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Conceived as a potential alternative to the classical design methods employed for analyzing the stability of underground structures driven in jointed rocks, the homogenization approach stems from the heuristic idea that, from a macroscopic point of view, a rock mass cut by a network of joints may be perceived as a homogenized continuum. The strength properties of the latter can be theoretically obtained from the failure conditions of its individual constituents: rock matrix and joint interfaces. At the material level, the limit analysis reasoning is used in the context of homogenization to formulate the homogenized strength criterion of a jointed rock mass in the particular situation of a single set of parallel joints. As it could be expected, the obtained closed‐form expressions show the strength anisotropy induced by joint preferential orientation. The support functions (π functions) associated with the homogenized strength criterion are also determined in both plane strain and three‐dimensional cases. This criterion is then applied to the investigation of stability analysis of a tunnel excavated in a jointed rock mass. Upper bounds estimated of the stability factor are derived from the implementation of the kinematic approach directly on the homogenized underground structure. Finally, the approach is applied to analyze and discuss the collapse of the Pinheiros subway station (São Paulo, Brazil). Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A new elastoplastic model called loading memory surface based on the critical state concept and the multi‐surface framework is proposed for geomaterials. The model uses a hypoelastic formulation and two plastic mechanisms. The formulations of the model are made in three‐dimensional stress–strain space and work under both monotonic and cyclic loadings. A newly introduced formalism makes it possible to obtain the cyclic response directly from the monotonic loading one. This formalism gives a three‐dimensional generalization of the well‐known Masing rule. The model has been validated against test results of Hostun sand under several conditions: monotonic and cyclic, drained and undrained, tests in compression and in extension, and at different confining pressures and different densities. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hemantkumar S. Chaudhari Samir Pokhrel Sachiko Mohanty Subodh K. Saha 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2013,114(3-4):459-477
This study has identified probable factors that govern ISMR predictability. Furthermore, extensive analysis has been performed to evaluate factors leading to the predictability aspect of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) using uncoupled and coupled version of National Centers for Environmental Prediction Coupled Forecast System (CFS). It has been found that the coupled version (CFS) has outperformed the uncoupled version [Global Forecast System (GFS)] of the model in terms of prediction of rainfall over Indian land points. Even the spatial distribution of rainfall is much better represented in the CFS as compared to that of GFS. Even though these model skills are inadequate for the reliable forecasting of monsoon, it imparts the capacious knowledge about the model fidelity. The mean monsoon features and its evolution in terms of rainfall and large-scale circulation along with the zonal and meridional shear of winds, which govern the strength of the monsoon, are relatively closer to the observation in the CFS as compared to the GFS. Furthermore, sea surface temperature–rainfall relation is fairly realistic and intense in the coupled version of the model (CFS). It is found that the CFS is able to capture El Niño Southern Oscillation ISMR (ENSO-ISMR) teleconnections much strongly as compared to GFS; however, in the case of Indian Ocean Dipole ISMR teleconnections, GFS has the larger say. Coupled models have to be fine-tuned for the prediction of the transition of El Niño as well as the strength of the mature phase has to be improved. Thus, to sum up, CFS tends to have better predictive skill on account of following three factors: (a) better ability to replicate mean features, (b) comparatively better representation of air–sea interactions, and (c) much better portrayal of ENSO-ISMR teleconnections. This study clearly brings out that coupled model is the only way forward for improving the ISMR prediction skill. However, coupled model’s spurious representation of SST variability and mean model bias are detrimental in seasonal prediction. 相似文献
