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Laboratory simulation of the catagenesis of organic matter in sedimentary rocks has been used to provide an understanding of the processes involved in petroleum generation. Several of these studies have focused on the thermal evolution of organic matter (OM) present in Recent sediments. This study examines the geochemical characteristics and experimental thermal evolution of primary organic matter from two organic facies that are thought to be major contributors to Venezuelan hydrocarbon source rocks. A third facies, generally considered unimportant for petroleum formation, is used to contrast the experimental results. Hydrous pyrolysis maturation experiments were performed for three intermediate temperatures. The products of the final 330°C stage are shown in this paper because they best illustrate the changes in the OM during catagenesis. Results from the hydrous pyrolysis experiments show that at 280°C and higher all three samples yield liquid hydrocarbons similar in composition to natural crudes and the transformed organic matter is similar to kerogen that occurs in natural source rocks. Chromatograms from the saturated fraction of extracts at 330°C are similar to natural crudes with respect to n-alkane distribution and abundance of beta; and beta;alpha; hopanes. The only difference seems to be the relative abundance of 22R over 22S isomers, which indicates immature oil. This is in contrast to indications from the R
o and T
max parameters measured on the accompanying kerogen. 相似文献
Márcio Poletti Laurini 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2017,19(4):371-398
We propose a spatial error model with continuous random effects based on Matérn covariance functions and apply this model for the analysis of income convergence processes (\(\beta \)-convergence). The use of a model with continuous random effects permits a clearer visualization and interpretation of the spatial dependency patterns, avoids the problems of defining neighborhoods in spatial econometrics models, and allows projecting the spatial effects for every possible location in the continuous space, circumventing the existing aggregations in discrete lattice representations. We apply this model approach to analyze the economic growth of Brazilian municipalities between 1991 and 2010 using unconditional and conditional formulations and a spatiotemporal model of convergence. The results indicate that the estimated spatial random effects are consistent with the existence of income convergence clubs for Brazilian municipalities in this period. 相似文献
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of single crystals of biotite, muscovite and chlorite has been measured in order to provide accurate values of the magnetic anisotropy properties for these common rock-forming minerals. The low-field AMS and the high-field paramagnetic susceptibility are defined. For the high-field values, it is necessary to combine the paramagnetic deviatoric tensor obtained from the high-field torque magnetometer with the paramagnetic bulk susceptibility measured from magnetization curves of the crystals. This leads to the full paramagnetic susceptibility ellipsoid due to the anisotropic distribution of iron cations in the silicate lattice. The ellipsoid of paramagnetic susceptibility, which was obtained for the three phyllosilicates, is highly oblate in shape and the minimum susceptibility direction is subparallel to the crystallographic c-axes. The anisotropy of the susceptibility within the basal plane of the biotite has been evaluated and found to be isotropic within the accuracy of the instrumental measurements. The degree of anisotropy of biotite and chlorite is compatible with previously reported values while for muscovite the smaller than previously published values. The shape of the chlorite AMS ellipsoid for all the samples is near-perfect oblate in contrast with a wide distribution of oblate and prolate values reported in earlier studies. Reliable values are important for deriving models of the magnetic anisotropy where it reflects mineral fabrics and deformation of rocks. 相似文献
Unraveling the Peruvian Phase of the Central Andes: stratigraphy,sedimentology and geochronology of the Salar de Atacama Basin (22°30–23°S), northern Chile

