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Depositional slope systems along continental margins contain a record of sediment transfer from shallow‐water to deep‐water environments and represent an important area for natural resource exploration. However, well‐preserved outcrops of large‐scale depositional slopes with seismic‐scale exposures and tectonically intact stratigraphy are uncommon. Outcrop characterization of smaller‐scale depositional slope systems (i.e. < 700 m of undecompacted shelf‐to‐basin relief) has led to increased understanding of stratigraphic packaging of prograding slopes. Detailed stacking patterns of facies and sedimentary body architecture for larger‐scale slope systems, however, remain understudied. The Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation of the Magallanes Basin, southern Chile, presents a unique opportunity to evaluate the stratigraphic evolution of such a slope system from an outcrop perspective. Inherited tectonic relief from a precursor oceanic basin phase created shelf‐to‐basin bathymetry comparable with continental margin systems (~1000 m). Sedimentological and architectural data from the Tres Pasos Formation at Cerro Divisadero reveal a record of continental margin‐scale depositional slope progradation and aggradation. Slope progradation is manifested as a vertical pattern exhibiting increasing amounts of sediment bypass upwards, which is interpreted as reflecting increasing gradient conditions. The well‐exposed, seismic‐scale outcrop is characterized by four 20 to 70 m thick sandstone‐rich successions, separated by mudstone‐rich intervals of comparable thickness (40 to 90 m). Sedimentary body geometry, facies distribution, internal bedding architecture, sandstone richness and degree of amalgamation were analysed in detail across a continuous 2·5 km long transect parallel to depositional dip. Deposition in the lower section (Units 1 and 2) was dominated by poorly channellized to unconfined sand‐laden flows and accumulation of mud‐rich mass transport deposits, which is interpreted as representing a base of slope to lower slope setting. Evidence for channellization and indicators of bypass of coarse‐grained turbidity currents are more common in the upper part of the > 600 m thick succession (Units 3 and 4), which is interpreted as reflecting increased gradient conditions as the system accreted basinward.  相似文献   
The sedimentology, mineralogy and pore fluid chemistry of seven cores from the Holocene sediments of Florida Bay were studied to determine the physical processes and diagenetic reactions affecting the sediments. The cores were taken in a transect from a shallow mudbank onto a small adjacent island, Jimmy Key. Steady state models of pore fluid chemistry are used to estimate the rates of various reactions. In the mudbank sediments, little carbonate mineral diagenesis is taking place. No change in sediment mineralogy is detectable and pore water profiles of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Sr2+ show only minor variation. Chloride concentrations indicate substantial biological mixing of seawater from the bay into the sediments in one of the cores. Pore water analyses of sulphate and alkalinity show only a low degree of sulphate depletion and a decreasing extent of sulphate reduction downcore. Models of sulphate reduction in the mudbank show that there is substantial chemical exchange between the sediment pore fluids and water from the bay probably as a result of bio-irrigation. The sulphate and alkalinity data also suggest that the underlying Pleistocene rocks contain water of near normal seawater composition. Stratigraphic analysis and δ13C analyses of the organic carbon in the sediments of the island cores show that the sediments were primarily deposited in a subtidal mudbank setting; only the upper 20–30 cm is supratidal in origin. Nevertheless, island formation had a significant effect on pore fluid chemistry and the types of diagenetic reactions throughout the sediment column. Chloride in the sediment pore fluids is more than twice the normal seawater concentrations over most of the depth of the cores. The constant, elevated chloride concentrations indicate that hypersaline fluids which formed in ponds on the island are advected downward through the sediments. Models of the chloride profiles yield an estimate of 2·5 cm yr?1 as a minimum advective velocity. Changes in pore water chemistry with depth are interpreted as indicating the following sequence of reactions: (1) minor high-Mg calcite dissolution and low-Mg calcite precipitation, from 0 to 35 cm; (2) Ca- or Mg-sulphate dissolution and low-Mg calcite precipitation, from 5 to 35 cm; (3) dolomite or magnesite precipitation together with sulphate reduction, from 35 to 55 cm; and (4) little reaction below 55 cm. In addition, one or more as yet unidentified reactions must be taking place from 5 to 55 cm depth as an imbalance in possible sources and sinks of alkalinity is observed. The imbalance could be explained if chloride is not completely conservative. Despite the pore fluid chemical evidence for diagenetic reactions involving carbonate minerals, no changes in sediment mineralogy were detected in X-ray diffraction analyses, probably because of the comparatively young age of the island.  相似文献   
