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We employed direct visualization of organic matter (OM) sequestered by microfabric signatures in organo-clay systems to study mechanisms of OM protection. We studied polysaccharides, an abundant class of OM in marine sediments, associated with the nano- and microfabric of clay sediment using a novel application of transmission electron microscopy, histochemical staining (periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate), and enzymatic digestion techniques. We used two experimental organo-clay sediment environments. First, laboratory-consolidated sediment with 10% chitin (w/w) added was probed for chitin before and after digestion with chitinase. Second, fecal pellets from the polychaete Heteromastus filiformis were used as a natural environment rich in clay and polysaccharides. Sections of this material were probed with silver proteinate for polysaccharides before and after digestion with a mixture of enzymes (amylase, cellulase, chitinase, dextranase, and pectinase). In both environments, chitin or other polysaccharides were found within pores, bridging clay domains, and attached to clay surfaces in undigested samples. Digested samples showed chitin or polysaccharides more closely associated with clay surfaces and in small pores. Our results imply protective roles for both sorption to clay surfaces and encapsulation within clay microfabric signatures.  相似文献   
Shipping noise is a threat to marine wildlife. Grey seals are benthic foragers, and thus experience acoustic noise throughout the water column, which makes them a good model species for a case study of the potential impacts of shipping noise. We used ship track data from the Celtic Sea, seal track data and a coupled ocean-acoustic modelling system to assess the noise exposure of grey seals along their tracks. It was found that the animals experience step changes in sound levels up to ~ 20 dB at a frequency of 125 Hz, and ~ 10 dB on average over 10–1000 Hz when they dive through the thermocline, particularly during summer. Our results showed large seasonal differences in the noise level experienced by the seals. These results reveal the actual noise exposure by the animals and could help in marine spatial planning.  相似文献   
Diet analysis can provide an insight into the structure and function of an ecosystem, and can be used in ecosystem-based frameworks to inform management and conservation decisions. Diet composition of rough skate (Zearaja nausta) from the south east coast of New Zealand, was investigated for the first time. We examined 35 stomachs from three trawls between March and June 2017. Prey importance was assessed by a prey specific index of relative importance (PSIRI). This population of rough skates (n?=?32) was found to be specialised feeders, primarily preying on one species, Nectocarcinus antarcticus. This study provides the first insight into rough skate trophic interactions in the surrounding marine community.  相似文献   
South Australian rainfall variability and climate extremes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rainfall extremes over South Australia are connected with broad-scale atmospheric rearrangements associated with strong meridional sea surface temperature (SST) gradients in the eastern Indian Ocean. Thirty-seven years of winter radiosonde data is used to calculate a time series of precipitable water (PW) and convective available potential energy (CAPE) in the atmosphere. Principle component analysis on the parameters of CAPE and PW identify key modes of variability that are spatially and seasonally consistent with tropospheric processes over Australia. The correlation of the leading principle component of winter PW to winter rainfall anomalies reveal the spatial structure of the northwest cloudband and fronts that cross the southern half of the continent during winter. Similarly the second and third principle components, respectively, reveal the structures of the less frequent northern and continental cloudbands with remarkable consistency. 850 hPa-level wind analysis shows that during dry seasons, anomalous offshore flow over the northwest of Australia inhibits advection of moisture into the northwest, while enhanced subsidence from stronger anticyclonic circulation over the southern half of the continent reduces CAPE. This coincides with a southward shift of the subtropical ridge resulting in frontal systems passing well to the south of the continent, thus producing less frequent interaction with moist air advected from the tropics. Wet winters are the reverse, where a weaker meridional pressure gradient to the south of the continent allows rain-bearing fronts to reach lower latitudes. The analysis of SSTs in the Indian Ocean indicate that anomalous warm (cool) waters in the southeast Indian Ocean coincide with a southward (northward) shift in the subtropical ridge during dry (wet) seasons.  相似文献   
