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The study of the photolinears and the groundwater flow directions in the Lonavala area of the Pune distrtict suggests the relationship between these two parameters. In the western part of the Lonavala area the groundwater flow lines are running along a dark toned linear trending N 20° - 30°W. This linear is a fracture controlled linear valley covered by dense vegetation which is supported by the groundwater channelised along this linear. The higher specific capacities of the dugwells situated along the trend of this linear also suggest the movement of groundwater along the linear.  相似文献   
Effort has been made to use a non calibrated, non metric camera for making measurements on a small object, designing the close range photogrammetry system in a manner, to keep the effect of distortions to minimum.  相似文献   
The Fatehpur Sikri area infringing the western UP, Rajasthan border was investigated for its water supply crisis in respect of poor quality and quantity as well. The study has indicated presence of two parallel quartz reefs running in NE-SW direction. Geohydrological and photogeological studies have revealed the possibility of subsurface extension of quartz reefs. However, this weathered area along reefs is promising water bearing zone. Paleo channels are also marked during studies and the area found suitable for ground water exploitation. A map showing various categories is also presented.  相似文献   
Development of irrigation potential for increasing agricultural production is the main aim of Command Area Development. This involves interaction amongst various factors; the soil, the crop, the climate, the topograpny and others. Water management in Command Area requires careful planning, based upon adequate data regarding soils, land use and topography. It is essential to make the best possible use of the available water without creating waterlogging, salinity and alkalinity problems in the command area. The use of aerial photographs is a well recognized expedient, convenient and economical method of data collection, which appreciably suits the requirement of the survey of Command Areas. As large areas have to be surveyed for data collection, the best way to accomplish this is by taking up survey of command area in different levels: reconnaissance, semi-detailed and detailed. The reconnaissance and semi-detailed survey would enable us to identify problem areas. Detailed survey are needed in these areas for taking up reclamation measures. A case study of soil survey carried out in the Sharda Sahayak Command Area of a part of Hardoi District is given as an example to illustrate the use of aerial photographs for planning of water management practices.  相似文献   
The late Weichselian sequence in the northern part of the Norwegian Trench is composed of eight units. The two lowermost units are massive, firm to stiff diamictons, interpreted to have been deposited beneath ice-streams that in all likelihood reached the shelf edge. They are overlain by glaciomarine and normal-marine sediments deposited after 15000BP. The first phase of glacial retreat from the Norwegian Trench (15000–14800 BP) was very rapid and left a thin layer of proximal sediments on top of the tills. This was followed by a period with lower accumulation rates (14800–13600 BP), probably as a result of rapid source retreat and cold meltwater inhibiting dropstone fall-out. The end of this interval marks the change from ice-stream calving in cold water to melting on land. According to lithologic and isotopic data, the maximum rate of Fennoscan-dian ice-sheet disintegration took place around 12500 BP. The water temperatures declined significantly and rates of sedimentation and ice-rafting fell in association with the Younger Dryas period. The final retreat of the ice began as early as 10 500 BP, and the transition to normal-marine sedimentation is reflected by precipitation of iron oxide followed by pyrite, reduced sedimentation rates, and a change from terrigenous to biogenic sedimentation.  相似文献   