This paper presents a survey of recent work on the gravimetric geoid. The gravity models considered are those published in the past few years by the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) and the Ohio State University (OSU). Comparisons and analyses have been carried out through the ose of detailed gravimetric geoids which we have computed by combining the above-mentioned models with a set of 26 000, 1ox1o mean free air gravity anomalies. The accuracy of the detailed gravimetric geoid computed using the most recent Goddard Earth Model (GEM-6) in conjunction with the set 1ox1o mean free air gravity anomalies is assessed at 2 m on the continents of North America, Europe And Australia, 2 to 5 m in the North-East Pacific and North Atlantic areas and 5 to 10 m in other areas where surface gravity data are sparse. Rms differences between this detailed geoid and the detailed geoids computed using the other satellite gravity fields in conjunction with same set of surface data range from 3 to 7 m. The maximum differences in all cases occurred in the Southern Hemisphere where surface data and satellite observations are sparse. These differences exhibited wavelengths of approximately 30o to 50o in longitude. Detailed geoidal heights were also computed with models truncated to 12th degree and order as well as 8th degree and order. This truncation resulted in a reduction of the rms differences to a maximum of 5 m. Comparisons have been made with the astrogeodetic data of Rice (United States), Bomford (Europe), and Mather (Australia) and also with geoidal heights from satellite solutions for geocentric station coordinates in North America and the Caribbean. 相似文献
Samir Belabbès Mustapha Meghraoui Ziyadin Çakir Youcef Bouhadad 《Journal of Seismology》2009,13(4):421-432
We study the surface deformation associated with the 22 December 1999 earthquake, a moderate sized but damaging event at Ain
Temouchent (northwestern Algeria) using Interferometric Satellite Aperture Radar images (InSAR). The mainshock focal mechanism
solution indicates reverse faulting with a NE–SW trending rupture comparable to other major seismic events of this section
of the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary. Previously, the earthquake fault parameters were, however, poorly known because no aftershocks
were precisely determined and no coseismic surface ruptures were observed in the field. Using a pair of ERS data with small
baseline and short temporal separation in the ascending orbit we obtained an interferogram that shows the coseismic surface
displacement field despite poor coherence. The interferogram measures four fringes and displays an ellipse-shaped lobe with
∼11 cm peak line-of-sight displacement. The elastic modeling using a boundary element method (Poly3Dinv) indicate coseismic
slip reaching up to 1 m at 5 km depth on the N 57° E trending, dipping 32° NW Tafna thrust fault. The geodetic estimate of
seismic moment is 4.7 × 1017 N m. (Mw 5.7) in is good agreement with seismological results. The elliptical shape of the surface displacement field coincides
with the NE–SW trending Berdani fault-related fold. The consistency between the geological observations and InSAR solution
shed light on the precise earthquake location and related Tafna fault parameters. 相似文献
1. A light and scanning electron microscopic study of the structure of epilithic diatom communities was carried out at two sites on the River Taff, South Wales, an upstream unpolluted site (Site 1) and a downstream polluted site (Site 2). 2. Community structure at the micro-scale revealed that, although communities at both sites were similar in terms of species present (similarity indices ranging between 0.44 and 0.96), they were very different with respect to their physical structure. 3. The traditional approach in studying epilithic diatom communities ignores information relating to community structure. The combination of light and scanning electron microscopy proved to be most useful for studying the epilithic diatom communities. 4. The examination of community succession on stone substrata showed that communities were highly dynamic on a weekly time scale, which suggests that the “age” of a substratum is a very important determinant of the attaching communities. A change from a prostate, two-dimensional community structure to an erect, three-dimensional community structure, and a shift from the dominance of epilithic diatoms to the dominance of epiphytic diatoms were noted. Such a change was more noticed at the polluted downstream site, possibly due to a higher rate of surface pre-conditioning and biofilm production at this site than at the unpolluted upstream site. 相似文献