The matrix of the C2-ungrouped Tarda meteorite contains abundant smectite minerals that swell and crumble when exposed to polar liquids, causing the sample to rapidly slake. This phenomenon presents a serious challenge when polishing the meteorite, as common polishing liquids used on carbonaceous chondrites, such as water, ethanol, ethylene glycol, and isopropyl alcohol, are polar and will cause the sample to swell, making it unsuitable for some analyses. Hexane and mineral oil are nonpolar liquids that were found to not induce swelling on highly expansive montmorillonite-clay analog material and were effectively integrated into a polishing procedure for Tarda. Here, we detail a procedure for mounting, cutting, and polishing the Tarda meteorite to prepare a surface that is suitable for a variety of sensitive techniques, such as electron microprobe analysis. This work offers a practical methodology for the preparation of other clay-rich samples, which may include the recently returned Ryugu and Bennu materials.  相似文献   
Developmental evaluation of a potential non-steroidal estrogen: triclosan.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Triclosan is an antibacterial agent commonly used in industry and often detected in waste-water effluent. The potential of triclosan to act as an endocrine disruptor was examined because its chemical structure closely resembles known non-steroidal estrogens (e.g. DES, bisphenol A). Japanese medaka fry (Oryzias latipes) were exposed for 14 days beginning 2 days post-hatch to triclosan (100, 10, 1 micrograms/l), 17-beta estradiol (E2; 1 microgram/l), or a solvent control (ethanol). Two months post-exposure, the phenotypic sex of each adult was assessed visually using sexually dimorphic fin shape and size. The proportion of females in each group was similar for triclosan-exposed animals and solvent-treated controls (ethanol 53%, 1 ppb 58%, 10 ppb 45%, 100 ppb 36%) although E2 treatment did produce 92% female adults. Sexually dimorphic fin traits were quantified to look for potential effects of triclosan and E2 on the development of secondary sexual characters. These results do not support the hypothesis that triclosan is potently estrogenic. However, changes in fin length and non-significant trends in sex ratio suggest triclosan is potentially weakly androgenic.  相似文献   
In the Itsaq Gneiss Complex south of the Isua supracrustal belt (West Greenland) some areas of early Archaean tonalite and quartz-diorite are non-gneissic, free of pegmatite veins, and in rarer cases are undeformed with relict igneous textures and hence were little modified by heterogeneous ductile deformation under amphibolite facies conditions in several Archaean events. Such well-preserved early Archaean rocks are extremely rare. Tonalites are high Al, and have bulk compositions close to experimental liquids. Trace element abundances and modelling suggest that they probably originated as melts derived from basaltic compositions at sufficiently high pressures to require residual garnet + amphibolites ± clinopyroxene in the source. The major element characteristics of the quartz-diorites suggest these were derived from more mafic magmas than the tonalites, and underwent either igneous differentiation or mixing with crustal material. As in modern arc magmas, high relative abundances of Sr, Ba, Pb, and alkali elements cannot be generated simply from a basaltic source formed by large degrees of melting of a depleted mantle. This may indicate an important role for fluids interacting with mafic rocks in generating the earliest preserved continental crust. The high Ba/Th, Ba/Nb, La/Nb and low Nb/Th, Ce/Pb, and Rb/Cs ratios of these tonalites are also observed in modern arc magmas. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology was undertaken on seven tonalites, one quartz-diorite, a thin pegmatitic vein and a thin diorite dyke. Cathodoluminescence images show the zircon populations of the quartz-diorite and tonalites are dominated by single-component oscillatory-zoned prismatic grains, which gave ages of 3806 ± 5 to 3818 ± 8 Ma (2σ) (quartz-diorite and 5 tonalites) and 3795 ± 3 Ma (1 tonalite). Dating of recrystallised domains cutting oscillatory-zoned zircon indicates disturbance as early as 3800–3780 Ma. There are rare ca. 3600 Ma and 3800–3780 Ma (very high U and low Th/U) ≤ 20 μm wide partial overgrowths on the prismatic grains. Given likely Zr-undersaturation of precursor melts and evidence of zircon recrystallisation and metamorphic regrowth as early as 3800–3780 Ma, the age determinations on the prismatic oscillatory-zoned zircon populations give the igneous crystallisation age of the tonalite and quartz-diorite protoliths. When the coherency of the geochemistry is considered, these samples represent the best preserved suites of ca. 3800 Ma felsic igneous rocks yet documented. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 23 July 1999  相似文献   
