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In the past few decades, rapid urbanization has occurred in many regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to increasing population and urban development. Additionally, the effects of global warming on rainfall characteristics have been observed. This rapid change in urbanization and climate change has cause significant changes in the nature of land surfaces and rainfall patterns, which affect the runoff process and the amount of surface runoff during floods. This study investigated the effect of urbanization and rainfall intensity for Hafr Al-Batin watershed located in Saudi Arabia. For this purpose, a hydrologic model, HEC-HMS, was adopted to simulate the flow of different rainfall intesities and urbanization levels. Simulated results showed that for a 100-year storm, a 24-h duration, and an urbanization level of 80%, the peak flow was 213% higher than the estimated current peak and the runoff volume was 112% higher than the current runoff volume. These results show a strong linear correlation between the level of urbanization and both peak discharge and runoff volume. Furthermore, the results indicate that for short return periods, the peak flow is more sensitive to the level of urbanization compared to long periods.  相似文献   
In the paper, a novel inversion approach is used for the solution of the problem of factor analysis. The float-encoded genetic algorithm as a global optimization method is implemented to extract factor variables using open-hole logging data. The suggested statistical workflow is used to give a reliable estimate for not only the factors but also the related petrophysical properties in hydrocarbon formations. In the first step, the factor loadings and scores are estimated by Jöreskog’s fast approximate method, which are gradually improved by the genetic algorithm. The forward problem is solved to calculate wireline logs directly from the factor scores. In each generation, the observed and calculated well logs are compared to update the factor population. During the genetic algorithm run, the average fitness of factor populations is maximized to give the best fit between the observed and theoretical data. By using the empirical relation between the first factor and formation shaliness, the shale volume is estimated along the borehole. Permeability as a derived quantity also correlates with the first factor, which allows its determination from an independent source. The estimation results agree well with those of independent deterministic modeling and core measurements. Case studies from Hungary and the USA demonstrate the feasibility of the global optimization based factor analysis, which provides a useful tool for improved reservoir characterization.  相似文献   
Continuous-in-scale multifractal cascades has long been an attractive choice for mathematically modeling turbulent and turbulent-like geophysical fields. These fields are usually anisotropic as they are subject to both stratification and rotation, thereby questioning the isotropy assumption often made to model them. The self-affine and generalized scale invariance approaches to scaling are used here to introduce anisotropy in such models. These anisotropic simulations have (1) unresolved large-scale features and (2) statistics that deviate from the desired power-law scaling mainly in the small scales. The former issue is solved via nesting, whereas the latter is attempted to be overcome using singularity correction methods. While earlier studies have proposed isotropic correction methods, here they have been generalized to correct anisotropic simulations. These singularity corrections seem to improve the small-scale statistical properties of mildly anisotropic simulations; nesting, on the other hand, appears to enhance statistics over almost all scales even for strongly anisotropic simulations. Both the correction and nesting techniques lead to a reduction in computational time and memory usage suggesting that nested singularity-corrected cascades offer a better framework for quantitatively modeling the atmosphere, ocean, solid earth, and associated fields.  相似文献   
