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金沙江巧家—蒙姑段的阶地发育与河谷地貌演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金沙江水系演化与河谷发育问题长期以来是地质地貌学界关注的重大问题,目前仍存在较大争议。河流阶地及其相关沉积是河谷发育过程的产物,可以提供河谷发育的时代与形式等诸多信息。金沙江在巧家—蒙姑段河谷中,葫芦口附近发育和保存了8级基座阶地,结合光释光和电子自旋共振测年方法,依据古气候资料,推断T6~T1的下切时间分别对应于深海氧同位素(MIS)的36/35、34/33、24/23、20/19、14/13和4/3阶段,即气候由冷至暖的转型期。青岗坝附近则发育了5级由堰塞湖相沉积组成的堆积型阶地,指示了中更新世以来该段河谷在下切过程中经历了频繁的滑坡堵江堰塞,发育形式以“下切—滑坡—堰塞—堆积—下切”过程为主。此外,河流的平均下切速率自0.82 Ma以来由此前的0.56 mm/a下降至0.19 mm/a,表明中更新世以来频繁发生的堵江堰塞事件严重抑制了该段河谷的下切作用。综合流域内河流阶地序列及相关沉积的研究,金沙江下游段现代河谷的形成时代不晚于早更新世。  相似文献   
通过对陕西省各实习基地地学实习内容、模式与特点的分析,在分析系统框架、开发方式、开发平台等的基础上,探索建立基于WebGIS的地学实习教辅系统,并对主要功能模块的具体实现方法进行研究。结果表明,利用WebGIS、Java EE、HTML/CSS及ArcGIS图像编辑等技术实现地学实习教辅系统的开发,可对陕西省各实习地点教学素材进行有效管理、教学实习地点展现,并提供师生互动交流平台。  相似文献   
利用金秀县气象站资料,对金秀大瑶山旅游区的气候特征、旅游气候资源、影响旅游安全的重要天气等方面进行综合分析和定量评估,旨在为全面、合理地开发利用金秀大瑶山旅游气候资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   
To quantify the impacts of native vegetation on the spatial and temporal variations in hydraulic properties of bank gully concentrated flows, a series of in situ flume experiments in the bank gully were performed at the Yuanmou Gully Erosion and Collapse Experimental Station in the dry-hot valley region of the Jinsha River, Southwest China. This experiment involved upstream catchment areas withone-and two-year native grass(Heteropogon contortus) and bare land drained to bare gully headcuts, i.e., Gullies 1, 2 and 3. In Gully 4, Heteropogon contortus and Agave sisalana were planted in the upstream catchment area and gully bed, respectively. Among these experiments, the sediment concentration in runoff in Gully 3 was the highest and that in Gully 2 was the lowest, clearly indicating that the sediment concentration in runoff obviously decreased and the deposition of sediment obviously increased as the vegetation cover increased. The concentrated flows were turbulent in response to the flow discharge. The concentrated flows in the gully zones with native grass and bare land were sub-and supercritical, respectively. The flow rate and shear stress in Gully 3 upstream catchment area were highest among the four upstream catchment areas, while the flow rate and shear stress in the gully bed of Gully 4 were lowest among the four gully beds, indicating that native grass notably decreased the bank gully flow rate and shear stress. The Darcy–Weisbach friction factor(resistance f) and flow energy consumption in the gully bed of Gully 4 were notably higher than those in the other three gully beds, clearly indicating that native grass increased the bank gully surface resistance and flow energy consumption. The Reynolds number(Re), flow rate, shear stress, resistance f, and flow energy consumption in the gully beds and upstream areas increased over time, while the sediment concentration in runoff and Froude number(Fr) decreased. Overall, increasing vegetation cover in upstream catchment areas and downstream gully beds of the bank gully is essential for gully erosion mitigation.  相似文献   
