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Occurrences of arsenic (As) in the Bengal Basin of Bangladesh show close relationships with depositional environments and sediment textures. Hydrochemical data from three sites with varying physiography and sedimentation history show marked variations in redox status and dissolved As concentrations. Arsenic concentration in groundwater of the Ganges Flood Plain (GFP) is characteristically low, where high Mn concentrations indicate redox buffering by reduction of Mn(IV)-oxyhydroxides. Low DOC, \( {\text{HCO}}^{ - }_{3} \), \( {\text{NH}}^{ + }_{4} \) and high \( {\text{NO}}^{ - }_{3} \) and \( {\text{SO}}^{{2 - }}_{4} \) concentrations reflect an elevated redox status in GFP aquifers. In contrast, As concentration in the Ganges Delta Plain (GDP) is very high along with high Fe and low Mn. In the Meghna Flood Plain (MFP), moderate to high As and Fe concentrations and low Mn are detected. Degradation of organic matter probably drives redox reactions in the aquifers, particularly in MFP and GDP, thereby mobilising dissolved As. Speciation calculations indicate supersaturation with respect to siderite and vivianite in the groundwater samples at MFP and GDP, but groundwater in the GFP wells is generally supersaturated with respect to rhodochrosite. Values of log PCO2 at MFP and GDP sites are generally higher than at the GFP site. This is consistent with Mn(IV)-redox buffering suggested at the GFP site compared to Fe(III)-redox buffering at MFP and GDP sites.  相似文献   
The tableland of the northern Eifel consists of a whole series of levelling planations which descend like steps to the plain of the Lower Rhine or form broad terraces along the river valleys. A similar staircase structure can be seen in the Cretaceous range of the Aachener Wald. The oldest obliquely situated plateau of the Hohe Venn is a resurrected fossil peneplain which was formed before the Maastricht formation as can be proved by scanty remains of the flinty chalk (Maastricht) which still overlays this peneplain at the present time. Therefore the great elevation of the northern Eifel to heights of 2280 feet above sea-level did not follow until later than Upper Cretaceous.The indentation of this old Cretaceous peneplain presumably resulted in the formation of an older system of plateaus in Oligocene and in a system of young plateaus in Miocene which had the appearance of a staircase. These tableland systems originated in times of slight elevation in which superficial denudation must have predominated under the influence of a damp climate and intensive chemical decomposition of the rocks. During the Lower Miocene and Pliocene epochs considerable elevatory movements occurred which led occasionally to the formation of steep obsequent slopes at the edges of both systems. During the Lower Pleistocene epoch glacial conditions existed and at this time the main period of terrace formation occurred. In the course of this period there was a great gravel accumulation which was linked with lateral erosion and which, whith the aid of its valley terraces and rubble remains, can be traced as far as the foreland. A later, very marked incision of the rivers can be traced back to great elevations of land which occurred after this period. The rhythmic alternation of periods of elevation and inactivity can be seen in the morphological development of the northern Eifel. The individual periods of tableland and terrace formation can be related to corresponding sediments belonging to the Upper Tertiary and the Quaternary periods.
Résumé Le paysage en plateaux emboîtés du Nord de l'Eifel se compose de toute une série de surfaces de nivellement qui descendent en gradins vers la plaine basse du Rhin inférieur ou constituent de larges terrasses le long des vallées fluviales. Une pareille structure en plateaux étagés est décelable dans la petite montagne crétacée du Aachener Wald. Le plus ancien haut plateau incliné des Hautes Fagnes représente une ancienne pénépleine à nouveau exhumée qui s'est formée avant le Maastrichtien comme on peut le démontrer par des restes peu abondants d'éluvions à silex (pierre à feu) qui lui servait autrefois de couverture. Le fort soulèvement du Nord de l'Eifel jusqu'à des hauteurs de 760 au dessus du niveau de la mer ne s'est produit par conséquent qu'après le crétacé supérieure.Á l'oligocène, un système plus ancien de surfaces applanies étagées et au miocène, un système de surfaces plus jeunes ont été probablement entaillés en gradins dans cette ancienne pénéplaine crétacée. Ces systèmes de plateaux emboîtés ont pris naissance à des époques de faible soulèvement, où l'érosion en surface a dû prédominer sous l'influence d'un climat humide et d'une décomposition chimique intensive de la roche. Au miocène inférieur et au pliocène ils ont chaque fois produit des mouvements de soulèvement assez forts qui ont entraîné la formation de versants à profil plus abrupt au bord des deux systèmes. Dans les conditions glaciaires, du pleistocène ancien, de l'époque des principales terrasses, il se produisit un important remblaiement de cailloutis uni à une érosion latérale et que l'on peut suivre jusque dans les parties avancées du territoire à l'aide de ses terrasses de vallées et de ses restes de cailloutis. Une forte entaille ultérieure des fleuves remonte à de vastes soulèvements de terrain postérieurs à cette époque. C'est ainsi que dans l'évolution morphologique du Nord de l'Eifel s'exprime l'alternance rythmique de périodes de soulèvement et de repos. Les différentes époques de formations de hauts plateaux étagés et de terrasses peuvent être mises en relation avec des sédiments correspondants parallèles du tertiaire supérieur et du quaternaire de la baie du Rhin inférieur.