In recent years, high‐molecular‐weight anionic polyacrylamides (PAMs) have been tested on a variety of soils, primarily in temperate climates. However, little information is available regarding the effectiveness of PAM for preventing soil loss through runoff in tropical settings. Screening tests were performed using three negatively charged PAMs and one positively charged PAM on five Hawaii soils (two Oxisols, one Vertisol, and two Aridisols) to determine erosion loss, sediment settling, and aggregate stability. A laboratory‐scale rainfall simulator was used to apply erosive rainfall at intensities from 5 to 8·5 cm h?1 at various PAM doses applied in both dry and solution forms. Soil detachment due to splash and runoff, as well as the runoff and percolate water volumes, were measured for initial and successive storms. The impact of PAM on particle settling and aggregate stability was also evaluated for selected soil‐treatment combinations. Among the PAMs, Superfloc A‐836 was most effective, and significantly reduced runoff and splash sediment loss for the Wahiawa Oxisol and Pakini Andisol at rates varying between 10 and 50 kg ha?1. Reduced runoff and splash sediment loss were also noted for PAM Aerotil‐D when applied in solution form to the Wahiawa Oxisol. Significant reductions in soil loss were not noted for either the Lualualei Vertisol or the Holomua Oxisol. It is believed that the high montmorillonite content of the Lualualei Vertisol and the low cation‐exchange capacity of the Holomua Oxisol diminished the effectiveness of the various PAMs tested. The polymers were also found to enhance sediment settling of all soils and helped improve their aggregate stability. This screening study shows the potential use of PAM for tropical soils for applications such as infiltration enhancement, runoff reduction, and enhanced sedimentation of detention ponds. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Guitart C Slattery M Ankisetty S Radwan M Ross SJ Letcher RJ Reddy CM 《Marine pollution bulletin》2011,62(3):631-636
Considerable debate surrounds the sources of oxygenated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (O-PBDEs) in wildlife as to whether they are naturally produced or result from anthropogenic industrial activities. Natural radiocarbon (14C) abundance has proven to be a powerful tool to address this problem as recently biosynthesized compounds contain contemporary (i.e. modern) amounts of atmospheric radiocarbon; whereas industrial chemicals, mostly produced from fossil fuels, contain no detectable 14C. However, few compounds isolated from organisms have been analyzed for their radiocarbon content. To provide a baseline, we analyzed the 14C content of four O-PBDEs. These compounds, 6-OH-BDE47, 2′-OH-BDE68, 2′,6-diOH-BDE159, and a recently identified compound, 2′-MeO-6-OH-BDE120, were isolated from the tropical marine sponges Dysidea granulosa and Lendenfeldia dendyi. The modern radiocarbon content of their chemical structures (i.e. diphenyl ethers, C12H22O) indicates that they are naturally produced. This adds to a growing baseline on, at least, the sources of these unusual compounds. 相似文献
Samir Kamel 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2011,63(1):189-199
The hydrodynamic groundwater data and stable isotopes of water have been used jointly for better understanding of upward leakage
and mixing processes in the Djerid aquifer system (southwestern Tunisia). The aquifer system is composed of the upper unconfined
Plio-Quaternary (PQ) aquifer, the intermediate (semi-)confined Complex Terminal (CT) aquifer and the deeper confined Continental
Intercalaire (CI) aquifer. A total of 41 groundwater samples from the CT and PQ aquifers were collected during June 2001.
The stable isotope composition of waters establishes that the CT deep groundwater (depleted as compared to present Nefta local
rainfall) is ancient water recharged during late Quaternary time. The relatively recent water in the shallow PQ aquifer is
composed of mixed water resulting from upward leakage and sporadic meteoric recharge. In order to characterize the meteoric
input signal for PQ in the study area, rainfall water samples were collected during 4 years (2000–2003) at the Nefta meteorological
station. Weighted mean values of isotopic contents with respect to rainfall amounts have been computed. Despite the short
collection period in the study area, results agree with those found in Beni Abbes (southwestern Algerian Sahara) by Fontes
on 9 years of rainfall surveillance. Stable isotopic relationships provide clear evidence of shallow PQ aquifer replenishment
by deep CT groundwater. The 18O/upward leakage rate allowed the identification of distinctive PQ waters related to CT aquifer configuration (confined in
the western part of the study area, semi-permeable in the eastern part). These trends were confirmed by the relation 18O/TDS. The isotope balance model indicated a contribution of up to 75% of the deep CT groundwater to the upper PQ aquifer
in the western study area, between Nefta and Hazoua. 相似文献