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为了使Kirchhoff型反偏移的输出结果与数值模拟结果相等,提出了一种旨在消除Kirchhoff型反偏移中所出现的振幅畸变现象的高保真反偏移方法。与常规的Kirchhoff型反偏移不同,高保真反偏移是一种与反射面有关的反射地震成像方法。因此,在高保真反偏移中首先要确定反射面的位置,其次要确定振幅畸变因子的数值,最后要根据在反射点上振幅畸变因子恒等于1这一事实进行振幅畸变校正。在具体实施过程中,为了求出反射点的空间位置和振幅畸变因子的具体数值,采用四重加权叠加法,即在一次反偏移运算中同时采用一个单位加权函数和三个非单位加权函数。其中,非单位加权函数由常规的真振幅加权函数和用于建立Kircohhoff型反偏移算子的全局坐标系中的水平坐标组成。通过在四个反偏移场之间进行比值运算,可以达到提取反射点坐标和振幅畸变因子的目的。一旦得到反射点坐标和振幅畸变因子的具体数值,就可以通过简单的除法消除掉振幅畸变因子对反偏移像场振幅的影响。  相似文献   
喀英迪铅锌矿主要产于早石炭世阿克沙克组及其与晚奥陶世呼独克达坂组的接触带上。通过普查工作共圈定15个铅锌矿体。其中主要矿体4个,Ⅰ-4矿体处于晚奥陶世呼独克达坂组灰岩与早石炭世阿克沙克组的不整合接触面上及其两侧,工程控制总长度为523m,最大斜深100m。倾向70°~100°,倾角一般20°~50°,连续性较好。该矿体铅单工程厚0.86~5.64m,平均2.86m,厚度变化系数为70.57%;锌单工程厚0.80~5.64m,平均1.81m,厚度变化系数为93.97%,属于变化较稳定型矿体。铅单工程品位0.62%~16.47%,平均4.53%,品位变化系数114.34%;锌单工程品位0.53%~12.37%,平均3.78%,品位变化系数57.47%。属于有用组分分布较均匀型矿体。通过对矿床地质特征的研究,认为该矿床属沉积岩容矿的、层控的、构造控制非岩浆型低温热液矿床。  相似文献   
Long term variability in the surface winds over the marginal seas of China is examined with a dominant-mode singular value decomposition method. Both interannual and interdecadal patterns are found to be seasonally and spatially dependent, with reanalyses and satellite remote sensing data yielding highly consistent results. The study reveals that summer monsoon winds over the East China Sea experienced an interdecadal weakening in the late 1960s and began a persistent recovery in 2005. The study also shows gradual weakening of the winter monsoon in the southern South China Sea by more than 2m/s since the 1960s, with corroboration from coastal climate stations in Borneo. This phenomenon has not been reported in previous monsoon studies.  相似文献   
依据信息安全等级保护有关政策和标准,结合费县国土资源局信息化建设中涉密计算机管理工作实际,探讨如何从计算机信息输入和输出2个方面有效预防计算机失窃密。从计算机身份认证与访问控制、网口、UBS口电磁辐射,办公设备5个方面分析泄密隐患,并提出相应的应对措施,强调了在国土资源系统涉密计算机管理方面要加强保密意识,提高防范技能。  相似文献   
在介绍鄂尔多斯盆地吴堡地区延长组长6段沉积特征的基础上,探讨了该储层物性特征、浊积岩特征、浊积岩分布规律及其对油藏的影响,明确了浊流沉积的石油地质意义.结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地吴堡地区长6段以发育长石砂岩为主,填隙物成分有方解石、绿泥石、白云母以及少量的石英加大、长石加大等,砂岩储集层孔隙结构具有很强的非均质性;吴堡地区长6期湖盆沉降趋于稳定,是三角洲的高建设时期;多水系、多物源的三角洲前缘沉积为深湖浊积扇沉积提供了充足的物质基础;在吴堡地区东北部三角洲前缘水下分流河道前端发育深湖浊积扇沉积,可区分出中心微相和边缘微相两个沉积微相带,其中浊积扇中心微相以细砂岩、粉砂岩与暗色泥岩呈砂泥互层;从平面上看,浊积岩砂体非均质性在侧向上逐渐变弱,砂体底部发育厚度较大、成熟度较高的暗色湖相沉积的烃源岩,深湖相的暗色泥岩含有丰富的烃源岩,而浊积岩砂体是由深湖相的暗色泥岩构成,孔渗物性好的区域易于形成良好的上倾尖灭的透镜状岩性油藏.  相似文献   
Lignin is a group of phenolic polymers which is abundant in the woody tissues of vascular plants,and is essentially absent from all other living organisms.It has therefore been accepted as a tracer for terrestrial organic carbon(TOC) in marine environment since the 1970s.Lignin polymers are not amenable to direct chemical analysis without prior isolation.This review focused on the methods of chemical decomposition,extraction,derivatization and detection of lignin in marine environment.We described and compared several chemical decomposition methods,including nitrobenzene oxidation,alkaline cupric oxide(CuO) oxidation and thermochemolysis,and detection methods such as gas chromatography(GC),gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS),high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) and so on.Possible improvement of lignin analysis and the application prospects of this tracer were also discussed.  相似文献   
简要概述了山东省地质研究程度,阐述了编制新版1∶50万山东省矿产图的目的及必要性,介绍了矿产图的内容和编制过程,分析了新版矿产图的特点。指出该成果可作为山东省矿产勘查、开发、规划、政府决策等管理者的重要地质矿产资料依据。  相似文献   
随着岩盐资源开发强度逐年加大,开发利用保护任务日渐繁重,由于岩盐独特开采方法和工艺,应探索相应的监管措施和手段。通过对大汶口岩盐资源赋存特点和开发利用现状分析,指出其开发过程中存在的问题,就岩盐开采方法和工艺的监管措施和手段进行探索,提出开发利用和保护建议,从而有利于促进加强岩盐资源的开发利用和保护工作。  相似文献   
Steam mining method was injecting hot steam into the borehole to heat the hydrate strata at the same time of depressurization mining,which could promote further decomposition and expand mining areas of gas hydrate. Steam heat calculation would provide the basis for the design of heating device and the choice of the field test parameters. There were piping heat loss in the process of mining. The heat transfer of steam flowing in the pipe was steady,so the heat loss could be obtained easily by formula calculation. The power of stratum heating should be determined by numerical simulation for the process of heating was dynamic and the equations were usually nonlinear. The selected mining conditions were 500-millimeter mining radius,10 centigrade mining temperature and 180 centigrade steam temperature. Heat loss and best heating power,obtained by formula calculation and numerical simulation,were 21. 35 W/m and 20 kW.  相似文献   
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