The mafic dykes in Wadi Mandar-Wadi Um Adawi area are as follows: (1) calc-alkaline lamprophyre (i.e., kersantite and spessartite), (2) diabase, and (3) alkaline lamprophyre (i.e., camptonite). The field relations reveal that the emplacement of calc-alkaline lamprophyres preceded the diabase dykes, while alkaline lamprophyres emplaced later than the diabase dykes. Calc-alkaline are basaltic andesite, basaltic trachyandesite to basalt, while the diabase dykes and alkaline lamprophyres are basaltic in composition. These dykes are characterized by metaluminous character. Calc-alkaline lamprophyres and diabase dykes show transitional affinity from calc-alkaline to alkaline, while the alkaline lamprophyres exhibit more strong alkaline character. The mafic dykes were crystallized under temperature 1100–1150 °C and pressure 3–5 kbars in a high oxygen fugacity conditions. Fe-Ti oxides in the dykes are represented by ilmenite and Ti-magnetite. The chemistry of the sulfides hosted in those mafic dykes suggests a magmatic-hydrothermal origin for these minerals. The geochemical behavior of high field strength elements and large ion lithophile elements in these dykes excludes the derivation of diabase or alkaline lamprophyre either by partial melting or fractional crystallization from calc-alkaline lamprophyre. The parental magmatic sources of the studied dykes were generated from crustal material with addition of mantle-derived melt during the post-collisional stage. The mafic dykes in Wadi Mandar-Wadi Um Adawi area were generated from different magmatic sources by partial melting and subsequent fractional crystallization. In addition, the crustal contamination/assimilation process has a prominent role in the magmatic evolution of diabase and alkaline lamprophyre dykes.  相似文献   
A compositional multivariate approach was used to analyse regional-scale soil geochemical data obtained as part of the Tellus Project generated by the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland. The multi-element total concentration data presented comprise X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses of 6862 rural soil samples collected at 20-cm depth on a non-aligned grid at one site per \(2\,\hbox {km}^{2}\). Censored data were imputed using published detection limits. Each soil sample site was assigned to the regional geology map, resulting in spatial data for one categorical variable and 35 continuous variables comprised of individual and amalgamated elements. This paper examines the extent to which soil geochemistry reflects the underlying geology or superficial deposits. Since the soil geochemistry is compositional, log-ratios were computed to adequately evaluate the data using multivariate statistical methods. Principal component analysis (PCA) and minimum/maximum autocorrelation factors (MAF) were used to carry out linear discriminant analysis (LDA) as a means to discover and validate processes related to the geologic assemblages coded as age bracket. Peat cover was introduced as an additional category to measure the ability to predict and monitor fragile ecosystems. Overall prediction accuracies for the age bracket categories were 68.4 % using PCA and 74.7 % using MAF. With inclusion of peat, the accuracy for LDA classification decreased to 65.0 and 69.9 %, respectively. The increase in misclassification due to the presence of peat may reflect degradation of peat-covered areas since the creation of superficial deposit classification.  相似文献   
The characteristics of source rocks and weathering of Palaeoproterozoic phyllitic rock of Mahakoshal Group and Mesoproterozoic shales and siliciclastics of Vindhyan Supergroup exposed in Son Valley, Central India have been investigated by analyzing their chemical compositions. The investigations pertaining to the relationship between major-elements were carried out along Parshoi, Chitrangi, and Markundi areas of Son valley, Central, India. The studied rock strata have been classified into three categories namely phyllitic rocks, shales and sandstone.The A-CN-K ternary diagram, CIW, CIA, MIA, and ICV values indicate about the similar provenance or source rocks subjected to severe chemical weathering, under dry and hot-humid climates in a basic and acidic environment with changing lower to higher PCO2 of continental flora. Various geochemical discriminantts diagrams, elemental ratios suggest that rocks are derived from post-Archaean-Proterozoic igneous source. The igneous source was mainly granite with a minor contribution of granodioritic rock, in a passive margin setting. The sediments responsible for formation of shale and sandstones were most likely deposited in the interglacial period in between the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic glacial times. Compositionally the sandstones is distinctive of cratonic environments with their passive continental margin setting. However, the phyllities of Mahakoshal Group suggests their formation under lower weathering conditions in dry climatic conditions which were operating on more intermediate to basic igneous rocks with abundance of mafic minerals.  相似文献   