Glaciers in small mountain cirques on South Georgia respond rapidly and sensitively to changes in South Atlantic climate. The timing and rate of their deglaciation can be used to examine the impact that nineteenth- and twentieth-century climate change has had on the glacial dynamics and terrestrial ecosystems of South Georgia. As part of a reconnaissance study in Prince Olav Harbour (POH), South Georgia, we measured the size of lichens ( Rhizocarpon Ram. em Th. Fr. subgenus. Rhizocarpon group) on ice-free moraine ridges around two small mountain cirques. Our aims were twofold: first, to provide age estimates for lichen colonization, and hence, deglaciation of the moraine ridges, and second, to examine the potential of applying lichenometry more widely to provide deglacial age constraints on South Georgia. In the absence of lichen age-size (dating) curves for South Georgia, we use long-term Rhizocarpon lichen growth-rates from recent studies on sub-Antarctic Islands and the western Antarctic Peninsula to calculate likely age estimates. These data suggest ice retreat from the two outermost moraines occurred between the end of the 'Little Ice Age' (post c. 1870) and the early twentieth century on South Georgia. Lichen colonization of the innermost moraines is probably related to glacier retreat during the second half of the twentieth century, which has been linked to a well-defined warming trend since c. 1950. Patterns of possible nineteenth- and twentieth-century glacial retreat identified in POH need to be tested further by establishing species- and site-specific lichen age-size (dating) curves for South Georgia, and by applying lichenometry to other mountain cirques across South Georgia.  相似文献   
Detailed mapping of Hercynian basement rocks exposed in theTrois Seigneurs Massif, Pyrenees, France, has demonstrated acontinuous metamorphic sequence developed in Palaeozoic peliticsediments, ranging from chlorite-grade phyllites, through andalusiteand sillimanite mica schists to a zone of migmatites and ultimatelya heterogeneous, peraluminous, biotite- and cordiente-bearinggranitoid (ranging in composition from biotite granite to quartzdiorite) at the deepest tectonic levels exposed. In additionto this ‘deep’ pluton, a syn-metamorphic leucogranitesuite forms pods and sills within the migmatites and mica schistsand a post-metamorphic, homogeneous biotite granodiorite intrudes(and superimposes a contact aureole on) the metasediments. Despitepost-metamorphic deformations, it is clear that the small ({smalltilde} 3 km) separation of low- and high-grade rocks impliesthe existence of very high temperature gradients (80–100?C km –1) during Hercynian metamorphism. Extensive meltingoccurred at {small tilde} 700 ?C at 10–12 km depth, indicatedby the metamorphic mineral assemblages and metamorphic reactionsoccurring in the mica schists. Whole rock XRF analyses of 50 rock samples, including all themain lithologies, indicate that leucogranite compositions areuniform and identical to those of migmatite leucosomes; theyare also close to the major-element composition of experimentallygenerated partial melts of pelitic rocks from the Trois SeigneursMassif. Taken with field relationships, this implies that allleucogranites were generated by partial fusion of pelitic material(< 40 wt. per cent) from the metamorphic sequence, with rapidremoval of the melt by segregation and intrusion to higher structurallevels. The deep biotite granite was probably generated by partialmelting and homogenisation of the same source material, withthe addition of a small magmatic component that was not derivedlocally from the pelites. The late granodiorite was not generatedby anatexis of pelitic material as observed in the metamorphicsequence, and was probably derived by melting of the lower crustat deeper levels than any contemporary exposure of Hercynianbasement in the Pyrenees. Petrological analysis of the metamorphic sequence suggests thatwater activity was externally buffered to high values throughoutthe ‘high-level’ anatexis observed in the TroisSeigneurs sequence. Evidence