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We propose a chronology of late Wisconsinan glacial fluctuations in middle North America, from Alberta to Wisconsin, based on radiocarbon dates derived solely from wood. Previous chronologies of the southwestern margin of the North American Continental Ice Sheet have depended to a considerable degree on radiocarbon dates from fine-grained organic sediment. This material is commonly contaminated with older carbon, resulting in chronologic confusion. By using only dates from wood, much of the confusion disappears. However, because of the scarcity of wood dates, only four of the sixteen identified fluctuations are accurately dated: an advance into Iowa about 14,000 to 13,500 BP, an advance into South Dakota and Iowa about 12,300 BP, an advance into the Lake Michigan basin about 11,700 BP, and an advance into the Lake Superior basin about 9900 BP. In addition, the beginning of late Wisconsinan glaciation, before 20,000 BP, is fairly well documented. None of the fluctuations in the western part of the region are accurately dated.  相似文献   
This study evaluated remedial alternatives for a petroleum-contaminated site where an unconfined aquifer composed of a sandy layer of about 3–3.5 m thickness is covered by alluvial deposits and reclaimed soil of about 1.5 m thickness. Precambrian gneiss, of low permeability, lies below the sandy layer. The shallow water table is about 3 m below the surface, but shows high fluctuations of up to 1.5 m in response to precipitation events. The unsaturated soil near the water table and the groundwater are highly contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, especially toluene, which have apparently leaked from storage tanks. Selection of the remedial alternatives required consideration of the relevant laws on soil and groundwater conservation in Korea, the results of risk analysis and the hydrogeological conditions. The contaminated area has been divided into zones in which different remediation goals are set based on risk analysis and the degree of natural attenuation. It is estimated that the clean-up goal can be achieved in two years by the combined use of a trench drain and well point pumping to collect the contaminated groundwater for treatment, and a dual air injection system for the contaminated soil.  相似文献   
Crop models are useful tools for assessing the impact of climate change on crop production. The dynamic crop-growth model, CERES-Wheat is used to examine crop management responses, including yield, under six climate change scenarios for the years 2025 and 2050 on the Estate of Imperial College at Wye, Kent, U.K. Sensitivity analysis shows a dry matter yield decrease in response to increases in temperature alone. CERES-Wheat was then constrained to assess the crop performance under water-limited production scenarios with different soils, and the results show that crop grain yield actually increases, largely due to CO2 fertilisation leading to increased rates of photosynthesis. Different management practices (planting dates and nitrogen application) were applied to find the best adaptation strategies. In general, `early' sowing (10th September) had the highest simulated yield, and `late' sowing (10th November) the lowest. For the soils tested, the highest and sustained crop production was obtained from Hamble soils (silt loam) compared with either the Fyfield (sandy) or Denchworth (clay). Adding nitrogen and other fertilisers would likely be necessary to take full advantage of the CO2 fertilisationeffect and to compensate, in some cases, for yield losses caused by climate change where water shortage becomes serious.  相似文献   
The effect of No. 2 fuel oil on the biomass production of the salt marsh plant, Spartina alterniflora, was studied in a greenhouse dose-response experiment. S. alterniflora were transplanted into soil with 10 dosage levels of No. 2 fuel oil ranging from 0 to 456 mg g(-1) dry soil. Three months after transplantation, values for plant biomass, stem density, and shoot height decreased significantly with increasing fuel oil level in a dose-response fashion. Evapo-transpiration rates were correlated with the total biomass response. Relative to the control, a significant decrease in total (above- plus below-ground) plant biomass was observed at concentrations above 57 mg g(-1) dry soil. Within the 3-month experimental period, detrimental effects on below-ground biomass accumulation and bioluminescence of the marine bacterium Viberio fisheri in the Microtox Solid Phase Test were observed at oil concentrations >29 mg g(-1) dry soil, suggesting that biological effects of oil within the sediment matrix may be more pronounced than on above-ground biomass, requiring a dosage 228 mg g(-1) dry soil to elicit a significant detrimental effect. Hence, measurements of oil effects with biological end-points based solely on above-ground responses may underestimate the potential impacts of petroleum hydrocarbon spills, especially when the oil has penetrated the soil. While S. alterniflora was proved to be relatively tolerant to the No. 2 fuel oil spills, its effectiveness in phytoremediation operations may be limited at fuel oil levels 228 mg g(-1) dry soil, as both plant growth and microbial activity may be constrained.  相似文献   
植物化石和土壤中的有机质碳同位素指标常用来反映古气候的变化,然而碳同位素这个指标在特定地区反映气候的定量关系缺乏检验。研究剖面选择自中国的秦岭(34°14'24″N,106°55'30″E)到蒙古人民共和国北部,接近贝加尔湖地区(51°35'08″N, 100°45'49″E)的研究剖面线,选择了3种C3植物(Artemisia scoparia, Ajania achilleides 和 Artemisia frigida),在剖面线上沿南北方向上每隔4'到5'采取一个样点,共选取161个C3植物茎叶样品进行了δ13 C值测定。同时收集了剖面线附近气象站的降水、气温等资料,用插值方法得到每个采样点的气温、降水数据。分析表明:C3植物的δ13 C值分布范围为-30 ‰ ~-22 ‰ ,其平均值为-26.81 ‰ ,该平均值较全球C3植物δ13 C平均值偏正。通过对比C3植物δ13 C与年均温、年均降水量、生长季节的干燥度等随纬度的变化规律,发现C3植物δ13 C、年均降水量、生长季节的干燥度有非常一致的变化趋势,而C3植物δ13 C和年均温不具有一致性。通过一元回归分析也同样发现C3植物δ13 C与年均降水量呈线性负相关关系(y=-0.0077x-24.838,n=161,R2=0.4418,p=0.01),与生长季节的干燥度呈线性正相关关系(y=0.7328x-28.806,n=161,R2=0.3685,p=0.01),而与年均温度没有明显的相关关系(y=-0.0461x-26.756,n=161,R2=0.0232,p=0.01)。在本研究区C3植物δ13 C对年均降水量和生长季节的干燥度响应十分显著,而对温度的响应不明显。研究区具有明显的降水和温度的梯度分布特征,是验证植物碳同位素与气候关系的理想场所,而土壤中的有机质碳同位素与其地面上的植物碳同位素息息相关。研究也说明,在本研究区或其他气候植物组合相似的地区可以利用古土壤中的有机质碳同位素来定量或半定量地反映古气候的变化。  相似文献   
