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利用欧洲航天局最新发射的宽刈幅、高分辨率Sentinel-1A卫星,第一时间获取2016-02-06台湾美浓MW6.4地震干涉像对,使用D-InSAR技术获取美浓地区的同震形变场。利用震中附近39个同震GPS观测进行对比验证后显示,InSAR获取的同震形变场精度优于1 cm(3σ)。形变发生在宏观震中30 km×30 km范围内,主要表现为沿雷达视线向抬升,最大抬升约12 cm。从形变场空间分布特征可以看出,空间连续性较好,说明宏观震中附近地表未发生明显破裂。宏观震中并不与震中位置重合,而是位于震中西部约15 km处。  相似文献   
对凡纳滨对虾高位养殖池水质环境状况进行了研究。结果表明,养殖期间虾池水体透明度前期较高,中后期较低;虾池pH变化在7.89~9.02之间,变化幅度较小。虾池水体悬浮物数量和CODMn随养殖时间延长而持续升高,变化范围分别为18.5~162.3 mg/L和3.52~14.58 mg/L。虾池水体中营养盐各月份波动较大,无机氮的数量变化在0.206~1.621 mg/L之间,含量逐渐升高,磷酸盐数量变化在0.009~0.067 mg/L之间,含量逐渐下降。水环境中N、P比较高,平均为62.7。养殖水体中后期处于严重富营养化状态。  相似文献   
民航飞机气象资料的应用及探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了将AMDAR资料应用于常规观测预报中,对天气系统的演变特征进行更细微的监测,利用2011年5月1~3日的AMDAR资料,分析AMDAR时空分布特点;对比气象常规高空观测实际,研究AMDAR资料处理技术,得出具体算法,并结合2011年5月1~3日常规高空观测资料分析天气形势,看出常规高空观测中显示的1日20时移出盆地的高原东部至盆地上空的浅槽于1日14时就已经移出盆地了,延安伸出的槽在14时也已出现。研究结果表明,高空气压的计算可直接用等温大气中的压高方程代替;AMDAR资料应用于常规高空观测可以得到比常规高空观测更为细致的结果。  相似文献   
手持设备自身的限制及无线网络环境的特点,要求地图在许多方面进行改革以适应新的技术条件。制图综合作为地图生产与制作的重要环节,是当前移动环境下地图应用必须面临的问题。本文以居民地综合算法为例,探讨了部分算法在移动环境中的执行效率,并进行了可用性验证。尝试将移动环境中用户位置以及用户的当前任务等上下文信息用于综合算法中,设计以用户位置及当前任务为中心的实时制图综合算法,最后以案例证明了算法的可用性。  相似文献   
A linear regression analysis of 28 selected tide-gauge stations of the Zhujiang Estuary shows that there has been a tendency of local sea level rise at a rate of 2.028 mm per year. The origin of the variation is significantly attributed to the local tectonic movement of discrepant fault-block. Based on this, four types of relative local sea level changes are classified. According to calculation, half of the fertile land, or 800 km2 of the delta plain will have been submerged by sea water by about 2040. This will yield a significant influence on the economic construction and human activities.  相似文献   
通过PCR扩增直接测序得到10种徐闻石珊瑚线粒体Cyt b基因部分序列,分析其碱基组成和变异频率,并采用Neighbor-Joining和Maximum Parsimony法构建系统发育树。结果显示:序列中A+T比例为61.0%,G+C比例为39.0%,前者明显高于后者,碱基替换主要发生在密码子第3位;滨珊瑚科分类与传统分类存在一定差异,揭示传统形态学分类可能受珊瑚骨骼生长可塑性限制,造成分类不准确;刺柄珊瑚属与蜂巢珊瑚科各属亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   
Fish assemblage structure in the hypoxic zone in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and its adjacent waters were analyzed based on data from bottom trawl surveys conducted on the R/V Beidou in June, August and October 2006. Four fish assemblages were identified in each survey using two-way indicator species analysis (TWIA). High fish biomass was found in the northern part, central part and coastal waters of the survey area; in contrast, high fish diversity was found in the southern part of the survey area and the Changjiang estuary outer waters. Therefore, it is difficult to maintain high fishery production when high fish diversity is evenly distributed in the fish community. Fish became smaller and fish size spectra tended to be narrower because of fish species variations and differences in growth characteristics. Fish diversity increased, the age to maturity was reduced and some migrant species were not collected in the surveys. Fish with low economic value, small size, simple age structure and low tropic level were predominant in fish assemblages in the Changjiang estuary and its adjacent waters. The lowest hypoxic value decreased in the Changjiang estuary and its adjacent waters.  相似文献   
