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利用电子探针和激光探针剥蚀系统(LA-ICP-MS),对北羌塘新第三纪粗面玄武岩中的橄榄石主元素和微量、稀土元素进行了系统分析。结果表明,本区橄榄石Fo平均为88,属贵橄榄石种属。相对富集Ni、Co和重稀土,而强烈亏损轻稀土及Rb、Sr、Ba、Zr等大离子亲石元素。其稀土元素配分型配分型式与粗面玄武岩全岩稀土配分型式呈互补状态。  相似文献   
Dipeptide hydrolysis and amino acid decomposition appear to follow a first-order rate law. The hydrolysis rate increases exponentially with increasing temperature in aqueous solution at both 265 atm and water steam pressures over the temperature range of 100 to 220 degrees C. Dipeptide hydrolysis has a lower apparent activation energy at 265 atm (44.1 KJ/mol) than at water steam pressure (98.9 KJ/mol). At lower temperatures (<200-220 degrees C), the rate of peptide bond hydrolysis is faster at 265 atm than at water steam pressure. At higher temperatures (>200-220 degrees C), however, peptide bond hydrolysis is slower at 265 atm than at water steam pressure. In aqueous solution, amino acid decomposition rates also increase exponentially with increasing temperature. Amino acid decomposition rates are much higher at 265 atm than at water steam pressure over the entire temperature range investigated.  相似文献   
在龙门山中段小鱼洞地区映秀-北川断裂和彭县-灌县断裂发生了同震位移,同时在该地区新出现了一条北西向的同震破裂带——小鱼洞断裂的破裂带,并分割了两条近于平行的北东向逆冲-走滑型的主断裂。汶川特大地震发生后重点对小鱼洞断裂的地表破裂开展了详细的野外地质填图,利用全站仪和GPS对地表破裂进行了精确的测量。初步调查的结果表明,小鱼洞断裂位于映秀-北川断裂与彭县-灌县断裂之间,走向近于北西向,延伸约15km,以脆性破裂为特征,穿过小鱼洞大桥,并切割了多种类型的地貌单元,使道路发生拱曲、破坏和桥梁垮塌或移位。单个破裂长度在几米到300m不等,其南西盘为上升盘,北东盘为下降盘,平均垂直位错为1.0m,平均水平位错为2.3m,垂直与水平位错量之比1 ∶1~1 ∶2,显示为逆冲分量小于或等于左旋走滑分量,并以左旋走滑作用为主。同时,研究表明小鱼洞断裂属于映秀-北川断裂与彭县-灌县断裂之间的捩断层,其主要特征包括: 1)是在汶川地震中由于龙门山逆冲体之间的差异逆冲运动过程中而形成的断裂; 2)其走向近于北西向,垂直于龙门山北东向的主干断裂,而平行于逆冲体的逆冲运动方向; 3)具有高角度断面的断层,以左旋走滑作用为主。  相似文献   
A body of komatiitic amphibolite, an enclave within the Archean high-grade orthogneisses in southern India, shows mild chemical weathering under semiarid conditions. Along fractures, chemical weathering has advanced (Chemical Index of Alteration &sqbl0;CIA&sqbr0;=53; CIA of fresh rock approximately 26) to the extent that secondary Mg-Fe-Al clay minerals have formed and the rock has turned brownish red, soft, and fine grained. The weathering process has resulted in the mobilization and redistribution of the so-called immobile elements Fe, Al, Ti, and REE effected by the nature of secondary mineral formation (talc vs. aluminous clay minerals) and also possibly by soil microbes. In the initial stages of secondary mineral formation, there is a small loss of Fe, Al, and REE (noticeably Eu). However, in the fracture zone as well as in the incipiently altered zone, there is significant REE enrichment, probably affected by a different precipitation mechanism. Mobilized REE may have come from a minor alteration of clinopyroxene.  相似文献   
在许多行星上,不断有热量供给地面,且热量也不断通过大气向太空发出红外辐射.由于在高压区是热源不是热汇,因此,该系统能够做机械功.大气对流是可以在此系统中运转的自然热机.基于这种热机结构,提出了一个大气对流的简单理论,预报在统计平衡状态下干、湿对流的浮力、垂直速度及其覆盖区域.在对流热机一次循环期间,来自地面层(热源,热区)的热,其中一部分被报废到空间自由对流层(热汇,冷区),并从那里辐射到太空.其余部分变为机械功.此机械功用于克服机械耗散维持对流运动上.最终,机械能耗尽,转变成热能.消耗掉的部分能量被辐射到太空,而其余的通过对流气块进入再循环.在温度较低能量消耗部分降低的情况下,温度较高能量消耗部分增加,提高了对流热机的视效率.对流热机所做的功对气柱积分,给出了存在于行星大气中克服粘性耗散、维持对流运动的对流有效位能(CAPE)统计平衡量的大小.此积分被认为是准平衡条件下行星状态的一个全球性数字.对于地球目前的气候,热机结构预报热带地区CAPE值的大小为1000 J·kg-1,该预报值与观测值一致.从结果也可得出,存在于对流大气的CAPE总量应随着全球地表温度的升高(或大气对红外辐射的暗度)的增大而增大.  相似文献   
微震监测技术被广泛应用于衡量水力压裂作用.由于微震释放机制的复杂性,很难获得对其统一的理论认识.基于地震学原理,本文采用物理模拟实验和数值分析方法对页岩水力压裂扩展造成微震的机制进行研究.理论上,岩石破裂过程取决于水力裂纹尖端的应力分布.通过反演得到矩张量的特征方程及其特征值,从而确定震源点的破裂机制.通过真三轴水力压...  相似文献   