for this is provided by metacarbonateand metapelite mineral equilibria, by the sequence of metamorphicisograds and by their sharp definition. Moreover, ‘wet’melting conditions are required in order to generate the observedlarge quantities(> 40 wt. per cent) of granitic melt frompelitic material over the small (< 30 ?C) temperature increaseimplied by the section through the migmatite zone. Anatexisof pelitic metasediment was thus promoted by an influx of hydrousfluid into the melting zone. Stable-isotope studies suggestthat this influx was derived from the ground surface, allowingmelts to be continuously saturated as they were generated, andimplying that groundwater infiltration was primarily responsiblefor large-scale anatexis of metasediment at such shallow depths.  相似文献   
Dark grey, bituminous dolostones interbedded with marine-derived anhydrite horizons occur in the Triassic Reichenhall Formation of western Austria. Fossils are rare and indicate a hostile, hypersaline depositional environment. The dolomites are finely crystalline, fairly stoichiometric, well ordered and non-ferroan. Closely spaced samples (94 in total) of individual dolomite units have been analysed for their carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. The data indicate surprisingly low δ18O values (-5.7 to -2.1%0 PDB), whereas the δ13C values are comparable to the contemporary Triassic seawater (+0.2 to +2.6%0 PDB). Sedimentological evidence, including (i) lack of any evidence for extensive dissolution, (ii) distinct oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of individual dolomite units, (iii) covariance of carbon and oxygen isotopes within some dolomite layers and (iv) inclusions of celestite in dolomite, indicates a nearly closed system after early diagenesis. Combining this information with water-rock interaction calculations suggests that the lightest oxygen isotope compositions are the result of freshwater influx into the basin during very early dolomite formation. A secondary factor may be dolomite recrystallization at elevated temperatures during burial.  相似文献   
The recognition of terminal fluvial systems, otherwise termed 'terminal fans' or 'distributary fluvial fan systems', preserved in the ancient rock record is based primarily on the recognition of facies characteristics indicative of a progressive downstream decrease in: (i) fluvial discharge; (ii) channel depth and width; (iii) lateral and vertical connectivity of channel-fill elements; and (iv) evidence for channellized flow and a systematic increase in: (i) evidence for sheetflood deposition; (ii) aeolian and/or playa deposits; and (iii) channel bifurcation. However, despite these criteria having been applied previously to a variety of outcrop successions, there is still no unifying facies model that adequately accounts for the complex stratigraphic architectural relationships expected for such systems, based on the varied styles of fluvial activity and system interaction known from modern examples. Moreover, few previous studies have given significant consideration to the long-term temporal evolution of terminal fluvial fans. These issues are addressed by this study of the Permian (Leonardian/Artinskian) Organ Rock Formation of the Paradox Basin, South-east Utah. A detailed stratigraphic framework based on 84 sedimentary logs demonstrates proximal to distal variations in sedimentary style. Integration of these data with high-resolution architectural panels depicting the geometry and facies characteristics of individual fluvial elements has enabled the development of a series of depositional models that account for both the spatial and temporal evolution of the system and which are representative of: (i) initial progradation of the fluvial system into the Paradox foreland basin; (ii) retreat of the fluvial system and expansion of a distal aeolian dune system; (iii) the final phase of fluvial progradation following aeolian dune deflation; and (iv) the final retrogradation of the fluvial system back towards the hinterland.  相似文献   
Accelerator mass spectrometry measures of the radiocarbon activity of various chemical fractions prepared from Late Devensian Lateglacial lake sediments from the site of Llyn Gwernan, near Cader Idris, North Wales are presented and assessed. These are compared with radiocarbon measurements obtained by radiometric (decay) counting which were reported earlier from the same site and are considered in the light of pollen-stratigraphic information. The potential advantages of accelerator radiocarbon measurements to the assessment of the chronology and correlation of Lateglacial lake sediments are evaluated.  相似文献   
