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杨晖  孙飞  程会君 《工程地质学报》2006,14(S1):409-412
广州街东高速公路流溪河特大桥穿过广州—从化断裂(以下简称广从断裂)。在鉴定断裂的运动学和动力学特征及其活动性特征的基础上,提出了断裂带上桥梁设计的一般原则,并对流溪河特大桥梁基础方案设计进行了分析研究,提出了基础设计方案。  相似文献   
采用审查回归模型,分别选取了中国东、中、西部的三个典型城市无锡、武汉和西安,计算了三城市受访者的支付意愿值,并对其影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:(1)支付意愿值与地区经济发展水平直接相关。无锡、武汉和西安受访者的支付意愿分别为21.68,17.15和10.07元/年;(2)年龄越长者,由于其天气知识更丰富、日常消费较节俭,对气象服务的支付意愿越低;(3)文化程度越高者,更能理解和支持气象服务事业,对气象服务的支付意愿越高;(4)月收入变量对气象服务的支付意愿有显著影响,但就不同城市的受访者而言,影响的方向并不一致。  相似文献   
文章报道了一批新的海底底水温度(BWT)数据,其中南海(SCS)158个站位、东印度洋(EIO)30个站位及西太平洋(WPO)37个站位。基于这批新的BWT数据,获得南海和西太平洋海域底水温度与水深经验关系,可为地球物理和物理海洋提供准确、可靠的海底温度边界。这将有助于海底油气资源调查与评估。同时,这批实测数据表明:1)水深超过3500m的海域,其底水温度在南海约为2.47℃,比东印度洋(~1.34℃)和西太平洋(~1.60℃)稍微偏高。这与大洋传送带模式所预测的情况比较吻合。该模式认为:低温高盐的海水,从北大西洋格陵兰岛和冰岛附近海域下沉到深层,然后向南流动,再与南极洲周围海域的低温高盐海水一同向北进入印度洋和太平洋。而南海是一个相对比较封闭的热带边缘海,其内部海水与印度洋和菲律宾海交换有限,导致海水温度整体高于印度洋和太平洋。2)台西南盆地水深在2700~3000m的部分站位,其底水温高达约3.00℃,明显高于其周边同水深海域底水温度(平均值约为2.33℃)。这可能是台西南盆地海底水热活动导致的结果。3)在东印度洋和西太平洋水深超过4800m海域,底水温度随着水压增大稍有升高,其升高率分别为10.6mK·MPa~(-1)和12.0mK·MPa~(-1)。这与理论估算的深层底水绝热压力温度梯度范围较为吻合。这也意味着东印度洋和西太平洋深层底水,主要由绝热自压作用导致其温度随着深度的增大而升高。  相似文献   
黄土场地覆盖层厚度和地形条件对地震动放大效应的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对黄土地区场地条件的特点分析研究了场地覆盖层厚度和地形因素对地 震动放大效应的影响规律。通过对大量实际算例的归纳统计,给出了一种定量评价场 地覆盖层厚度及地形因素影响的经验方法。为黄土地震灾害预防及减轻技术研究提 供了参考依据。  相似文献   
1 Introduction The mean meridional circulation plays an important role in the transportation and balance of heat, momen- tum, vortex and vapor between different latitudes. According to the data analysis, there are three circula- tions from the equator to the polar area: the Hadley circulation, a heat-driven circulation which rises around the equator and sinks at a certain latitude; the subpolar circulation, another heat-driven circulation around the polar area; and the Ferrel circulation, an i…  相似文献   
陈鹏  施炜 《地质论评》2015,61(3):536-546
古构造应力场恢复是重建区域地质演化历史的重要手段之一。断层作为地壳浅表发育的脆性变形构造,为恢复古构造应力场提供了重要地质条件。关于利用断层滑动矢量反演古构造应力场,前人进行了长期探索。目前其相关理论基础、研究方法与实际应用均取得重要进展。在断层滑动矢量反演古构造应力场的理论方面,改进的安德森模式描述了在发育先存薄弱带的情况下断层形成与演化的规律,克服了安德森模式只适用于均匀变形域的理论局限性;在研究方法方面,突破了在沉积盆地内部变形相对单一的限制,在造山带前陆或者叠加褶皱区等复杂变形区有效地开展了相关研究,并通过断层相关褶皱与同褶皱变形的滑动矢量分析,厘定出同造山作用的古构造应力场。这一方法在大巴山造山带强变形区得到了有效应用,为探讨其构造演化提供了基础。  相似文献   
Clay fractions in the non-calcareous surface sediments from the eastern Pacific were analyzed for clay minerals, REE and 143Nd/144Nd. Montmorillonite/illite ratio (M/I ratio), total REE contents ((REE), LREE/HREE ratio and cerium anomaly (бCe) may effectively indicate the genesis of clay minerals. Clay fractions with M/I ratio >1, бCe (0.85, (REE (400 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio (4, and REE patterns similar to those of pelagic sediments are terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions and contain more autogenetic montmorillonite. Clay fractions with M/I ratio <1, бCe=0.86 to 1.5, ΣREE=200 to 350 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio (6 and REE distribution patterns similar to that of China loess are identified as terrigenous clay fraction. