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基于Landsat遥感影像,建立1988年、2000年和2015年3个时期马六甲海峡两侧的岸线数据,并从岸线结构、岸线变化速率、海陆格局和岸线开发利用强度等方面分析1988—2000年、2000—2015年和1988—2015年不同时段区域陆体以及槟城港等12个主要港口区域的岸线时空变化特征。结果如下:岸线结构变化显著,人工岸线长度和比例急剧增加,港口区域逐渐从单一类型主导向多元结构转变;除个别港口外,两侧岸线均呈向海扩张状态,南北两岸的岸线平均变化速率分别为0.91m/a和1.20m/a;因海峡南岸沼泽广布、地势低平及海平面上升等原因,其岸线稳定性差于海峡北岸;岸线开发利用强度持续增强,并表现出明显的海峡北岸强于南岸的空间差异,以及北岸第一阶段增长快于第二阶段,南岸第一阶段增长慢于第二阶段的时间差异。马六甲海峡的交通运输功能是两岸岸线变化的主要驱动因素。本研究对认识马六甲海峡两岸及港口区域岸线的时空变化和发展特征有重要意义,对海峡及港口岸线的综合管理具有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   
For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models,i.e.,the pmblem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal watels at at high radar frequency bands(X-band and C-band),the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat-ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed.In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing seme observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient,the dispersion coefficient,the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately.Through simulations of internal tide transfor-mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of intereal wave field are obtained.The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m,but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea(about 20°30'N,114°E)in August.It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation.The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of inter-nal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper.  相似文献   
In crustaceans, the male sexual dif ferentiation and maintenance are specially regulated by androgenic gland(AG). However, little is known about the genes involved in the regulation process.RNA-Seq was performed on AG with ejaculatory duct(AG_ED) and ejaculatory duct(ED) as control in Eriocheir sinensis, one of the most important economic and ?shery crabs with typically sex dimorphism. A total of 925 unigenes were identi?ed as dif ferentially expressed genes(DEGs) and the expression of nine genes randomly selected was con?rmed by qRT-PCR. 667 unigenes were up-regulated in AG_ED, being supposed to be AG preferential genes. Among them, the full length of i nsulin-like androgenic gland factor( IAG) cDNA named as Es-IAG was obtained as a logo gene of AG, which together with the genes i nsulin-like receptor( INR), and s ingle insulin binding domain protein( SIBD), might constitute the sex regulation pathway. Several sex related genes were identi?ed, and their function will have to be investigated. Also,the identi?cation of j uvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase 1( JHEH1), ecdysteroid 22-hydroxylase( DIB) and e cdysone receptor( ECR) preliminarily clari?ed the molecular regulation mechanism of eyestalk-AG-testis axis, which plays important roles in molting and reproduction. The results will enhance our understanding for the molecular basis of the AG involved in male sex regulation in crabs.  相似文献   
