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The Rosse Solar-Terrestrial Observatory (RSTO; www.rosseobservatory.ie ) was established at Birr Castle, Co. Offaly, Ireland (53°05′38.9″, 7°55′12.7″) in 2010 to study solar radio bursts and the response of the Earth’s ionosphere and geomagnetic field. To date, three Compound Astronomical Low-cost Low-frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy in Transportable Observatory (CALLISTO) spectrometers have been installed, with the capability of observing in the frequency range of 10?–?870 MHz. The receivers are fed simultaneously by biconical and log-periodic antennas. Nominally, frequency spectra in the range of 10?–?400 MHz are obtained with four sweeps per second over 600 channels. Here, we describe the RSTO solar radio spectrometer set-up, and present dynamic spectra of samples of type II, III and IV radio bursts. In particular, we describe the fine-scale structure observed in type II bursts, including band splitting and rapidly varying herringbone features.  相似文献   
The Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments of the Gippsland shelf are dominated by mixed carbonates and siliciclastics. From a detailed stratigraphic study that combines conventional marine geology techniques with magnetic imagery, the Late Neogene tectonic and eustatic history can be interpreted and correlated to the onshore section. Stratigraphic analyses of eight oil and gasfield foundation bores drilled to 150 m below the seabed revealed three principal facies types: (i) Facies A is fine‐grained limestone and limey marl deeper than 50 m below the seabed, of Late Pliocene age (nannofossil zones CN11–12); (ii) Facies B is a fine‐coarse pebble quartz‐carbonate sand that occurs 10–50 m below the seabed in the inner shelf, grading down into Facies A in wells in the outer shelf, and is of Early‐Middle Pleistocene age (nannofossil subzones CN13a-14b: ca 1.95–0.26 Ma); and (iii) discontinuous horizons of Facies C composed of carbonate‐poor carbonaceous and micaceous fine quartz sand occurring 10–50 m below the seabed. The sparse benthic foraminifers in Facies C are inner shelf or Gippsland (euryhaline) Lakes forms. Holocene sands dominate the upper 1.5–2.5 m of the Gippsland shelf and disconformably overlie cemented limestones with aragonite dissolution, indicating previous exposure to meteoric water. Nannofossil dating of the limestones indicates ages within subzone CN14b (dated between ca 0.26 and 0.47 Ma). Airborne magnetic imaging across the Gippsland shelf and onshore provides details of buried magnetic palaeoriver channels and barrier systems. The river systems trend south‐southeast from the Snowy, Tambo, Mitchell, Avon, Macalister and Latrobe Rivers across the shelf. Sparker seismic surveys show the magnetic palaeochannels as seismic ‘smudges’ 20–40 m below the seabed. They appear to correspond to Facies C lenses (i.e. are Early to Middle Pleistocene features). Magnetic palaeobarrier systems trending south‐southwest in the inner shelf and onshore beneath the Gippsland Lakes are orientated 15° different to the modern Ninety Mile Beach barrier trend. Offshore, they correlate stratigraphically to progradation packages of Facies B. Analysis of bore data in the adjacent onshore Gippsland Lakes suggests that a Pliocene barrier sequence 100–120 m below surface is overlain by fluvial sand‐gravel and lacustrine mud facies. The ferruginous sandstone beds resemble offshore Facies C, and are located where magnetic palaeoriver channel systems occur, implying Early to Middle Pleistocene ages. Presence of the estuarine bivalve Anadara trapezia in the upper lacustrine mud facies suggests that the Gippsland Lakes/Ninety Mile Beach‐type barriers developed over the past 0.2 million years. Further inland, magnetic river channels that cut across present‐day uplifted structures, such as the Baragwanath Anticline, suggest that onshore Gippsland uplift continued into the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   
During March and April of 1995 a major international field project was conducted at the UMIST field station site on Great Dun Fell in Cumbria, Northern England. The hill cap cloud which frequently envelopes this site was used as a natural flow through reactor to examine the sensitivity of the cloud microphysics to the aerosol entering the cloud and also to investigate the effects of the cloud in changing the aerosol size distribution, chemical composition and associated optical properties. To investigate these processes, detailed measurements of the cloud water chemistry (including the chemistry of sulphur compounds, organic and inorganic oxidised nitrogen and ammonia), cloud microphysics and properties of the aerosol and trace gas concentrations upwind and downwind of the cap cloud were undertaken. It was found that the cloud droplet number was generally strongly correlated to aerosol number concentration, with up to 2000 activated droplets cm−3 being observed in the most polluted conditions. In such conditions it was inferred that hygroscopic organic compounds were important in the activation process. Often, the