa诱导对其组成影响的研究。结果表明,大西洋庸鲽精液中含量最高的脂肪酸种类为22:6n-3(DHA,二十二碳六烯酸),占总脂肪酸比例25.67%±0.94%;其次为16:0(PA,棕榈酸)、20:5n-3(EPA,二十碳五烯酸);重要必需不饱和脂肪酸20:4n-6(AA,花生四烯酸)含量较低,为1.76%±0.01%。精液中高不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量较高,为44.25%±0.30%;饱和脂肪酸(SAT)含量为27.72%±0.22%。重要脂肪酸比例DHA/EPA为2.33±0.26;EPA/AA为6.30±0.51;n-3/n-6为9.22±0.60。激素诱导未对精液中脂肪酸组成产生显著影响。重要必需脂肪酸DHA、EPA、AA,以及n-3、n-6等重要种类的脂肪酸总量在激素诱导组与非诱导对照组样品间无显著差异;在激素诱导后的三个取样时间的样品间也无显著差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   
The Rajahmundry Trap Basalts(RTB) are erupted through fault-controlled fissures in the Krishna-Godavari Basin(K-G Basin) of Godavari Triple Junction,occurring as a unique outcrop sandwiched between Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments along the east coast of India.Detailed geochemical studies have revealed that RTB are mid-Ti(1.74-1.92) to high-Ti(2.04-2.81) basalts with a distinct quartz tholeiitic parentage.MgO(6.2-13.12 wt.%),Mg#(29-50) and Zr(109-202 ppm) suggest that these basalts evolved by fractional crystallization during the ascent of the parent magma along deep-seated fractures.Moderate to high fractionation of HREE,as indicated by(Gd/Yb)N ratios(1.71-2.31) of RTB,suggest their generation through 3-5%melting of a Fe-rich mantle corresponding to the stability fields of spinel and garnet peridotite at depths of 60-100 km.Low K2O/P2O5(0.26-1.26),high TiO2/P2O5(6.74-16.79),La/Nb(0.89-1.45),Nb/Th > 8(8.35-13),negative anomalies at Rb reflect minimum contamination by granitic continental crust.(Nb/La)PM ratios(0.66-1.1) of RTB are attributed to endogenic contamination resulted through recycling of subducted oceanic slab into the mantle.Pronounced Ba enrichment with relative depletion in Rb indicates assimilation of Infra- and Inter-trappean sediments of estuarine to shallow marine character.Geochemical compositions such as Al2O3/TiO2(3.88-6.83),medium to high TiO2(1.74-2.81 wt.%).positive Nb anomalies and LREE enrichment of these RTB attest to their mantle plume origin and indicate the generation of parent magma from a plume-related enriched mantle source with EM 1signature.Ba/Th(46-247),Ba/La(3.96-28.51) and Th/Nb(0.08-0.13) ratios suggest that the source enrichment process was marked by recycling of subduction-processed oceanic crust and lithospheric components into the mantle.Zr/Hf(37-41) and Zr/Ba(0.51-3.24) indicate involvement of an asthenospheric mantle source.The Rajahmundry basalts show affinity towards FOZO(focal zone mantle) and PSCL(post-Archaean subcontinental lithosphere) which reflect mixing between asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle components in their source.Origin of RTB magma is attributed to plume-lithosphere interaction and the upward movement of melt is facilitated by intrabasinal deep-seated faults in the K-G Basin.  相似文献   
Clay liners are widely used as barriers to arrest the migration of pollutants. These liners are subjected to leaching of various chemicals and hazardous wastes. Migration of heavy metals through the liner material may lead to changes in the soil properties and this, in turn, may affect the performance of liners. In this paper, the change in index and engineering properties of clayey soil due to migration of lead is presented. Pronounced changes in soil properties are noticed when the soil is contaminated with high concentrations of lead. The findings from the present study are important while designing liners in landfills used for containment of pollution due to heavy metals and hazardous wastes.  相似文献   
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