Otolith morphology is widely used for fish stock identification. The sulcus, a structure on the medial side of the otolith, is an important feature in morphological analysis. This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using sulcus morphology for stock identification and to compare its performance with commonly used otolith morphology analysis. Otoliths were collected and analyzed from three geographical groups (the Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary, HHE;the Jiaozhou Bay, JZB;and the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary, CJE) of yellow drum Nibea albiflora. The results show that the analysis of sulcus morphology based on shape indices (SIs), elliptic Fourier coefficients (EFc), and a combination of the two parameters identified stocks at overall classification rates of 51.0%, 72.5%, and 73.2%, respectively. These classification rates are similar to those obtained using otolith morphology analysis (57.0%, 73.8%, and 76.5% by SIs, EFc, and their combination, respectively). The findings suggest that sulcus morphology is comparable to the commonly used otolith morphology for identifying stocks of sciaenids, such as the yellow drum. For both otolith and sulcus morphology, EFc could identify the stocks more efficiently than SIs, while the combination of SIs and EFc was even better.  相似文献   
为研究胶州湾夜光藻大量繁殖的生态机制,于2015年逐月对胶州湾12个站位进行了多学科综合调查,获取了温度、盐度、营养盐等环境因子的周年数据,分析了夜光藻种群丰度和结构的时空分布特征,探讨了环境因子对夜光藻种群动态的影响,以及夜光藻种群增长与其繁殖方式的相关关系。结果发现:全年各站位夜光藻丰度范围为0—31.17×10~3ind./m~3,月平均丰度呈现双峰分布;二分裂个体比例介于0—31.25‰,有性繁殖个体比例介于0—29.41‰,两种繁殖方式均呈现出季节差异及空间差异。相关性分析表明,影响夜光藻种群动态的主要因子包括水温、叶绿素a、硝氮及亚硝氮。夜光藻是冷水种,水温与夜光藻种群丰度、两种繁殖个体比例均呈显著负相关;叶绿素a反映夜光藻食物的丰富程度,与夜光藻丰度、两种繁殖个体比例呈显著正相关;亚硝氮和硝氮可能对夜光藻代谢繁殖起调控作用,与夜光藻丰度及有性繁殖个体比例呈负相关。  相似文献   
海洋地质调查数据库通常根据已有数据库结构标准创建各数据表和要素类,采用相关软件工具进行数据管理。基于数据的录入实践,探讨了海洋地质调查数据录入的几个关键环节:表空间和用户对应创建、表之间关联的创建、大对象数据加载等。结果表明,合理的创建用户和表空间、适当的创建数据表与公共索引表和空间站位信息表之间的关联、大对象数据采用BLOB格式存储,有助于实现高效、正确的数据录入。  相似文献   
对青岛近岸海域127个表层沉积物样品和周边入海河流22个表层沉积物样品重矿物分析,系统地研究了重矿物分布特征和物质来源。结果表明,研究区矿物组合为普通角闪石-绿帘石-黑云母-褐铁矿-自生黄铁矿,可划分为3个矿物分区。田横岛-千里岩岛矿物区(Ⅰ区)矿物组合为普通角闪石-绿帘石-褐铁矿-黑云母-阳起石,物源主要来自五龙河等沿岸河流,黄河物质也有贡献;崂山头东部矿物区(Ⅱ区)矿物组合为普通角闪石-绿帘石-褐铁矿-石榴子石,物源以残留沉积和沿岸侵蚀物为主;海阳-乳山近岸矿物区(Ⅲ区)矿物组合为普通角闪石-自生黄铁矿-黑云母-水黑云母-绿帘石-褐铁矿,沉积物受黄河影响显著,沿岸河流和岛屿侵蚀物也有影响。  相似文献   
为了解西太平洋雅浦海沟区俯冲带及岛弧两侧的海底热流分布情况,2015年1-3月期间的西太平洋海山航次中,"科学"号利用最新一代Lister型热流探针对该区域开展了海底热流原位测量工作。沿着横跨俯冲带的站位测线,本次进行了10个热流站位测量,共获得8个站位的有效数据。测量结果表明,该地区地温梯度的变化范围为0.011~0.137 Km-1,平均0.089 Km-1,热导率的变化范围为0.58~1.32 Wm-1K-1,热流值则在14.4~118.85 mWm-2之间,平均为68.02 mWm-2。热流值分布显示,雅浦岛弧附近具有较高的热流值,自雅浦岛弧向两侧热流值逐渐降低,低热流区主要分布在帕里西维拉海盆。由于该地区热流测量数据依然稀缺,深入的讨论有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
对威海南部近岸泥质区WHZK01钻孔(孔深25.1 m)岩心开展粒度分析、AMS14C和光释光(OSL)年代学测试,结合地震地层特征以及周边钻孔对比,建立了晚更新世晚期以来的地层框架,揭示出该地区主要经历了3个阶段的演化过程:(1)氧同位素3期晚期(MIS3a)的河流沉积,水动力环境动荡;(2)氧同位素1期(MIS1)早期河漫滩与河口湾沉积,动力环境总体较弱;(3)全新世滨海-浅海沉积,沉积环境弱而稳定。海平面变化是影响研究区晚更新世以来的沉积演化的主要因素,尤其全新世高海平面以来,随着黄海暖流的形成和黄海环流格局的建立,大量黄河物质在山东半岛沿岸流作用下输运到研究区,使得威海近岸泥质区得以快速发育。  相似文献   
离线固相萃取螯合富集分离-ICP-MS测定海水中的稀土元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测定条件优化、方法比对等实验建立了一种固相萃取小柱离线螯合富集分离电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定海水中稀土元素的方法。海水样品通过调节p H后,进入VAC ELUT SPS24 Agilent圆形固相萃取装置,其主要基体物质的去除率高于97%;萃取富集的优化条件是海水样品p H 4.0~7.0,海水进入萃取柱速率2 m L/min,硝酸洗脱液浓度为1 mol/L;方法对稀土元素的加标回收率为83%~108%,14种稀土元素的检出限为0.057~0.613 ng/L,RSD10%;该方法与氢氧化铁共沉淀法富集稀土元素比对测定结果一致,方法具有准确度与精密度高、操作简便快速等优点,可用于海水样品中稀土元素的定量精确测量。  相似文献   
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