Sonrai basin, located along the southwestern margin of Bundelkhand Granite-Gneiss Complex (BGC) is known for its base metal and phosphorite mineralization. Uranium mineralization of appreciable grade and thickness was reported in Pisnari block in the northern part of this basin during sub-surface exploration activity in 1976-97. This was in the form of uranium-bitumin association within fractures in the carbonate-terrigenous sediments of Gorakalan shale, Rohini carbonate and Bandai sandstone of Sonrai Formation of Bijawar Group. Similar mineralization was also noted within the lower chloritic shale member of Solda Formation of the same Group. During subsequent drilling activity at a later phase (2005-09), uranium rich zones within Rohini carbonate and chloritic shale members were corroborated by the interception of mineralized bands in two boreholes drilled near Pisnari. Petrographic study of radioactive core samples reveal that uranium mineralization is closely associated with globular carbonaceous matter and sulphides along the fractures. Uranium is either adsorbed in carbonaceous matter or occurs as ultrafine inclusions of coffinite within carbonaceous matter. An additional phase of secondary uranium mineral (uranophane) is also noted in one of the boreholes. The uranium minerals, in association with sulphides, fill up moderately dipping fractures (approximately 15o towards North) which are oblique to the core axis of the inclined borehole and thus, the mineralization is characterized as hydrothermal fracture-controlled vein type mineralisation. C-HN- S analysis of carbonaceous matter occurring in close association with the uranium minerals reveal heterogeneity in composition with respect to carbon and sulfur. The present paper aims at discussing the geological, petrological and radiometric aspects of this mineralization, so as to enhance the understanding of the same.  相似文献   
In this study we present a fresh isotopic data, as well as U–Pb ages from different REE-minerals in carbonatites and phoscorites of Guli massif using in situ LA-ICPMS technique. The analyses were conducted on apatites and perovskites from calcio-carbonatite and phoscorite units, as well as on pyrochlores and baddeleyites from the carbonatites. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios obtained from apatites and perovskites from the phoscorites are 0.70308–0.70314 and 0.70306–0.70313, respectively; and 0.70310–0.70325 and 0.70314–0.70327, for the pyrochlores and apatites from the carbonatites, respectively.Furthermore, the in situ laser ablation analyses of apatites and perovskites from the phoscorite yield εNd from 3.6 (±1) to 5.1 (±0.5) and from 3.8 (±0.5) to 4.9 (±0.5), respectively; εNd of apatites, perovskites and pyrochlores from carbonatite ranges from 3.2 (±0.7) to 4.9 (±0.9), 3.9 (±0.6) to 4.5 (±0.8) and 3.2 (±0.4) to 4.4 (±0.8), respectively. Laser ablation analyses of baddeleyites yielded an eHf(t)d of +8.5 (± 0.18); prior to this study Hf isotopic characteristic of Guli massif was not known. Our new in situ εNd, 87Sr/86Sr and eHf data on minerals in the Guli carbonatites imply a depleted source with a long time integrated high Lu/Hf, Sm/Nd, Sr/Rb ratios.In situ U–Pb age determination was performed on perovskites from the carbonatites and phoscorites and also on pyrochlores and baddeleyites from carbonatites. The co-existing pyrochlores, perovskites and baddeleyites in carbonatites yielded ages of 252.3 ± 1.9, 252.5 ± 1.5 and 250.8 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively. The perovskites from the phoscorites yielded an age of 253.8 ± 1.9 Ma. The obtained age for Guli carbonatites and phoscorites lies within the range of ages previously reported for the Siberian Flood Basalts and suggest essentially synchronous emplacement with the Permian-Triassic boundary.  相似文献   
The project area lies in the southern part of the Hazara Kashmir syntaxis. The Hazara Kashmir syntaxis is an antiformal structure. The project area includes Rumbli, Namb, Chatrora, Chachan, Panjar, Barathian and Utrinna areas of Rawalpindi and Sudhnoti districts. The southeastern limb of the Hazara Kashmir syntaxis is imbricated along Punjal thrust, Main Boundary thrust and Riasi fault. The Jhelum fault truncates the western limb of Hazara Kashmir syntaxis. The core of syntaxis comprises of Himalayan molasse deposits. These molasse deposits represent the part of cover sequence of Indian plate. These Himalayan molasse deposits include the Early to Middle Miocene Kamlial Formation, Middle to Late Miocene Chinji Formation, Late Miocene Nagri Formation and Late Miocene Dhok Pathan Formation. The area is highly deformed resulting folds and faults. The major folds in the project area are the Panjar anticline, Barathian syncline, Barathian anticline, Rumbli anticline, Chatrora antiformal syncline and Namb syncline. The folds are either northwest-southeast trending or southwestnortheast trending. The folds are asymmetric, open, and gentle and close in nature. The folds are southwest, northeast or southeast vergent. The Jhelum fault truncates the northeast and northwest trending structures. The folds and faults are the result of northeastsouthwest or northwest-southeast Himalayan compression.  相似文献   
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