The maximum normal impact resultant force(NIRF)is usually regarded as the sum of the static earth pressure of the dead zone and the dynamic impact pressure of the flowing layer.The influence of the interaction between the flowing layer and dead zone on the impact force is ignored.In this study,we classified two impact models with respect to the pileup characteristics of the dead zone.Then,we employed the discrete element method to investigate the influences of the pileup characteristics on the impact force of dry granular flow on a tilted rigid wall.If the final pileup height is equal to the critical value,the maximum NIRF can be estimated using a hydrostatic model,because the main contribution to the maximum NIRF is the static earth pressure of the dead zone.If the final pileup height is less than the critical value,however,the particles in the dead zone are squeezed along the slope surface by the impact ofthe flowing layer on the dead zone,and because of shear effects,the flowing layer causes an entrainment in the dead zone.This results in a decrease in the volume of the dead zone at the moment of maximum NIRF with increases in the slope angle.As such,the maximum NIRF mainly comprises the instant impact force of the flowing layer,so hydro-dynamic models are effective for estimating the maximum NIRF.Impact models will benefit from further study of the components and distribution of the impact force of dry granular flow.  相似文献   
基于CiteSpace的可视化分析,并结合高被引文献的阅读,总结了国外第二居所研究的特征、阶段与热点;国外第二居所研究呈现出总量上波动上升、学科上呈交叉融合、区域上由发达国家向发展中国家扩散的趋势,欧洲、北美与南非是第二居所研究的核心区域,该领域的研究已形成两个核心学术共同体;第二居所的研究可以划分为3个阶段:初始复兴期(1996年~2003年),研究成果较少;快速复兴期(2004年~2012年),研究成果迅速增加,研究视角趋于多元化;全面复兴期(2013年~2018年),研究区域不断向欠发达地区扩张,新的热点不断出现。主要研究热点包括第二居所的概念体系与理论辨析,第二居所旅游影响,第二居所业主行为特征与情感依恋。  相似文献   
陈辉  张卡  宿东  王蓬勃 《测绘通报》2019,(9):34-37,72
针对现有利用阴影长度法提取建筑物高度时存在的阴影间相互遮挡问题,提出了一种基于建筑物侧面轮廓线进行建筑物高度估算的新方法。首先,利用RPC模型计算建筑物像点位移的方向与卫星成像角度,再将遥感影像进行旋转,使建筑物像点位移沿水平方向;然后,利用Canny算法进行轮廓检测,并构建一定长度的矩形形态学结构元素,对轮廓图像进行形态学开运算,以提取侧面轮廓线,再利用Hough变换与建筑物角点约束,对所提取的轮廓线进一步筛选;最后,根据卫星侧视成像时建筑物高度与像点位移的几何关系进行建筑物的高度估算。利用实际的高分辨率卫星影像对本文方法进行了验证,并与阴影法估算建筑物高度进行了对比。试验结果证明,利用建筑物侧面轮廓线进行建筑物高度估算平均误差可以达到0.7 m,且实际精度优于使用阴影法进行建筑物高度估算。  相似文献   
目前没有规范给出串锚的水平承载力计算公式,为了利用有限元法研究串锚水平承载力特性,采用相关理论计算以及室内试验的方法来验证有限元法模拟计算的可靠性。实践证明,有限元法具有较高的计算精度。利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS建立了串锚-土体模型,模拟串锚在水平荷载作用下破坏过程,研究了串锚在水平荷载作用下破坏机理,从而得到了串锚水平承载力特性。在相同的工况条件下,串锚的水平承载力与其锚链长度有关,在一定范围内,增加锚链的长度可以提高串锚的水平承载力;串锚的水平承载力不是相应的单个锚的水平承载力相加,其水平承载力小于相应的单个锚水平承载力之和,在进行串锚水平承载力设计计算时应给与相应的考虑。  相似文献   
深入探究页岩气富集机理是保障勘探开发高效推进的基础。本研究通过对四川盆地五峰组—龙马溪组页岩气勘探开发实践的系统分析,梳理总结前人研究成果,从生成机理、运移机理、赋存机理和保存机理四个方面对海相页岩气富集机理进行了深入分析,并讨论了深层和常压页岩气的勘探开发潜力。结果表明:在生成机理方面,埋藏史和热演化史控制了页岩生排烃史、生排烃量和现今含气量;页岩气运移机理涉及运移动力、运移相态、运移方式和运移通道四方面内容,页岩气运移主要是烃源岩内的初次运移,同时讨论了初次运移的影响因素;在赋存机理方面,甲烷—页岩间表现出单/多分子层吸附和微孔充填等多种赋存机制,组分润湿性和孔隙有效性是决定甲烷吸附赋存和解吸运移的关键;在保存机理方面,盖层和物性自封闭是主要的保存机理,构造运动引起的裂缝—流体活动是页岩气保存条件遭到破坏的主要原因,流体活动时间和期次研究是页岩气保存条件和含气量定量评价的重要内容。页岩气富集机理的系统分析和创新认识为页岩气勘探开发评价提供了重要依据,建议加强页岩气演化历史全过程的动态评价。结合深层和常压页岩气勘探实践,分析了深层和常压页岩气的成因机制及主要特征,指出了下一步攻关内容及勘探方向。  相似文献   
粤北下庄铀矿田坪田花岗岩外接触带型铀矿床,矿体主要赋存于粤北贵东岩体的外接触带变质砂岩中,受北北东向构造、热液活动、岩性及接触带共同控制。运用流体包裹体测温测试分析方法,对该地区铀矿体成矿期均一温度和流体盐度进行测试,测试结果:含铀包裹体均一温度范围为1500℃2520℃,流体盐度为04114857 wt% NaCl eqv,属于中低温、低盐度活动范围。坪田地区热液活动具有多期次性、含矿构造发育、围岩蚀变强烈及低温、低盐度的含矿流体特征,是铀成矿有利的地质条件,也是下庄铀矿田开展花岗岩外带型铀矿找矿潜力较大的重要地区之一。  相似文献   
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