A tropical squall line that passed over the ship array of the Global Atmospheric Research Programme’s Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE) on 9-10 August 1974 is analyzed. This squall line was similar to squall systems that passed over the GATE ship array on four other days. It began as a purely convective cloud line, then developed an associated stratiform cloud and precipitation area. The stratiform rain built up to a maxi-mum amount over a period of 8 h, then gradually diminished over a 6 h period. This stratiform rain is esti-mated to have accounted for 32% of the squall system’s total precipitation. As in other GATE squall lines, the upper-level cloud shield from which the stratiform rain fell, was advected slowly forward of the line during the system’s lifetime, the leading line of corrective clouds consisted of transient smaller-scale convective elements, which lent the line an irregular shape and pulsatory movement, and the stratiform portion of the system was characterized by the development of a mid-level mesoscale vortex similar to that seen in other GATE eases.  相似文献   
Uncovering the role of environmental factors and finding critical factors which harbor significant fractions in governing microbial communities remain key questions in coastal marine systems. To detect the interactions between environmental factors and distributions of virio-and bacterioplankton in trophic coastal areas, we used flow cytometry to investigate the abundance of virio-and bacterioplankton covering 31 stations in the Bohai Sea of China. Our results suggested that the average abundance of total virus(TV) in winter(~2.29×10~8 particles/mL)was slightly lower than in summer(~3.83×10~8 particles/mL). The mean total bacterial abundance(TB) was much lower in winter(~2.54×107 particles/mL) than in summer(~5.43×10~7 particles/mL). Correlation analysis via redundancy analysis(RDA) and network analysis among virioplankton, bacterioplankton and environmental factors revealed that the abundances of viral and bacterial subpopulations depend on environmental factors. In winter, only temperature significantly influenced the abundances of virio-and bacterioplankton. In summer, in addition to temperature, both salinity and nutrient(SiO_2) had a remarkable impact on the distribution of virioand bacterioplankton. Our results showed a clear seasonal and trophic pattern throughout the whole water system, which revealed that temperature and eutrophication may play crucial roles in microbial distribution pattern.  相似文献   
2008年5月12日在龙门山发生了8.0级特大地震,彭县-灌县断裂亦发生了同震地表破裂。在前期对龙门山活动构造研究的基础上,汶川特大地震发生后,在灾区进行了多次的野外调查和国际合作考察,重点对汶川地震的地表破裂和地质灾害开展了详细的详细野外地质填图,利用全站仪和GPS对地表破裂进行了精确的测量,研究了的地表破裂地貌错位、构造组合和运动学,已实地测得地表破裂数据70余组(其中彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂数据20余组)。文章以彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂为切入点,在彭县-灌县断裂的关键部位开展了详细的野外地貌测量,主要测量了彭州磁峰、白鹿、绵竹金花和汉旺等地的地表破裂,标定了彭县-灌县断裂破裂带的垂向断距和水平断距,结果表明该地表破裂南西起于彭州磁峰,向北东延伸经白鹿、绵竹金花至绵竹汉旺,全长约 40~50km。地表破裂带沿彭县-灌县断裂带的走向断续分布,单个破裂长度在几米到500余米不等,破裂带切割了多种类型的地貌单元,包括山脉基岩、河流阶地、冲洪积扇、公路、桥梁等,同时也使道路发生拱曲、破坏和桥梁垮塌或移位。其以脆性破裂为特征,以逆冲-右旋走滑为特点,断面倾角较陡,北西盘为上升盘,南东盘为下降盘,垂直位错介于 0.39~2.70m之间,水平位错介于 0.20~0.70m,平均垂直位错为1.6m,平均水平位错为0.6m; 地表最大错动量的地点位于彭州白鹿镇,其中最大垂直断错为 2.7±0.2m,最大水平断错为 0.7±0.2m。垂直位错与水平位错量之间的比值为2 ∶1,表明该地震地表破裂带不仅存在逆冲运动分量和右旋走滑运动分量,而且逆冲运动分量大于右旋走滑运动分量,显示了彭县-灌县断裂破裂带具有以逆冲和缩短作用为主、右旋走滑作用为辅的破裂性质。其与映秀-北川断裂带的地表破裂相比较,该断裂的地表破裂程度远小于映秀-北川断裂带的地表破裂程度,主要表现在地表破裂的长度较短,垂直位错和水平位错也相对较小,而且为以逆冲作用为主。初步研究结果表明,彭县-灌县断裂与映秀-北川断裂地表破裂的平面组合样式显示为两条在平面上近于平行的北东向地表破裂带,其间由一条南北向的次级地表破裂带(小鱼洞断裂)将它们相连结,地下破裂面的剖面组合样式显示为叠瓦状,并在汶川地震震源附近或震源的上方相连的,是同“根”的。  相似文献   
内蒙古白银都西群变质火山岩的钕、锶同位素研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
白银都西群主要由斜长角闪岩、变粒岩、长英片岩和条带状混合岩组成,是白银都西-白乃庙地体的重要组成部分,主要分布在内蒙古白乃庙铜(金)矿床东北白银都西一带。长期以来,由于缺乏可信的同位素年龄数据,该套岩层的归属,构造性质和形成机理尚不清楚。笔者首次对白银都西群斜长角闪岩的Nd和Sr同位素组成进行了测定,所获Sm-Nd同位素等时年龄为1394±46Ma(23),Nd初始比值为0.511 243±8(23)和εNd(T)=+7.9±2.1(23)。~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr和~(87)Rb/~(86)Sr比值分别为0.705 79—0.709 12和0.17—0.34,两者之间不存在任何相关关系。结合野外地质证据和岩相学特征,我们认为:白银都西群基性火山活动发生在中元古代,成岩物质来自亏损地幔源,成岩以后构造变动和变质热液活动致使Rb-Sr同位素体系受到严重干扰破坏。  相似文献   
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