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The surface waters of Doubtful Sound, a glacially carved fjord in south-western New Zealand, feature a quasi-permanent low-salinity-layer (LSL). The LSL is maintained year round by the extreme precipitation in the catchment (7 m yr−1) and discharge from a hydroelectric power station (450 m3 s−1). The robust, stable LSL has been shown to play a major role in controlling intertidal and subtidal community structure. By contrast, little is known about the dynamics of the LSL itself. The work presented here elucidates the response of the LSL to perturbations in the wind stress and rainfall.Frequency-domain analysis of salinity data collected from an array of moored instruments revealed that the LSL responded to perturbations in both the winds and rainfall. However, the specific roles of the wind stress and rain could not be adequately resolved in these analyses. By contrast, simulations of the response of the LSL using a three-dimensional primitive equation model revealed that strong up-fjord directed wind events set up a storm surge at the head of the fjord. This surge significantly deepens the LSL at the head of the fjord and retards or reverses estuarine circulation. The subsequent relaxation of the surge after the abatement of the wind stress resulted in a redistribution of buoyancy throughout the fjord over a two-day period. It is shown that the development and relaxation of the storm surge is a major process controlling the maintenance of the near-surface stratification.  相似文献   
The XXIst International Congress of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing was held at the Beijing International Convention Centre, China, from 3rd to 11th July 2008. Reports are given on the Congress as a whole, including the General Assembly, some Technical Commission activities and the Congress Exhibition. Papers from the Congress are published in Volume XXXVII of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.  相似文献   
Bird-watching is an increasingly popular leisure activity. Previous research has taken for granted the identity of people who watch birds, often categorised by their level of skilled practice as ‘dude’, ‘birder’ or ‘twitcher’. Feminist geographers encourage us to explore identity work as an outcome of the reciprocal relationships between practices and place. Our feminist approach illustrates that the practices of bird-watching are always much more than categorising birds as species. This paper illustrates how the practices of bird-watching are integral to the making and remaking of sense of place as ‘home’ and ‘away’, to sustain identities beyond accepted categories of ‘dude’, ‘birder’ and ‘twitcher’. The creation and application of different types of ‘bird-lists’ helps to explain the ways in which practices of bird-watching facilitate making sense of place as simultaneously ‘home’, ‘away’ and habitat, as well as the identity work of home-maker, citizen-scientist and tourist. Our insights into these leisure practices of bird-watching are drawn from analysis of data gathered from 21 people who actively bird-watch and reside on the South Coast, New South Wales, Australia by combining research methods of talking, walking, drawing and photography.  相似文献   
The Geospatial Remote Assessment for Ingress Locations (GRAIL) Tools software is a geospatial product developed to locate austere entry landing zones (LZs) for military aircraft. Using spatial datasets like land classification and slope, along with predefined LZ geometry specifications, GRAIL Tools generates binary suitability filters that distinguish between suitable and unsuitable terrain. GRAIL Tools combines input suitability filters, searches for LZs at user‐defined orientations, and plots results. To refine GRAIL Tools, we: (a) verified software output; (b) conducted validation assessments using five unpaved LZ sites; and (c) assessed input dataset resolution on outcomes using 30 and 1‐m datasets. The software was verified and validated in California and the Baltics, and all five LZs were correctly identified in either the 30 or the 1‐m data. The 30‐m data provided numerous LZs for consideration, while the 1‐m data highlighted hazardous conditions undetected in the 30‐m data. Digital elevation model grid size affected results, as 1‐m data produced overestimated slope values. Resampling the data to 5 m resulted in more realistic slopes. Results indicate GRAIL Tools is an asset the military can use to rapidly assess terrain conditions.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Pb and Zn, plant uptake of these metals, the influence of the plants’ growth on the physicochemical properties and metal concentrations in the tailings of an abandoned 300-year-old mine tailing dam in Zacatecas, Mexico were investigated. Tailings were found to be heavily contaminated, with average levels of 2621 ± 53 and 3827 ± 83 mg/kg for Pb and Zn, respectively (maximum concentrations of 8466 ± 116 and 12,475 ± 324 mg/kg, respectively), exceeding international standards. Though physico-chemical conditions (pH, conductivity, redox potential, moisture, organic matter, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium nitrogen, total nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfates) do not favor the development of vegetation, some plants have adapted to these adverse conditions. Moreover, there was a significant reduction of Pb and Zn concentration in the rhizosphere (between 10–78% for Pb and 18–62% for Zn, depending on plant species). Sporobolus airoides showed average biomass concentrations of 173 ± 2 and 313 ± 6 mg/kg, for Pb and Zn, respectively; which implies a risk for mobility and possible incorporation into the food chain. Barcleyanthus salicifolius, Asclepsias linaria and Cortaderia selloana on the other hand, showed average biomass concentrations of 28 ± 3 and 121 ± 5 mg/kg of Pb and Zn, respectively, thus representing a lower biomagnification risk. The effect of these plants to reduce metal concentrations in the rhizosphere, improve physico-chemical conditions in metal polluted substrates, but with limited metal accumulation in biomass, suggests that they can be evaluated for use in stabilizing metal polluted tailings.  相似文献   
