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Based on the information from forest resources distribution maps of Luoning County of 1983 and 1999, six indices were used to analyze spatial patterns and dynamics of forest landscapes of the typical region in the middle of the Yihe-Luohe river basin. These indices include patch number, mean patch area, fragment index, patch extension index, etc. The results showed that: (1) There was a rapid increase in the number of patch and total area from 1983 to 1999 in the study area. The fragment degree became very high. (2) The area of all the forest patch types had witnessed great changes. The fractal degree of each forest patch type became big from 1983 to 1999. The mean extension index of Robinia pseudoacacia forest, non-forest, shrub forest, sparse forest, and Quercus species forest increased rapidly, but that of economic forest became zero. The fractal dimension each showed that forest coverage has been promoted. (3) The changes of landscape patterns were different in different geomorphic regions. From 1983 to 1999 the vegetation cover area, the gross number and the density of patch, diversity and evenness of landscape were all reduced greatly in gullies and ravines, but the maximum area and the mean area of patch types were increased. In hilly region, both the forest cover area and the number of patch increased from 1983 to 1999, but the mean area of patch was reduced greatly. In mountain region, even though the area under forest canopy reduced from 1983 to 1999, the patch number was increased greatly, the mean area of all patch types was reduced, the extension index, diversity index and evenness index of landscape were all increased. Furthermore, because of different types of land use, human activity and terrain, the vegetation changes on northern and southern mountain slopes were different. According to these analyses, the main driving forces, such as the policies of management, market economy, influence of human activities etc. are brought out.  相似文献   
产学合作网络是长三角创新共同体建设的重要方面,而当前经济地理学相关研究集中在“本地/全球”二元尺度讨论上,缺乏多尺度产学合作效应的比较分析。基于IncoPat专利数据,本文从尺度和效应视角探讨了长三角创新产学合作与企业创新绩效的关系,得到以下结论:①长三角创新产学合作的空间格局呈现以省会城市为中心的星芒状结构,核心城市占据的网络优势地位能够助力其在网络中获取创新资源,并且高校资源的不均衡分布特征进一步巩固了省会城市的优势地位,使得长三角创新产学合作格局具有明显的路径依赖特征。②本省与长三角区域尺度创新产学合作对企业创新绩效的影响要显著高于其他尺度。从区域尺度客观看待高校在空间创新进程中的作用尤为重要。③长三角创新产学合作的平均距离与企业创新绩效间呈现显著的倒“U”型关系,并且工科院校产学合作的作用和极值点均要大于综合院校和其他院校。由此,本文提出以下建议:一方面应该加快推进以区域尺度创新产学合作为重点的产学合作体系建设;另一方面应当强化薄弱地区产学合作的多尺度耦合网络建设,着力提升薄弱地区的网络地位。  相似文献   
消费行为是人类社会中的一种复杂行为,其形成的活动空间也呈现出复杂性和多样性的特点。基于消费行为地理学的研究,以消费行为理论、微观区位理论等为依据,对大学生消费行为的微观区位选择进行了初探,以问卷调查得来的第一手资料为基础,对嘉应学院学生消费行为的微观区位选择的特征进行了探讨。通过研究发现,大学生消费行为具有明显的空间圈层结构,认知距离在其选择消费区位时起到了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
宁夏香山荒漠草原区植物群落多样性时空特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用多个多样性指数对宁夏香山荒漠草原区植物群落多样性时间、空间动态进行分析。结果表明,该地区群落时、空动态特征不明显。长期过度放牧导致环境恶化,生境碎化,这些作用的长期性、循环性是造成物种、群落格局与原有时、空动态规律相悖的主要因素,这些因素消除了物种或群落在时间梯度上应有的变化规律。干旱山地物种在长期进化过程中成功的发展了对环境的适应机制,环境的波动性强烈导致了群落多样性在原来消长动态基础上的复杂化,也使多样性动态机制复杂化。应用多种指数数学模型对研究对象进行综合评价,能够真实地反映群落多样性动态。  相似文献   
利用昌灵山早材宽度年表重建腾格里沙漠南缘在过去315 a的5~6月份PDSI指数变化,重建方程的方差解释量达42.0%。腾格里沙漠南缘5~6月的PDSI指数重建序列平均值为-0.32。腾格里沙漠南缘5~6月的PDSI指数重建序列对西北地区干旱极端历史事件有良好的响应。空间分析显示腾格里沙漠南缘5~6月的PDSI指数重建序列与亚洲季风尾闾区PDSI指数的变化比较一致,同时还与西北地区的多条PDSI指数重建序列有着良好的相关性。腾格里沙漠南缘5~6月的PDSI指数重建序列具有25 a(95%)、12 a(95%)、3.4 a(99%)、2.8 a(99%)、2.6 a(99%)、2.3 a(95%)的周期变化。  相似文献   
杨旭  刘刚  廉毅  尚博 《地理科学》2015,35(2):223-229
利用1951-2009年NCEP/NCAR高度场月平均资料、全球海表温度月平均资料、国家气候中心提供的东北地区24站逐月温度资料、鄂霍次克海阻塞高压(东阻)活动天数等数据,采用相关和奇异值分解分析(SVD)方法,分析夏季(6-8月)东阻活动天数的年际变化及其前期征兆,结果表明:夏季东阻活动天数年际变化阶段性明显,21世纪以来不仅处于强盛后期明显下降趋势阶段,而且年际变率显著增大;夏季东阻活动天数与中国东北地区中部及东部的温度呈显著负相关;春季至夏季赤道东太平洋(NINO3区)SSTA(特别是1977-2009年)呈El Niño位相是夏季东阻活动的最重要强迫源,当赤道东太平洋为El Niño状态,以及阿拉伯海与北太平洋西风漂流区为暖海温时,夏季东阻活动天数偏多;与夏季同期大西洋海温的SVD1模态表明,当大西洋海温SSTA整体上处于冷(暖)位相分布时,东阻活动天数偏少(多);夏季东阻活动天数与春季NPO和极涡面积指数相关存在着的年代际变化特征,1951-1976年,夏季东阻活动天数仅与春季北半球极涡面积指数、亚洲极涡面积指数呈显著正相关, 1977-2009年,不仅与春季极涡面积指数呈正相关信号消失,而且,1951-2009年与春季NPO指数呈显著的正相关信号,在此期间也迅速减弱消失。  相似文献   
