利用NCEP/NcAR逐6 h 1°×1°。再分析资料与常规和非常规观测资料,对2007年11月云南德钦高原暴雪产生的原因进行了研究,探讨南支槽与孟加拉湾风暴结合对高原东南部强烈天气的影响过程。结果表明:(1)在南支槽和孟加拉湾风暴结合的天气尺度条件下,槽前偏南风低空急流受高原大地形阻挡产生的高原切变线是高原暴雪的直接影响系统;(2)由于地形和冷空气的作用,上升运动向北倾斜使高原对流层中上层首先出现上升运动,整层上升运动在高原切变线和次级环流上升支的共同作用下强烈发展。孟加拉湾风暴北上与南支槽结合、高原切变线北移和风暴低压临近使德钦上升运动出现三次增强;(3)南支槽前偏南风低空急流向北输送水汽,部分水汽被抬升到高空,部分水汽绕过高原东南角向下游输送。高空水汽经高原上空沿着高空西风急流向下游远距离输送。高、低空水汽通道不重合往往会影响高原及其下游强降水落区的预报。受高空水汽输送影响,高原东南部纵向岭谷区具有高层大气最先增湿的特征,近地层水汽通量长时间强烈辐合有利于高原暴雪的形成;(4)上游冷空气沿南支西风到达孟加拉湾,促使南支槽加深和维持有利于引导盂加拉湾风暴北上,南支槽前偏南风低空急流把暖湿空气输送上高原,同时横槽转竖冷空气从高原南下,冷暖空气在德钦交汇形成强锋区也是暴雪产生的一个有利条件。(5)高原暴雪的锋区结构具有中纬度锋面天气特征,在暴雪发生的锋区附近,满足倾斜位涡发展和条件性对称不稳定。 相似文献
The basic parameters for the earthquake with a moment magnitude (MW) of 5.2 on the 23rd of June 2010 have been investigated. The earthquake occurred on a hidden fault in the northwest direction about 60?km north-northeast of Ottawa in the Western Quebec Seismic Zone (WQSZ) and had a focal depth of about 21?km. The focal mechanism was a thrust type with strike in the northwest direction and dipping in the northeast direction. The relative relocations of seven larger aftershocks show that the source rupture area was about 6?km2. The b value of the aftershock sequence was 0.8?C1.0, and the decay rate of the aftershocks was faster than normal cases. The dominant seismogenic depths are about 12 to 22?km in most parts of the WQSZ, while the seismogenic depth along the Ottawa?CBonnechere Graben can be as deep as 28?km. Based on the seismic activity in the WQSZ and vicinity since 1961, it seems that the periods of moderate earthquakes are about 6?C10?years. 相似文献
Recently, garnet pyroxenite enclaves within peridotites occurring near Raobazhai, Huoshan County, have been discovered. The garnet pyroxenite is small pods, decimeters in size, enclosed within intensively serpentinized peridotites. Major mineral components comprise: garnet (Prp25–35), sodium augite (Jd10–25) with a small amount of ilmenite. There are two stages of retrometamorphism: the retrogressive granulite facies mineral assemblage is superimposed by that of amphibolite facies. The host rocks of the garnet pyroxenite are spinel peridotites, including spinel harzburgite and lherzolite. Due to intensive serpentinitization, only 5%–40% of the relic olivine (Fo92–93) are preserved. The orthopyroxenes are Mg-rich (En87–93) with bending of cleavages and granulation at their margins showing intracrystalline plasticity. On the basis of garnet-clinopyroxene Fe−Mg exchange equilibrium geothermometry proposed by Ellis & Green (1979) and Krogh (1988)KD=4.06–5.28;T=793–919°C,P=1.5 GPa are estimated for the garnet pyroxenite. It is inferred that the peridotites are mantle rocks about 60 km in depth. During the exhumation of the orogenic belt, it was tectonically emplaced into the lower crust in the solid state and then uplifted to the shallow depth. Obviously, this kind of garnet pyroxenite must be petrogenetically related to its host rock. The REE distribution pattern and the Ni−Co−Sc diagram reveal that they are chemically equivalent to the basaltic melt and ultramafic residua respectively derived from partial melting of mantle rocks.