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Intraplate stresses in middle South America are not negligible. We report thrust-faulting mechanisms for five intraplate earthquakes, which indicate a dominant horizontal deviatoric compressional stress oriented in a NW-SE direction. We conclude that this state of stress is due to forces connected with spreading on the Mid Atlantic Ridge and resistive forces exerted by the Caribbean plate to the north and the Nazca plate to the west. The existence and nature of the resistive forces is inferred from earthquake mechanisms and geological evidence presented in other studies. All the available intraplate stress data for Nazca and South America indicate that both plates are under deviatoric compression generated at spreading centers. The absence of tensional earthquake focal mechanisms, particularly in the Nazca plate near the trench, suggests that the forces associated with the gravitational sinking of subducted lithosphere are locally compensated. We present a simple numerical calculation of a non-subducting plate to show how the compressional deviatoric stresses in middle South America can be used to estimate an upper bound of about 1021 P for the viscosity of the mantle.  相似文献   
The basement areas in Southeast Libya, South Egypt and North Sudan, west of the Nile, between Gebel Uweinat and the Bayuda Desert, are part of an approximately 1000-km-wide, complexly folded, polymetamorphic zone with a regional N-NNE-NE-ENE trend of foliation and fold axis. Since this belt extends southwestward into the area of Zalingei in the southern Darfur block (West Sudan), it is named the Northern Zalingei fold zone. Sr and Nd isotopic studies suggest that this zone is older than Pan-African and further indicate that, apart from Archean rocks in the Gebel Uweinat area, this belt is of Early-Middle Proterozoic age. An Early-Middle Proterozoic three-stage deformational and anatectic event established the present-day fold and fault geometry in the western parts of this zone in the Gebel Uweinat—Gebel Kamil area. The Pan-African tectono-thermal episode was most effective in the eastern part of the belt, near the boundary with the Nubian Shield volcano-sedimentary-ophiolite-granitoid assemblages. It caused migmatization, granite emplacement, mylonitization and large-scale wrench faulting which was related to Late Proterozoic accretionary and collisional events of the Arabian-Nubian Shield with the margin of the East Saharan Craton.  相似文献   
The ~2490 Ma DS4 impact layer in the Dales Gorge Member is the only bed in the Brockman Iron Formation (Hamersley Group, Western Australia) known to contain “splash form” impact spherules. At a newly discovered site in Munjina Gorge (MG), the internal stratigraphy of the DS4 impact layer differs from previously known occurrences; it ranges from 36 to 57 cm in total thickness and consists of two distinct subunits. The lower subunit contains abundant cobble‐ to boulder‐scale intraclasts and spherules supported by a finer matrix. We interpret this subunit as the product of poorly cohesive debris flows. The upper subunit is 11–15 cm of low‐density turbidites. The DS4 layer also consists of two newly recognized subunits at Yampire Gorge (YG). The lower subunit is rich in well‐sorted spherules, 0–22 cm thick, and comprises an unstratified bedform with an irregular or swaley upper surface. This is overlain by 2 dm‐scale, fine‐grained, irregularly laminated beds that we interpret as low density turbidites laterally equivalent to the upper subunit at MG. The bedform at YG could be the lateral equivalent of the debrite at MG, genetically related to the overlying turbidites, or a product of impact tsunami‐induced bottom return flow. Other DS4 layer sites that have debrites similar to the one at MG are geographically separated from one another by sites that both lack debrite facies and feature well‐sorted spherules like YG. These characteristics suggest the DS4 layer had a complex depositional history that generated multiple debrites.  相似文献   
Quartz crystals from the Batatal site, Minas Gerais, southern Brazil, were used to determine quantitatively primary contamination when submitting the samples to milling processes. Crushing devices used were a primary steel jaw crusher (br1), a secondary tungsten carbide (WC) crusher (br2) and a hydraulic press with stainless steel plates (pr). Fragments with suitable sizes were then ground in different Fritsch planetary mills, equipped with agate, WC and chromium‐steel rings for 7, 4 and 3 min, respectively. Solutions of the powders were analysed initially with the TotalQuant? method in a quadrupole ICP‐MS instrument, providing semi‐quantitative results for seventy‐five elements. Contamination from crushers and mills was visible in major and minor elements such as Fe, Mn and Ti, and noticeable in trace elements such as Cr, Co, Ni, Cu and also V, Zr, Sc; significant contamination was observed from W, Mo, Co, Ta and Nb (mainly by use of the WC devices). Little or no contamination was observed for Pb, REE, Sr and Rb, elements that are important in routine isotopic determinations. Cross‐contamination was tested by grinding either a granite or a basalt sample, followed by conventional cleaning with mica‐free quartz sand, before the working quartz powder was prepared.  相似文献   