The formation or generation of hopanes are important processes during both the natural heating of organic-rich sediments and laboratory pyrolysis experiments. Molecular maturity parameters as well as the amounts (ng/g rock) of the C31 hopanes and C30–C32 hopanoic acids were quantified in a Jurassic silty shale horizon (Isle of Skye, Scotland) as a function of distance from an igneous intrusion. The maturity profiles of the homohopanes and the hopanoic acids are comparable. There is also a correlation between the decreasing amounts of C30–C32 hopanoic acids and concomitant increases in C29–C31 hopanes suggesting that free hopanoic acids could be one potential source of hopanes in this particular horizon. Other possible sources could include hopanoic acids that are bound into the macromolecular fraction.  相似文献   
macroscale processes that perturb general groundwater chemistry and therefore mineral–water equilibria; and microscale interactions, where attached organisms locally perturb mineral–water equilibria, potentially releasing limiting trace nutrients from the dissolving mineral. In the contaminated unconfined glacio-fluvial aquifer near Bemidji, Minnesota, USA, carbonate chemistry is influenced primarily at the macroscale. Under oxic conditions, respiration by native aerobic heterotrophs produces excess carbon dioxide that promotes calcite and dolomite dissolution. Aerobic microorganisms do not colonize dolomite surfaces and few occur on calcite. Within the anoxic groundwater, calcite overgrowths form on uncolonized calcite cleavage surfaces, possibly due to the consumption of acidity by dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria. As molecular oxygen concentration increases downgradient of the oil pool, aerobes again dominate and residual hydrocarbons and ferrous iron are oxidized, resulting in macroscale carbonate-mineral dissolution and iron precipitation. Feldspars, in contrast, weather exclusively at the microscale near attached microorganisms, principally in the anoxic region of the plume. Native organisms preferentially colonize feldspars that contain trace phosphorus as apatite inclusions, apparently as a consequence of the low P concentration in the groundwater. These feldspars weather rapidly, whereas nearby feldspars without trace P are uncolonized and unweathered. Feldspar dissolution is accompanied by the precipitation of secondary minerals, sometimes on the bacterial cell wall itself. These observations suggest a tightly linked biogeochemical system whereby microbial processes control mineral diagenesis at many scales of interaction, and the mineralogy and mineral chemistry influence microbial ecology. Only the macroscale interaction, however, is easily observable by standard geochemical methods, and documentation of the microscale interactions requires microscopic examination of microorganisms on mineral surfaces and the locally intense diagenetic reactions that result. Received, May 1999/Revised, October 1999/Accepted, October 1999  相似文献   
Flood‐generated sandy siltstones are under‐recognised deposits that preserve key vertebrate (actinopterygians, rhizodonts, and rarer lungfish, chondrichthyans and tetrapods), invertebrate and plant fossils. Recorded for the first time from the lower Mississippian Ballagan Formation of Scotland, more than 140 beds occur throughout a 490 m thick core succession characterised by fluvial sandstones, palaeosols, siltstones, dolostone ‘cementstones’ and gypsum from a coastal–alluvial plain setting. Sandy siltstones are described as a unique taphofacies of the Ballagan Formation (Scotland, UK); they are matrix‐supported siltstones with millimetre‐sized siltstone and very fine sandstone lithic clasts. Common bioclasts include plants and megaspores, fish, ostracods, eurypterids and bivalves. Fossils have a high degree of articulation compared with those found in other fossil‐bearing deposits, such as conglomerate lags at the base of fluvial channel sandstones. Bed thickness and distribution varies throughout the formation, with no stratigraphic trend. The matrix sediment and clasts are sourced from the reworking of floodplain sediments including desiccated surfaces and palaeosols. Secondary pedogenic modification affects 30% of the sandy siltstone beds and most (71%) overlie palaeosols or desiccation cracks. Sandy siltstones are interpreted as cohesive debris flow deposits that originated by the overbank flooding of rivers and due to localised floodplain sediment transport at times of high rainfall; their association with palaeosols and desiccation cracks indicates seasonally wet to dry cycles throughout the Tournaisian. Tetrapod and fish fossils derived from floodplain lakes and land surfaces are concentrated by local erosion and reworking, and are preserved by deposition into temporary lakes on the floodplain; their distribution indicates a local origin, with sediment transported across the floodplain in seasonal rainfall episodes. These deposits are significant new sites that can be explored for the preservation of rare non‐marine fossil material and provide unique insights into the evolution of early terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   
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