The Salar de Atacama Basin holds important information regarding the tectonic activity, sedimentary environments and their variations in northern Chile during Cretaceous times. About 4000 m of high‐resolution stratigraphic columns of the Tonel, Purilactis and Barros Arana Formations reveal braided fluvial and alluvial facies, typical of arid to semi‐arid environments, interrupted by scarce intervals with evaporitic, aeolian and lacustrine sedimentation, displaying an overall coarsening‐upward trend. Clast‐count and point‐count data evidence the progressive erosion from Mesozoic volcanic rocks to Palaeozoic basement granitoids and deposits located around the Cordillera de Domeyko area, which is indicative of an unroofing process. The palaeocurrent data show that the source area was located to the west. The U/Pb detrital zircon geochronological data give maximum depositional ages of 149 Ma for the base of the Tonel Formation (Agua Salada Member), and 107 Ma for its middle member (La Escalera Member); 79 Ma for the lower Purilactis Formation (Limón Verde Member), and 73 Ma for the Barros Arana Formation. The sources of these zircons were located mainly to the west, and comprised from the Coastal Cordillera to the Precordillera. The ages and pulses record the tectonic activity during the Peruvian Phase, which can be split into two large events; an early phase, around 107 Ma, showing uplift of the Coastal Cordillera area, and a late phase around 79 Ma indicating an eastward jump of the deformation front to the Cordillera de Domeyko area. The lack of internal deformation and the thicknesses measured suggest that deposition of the units occurred in the foredeep zone of an eastward‐verging basin. This sedimentation would have ended with the K‐T phase, recognized in most of northern Chile. 相似文献
Enrique Pérez Richard de Grijs Rosa M. González Delgado 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2009,324(2-4):79-81
Diamond in metasedimentary crustal rocks from Pohorje,Eastern Alps: a window to deep continental subduction

M. Janák N. Froitzheim K. Yoshida V. Sasinková M. Nosko T. Kobayashi T. Hirajima M. Vrabec 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》2015,33(5):495-512
We report the first finding of diamond and moissanite in metasedimentary crustal rocks of Pohorje Mountains (Slovenia) in the Austroalpine ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane of the Eastern Alps. Microscopic observations and Raman spectroscopy show that diamond occurs in situ as inclusions in garnet, being heterogeneously distributed. Under the optical microscope, diamond‐bearing inclusions are of cuboidal to rounded shape and of pinkish, yellow to brownish colour. The Raman spectra of the investigated diamond show a sharp, first order peak of sp3‐bonded carbon, in most cases centred between 1332 and 1330 cm?1, with a full width at half maximum between 3 and 5 cm?1. Several spectra show Raman bands typical for disordered graphitic (sp2‐bonded) carbon. Detailed observations show that diamond occurs either as a monomineralic, single‐crystal inclusion or it is associated with SiC (moissanite), CO2 and CH4 in polyphase inclusions. This rare record of diamond occurring with moissanite as fluid‐inclusion daughter minerals implies the crystallization of diamond and moissanite from a supercritical fluid at reducing conditions. Thermodynamic modelling suggests that diamond‐bearing gneisses attained P–T conditions of ≥3.5 GPa and 800–850 °C, similar to eclogites and garnet peridotites. We argue that diamond formed when carbonaceous sediment underwent UHP metamorphism at mantle depth exceeding 100 km during continental subduction in the Late Cretaceous (c. 95–92 Ma). The finding of diamond confirms UHP metamorphism in the Pohorje Mountains, the most deeply subducted part of Austroalpine units. 相似文献
M. Martínez G. Márquez F.J. Alejandre J.J. Del Río A. Hurtado 《Journal of South American Earth Sciences》2009,27(2-3):211-218
The aim of this research work is a geochemical, mineralogical, and textural characterization of spontaneously smouldered coal-derived products in northwestern Venezuela (Cerro Pelado Formation, some 10 km from Pedregal city). Several solid samples were collected from this formation, six of unweathering coal, an other six of resulting unmelted rocks forming on a surface coal bed, and the last four of mineralizations found accumulating around gas vents. The fresh coal and the unmelted material were analysed by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and proximate techniques. Products such as magnetite and chabazite-K were identified in the alteration rocks. Likewise, both materials were also studied in order to determine the mobilization of 17 elements into