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美国TSD-1型热退磁仪本身不能用于地磁场古强度的研究,为了克服这一缺点,作者改进了该仪器.利用改进后的TSD-1仪可获得可靠的古强度,而且这一改进具有显著的经济效益。  相似文献   
为研究我国明代砖砌无梁殿在地震作用下的受力性能和薄弱环节,选取苏州开元寺无梁殿这一典型的明代砖砌无梁殿为研究对象,建立其Rhino三维模型,并导入ANSYS Workbench生成有限元模型,通过有限元分析计算得到该无梁殿的固有频率、模态振型,以及地震作用下的位移和应力响应。结果表明:开元寺无梁殿的结构布置对称性较高,抗扭刚度较大;竖向地震对结构的影响不大,水平地震中影响最大的为进深方向的地震作用;从应力角度来看,对砖砌无梁殿采用反应谱分析是偏安全的,从位移角度来看,对砖砌无梁殿采用时程分析是偏安全的;开元寺无梁殿在地震作用下容易产生破坏的位置为上下两层门窗拱券的脚部和顶部、上下两层面阔向拱券的脚部和顶部、上下两层进深向拱券的脚部和顶部、山墙端部,以及屋顶中部和端部等。  相似文献   
对大口径光学/红外天文望远镜而言,为保障其稳定高效运行,镜面镀膜是重要的维护环节之一.镀膜质量的好坏直接影响镜面光学反射率的高低,也严重影响到天文望远镜的成像质量、观测效率.国家重大科技基础设施—大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜(Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope, LAMOST,又名郭守敬望远镜)自2009年6月通过国家竣工验收并逐步投入巡天观测,目前已进入第2个5 yr巡天计划阶段,取得近两千万的光谱产出和大批高显示度的科学成果. LAMOST共拥有24块施密特改正镜子镜和37块球面主镜子镜,为了确保在野外恶劣观测环境下镜面反射率维持在较高水平,每年要对大批子镜进行镀膜.主要介绍了镀膜需求、镀膜设备,并基于大量实验和多年的完善探索出一套可行的镀膜工艺流程,确保了LAMOST子镜极高的镀膜质量.镀膜后子镜平均反射率高达90%以上,满足了LAMOST光谱巡天的镜面反射率要求.  相似文献   
判别分析是化探常用的一种地质统计学方法,通过建立多变量判别函数,来判断未知地质体的属性。这里通过一个实例,详细介绍了利用Excel的规划求解和有关Excel函数,来建立判别函数的具体操作步骤,该方法对基层地质科技人员相当适用。  相似文献   

A formal, yet practical, GeoRelational Data Model (GRDM) is presented for the logical database design phase of the development of spatial information systems. Geographic applications are viewed in the context of information systems development. The generic needs of modelling spatial data are analyzed; it is concluded that they are not served satisfactorily by existing data models, so specifications of modelling tools for spatial application design are given. GRDM provides a set of representational constructs (relations and layers for the logical schema; virtual layers, object classes and spatial constraints for the user views) on top of well-established models. It constitutes part of a full, easily automated application design methodology. Extensive examples demonstrate the relevance, and ease-of-use of the platform-independent GRDM.  相似文献   
基于3S技术的锡林郭勒盟风沙灾害综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从孕灾环境、致灾因子和承载体3个方面建立风沙灾害综合评价体系,利用内蒙古自然地理环境要素基础图件、锡林郭勒盟以及周边地区29个气象观测站点的多年气象资料和内蒙古统计年鉴等数据,应用协调模型对锡林郭勒盟风沙灾害进行综合评价研究。结果表明:锡林郭勒盟风沙灾害系统的协调性总体上由东北向西南呈越来越差之势,说明风沙灾害综合风险程度由东北向西南越来越大;锡林郭勒盟风沙灾害系统中属协调型和较协调型地区面积占全研究区的55.5%;属不协调型和极不协调型地区占全研究区的44.5%。可见,锡林郭勒盟风沙灾害子系统关系中,不协调型近占一半,政府和有关部门应提高防范意识,采取防治措施。  相似文献   
A key non-linear mechanism in a strong-field geodynamo is that a finite amplitude magnetic field drives a flow through the Lorentz force in the momentum equation and this flow feeds back on the field-generation process in the magnetic induction equation, equilibrating the field. We make use of a simpler non-linear?α?2-dynamo to investigate this mechanism in a rapidly rotating fluid spherical shell. Neglecting inertia, we use a pseudo-spectral time-stepping procedure to solve the induction equation and the momentum equation with no-slip velocity boundary conditions for a finitely conducting inner core and an insulating mantle. We present calculations for Ekman numbers (E) in the range 2.5× 10?3 to 5.0× 10?5, for?α?=α 0cos?θ?sin?π?(r?ri ) (which vanishes on both inner and outer boundaries). Solutions are steady except at lower E and higher values of?α?0. Then they are periodic with a reversing field and a characteristic rapid increase then equally rapid decrease in magnetic energy. We have investigated the mechanism for this and shown the influence of Taylor's constraint. We comment on the application of our findings to numerical hydrodynamic dynamos.  相似文献   
