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Jin Y  Hong SH  Li D  Shim WJ  Lee SS 《Marine pollution bulletin》2008,57(6-12):775-781
To assess the levels of organochlorine compounds (OCs) in the Chinese coastal environment, monitoring study using bivalves was conducted in 2005. A total of 21 bivalve samples covering the northeastern coast of China were collected and analyzed. Organochlorine compounds were widely distributed in the Chinese coastal environment, with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) contamination being particularly prevalent. The overall concentrations of PCBs, DDTs, HCHs, chlordane compounds (CHLs), dieldrin, and endosulfans in bivalves were in the ranges of 3.27-25.4, 54.8-2680, 1.42-25.5, n.d. (not detected)-2.28, n.d.-4.02, and n.d.-9.55 ng g(-1) on a dry weight basis, respectively. The concentrations of DDT and HCH compounds are relatively higher than those from the coastal areas of other Asian countries. DDT metabolites were predominant, suggesting that the degradation of DDT is in progress in the Chinese coastal environment. Still, however, DDTs of high concentration exceeding 1000 ng g(-1) were observed at 19% of the stations surveyed. Among HCH compounds, beta-HCH, which is an isomer with strong persistency, was observed predominantly. Compositions of DDT and HCH compounds imply that fresh input of the two compounds into the Chinese coasts is possibly low.  相似文献   
针对三峡库区重庆段地震监测台网和重庆区域台网2007年到2010年记录到的远震数据,利用接收函数方法,得到该区域的地壳厚度值及泊松比。结果显示27个地震台下方的地壳平均厚度为44.6km。最厚处为城口(CHK),达50.9km;最薄处为荣昌(ROC),仅38.9km,两者相差12km。研究区的地壳泊松比σ值约为0.27,三峡重庆库区东部奉节荆竹(JIZ)地壳泊松比高达0.302,武隆(WUL)地区的地壳泊松比较低,最低为0.228,两者相差0.074;研究区内泊松比的最大值偏离标准泊松体比值(0.25)20.8%以上,其最小值偏离标准泊松体比值-8.80%。布格重力异常反映了地下的密度与地壳厚度变化。文中得出的三峡库区重庆段地壳厚度变化与该区布格重力异常分析结果一致,重庆境内最小的负布格重力异常在地壳厚度最厚的城口—巫溪地区(厚49.7~50.9km),地壳最薄的荣昌—合川地区(厚38.9~41km)对应着渝西最大的负布格重力异常。  相似文献   
石柱金矿位于黔西南贞丰县,是烂泥沟金矿外围的一处小型卡林型金矿床。本文基于野外地质勘查工作和各类岩矿测试结果,系统总结了矿床的地质特征和矿石特征,指出矿区的矿体主要受构造控制,矿石工业类型为少硫化物微细粒浸染型难处理金矿石。矿化富集规律研究成果显示,矿体具有NEE向倾伏的特征,在深部有尖灭再现的可能;在此基础上,提出石柱金矿与烂泥沟金矿具有相似的成因,并建立了烂泥沟—石柱金矿田的成矿模式。  相似文献   
Based on data collected from a temporal seismic network, and in addition to the data from some nearby permanent stations, we investigate the velocity structure and seismicity in the Rongchang gas field, where significant injection-induced seismicity has been identified. First, we use receiver functions from distant earthquakes to invert detailed 1-D velocity structures beneath typical stations. Then, we use the double-difference hypocenter location method to re-locate earthquakes of the 2010 ML5.1 earthquake sequence that occurred in the region. The re-located hypocenters show that the 2010 ML5.1 earthquake sequence was distributed in a small area surrounding major injection wells and clustered mostly along pre-existing faults. Major earthquakes show a focal depth less than 5km with a dominant depth of ~2km, a depth of major reservoirs and injection wells. We thus conclude that the 2010 ML 5.1 earthquake sequence might have been induced by the deep well injection of unwanted water at a depth ~3km in the Rongchang gas field.  相似文献   
金属物质的活化和迁移(根据实验资料)。为了确切地说明变质作用时金属物质活化和迁移的物理化学条件,我们用实验方法研究了流体的温度、压力、浓度和化学成分对其萃取能力的影响;确定了对搬运金属物质有利的边界条件,以及导致流体、溶液搬运能力降低并引起矿石生成过程的因素。  相似文献   
加速器准直测量控制网的精度一般是以相邻点位中误差作为设计依据。本文用Survey平差程序和清华山维平差系统EPSNAS分别对2007年、2009年、2011年和2013年BEPCII储存环测量数据进行了平面平差处理和高程平差处理,利用平差结果和误差椭圆相关计算公式得到了储存环控制点平面和高程的绝对点位中误差和相对点位中误差,结果表明BEPCII储存环准直测量精度较高,且呈现出逐年提高的趋势。通过对点位误差的分析,可以更好地了解控制网平差值的精度状况,从而对控制网的质量和测量方法做一个比较客观的评判。  相似文献   
随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市内涝灾害愈加频繁,人民的生命和财产安全受到了严重的威胁。然而,城市内涝灾害在愈加频繁的同时,产生了诸如信息获取不及时、制图时效性低、地图信息冗余等问题,难以为救援提供及时响应。基于此,本文提出了一种面向城市内涝场景下的微地图制作方法。首先,调用微博API获取任意时间段内特定主题下的社交媒体文本数据,对数据进行清洗与预处理;接着,选取BiLSTM-CRF模型提取社交媒体中有关城市内涝的地名地址信息;然后,结合Dijkstra算法为用户推荐避开危险路段的最优路径;最后,结合灾害信息与实际场景,制作城市内涝场景下的微地图。实验结果表明:(1)该方法能够有效识别城市内涝点,总体准确率达到92.7%;(2)对比官方发布的积水点,本文提取的积水点与官方积水点大部分重叠,能够有效为传统监测方法提供补充信息;(3)根据所得内涝点生成道路网级别的城市内涝地图,能够克服在海量地理空间信息中可视化冗余的不足,即有效缓解地理信息冗余的问题。由此可知,实时显示城市内涝信息,能够为用户掌握灾害现场的信息提供便利,调动他们参与制作微地图的积极性。与此同时,结合最优路径推荐,能够提高灾害...  相似文献   
破坏性地震发生后,及时准确掌握被困人数和具体位置是救援的关键。传统地震应急基础数据库的人口数据是某个时期以行政单元或者公里格网为基础的统计数据,缺乏时效性和空间分布特征,难以据此准确评估地震灾区被困人员的分布情况。该研究根据移动通信定位技术中的被动Cell-ID定位法原理,获取研究区手机定位数据,系统以Microsoft Visual Studio 2012为开发平台,运用C#语言和ArcEngine开发组件来构建,对获取的手机定位数据进行处理,评估灾区被困人口的分布情况,制作专题图,为震后的应急救援提供参考依据。  相似文献   
重庆及邻近地区地震烈度衰减关系分析与确定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据重庆及邻近地区的地震烈度资料,通过回归分析得到了重庆及邻近地区地震烈度衰减规律。这些研究可供重庆及邻近地区进行地震危险性分析和抗震规划时使用。  相似文献   
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