The paper reports newly obtained K-Ar isotopic-geochronological data on the age of three lava flows (Khrami, Mashavera, and Kura), which begin at the Dzhavakheti volcanic highland in southern Georgia. All of the dated rocks, including those from the Kura Flow, which was previously considered as the Pleistocene, are demonstrated to have a Pliocene age. The lavas of the longest Khrami Flow were erupted at 3.25–3.10 Ma, and those of the Kura and Mashavera Flows at 2.20–2.05 Ma, a fact testifying to two pulses of volcanic activity at the Dzhavakheti Highland. The petrogeochemical and isotopic characteristics of the rocks (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7039–0.7042; ∈Nd = 3.4–5.1) indicate that they are subalkaline within-plate basalts formed by the fractional crystallization of a basic mantle melt with the usually discontinuous selective or rarely continuous contamination with material that was not in geochemical equilibrium with the melt. The volcanics of the Khrami Flow are characterized by the less radiogenic Sr isotopic composition and the highest ∈Nd values, while the younger rocks of the Mashavera and Kura Flows have similar and more “crustal” isotopic signatures. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Dzhavakheti subalkaline basalts are close to the initial Sr isotopic ratios of the Quaternary and Middle Pliocene dacite lavas from the same territory. Considered together with petrogeochemical and geological data, this suggests that all young rocks in Southern Georgia were produced in similar tectonic and geodynamic environments.  相似文献   
The theory of diffusion in many-dimensional Hamiltonian system is applied to asteroidal dynamics. The general formulation developed by Chirikov is applied to the Nesvorny-Morbidelli analytic model of three-body (three-orbit) mean-motion resonances (Jupiter-Saturn-asteroid). In particular, we investigate the diffusion along and across the separatrices of the (5, −2, −2) resonance of the (490) Veritas asteroidal family and their relationship to diffusion in semi-major axis and eccentricity. The estimations of diffusion were obtained using the Melnikov integral, a Hadjidemetriou-type sympletic map and numerical integrations for times up to 108 years.  相似文献   
We present the first multi-channel seismic reflection data ever collected from the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. The 200 km data set was acquired by a 20 channel sonobuoy array deployed at U.S. ice drift station FRAM-IV and operated for 34 days about 370 km north of Svalbard in April–May 1982. Cross array drift and ice floe rotation which may constitute the most serious obstacle to the advantage of multi-channel data acquisition did only occur to a minor degree during the experiment and render most of the data set suitable for processing using common mid-point binning.A 0.7–1.4 s (two-way traveltime) thick sedimentary section has been deposited over oceanic crust of mid-Oligocene age below the Barents Abyssal Plain. In the deepest part, sediments are infilling topographic lows which indicate predominantly turbidite deposition. Erosional truncations are only locally present in the central part of the section. Conformable bedforms deposited over gentle basement highs indicate a relatively stable bottom current regime since mid-Oligocene time. Thus the establishment of a deep water connection between the Arctic Ocean and lower latitude water masses appear to have had only minor effect on Eurasian Basin bottom current circulation.Extensive submarine slide scars on the north slope of Yermak Plateau show that mass waste have been a sediment source to the Barents Abyssal Plain.  相似文献   
Two spectrophotometric scans of comet Levy (1990c) have been analysed to estimate Haser model column densities and production rates of CN andC 2 molecules.  相似文献   
Abundant spinel peridotite xenoliths occur in late Cenozoic alkali basaltic rocks in the Sikhote-Alin region at the Pacific margin of the Asian continent. Major- and trace-element compositions of representative peridotite xenolith are documented for four occurrences located in different structural units of the continental margin. In each locality, the majority of xenoliths have distinctive microstructures, modal and chemical compositions that are typical for a given xenolith suite. Significant textural and compositional differences between the four xenolith suites suggest that the upper mantle beneath the Sikhote-Alin consists of distinct domains with contrasting composition. The inferred large-scale mantle heterogeneities may be due to juxtaposition of lithospheric blocks of different provenance during accretion of the Sikhote-Alin to the Asian continent.

Trace-element patterns of the xenoliths and their minerals obtained ICP-MS technique provide evidence of depletion and enrichment events and indicate contrasting behaviour of REE, HFSE and other incompatible trace elements. The HFSE behave non-concordantly, in particular, some xenoliths have highly fractionated Zr/Hf, Ti/Zr, Nb/Ta, La/Nb and U/Th ratios relative to their values in the primitive mantle. The fractionated compositions may be related to the interaction of evolved subduction-related fluids and melts with lithospheric mantle at the Mesozoic-early Cenozoic active continental margin or to metasomatism during later continental rifting.  相似文献   

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