The relation between p-Δcurves for surface and deep focus sources is investigated in order to construct synthetic body wave seismograms for non-zero focal depths by the quantized ray theory algorithm. The transformation of a surface focus p-Δ curve into a deep focus p-Δ curve is denned in terms of that curve which corresponds to surface focus rays reflected from the depth at which the deep focus is located. By analogy with the geometry of the surface focus formulation, paths of integration to obtain absolute travel-time and velocity-depth curves can be denned in the p-Δ plane. Explicit inversion from deep focus data is possible only when the velocity-depth structure above the depth of focus is known. Through a comparison of short period quantized ray theory synthetic seismograms with similar Cagniard-de Hoop computations, it is shown that quantized ray theory can be used for accurate predictions of body wave amplitude behaviour corresponding to a wide range of focal depths. 相似文献
A study of normal faults in the Nubian Sandstone Sequence, from the eastern Gulf of Suez rift, has been conducted to investigate the relationship between the microstructure and petrophysical properties of cataclasites developed along seismic-scale faults (slip-surface cataclasites) and smaller displacement faults (deformation bands) found in their damage zones. The results help to quantify the uncertainty associated with predicting the fluid flow behaviour of seismic-scale faults by analysing small faults recovered from core, a common procedure in the petroleum industry. The microstructure of the cataclasites was analysed as well as their single-phase permeability and threshold pressure. Faulting occurred at a maximum burial depth of ∼1.2 km. The permeability of deformation band and slip-surface cataclasites varies over ∼1.5 orders of magnitude for a given fault. Our results suggest that the lowest measured deformation band permeabilities provide a good estimate for the arithmetic-mean permeability of the major slip-surface cataclasites. This is because the cataclastic permeability reduction is mostly established early in the deformation history. Stress at the time of faulting rather than final strain appears to be the critical factor determining fault rock permeability. For viable predictions it is important that the slip-surface cataclasites and deformation bands originate from the same host. On the other hand, a higher uncertainty is associated with threshold pressure predictions, as the arithmetic-mean slip-surface cataclasite threshold pressure exceeds the highest measured deformation band threshold pressure by at least a factor of 4. 相似文献
The Upper Miocene shales of the Samh Formation, North Marsa Alam along the Egyptian Red Sea coastal plain were analyzed for major and selected trace elements to infer their provenance, weathering intensity, and tectonic setting. The Samh Formation consists of sandstone underlies by shale and marl intercalations. The Samh shales are texturally classified as mudstones. Mineralogically, these shales consist mainly of smectite and kaolinite, associated with non clay minerals (abundant quartz and trace of plagioclase, microcline, and halite). Compared to post-Archaean Australian shales (PAAS), the Samh shales are highly enriched in SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 and depleted in TiO2, P2O5, Na2O, MgO, and K2O contents. The K2O/Al2O3 ratio values indicate predominance of clay minerals over K-bearing minerals. Trace elements like zirconium (Zr), Cr, Pb, Sc, Rb, and Cs are positively correlated with Al2O3 indicating that these elements are likely fixed in K-feldspars and clays. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA), and Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW) values indicate moderate to intense weathering of the source material in a semiarid climate. The geochemistry results suggest that the Samh shales were deposited in a passive margin of a synrift basin and derived from felsic (granitic) source rocks. The inferred tectonic setting for the Upper Miocene Samh shales in Marsa Alam is in agreement with the tectonic evolutionary history of the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Upper Miocene. 相似文献
In this paper rain estimation capability of MSMR is explored. MSMR brightness temperature data of six channels corresponding
to three frequencies of 10, 18 and 21 GHz are colocated with the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) derived rain rates to find a
new empirical algorithm for rain rate by multiple regression. Multiple correlation analysis involving various combinations
of channels in linear and non-linear forms and rain rate from TMI is carried out, and thus the best possible algorithm for
rain rate measurement was identified which involved V and H polarized brightness temperature measurements at 10 and 18 GHz
channels. This algorithm explained about 82 per cent correlation (r) with rain rate, and 1.61 mm h-1 of error of estimation.