在分析树木生长对气候要素响应的基础上,利用采自天山中段南坡夫斯坦沟的雪岭云杉树轮宽度年表,重建了巴仑台地区1360~2004A.D.当年7月至次年6月的降水量序列,方差解释量达53%(调整自由度后为52%)。交叉检验结果表明重建方程稳定可信。过去645a以来,巴仑台地区的降水量变化存在12个偏少阶段和12个偏多阶段。巴仑台地区降水量重建序列存在10.7~11、6.7和2.1a的显著准周期及16.5~17.2和2.4~6.6a的较显著准周期,并且在1496A.D.前后发生了降水量由少向多的突变。  相似文献   
Water level fluctuation of is an important ecological character of lakes in monsoon climate zone.It is the key driver to seasonal change of the wetlands and associated habitats,which provide vital inhabiting conditions for different species in summer and winter,or,wet season and dry season.Due the hydrologic regime changes in the recent years after the operation of Three Gorges Dam,in 2012,the government of Hunan province proposed Chenglingji Hydraulic Project,aiming at water level control in dry season at Chenglingji,where the outlet of Dongting Lake located.Through different operations on water retreat process,five scenarios on the water level control from 21 m to 24 m were set in the plan.The potential ecological impacts of the project are under enormous public concern.To analyze potential impacts from different scenarios of water level control on the wetlands,this paper studied the topography of Dongting Lake bed and wetlands in dry season,by using Digital Elevation Model(DEM)and 15 images from HJ satellite and 1 image from Landsat TM.The wetlands at water levels of 19 m to 27 m were analyzed.The study revealed that there were 4 terrain steps on Dongting Lake bed from the West Dongting Lake to East Dongting Lake.Water level control at Chenglingji would increase area of open water in East Dongting Lake and Hengling Lake areas,while its effect on South Dongting Lake and West Dongting Lake areas due to higher terrain was weaker.Particularly,the area percentages of South Dongting Lake area did not change with water level fluctuation,due to its 2 elevation steps.The area percentages of various types of the wetlands in Dongting Lake area during the processes of water level rising and retreating were quite different,even in the relatively close water level interval.The retreating area of open water in autumn was larger than that during the spring flooding.The 23 m was the key water level,a turning point of the area change of the wetlands in Dongting Lake area.Areas of open water,mudflat,meadows and their percentages changed significantly at water levels above 23 meters,with increasing of open water area and shrinking of meadow area,their areas would decrease 30 000 ha.As the key habitats for wintering geese,the area of meadows was from near 70 000 ha to 10 000 ha.Among 5 scenarios,the impact of the scenario at 21 m elevation on wetlands was the weakest.However,water level dropping was still postponed than that of natural hydrological process in the scenarios.It resulted in longer inundation of large area of lakebed at elevation of 22-23 m,increasing habitats for aquatic biodiversity but reducing area of the meadows,where is the key habitat for wintering geese.All the other water level control scenarios would cause large area of inundation of lakebed in dry season and dramatic change of wetlands.To maintain the natural wetlands in Dongting Lake area,the Chenglingji Hydraulic Project should be considered in a more cautious way and further researches were needed on the response of aquatic biodiversity and wintering water birds.  相似文献   
根据山丹大黄沟的树轮样本,建立树轮宽度年表.相关分析发现,大黄沟树轮宽度差值年表与山丹上年8月至当年6月的降水存在显著的正相关,相关系数为0.654(P<0.00001).利用大黄沟的树轮宽度差值年表,可重建山丹近224年来上年8月至当年6月的降水变化.交叉检验表明降水重建结果稳定可靠.通过对降水重建序列与周边地区树轮降水重建序列和树轮年表资料的对比分析,发现该重建序列与周边地区的树轮重建降水的干湿阶段变化具有一定的同步性,并对西北地区极端干旱历史事件有良好的响应.多窗谱分析发现,重建降水序列具有4.2 a、3.4 a、3.2 a、2.6 a的准周期变化;滑动T检验法发现,重建降水序列在1887年、1908年发生过降水突变.  相似文献   
京沪生产性服务业比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于产业关联与空间分布的区域比较研究,探讨京沪生产性服务业发展的一般规律及其差异性。研究表明: ①京沪生产性服务业发展速度加快,金融业、交通运输业、房地产业是其主体;北京生产性服务业已步入发展成熟阶段,而上海尚处于发展起步阶段。②京沪第三产业对生产性服务业的中间需求最大,且呈现上升趋势;北京生产性服务业对服务经济的支撑作用突出,而上海生产性服务业与制造业的融合发展趋势更为明显。③京沪服务业对金融业的中间需求最大,但需求结构存在明显差异。④京沪制造业对生产性服务业的中间需求结构差异显著,北京制造业中间需求结构趋于高级化,而上海制造业对中间投入服务的消耗层次偏低。⑤京沪生产性服务业集中分布于中心区和近郊区,圈层衰减特征明显;不同行业乃至同一行业、不同发展阶段的空间分布特征均存在差异,但各行业空间集中与分散的变化趋势总体上存在一致性。  相似文献   
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