Introduction Scattering of incident waves by local topographies is one of the most attractive topics in the field of engineering seismology. They can be resolved by either a numerical method or an analyti-cal method. The numerical methods include finite difference method, finite element method, boundary element method, etc. The analytical method is the wave function expansion method. Al-though numerical methods can be used for arbitrary-shaped topographies, the analytical solutions are still …  相似文献   
Hydrogeological monitoring was conducted around a pilot cavern for underground cryogenic LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) storage. The monitoring was mainly focused on the operation of a drainage and recharge system. After the operation of the drainage system commenced, the drainage rate decreased rapidly in the initial stages and then decreased gradually. Hydrogeological monitoring revealed that the rock drainage system operated effectively. During drainage, the water table was maintained below the cavern roof. The recharge for ice-ring formation was performed in two phases. The first phase involved the cessation of pumping in downward-drainage holes and the second involved the closure of upward boreholes. Since the water table was maintained below the cavern roof, artificial recharge was planned at first. However, it was not implemented due to heavy rainfall in the recharge stage. On the basis of hydrogeological monitoring and hydraulic tests, it was found that the fractures above the roof and on the right wall of the pilot cavern mainly affected seepage into the cavern and thermal variation due to the storage of liquid nitrogen. Thermal variation was examined by the thermometers installed around the pilot cavern. The cooling and thawing processes reveal the characteristics of thermal distribution in the rock and the 0 °C isotherm. The cooling phase lasted for six months, and the 0 °C isotherm progressed in time after the injection of liquid nitrogen into the cavern. The isotherm propagated up to about 4 m from the floor and the sidewall of the cavern and about 3 m from the cavern roof. The cooling rate of the rock mass above the cavern roof was lower than that of the other cavern sides due to the gaseous space in the upper part of the containment. The fractures were analyzed and considered for thermal modeling. A two-dimensional finite element analysis was performed to compare the field monitoring at the pilot cavern. The numerical modeling shows the distance between the ice ring and heat transfer pattern of the fractures around the pilot cavern. The propagation of the measured and calculated 0 °C isotherm reveals that the water-conveying joint on the right wall might affect thermal propagation through a thermal pipe.  相似文献   
Accurate upward continuation of gravity anomalies supports future precision, free-inertial navigation systems, since the latter cannot by themselves sense the gravitational field and thus require appropriate gravity compensation. This compensation is in the form of horizontal gravity components. An analysis of the model errors in upward continuation using derivatives of the standard Pizzetti integral solution (spherical approximation) shows that discretization of the data and truncation of the integral are the major sources of error in the predicted horizontal components of the gravity disturbance. The irregular shape of the data boundary, even the relatively rough topography of a simulated mountainous region, has only secondary effect, except when the data resolution is very high (small discretization error). Other errors due to spherical approximation are even less important. The analysis excluded all measurement errors in the gravity anomaly data in order to quantify just the model errors. Based on a consistent gravity field/topographic surface simulation, upward continuation errors in the derivatives of the Pizzetti integral to mean altitudes of about 3,000 and 1,500 m above the mean surface ranged from less than 1 mGal (standard deviation) to less than 2 mGal (standard deviation), respectively, in the case of 2 arcmin data resolution. Least-squares collocation performs better than this, but may require significantly greater computational resources.  相似文献   
In order to assess how the Bonin high affects interannual variability of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) around the Korean Peninsula, the pulsation of the Bonin high and its association with teleconnection patterns was examined. The major factor for the interannual intensity of the EASM is the center position of the Bonin high rather than its center pressure. Up to 12 harmonics over time can be used to reconstruct the Bonin high, demonstrating its intraseasonal variation. The interannual variability of the Bonin high correlates with the Tibet high. This correlation is dominant for the EASM onset time, though not its retreat. The primary teleconnection pattern, reliant up on the interannual variability of the Bonin high, is the Western Pacific oscillation (WPO) in April. In relation to long-term variability, the correlation between the WPO and the Bonin high appears to contribute to the retreat stage of the EASM, which has itself increased since the mid-1970s. Furthermore, the WPO in May and the Tibet correlation has marked the onset rather than the retreat of the EASM since the 1970s. This highly correlated pattern since the mid-1970s may be the result of El Niño.  相似文献   
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