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios or (э)Nd values of clay fractions inherit the features of terrigenous sources of clay minerals. Clay fractions are divided into 4 types according to (э)Nd values. Terrigenous clay minerals of type I with the (э)Nd values of -8 to -6 originate mainly from North American fluvial deposits. Those of type II with the (э)Nd values of -9 to -7 are mainly from the East Asia and North American fluvial deposits. Those of type III with (э)Nd values of -6 to -3 could come from the central and eastern Pacific volcanic islands. Those of type IV with (э)Nd values of -13 to -12 may be from East Asia eolian. The terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions show patchy distributions, indicating that there are volcanic or hot-spot activities in the eastern Pacific plate, while the terrigenous clay fractions cover a large part of the study area, proving that the terrigenous clay minerals are dominant in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   
The alpine meadow is widely distributed on the Tibetan Plateau with an area of about 1.2×106kn2. Damxung County, located in the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau, is the place covered with this typical vegetation. An open-path eddy covariance system was set up in Damxung rangeland station to measure the carbon flux of alpine meadow from July to October,2003. The continuous carbon flux data were used to analyze the relationship between net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), as well as the seasonal patterns of apparent quantum yield (α) and maximum ecosystem assimilation (Pmax).Results showed that the daytime NEE fitted fairly well with the PAR in a rectangular hyperbola function, with α declining in the order of peak growth period (0.0244 μmolCO2 · μmol-1pAR) >early growth period > seed maturing period > withering period (0.0098 μmolCO2 · μmol-1pAR).The Pmax did not change greatly during the first three periods, with an average of 0.433mgCO2· m-2· s-1, i.e. 9.829 μmolCO2· m-2· s-1. However, during the withering period, Pmax was only 0.35 mgCO2 · m-2 · s-1, i.e. 7.945 μmolCO2 · m-2 · s-1. Compared with other grassland ecosystems, the α of the Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow ecosystem was much lower.  相似文献   
FHD分量核旋仪观测系统的抗干扰技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间电磁波干扰和电源高频谐波干扰是分量核旋仪观测系统的主要干扰源;分量核旋仪观测系统的探头、分量线圈、供电系统及通信线路是主要的干扰途径。作者着重对干扰途径进行了分析,提出了观测系统的抗干扰措施,并分别对探头及信号输入通道、分量线圈、供电系统、通信线路、仪器电路、仪器控制软件进行了全方位的抗干扰设计,新设计提高了分量核旋观测系统的抗干扰能力。  相似文献   
随着环境的改变,水质成分日趋复杂,水-土作用对土体性能的影响越来越明显。针对这一情况,考察了不同种类、不同浓度及不同pH值溶液对土体渗透系数的影响。结果表明,水-土作用对土体渗透系数存在正负两个方向的影响,且影响显著,对土体SEM照片分析后发现,水土之间通过阳离子交替吸附作用和溶蚀及结晶沉淀作用,使土体微观形貌及孔隙特征发生变化,最终导致其渗透性发生改变。  相似文献   
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