size distribution of the aerosol was substantially modified by the cloud processing, largely due to the aqueous phase oxidation of S(IV) to sulphate by hydrogen peroxide, but also through the uptake and fixing of gas phase nitric acid as nitrate, increasing the calculated optical scattering of the aerosol substantially (by up to 24%). New particle formation was also observed in the ultrafine aerosol mode (at about 5 nm) downwind of the cap cloud, particularly in conditions of low total aerosol surface area and in the presence of ammonia and HCl gases. This was seen to occur at night as well as during the day via a mechanism which is not yet understood. The implications of these results for parameterising aerosol growth in Global Climate Models are explored.  相似文献   
A ground surface temperature history for the last 500 years was created from the inversion of geophysical temperature logs in four deep (?>?1400?m) boreholes on the Blackwood Plateau in southwestern Australia. Modelled temperature changes show close agreement with ground surface temperature histories from elsewhere in the world for this period and indicate that the Blackwood Plateau has experienced a 0.4 K increase in mean temperature between the beginning of the sixteenth century and the 1980s, with more than half of the increase having taken place after 1900. The modelling indicates that the highest temperatures in the region for the last 500 years were recorded during the twentieth century, and that the current rate of temperature change of more than 0.5° K per century is higher than at any other time during this time period.  相似文献   
The Murray Basin is a low-lying but extensive intracratonic depocentre in southeastern Australia, preserving an extraordinary record of Late Neogene sedimentation. New stratigraphic and sedimentologic data allow the long-term evolution of the basin to be re-evaluated and suggest a significant role for: (1) tectonism in controlling basin evolution, and (2) progressive and step-wise climatic change beginning in the early Pleistocene. Tectonic change is associated with regional uplift, occurring at approximately the same rate from the early Pliocene until the present day, and possibly associated with changing mantle circulation patterns or plate boundary processes. This uplift led to the defeat and re-routing of the Murray River, Australia’s major continental drainage system. Key to our interpretation is recognition of timing relationships between four prominent palaeogeographic features – the Loxton-Parilla Sands strandplain, the Gambier coastal plain, palaeo megalake Bungunnia and the Kanawinka Escarpment. Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence suggest that during the Early Pliocene the ancestral Murray River was located in western Victoria, flowing south along the Douglas Depression. Relatively small amounts of regional uplift (<200 m) defeated this drainage system, dramatically changing the palaeogeography of southeastern Australia and forming Plio-Pleistocene megalake Bungunnia. At its maximum extent Lake Bungunnia covered more than 50,000 km2, making it one of the largest known palaeo- or modern-lakes in an intracontinental setting. Magnetostratigraphic constraints suggest lake formation c. 2.4 Ma. The formation of Lake Bungunnia influenced the Pliocene coastal dynamics, depriving the coastline of a sediment source and changing the coastal system from a prograding strandline system to an erosional one. Erosion during this period formed the Kanawinka Escarpment, a palaeo sea-cliff and one of the most prominent and laterally extensive geomorphic features in southeastern Australia. Marine sediments c. 800 ka to c. 1.16 Ma represent the time of re-establishment of depositional coastal dynamics and of a permanent outlet for the Murray River. This age range is consistent with our best estimate of the age of the youngest Lake Bungunnia sediments and points towards an early Pleistocene age for the demise of the lake system. The youngest Lake Bungunnia sediment, present on a number of distinct terraces, suggests that progressive, step-wise climatic change played a role in the demise of the lake. However, in order for the ancestral Murray River system to have been able to breach the pre-existing tectonic dam, it is likely that tectonic change and/or temporarily enhanced discharge was also significant. This scenario indicates that the modern Murray River has only been in existence for at most 700 ka.  相似文献   
We combined optical Hubble Space Telescope ACS images with mid-infrared Spitzer data of the two young star clusters NGC346 and NGC602 in the Small Magellanic Cloud, to study how local and global conditions may affect the process of star formation. We found that, while general conditions such as metallicity, or the mass or morphological type of the parent galaxy do not strongly affect the process of star formation, local conditions such as the gas and stellar density can affect both how star formation occurs and propagates, and also the evolution of a star cluster from early times.  相似文献   
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