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基于煤巷锚网支护巷道受矿井潮湿环境影响出现的金属网锈蚀断裂、煤壁片帮、巷道失修等实际情况,使用方案比较的方法,分析了喷射混凝土封闭工艺和灰浆喷涂工艺优缺点,进而确定采用防风化喷涂技术进行施工。经实际应用,防风化喷涂技术对鲁村煤矿回风暗斜井的煤壁等四周围岩和锚杆、金属网起到了良好的封闭和防风化效果。保证了巷道正常的回风、行人需要,延长了巷道的服务期限。  相似文献   
2017年5月—2019年10月,对"南水北调"中线水源水库——丹江口水库库区水体7个监测位点、0~20 m间4个水层的垂向叶绿素a (Chl.a)浓度与水质因子进行了季度性调查,以期了解不同位点、不同水层Chl.a分布的主要驱动因子.结果表明,丹江口水库各位点营养状态指数(TSI)均为中营养化状态.水体Chl.a浓度具有逐年增加的趋势,且极高值有逐渐增加的趋势.营养盐和Chl.a浓度均存在较大的空间异质性,入库区具有较高的总磷和氨氮浓度,汉江库区具有最高的Chl.a浓度,源头污染源控制和监测仍然是丹江口水库管理的重中之重.不同位点Chl.a浓度的驱动因子存在较大差异,汉江入库和大坝区Chl.a浓度分别受到硝态氮和p H的影响,而出水口大坝位点主要受到了水深、水温和氨氮的影响.丹江入库区Chl.a浓度受到了水深、氨氮、总磷和水温的影响,但丹江库区表现出了与其他生态区较大的区别,其Chl.a浓度主要受到水深和有机质输入的影响.因此,对丹江口水库各位点的管理,应该分不同生态区采取针对性的管理措施.本研究旨在为南水北调中线工程可持续的生态调度提供基础生态数据支持,为完善水库水源地的有效管理提供理论支撑.  相似文献   
对广州市越秀区解放中路考古遗址剖面进行了年代学、岩性、硅藻和软体动物鉴定等研究,发现广州珠江北岸古城区南部在先秦时期为河道及河口湾湿地/洼地;因河流-河涌的淡水注入使河口盐度降低,故而沉积物中未见较高盐度的微体生物,仅发现了河口型咸水-半咸水硅藻;此时堆积的贝壳大多为淡水种,半咸水种少见,表明先秦(东周)时期,广州地区...  相似文献   
根据整体最小二乘的验后方差估计,求出观测值的验后方差,通过方差检验可找出方差异常大的观测值。然后根据经典权与观测值方差成反比的定义赋予它一个相应小的权进行下一步迭代平差,逐步实现粗差定位。通过坐标转换实验,利用一般最小二乘法(LS)、加权整体最小二乘法(WTLS)以及文中提出的稳健整体最小二乘法(RTLS)分别对待估参数进行求解对比,解算结果表明文中提出的方法能对粗差进行有效的定位,且估计量受粗差影响较小,具有稳健性,估算效果优于其它两种方法。  相似文献   
利用高光谱对生物变量进行估计   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:49  
该文分析了非光合背景物质—土壤光谱信号的特点 ,认为利用对光谱信号进行一阶导数的运算就能对混合光谱中的土壤光谱信号进行压缩 ,由此而得到的生物指数如LAI、SApar等的估计值更能客观地反映实际 ,这对于利用成象光谱进行环境应用有很大的实用价值。  相似文献   
The inverted charge structure formation of a hailstorm was investigated using the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF-ARW) model coupled with electrification and discharge schemes. Different processes may be responsible for inverted charge structure in different storms and regions. A dynamical-derived mechanism of inverted charge structure formation was confirmed by the numerical model: the inverted structure was formed by strong updraft and downdraft under normal-polarity charging conditions such that the graupel charged negatively in the main charging region in the middle-upper level of the cloud. The simulation results showed the storm presented a normal charge structure before and after hail-fall; while during the hail-fall stage, it showed an inverted charge structure—negative charge region in the upper level of the cloud and a positive charge region in the middle level of the cloud—appearing at the front edge near the strong updraft in the hailstorm. The charging processes between the two particles mainly occurred at the top of the cloud, where the graupel charged negatively and ice crystals positively due to the strong updraft. When the updraft air reached the top of the storm, it would spread to the rear and front. The light ice crystals were transported backward and forward more easily. Meanwhile, the positively charged ice crystals were transported downward by the frontal subsidence, and then a positive charge region formed between the ?10 and ?25°C levels. Subsequently, a negative charge region materialized in the upper level of the cloud, and the inverted charge structure formed.  相似文献   