Several flatfishes spawn in oceanic waters and pelagic larvae are transported inshore to settle in the nursery areas, usually estuaries, where they remain during their juvenile life. Nursery areas appear as extremely important habitats, not only for juveniles but also for the earlier planktonic larval fish. Yet, the majority of nursery studies tend to focus only on one development stage, missing an integrative approach of the entire early life that fishes spent within a nursery ground. Thus, the present study assessed the influence of environmental parameters on the dynamics of the larval and juvenile flatfishes, throughout their nursery life in the Lima Estuary. Between April 2002 and April 2004, fortnightly subsurface ichthyoplankton samples were collected and juveniles were collected from October 2003 until September 2005. Larval assemblages comprised nine flatfish species, while only six were observed among the juvenile assemblages. Solea senegalensis and Platichthys flesus were the most abundant species of both fractions of the Lima Estuary flatfishes. Larval flatfish assemblages varied seasonally, without relevant differences between lower and middle estuary. Platichthys flesus dominated the spring samples and summer and autumn periods were characterized by an increase of overall abundance and diversity of larval flatfishes, mainly S. senegalensis, associated with temperature increase and reduced river flow. On the contrary, during the winter abundance sharply decreased, as a consequence of higher river run-off that might compromised the immigration of incompetent marine larvae. Juvenile flatfishes were more abundant in the middle and upper areas of the estuary, but the species richness was higher near the river mouth. Sediment type, distance from the river mouth, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen were identified as the main environmental factors structuring the juvenile flatfish assemblages. Juveniles were spatially discrete, with the most abundant species S. senegalensis and P. flesus associated with the middle and upper estuary, while the remaining species were associated with the lower estuarine areas. The larval fraction exhibited distinct dynamics from the juvenile estuarine flatfish community. Larval flatfishes showed a strong seasonal structure mainly regulated by biological features as the spawning season and also by seasonal variations of water characteristics. On the other hand, juvenile flatfishes were markedly controlled by site specific characteristics such as sediments structure, distance from the river mouth and salinity regime. The present study emphasized the idea that the environmental control varies throughout the ontogenetic development, stressing the importance of integrating all the early life of a species in flatfish nursery studies.  相似文献   
In the Lesser Caucausus the Sevan-Akera ophiolites of N Armenia have lithological features of a slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere: serpentinites are frequently exposed and hydrothermalized at sea-floor level, plutonic rocks and dykes are rare. A complete differentiation trend is observed from mafic norites evolving to diorites and plagiogranites. Normal faults have exposed some of the deep magmatic rocks at sea-floor level. Geochemically, two distinct lava flow series have been distinguished: (1) a contaminated Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalt (MORB) series evolving from gabbros to plagiogranites and from basalts to basaltic andesites, exhibiting slight calc-alkaline features (enrichments in Large Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE); negative anomalies in Nb–Ta and Ti relative to N-MORB); (2) an alkaline series evolving from basanites to trachy-andesites (on anhydrous basis). 40Ar/39Ar age on amphibole-bearing gabbros evidence a Middle Jurassic age (165.3 ± 1.7 Ma, 2σ) for oceanic crust formation. Structural data, including geological cross-sections and logs of the ophiolite along the northern part of Sevan Lake allow discussing the geodynamic evolution of that segment of the Amassia-Sevan-Akera ophiolitic suture zone.  相似文献   
Testate amoebae are increasingly used for environmental monitoring as well as paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Paleoecological interpretations of testate amoebae assemblages depend on the understanding of the ecological processes operating today. We then ask the question of the link between testate structure and its environment. This study analyses both the grain size and mineralogical assemblage of tests of common species belonging to the genus Centropyxis and Difflugia. It is concluded that grain size is a limiting factor for test construction, whereas mineral composition is not. Hence, when analyzing agglutinated testate amoebae for paleoenvironmental reconstructions, it should be taken into account the mean grain size of the sediment. A non-appropriate grain-size probably inhibits the development of a testate amoebae specific assemblage.  相似文献   
The morphologic changes in estuaries and coastal lagoons are very complex and constitute a challenging task in coastal research. The bathymetric changes result from the combined action of tides, waves, rivers discharge and wind stress in the area of interest. Additionally, an accurate knowledge of the sediment transport is essential to achieve a good morphological characterization. This work establishes the influence of the wave climate on the morphodynamics of the Ria de Aveiro lagoon inlet by analysing the numerical results of the morphodynamic modelling system MORSYS2D. The numerical simulations considered a realistic coupled forcing of tidal currents and waves. The computed sediment fluxes and bathymetric changes are analysed and compared with the erosion and accretion trends obtained from the numerical simulations forced only by tidal currents, in order to establish the wave climate influence. The final bathymetry and the corresponding changes are compared with bathymetric data collected through surveys. It is concluded that: (a) the morphodynamics of the study area is dominated by the wave regime in the lagoon inlet and nearshore areas, while in the inner areas is tidally dominated; and (b) the inclusion of the wave regime forcing constitutes an improvement in order to accurately reproduce the local morphodynamics.  相似文献   
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