the environment; such elements were analysed through inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy on extracts obtained by a sequential extraction method: each sample was firstly extracted with MilliQ water and then the resultant residue was washed. This and the subsequently resulting residues are extracted according to the mentioned procedure by using, respectively, ammonium acetate, chlorhydric acid, peroxide and chlorhydric acid, nitric acid and fluorhydric acid, and nitric acid. The studied elements are classified as highly mobile (Na, Ni, ...), nearly immobile (Ti, P) and partially mobile (Mg, Fe, K, ...). In regards to mineralizations around fumaroles associated with smoldering coal seams, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses have revealed the presence of salammoniac, mascagnite and other solid combustion compounds formed by reaction of gas emitted from coal oxidation, in addition to previously non-reported sulfur-rich by-products associated with gas fissures, particularly ammonium thiosulfate, a phase first obtained only synthetically in the laboratory. Another objective of the research was to collect and analyse gases escaping from surficial vents. Relatively high concentrations of several aromatic compounds were detected in the gas collected at the studied coal outcrop, as well as aliphatic hydrocarbons including ethane, propane, butanes, among others. High contents of carbon monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide were also measured for gas samples. 相似文献
Carlos Moreira Souza Jr. Kátia Pereira Victor Lins Sanae Haiashy Daniel Souza 《Earth Science Informatics》2009,2(4):205-215
A web GIS (WGIS) system for the Brazilian Amazon, named ImazonGeo and based on open source and public domain data, is presented.
ImazonGeo was built following three principles. First, the system is based on Spatial Data Infrastructure architecture and
web interface built using free software and public domain data. Second, we went beyond visualization of maps and spatial queries
by providing information obtained with spatial analysis models. To do that, we designed a database that stores the results
of previously defined spatial analyses and developed customized reports and query tools to facilitate fast access of information
by end-users. Finally, the system is application-oriented in the areas of forest monitoring, conservation and forest law enforcement,
meaning that it aims to contribute to support the protection of Brazilian Amazon forests. We illustrate these principles by
presenting ImazonGeo’s technology, architecture, content and tools. Moreover, we present two successful cases to demonstrate
how the system is being used. We conclude the paper discussing the challenges and potential solutions to turning our WGIS-SDI
system into an internet hub of geo-information about the Brazilian Amazon. 相似文献
RésuméUne étude des structures cassantes permet de préciser l’évolution tectonique du Bassin de Vienne, généralement considéré comme un bassin de type « pull apart » typique. Le champ de contrainte ottnangien-carpathien (18,5-16, 5 Ma) est caractérisé par une compression NNW-SSE. Pendant le Badénien-Sannanticn (16,5-11 Ma) une zone cisaillante sénestre de direction NE-SW a été formée dans un régime en compression N-S et extension E-W. En liaison avec cette zone décrochante trois types d’extension locale conduisent à une forte subsidence dans les dépression : extension NE-SW parallèle aux accidents sénestres, extension E-W entre les décrochements et extension NW-SE au-dessus des zones décrochantes profondes. Le champ de contrainte vers la fin du Sannaticn est marqué par une compression ENE-WSW, tandis que celui du Pannonicn- récent est similaire á celui du Miocène moyen.Une rotation de la paléocontrainte maximale horizontale, de NNW-SSE a ENE-SSW est mise en évidence pendant la période Ottnangien-Sannantien (18,5-11 Ma). Cette rotation est parallèle A celle des directions de mise en place des nappes carpathicnnes externes. L’origine des rotation est l’échappement continental des Alpes orientales et des Carpathes septentrionales vers le NE et son blocage graduel d’Ouest en Est au front des nappes carpathiennes. Après ce blocage, l’échappement a continué avec une faible intensité du Pannonien à l’Actuel. Alors que l’échappement a été initié par une compression N-S due á la collision Europe-promontoire Adriatique, le champ de contrainte à l’intérieur des blocs échappés reflète l’effet de leur blocage au front des nappes carpalhiques. 相似文献