Garnet Iherzolite and megacrystalline nodules from The Thumbcomprise the deepest mantle sample recovered from the diatremesand intrusions of the Four Corners area. Discrepancies betweenvarious geothermometers applied to these nodules are believedto reflect zoning of Fe in garnets as well as problems in calibrationof the geothermometers. Because the pyroxenes are not zoned,the pyroxene solvus method probably provides more reliable temperatureestimates for this nodule suite than methods based on partitioningof Fe and Mg with garnet. The preferred T-P range of the nodules,950–1230 °C and 32–40 kb, is thought to reflecta localized perturbation of the ambient geotherm by a diapiricor igneous intrusion. Garnet Iherzolites with coarse texture show a trend from fertileto refractory compositions consistent with variable depletionby partial melting. These nodules are interpreted as previouslydepleted mantle rocks, most of which were relatively littleaffected by the thermal perturbation. Garnet Iherzolites withsheared texture are enriched in Fe and Ti relative to the coarseIherzolites and are suggested to have formed by deformationand metasomatism of the coarse lherzolites during intrusionof magma related to the thermal perturbation. The texturallydiverse ‘megacrystalline’ nodules are interpretedas precipitates from this liquid. They are similar to discretenodules from kimberlite pipes, but have unique characteristicsof their own. The above relationships are thought to recordthe process of deep-seated intrusion and partial crystallizationof evolved liquids, possibly related to the host lamprophyre,shortly before the time of eruption.  相似文献   
The Optical Transient Detector (OTD) lightning data for the 12‐month period of 1996 are used to estimate the seasonal and global distributions of lightning‐produced NO x . The relatively small viewing footprint and the low detection efficiency of the OTD sensor and other difficulties require extrapolations of the OTD data to the actual global flash distributions. Furthermore, available measurements for the ratios of intracloud (IC) to cloud‐to‐ground (CG) flashes have been used to partition lightning counts for IC versus CG flashes from the OTD observations. The resulting lightning distributions are then used to calculate the global and seasonal production of NO x , assuming a NO production rate of 6.2×1025 molecules for each CG flash and 8.7×1024 molecules for each IC flash. Consequently, we find that CG flashes produce more NO x than IC flashes despite fewer CG flashes by a factor of 3 or more. NO x production by lightning varies seasonally in accordance with the global lightning distribution, with the maximum production occurring in the Northern Hemisphere in the local summer. The latitudinal distribution of NO x production exhibits a strong seasonal variation outside the tropics with the production occurring mainly in the summer hemisphere, whereas in the tropics the production is high throughout the year. The annual contribution to NO x production by lightning is higher in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
The Upper Permian Gröden Formation of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) is composed of alluvial fan and playa lake sediments that were deposited in intramontane basins. A conspicuous feature of these redbeds is the abundance of magnesite in the form of nodules and discrete layers in mudstones as well as intergranular cement in sandstones. Sedimentological observations indicate that the bulk of these carbonates formed during early diagenesis and were probably syndepositional. Petrographically, most magnesites consist of micrite or, less commonly, microspar. An early non-ferroan magnesite is post-dated by later stage ferroan magnesites. Nodules consisting of recrystallized, sparry magnesite were observed only at one location. The general absence of relics of a non-magnesite precursor mineral and the occurrence of shrinkage features suggest that the fine grained magnesites formed by transformation of a hydrated magnesium carbonate mineral, e.g. hydromagnesite. Carbon, oxygen, sulphur and strontium isotope ratios in conjunction with sedimentological criteria support a model of (hydro)magnesite precipitation in an inland playa lake system, which was fed by run-off from the surrounding hinterland. The scarcity of evaporites and the dominance of magnesite over calcite and dolomite suggest that the playa lake brines were low in sulphate and had high Mg/Ca ratios. The source for the high magnesium concentrations is thought to be the weathering of Devonian dolostones and associated massive magnesite deposits in the catchment area.  相似文献   
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