Further, this algorithm is used for generating global average rain rate map for two contrasting months of August (2000) and
January (2001) of northern and southern hemispheric summers, respectively. MSMR derived monthly averaged rain rates are compared
with similar estimates from TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR), and it was found that MSMR derived rain rates match well, quantitatively
and qualitatively, with that from PR. 相似文献
The goal of this study was to quantify the microbial load (enterococci) contributed by the different animals that frequent a beach site. The highest enterococci concentrations were observed in dog feces with average levels of 3.9 × 107 CFU/g; the next highest enterococci levels were observed in birds averaging 3.3 × 105 CFU/g. The lowest measured levels of enterococci were observed in material collected from shrimp fecal mounds (2.0 CFU/g). A comparison of the microbial loads showed that 1 dog fecal event was equivalent to 6940 bird fecal events or 3.2 × 108 shrimp fecal mounds. Comparing animal contributions to previously published numbers for human bather shedding indicates that one adult human swimmer contributes approximately the same microbial load as one bird fecal event. Given the abundance of animals observed on the beach, this study suggests that dogs are the largest contributing animal source of enterococci to the beach site. 相似文献
The radioactivity is dependent on the isotope and their concentration in the mineral such as potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). In this paper the presence of a 3 to 5 m thick uranium and thorium bearing sediment of Cenozoic age is reported above Goru Formation of Jaisalmer basin. Gamma ray log response of Well-1 which falls under the study area has marked with very high GR (gamma ray) readings ranging from 350-1488 API coupled with high uranium and thorium content from spectral gamma ray log ranging from 92-178 ppm and 60-80 ppm respectively at the depth of 50 m from ground surface (-110m above MSL). Further studies are required to delineate the lateral thickness variation for mining purpose which may be a radioactive source. 相似文献
The assessment of anthropogenic impact in the urban environment can be evaluated according to heavy metal contents of soils such as Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Fe. These elements have more affinity to establish metallic bond with ferrous material leading to enhancement of soil magnetic susceptibility. The objective of this study was to undertake joint magnetic and geochemical investigations of road-side urban soil materials to address the environmental pollution of Beni Mellal city that has been subjected to environmental stress, due to population overpressure and related urbanization. Twenty three soils magnetic susceptibility profiles were made along 5 km peripheral national road (N8) in Beni Mellal. The magnetic survey reported here for the first time on this City’s topsoils tries to establish the link between magnetic properties and the content of heavy metals. High magnetic susceptibility values and high contents of heavy metals were found near the paved edge of the road and within the place reserved as large engine park. Magnetic extracts of highly polluted areas and unpolluted soil (olive plantation) were analyzed by SEM coupled with RDX in order to discriminate anthropogenic magnetic spherules and pedo-lithogenic magnetite-like minerals. Magnetic mineralogy determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy suggests the presence of hematite, magnetite and goethite in highly polluted areas. The iron oxides and especially goethite are efficient in incorporating and/or adsorbing foreign ions. 相似文献
This study aims to follow the effect of the diagenetic transformations on the clayey fraction and the organic matter of the Tunisian southern sub-surface. 61 samples from oil well named NWA-1 were recuperated for series of analyses. This study follows a comparative approach between the mineralogical, geochemical and petrographic studies. To discuss results from a statistical viewpoint, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied in order to find out any correlation between different components. The associated minerals quartz, feldspar, calcite, pyrite, anhydrite, gypsum, dolomite and olivine are also detected. These associated minerals remove by-products by the illitization reaction. The Index of Crystallinity (IC) of illite shows that, except some anomalies, the studied samples are between the epizone and the anchizone. Downward, samples show the effect of diagenetic processes and weak signs of low-grade metamorphism. As regards to the organic matter, values of Tmax range between 333°C and 463°C. On the other hand, potential hydrocarbon compounds (S2) show low values compared to those of (S1); but they maintain a similar variability from 0.63 to 21.12. SEM observations and X-ray microanalyses supported the formation of authigenic micro-quartz. The PCA of clay minerals, chemical components, and the depth shows three different populations. Feldspar, chlorite and quartz make up a population positively correlated with the depth. The second population seems to be indifferent to depth variation; it is made up of two sub-populations: the population of illite, gypsum and anhydrite, which is obtained by a counter clock rotation of depth population; and the population of pyrite, kaolinite, olivine phyllosilicate, which is obtained by an anticlockwise rotation of depth population. Third, the population of smectite, calcite and dolomite is inversely proportional to the depth variation. On the other hand, the PCA of TOC, Tmax, HI, S1, S2 and the depth make up a homogenous statistical population following the depth evolution. 相似文献
Through the Late Cretaceous, the southern shore of the Tethys Ocean migrated north and south over short distances. These vicissitudes are documented in the Continental Intercalaire, a long series of mainly non-marine sediments deposited in which dinosaur or other reptiles tracks and floral fossils are common across southern Tunisia (North Africa). A combined taxonomic, climatological, and palaentological studies provides independent lines of evidence for reconstruction of palaeoenvironments. The Bou Hedma/Boulouha and Sidi Aïch/Douiret Formations from southern Tunisia span the later part of the Late Cretaceous. During the Late Cretaceous the Tunisian territory was an archipelago, thus a particularly suitable area for a more detailed study. We investigated the area’s plant palaeo-biogeography, using fossil wood, with information from both a literature survey and investigation of new samples. The presence of fossils at great depths and distances from the present coastline, without signs of abrasion and far from areas of fluvial discharges does indicate that these remains have not been transported from the continent to the shelf, but have been preserved directly on the area that today correspond to the continental shelf. The climate during the accumulation of Barremian-Albian deposits in this region is inferred to have been warm and humid. 相似文献
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is increasingly used to secure drinking water supply worldwide. The city of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) depends largely on the MAR in coastal dunes for water supply. A new MAR scheme is proposed for the production of 10 × 106 m3/year, as required in the next decade. The designed MAR system consists of 10 infiltration ponds in an artificially created sandbank, and 25 recovery wells placed beneath the ponds in a productive aquifer. Several criteria were met for the design, such as a minimum residence time of 60 days and maximum drawdown of 5 cm. Steady-state and transient flow models were calibrated. The flow model computed the infiltration capacity of the ponds and drawdowns caused by the MAR. A hypothetical tracer transport model was used to compute the travel times from the ponds to the wells and recovery efficiency of the wells. The results demonstrated that 98% of the infiltrated water was captured by the recovery wells which accounted for 65.3% of the total abstraction. Other sources include recharge from precipitation (6.7%), leakages from surface water (13.1%), and natural groundwater reserve (14.9%). Sensitivity analysis indicated that the pond conductance and hydraulic conductivity of the sand aquifer in between the ponds and wells are important for the infiltration capacity. The temperature simulation showed that the recovered water in the wells has a stable temperature of 9.8–12.5 °C which is beneficial for post-treatment processes. The numerical modelling approach is useful and helps to gain insights for implementation of the MAR.