建立了一种虾、鱼、贝、藻多池循环水生态养殖及水质生物调控系统 ,该系统包括对虾养殖、鱼类养殖、贝类养殖、大型海藻栽培等 4个功能不同的养殖区 ,1个水处理区及 1个应急排水渠。通过在封闭循环系统内不同池塘中放养生态位互补的经济动植物 ,对虾池水质环境进行生物调控。结果表明 ,循环系统内虾池水层悬浮物数量、COD值、氨态氮含量比对照组单养对虾池明显降低 (t检验 ,P <0 .0 1)。养殖后排放水不处于富营养化状态 (E <1)。投入每千克对虾饲料生产0 .6 6 7kg对虾 ,同时生产 0 .0 37kg罗非鱼、0 .738kg牡蛎、0 .4 37kg江蓠 ,饲料利用率和经济效益显著增加。该养殖模式还具有防病性、环保性、高效性等优点  相似文献   
Pyropia yezoensis, belongs to the genus of Porphyra before 2011, inhabit on intertidal zone rocks where irradiation changes dramatically, implying that the seaweed has gained certain mechanisms to survive a harsh environment. Based on the photosynthetic parameters with or without the inhibitors determined by a Dual-PAM-100 apparatus, we investigated the photosynthetic performance and the changes in electron flow that occurred during the algae were stressed with different light intensities previously. When the irradiation saturation was approaching, the CEF around PS I became crucial since the addition of inhibitors usually led to an increase in non-photochemical quenching. The inhibitor experiments showed that there were at least three different CEF pathways in Py. yezoensis and these pathways compensated each other. In addition to maintaining a proper ratio of ATP/NAD(P)H to support efficient photosynthesis, the potential roles of CEF might also include the regulation of different photoprotective mechanisms in Py. yezoensis. Under the regulation of CEF, chlororespiration is thought to transport electrons from the reduced plastoquinone (PQ) pool to oxygen in order to mitigate the reduction in the electron transfer chain. When irradiation was up to the high-grade stress conditions, the relative value of CEF began to decrease, which implied that the NADP+ pool or PQ+ pool was very small and that the electrons were transferred from reduced PS I to oxygen. The scavenging enzymes might be activated and the water-water cycle probably became an effective means of removing the active oxygen produced by the irradiation stressed Py. yezoensis. We believe that the different mechanisms could make up the photoprotective network to allow Py. yezoensis for survival in a highly variable light stress habitat, which may enlighten scientists in future studies on irradiance stress in other algae species.  相似文献   
利用GOCE卫星约6个月的重力梯度数据和约1 a的几何轨道数据,联合解算250阶次的地球重力场模型TJGOCE01。GOCE重力梯度数据的低频误差采用ⅡR数字滤波器处理,粗差采用阀值法和移动窗口阀值法组合探测与剔除。直接在梯度仪坐标系中建立GOCE卫星的重力梯度观测方程,采用改进的短弧边值法建立几何轨道观测方程。两类观测值的权根据其先验精度确定,采用Kaula规则约束的正则化方法解算法方程。解算的TJGOCE01模型相对于EIGEN6C2模型在250阶次的大地水准面误差和大地水准面累积误差分别为19.4 mm和177.9 mm。北美地区GPS水准观测数据的检验结果表明,TJGOCE01模型的中误差为0.544 m,略优于欧空局公布的同阶次的第二代时域法和空域法解算的GOCE重力场模型。  相似文献   
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