Two new protoamphibole-type amphiboles with space group type Pnmn, have been found in nature: protoferro-anthophyllite (Fe0.80Mn0.20)2 (Fe0.98Mg0.02)5 (Si4O11)2(OH)2, and protomangano-ferro-anthophyllite, (Mn0.70Fe0.30)2 (Fe0.82Mg0.18)5 (Si4O11)2(OH)2. Protoferro-anthophyllite (PFA) occurs in pegmatites at both Gifu Prefecture, Japan and at Cheyenne Mountain, El Paso County, Colorado, USA. Protomangano-ferro-anthophyllite, (PMFA) occurs in pegmatites at Fukushima Prefecture and in a Mn mine at Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. Structure determinations of the two amphiboles show that both are isostructural with the synthetic fluorian-amphibole, protoamphibole (= protofluorian-lithian-anthophyllite). A calculation of the procrystal electron density distributions, the bond paths and the bond critical point properties of PFA, PMFA, grunerite and protoamphibole indicates that the M4 cation in these amphiboles is 4-coordinated. A calculation of the electron density distributions at the Becke3LYP/6-311G(2d,p) level for model silicate tetrahedra for these amphiboles and anthophyllite reveals that the value of the electron density at the bond critical points, ρ(r c ), for the SiO(nbr) bonds is larger, on average (0.93 e/Å3), than that for the SiO(br) bonds (0.90 e/Å3). The observed SiO bond lengths decrease linearly with increasing ρ(r c ) while the magnitudes of the curvatures of ρ(r c ) both perpendicular and parallel to the bonds and the Laplacian of ρ(r c ) each increases. These trends are associated with an increase in the electronegativity of the Si cation, a possible increase in the covalent character of the SiO bond and a tendency for SiO(nbr) bonds to be involved in wider OSiO angles than SiO(br) bonds. It is possible, if not likely, that protoanthophyllite has often been misidentified as anthophyllite.  相似文献   
Garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths have been recovered from Quaternary alkali basalts, both within and peripheral to the Hangay dome of central Mongolia. Microfabric analysis and thermobaromery, combining empirical thermobarometers and the self-consistent dataset of THERMOCALC, indicate that garnet websterites from the Shavaryn-Tsaram volcanic centre at the dome core were formed in the spinel-lherzolite upper mantle at pressures of 17–18 kbars and temperatures of 1,070–1,090°C, whereas garnet lherzolites were derived from greater depths (18–20 kbars). Garnet lherzolites from the Baga Togo Uul vents near the dome edge were formed at 18–22 kbars under significantly cooler conditions (960–1,000°C). These xenoliths reveal reaction coronas of (1) orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and spinel mantling garnets; (2) spongy rims of olivine replacing orthopyroxene and (3) low-Na, low-Al clinopyroxene replacing primary clinopyroxene. Trace-element abundances indicate that clinopyroxene from these coronas is in chemical equilibrium with the host magma. The thermobarometric and textural data suggest that lherzolite xenoliths from both sites were derived from depths of 60–70 km and entrained in magma at 1,200–1,300°C. The average rate of ascent, as determined by olivine zoning, lies in the range 0.2–0.3 m s−1. The contrast in thermal profiles of the upper mantle between the two sites is consistent with a mantle plume beneath the Hangay dome with elevated thermal conditions beneath the core of the dome being comparable to estimates of the Pleistocene geotherm beneath the Baikal rift.  相似文献   
This study investigates the conditions of occurrence and petrographic characteristics of low‐Mg calcite (LMC) from cold seeps of the Gulf of Mexico at a water depth of 2340 m. Such LMC mineral phases should precipitate in calcite seas rather than today's aragonite sea. The 13C‐depleted carbonates formed as a consequence of anaerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons in shallow subsurface cold seep environments. The occurrence of LMC may result from brine fluid flows. Brines are relatively Ca2+‐enriched and Mg2+‐depleted (Mg/Ca mole ratio <0.7) relative to seawater, where the Mg/Ca mole ratio is ~5, which drives high‐Mg calcite and aragonite precipitation. The dissolution of aragonitic mollusk shells, grains and cements was observed. Aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons and H2S is the most likely mechanism to explain carbonate dissolution. These findings have important implications for understanding the occurrence of LMC in deep water marine settings and consequently their counterparts in the geological record.  相似文献   
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