Geological structure of the active foreland fold and thrust belt of Papua New Guinea has been interpreted using high-quality seismic-reflection data. Three en échelon anticlines, the Strickland, Cecilia and Wai Asi, are located along the frontal margin of the Papuan Fold Belt. All three are foreland-vergent and cut by hinterland-dipping thrust faults that sole into a common detachment beneath the Oligocene to Miocene Darai Limestone. Two of the anticlines are linked by a right-lateral transfer zone. Folding occurs primarily in the upper 2000 m of strata, which consist of Darai Limestone overlain by Miocene to Quaternary siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. Beneath the Darai Limestone lies the less-competent shaly Ieru Formation, which exhibits disharmonic folding and variable bed thickness. Seismic-reflection data clearly show that the Plio-Pleistocene upper Era Beds are deformed to the same extent as the underlying Darai Limestone, demonstrating that most of the observed deformation has occurred during the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the formative processes of limestone pseudoconglomerates in the Gushan and Chaomidian Formations (Late Cambrian) of the North China Platform, Shandong Province, China. The Gushan and Chaomidian Formations consist mainly of limestone and shale (marlstone) interlayers, wackestone to packstone, grainstone and microbialite as well as numerous limestone conglomerates. Seventy‐three beds of limestone pseudoconglomerate in the Gushan and Chaomidian Formations were analysed based on clast and matrix compositions, internal fabric, sedimentary structures and bed geometry. These pseudoconglomerates are characterized by oligomictic to polymictic limestone clasts of various shapes (i.e. flat to undulatory disc, blade and sheet), marlstone and/or grainstone matrix and various internal fabrics (i.e. intact, thrusted, edgewise and disorganized), as well as transitional boundaries. Limestone pseudoconglomerates formed as a result of soft‐sediment deformation of carbonate and argillaceous interlayers at a shallow burial depth. Differential early cementation of carbonate and argillaceous sediments provided the requisite conditions for the formation of pseudoconglomerates. Initial deformation (i.e. burial fragmentation, liquefaction and injection) and subsequent mobilization and disruption of fragmented clasts are two important processes for the formation of pseudoconglomerates. Burial fragmentation resulted from mechanical rupture of cohesive carbonate mud, whereas subsequent mobilization of fragmented clasts was due to the injection of fluid materials (liquefied carbonate sand and water‐saturated argillaceous mud) under increased stress. Storm‐wave loading was the most probable deformation mechanism, as an external triggering force. Subsequent re‐orientation and rounding of clasts were probably prolonged under normal compactional stress. Eventually, disrupted clasts, along with matrix materials, were transformed into pseudoconglomerates by progressive lithification. Soft‐sediment deformation is prevalent in alternate layers of limestone and mud(marl)stone and/or grainstone, regardless of their depositional environments.  相似文献   

Nonlinear two-dimensional magnetoconvection, with a Boussinesq fluid driven across the field-lines, is taken as a model for giant-cell convection in the sun and late-type stars. A series of numerical experiments shows the sensitivity of the horizontal scale of convection to the applied field and to the Rayleigh number R. Overstable oscillations occur in cells as broad as they are deep, but increasing R leads to steady motions of much greater wavelength. Purely geometrical effects can cause oscillation: this work implies that strong horizontal field will in general lead to time-dependent convection.  相似文献   
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