2010年1月24日,山西省运城市河津-万荣交界地区发生Ms4.8地震.由于本次地震强度较低,并未形成地表破裂带,分析其发震构造具有一定的困难.地震现场工作队只能根据浅层人工地震剖面、附近钻孔资料、烈度等震线长轴和震中区附近活动断裂等来推定,认为西辛封隐伏断裂为可能的发震断裂.为此,下面我们将在分析本次地震的震源机制解、序列三维空间分布特征的基础上,结合本次地震的宏观考察结果,确定其发震构造并探讨发震机理.  相似文献   
利用日本ALOS-2和欧空局Sentinel-1A卫星获得的尼泊尔地震同震形变场,结合GPS同震位移数据,联合反演了断层滑动分布特征和空间展布.结果表明:尼泊尔地震的同震形变场主要集中在150km×100km的范围内,且分为南北两个相邻的形变中心,南形变中心的视线向抬升量约为1.2m,北形变中心的视线向沉降量约为0.8m,均位于发震断层上盘.位于形变抬升区的KKN4和NAST两个GPS站,抬升量和南向运动量均达到了m级,而远离震区的其他GPS台水平和垂直观测量均在1cm以内.联合反演得到的断层位错分布主要集中在沿走向150km,沿倾向70km的范围内,最大滑动量为5.59m,平均滑动量为0.94m.断层面倾角在浅部约为7°,随着深度增加,倾角逐渐变大,到垂直深度20km时倾角接近12°;5月12日MW7.2级余震位于主震破裂区的"凹"型滑动缺损区域;主震破裂区的上边界与MBT空间位置十分吻合,主震破裂区主要集中的MBT以北50~60km处,垂直深度为8~9km,倾角为9°,继续向北时主震破裂面以10°~12°的倾角向深延伸,在18~20km可能与MHT交汇.因此,初步判定MBT为此次地震的发震断层.  相似文献   
传统抗弯钢框架的梁柱节点通常设计为刚性连接,这种刚性节点具有很大的抗弯刚度,然而节点延性不足,罕遇地震作用导致节点脆性断裂.研究学者提出了多种解决该问题的思路,例如半刚性连接节点、节点加强或削弱方法使塑性铰外移等.本文提出了一种简化的梁柱节点连接方式-铰接连接,改变梁柱节点的传力方式,在节点处设置隅撑提供框架的抗侧刚度...  相似文献   
Giao Thuy and Hai Hau coasts are located in Nam Dinh province, Vietnam, with a total coastline of 54.42 km in length. The sea-dike system has been seriously damaged and there have been many dike breaches which caused floods and losses. This situation is considered of a general representative for coastal area in the northern part of Vietnam. A variety of studies have shown that the gradient in the longshore sediment transport rate and the offshore ?ne sediment lost are the main mechanisms causing the beach erosion. This study presents a field investigation of the beach profiles at Giao Thuy and Hai Hau beaches. Three types of empirical functions for the equilibrium beach profile are applied and compared with the observations. Results show that all observed beach pro?les can be described by a single function. However, one specific equilibrium pro?le equation is not sufficient to assess all beach pro?les. In Section 1 of Giao Thuy and Section 3 of Hai Thinh beaches, beach profiles are consistent with the logarithmic function, while the exponential function fits well in Section 2. This difference is explained with respect to coastal morphology, sediment characteristics and hydrodynamic conditions which vary in site. An analysis of the validity of the beach profile functions is recommended for the numerical modeling and engineering designs in this area.  相似文献   
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