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A two-dimensional, multitvariate objective analysis scheme for simultaneous analysis of geopotential height and wind fields has been developed over Indian and adjoining region for use in numerical weather prediction. The height-height correlations calculated using daily data of four July months (1976-1979), are used to derive the other autocorrelations and cross-correlations assuming geostropic relationship. A Gaussian function is used to model the autocorrelation function. Since the scheme is multivariate the regression coefficients (weights) are matrix.Near the equator, the geostrophic approximation relating mass and wind is decoupled in a way similar to Bergman (1979). The objective analyses were made over Indian and adjoining region for 850, 700, 500, 300 and 200 hPa levels for the period from 4 July to 8 July 1979, 12 GMT. The analyses obtained using multivariate optimum in-terpolation scheme depict the synoptic situations satisfactorily. The analyses were also compared with the FGGE ana-lyses (from ECMWF) and also with the station observations by computing the root mean square (RMS) errors and the RMS errors are comparable with those obtained in other similar studies.  相似文献   
A coupling model between the canopy layer (CL) and atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) for the study of dry deposition velocity is developed. The model consists of six parts: chemical species conservation equation including absorptive factor; the species uptake action including detailed vertical variation of absorptive element in CL; momen-tum exchange in CL which is represented by a first-order closure momentum equation with an additional larger-scale diffusive term; momentum exchange in ABL which is described by a complete set of the ABL turbulent statistic parameters; absorptivity (or solubility or reflection) at the surface including effects of the physical and chemi-cal characters of the species, land type, seasonal and diurnal variations of the meteorological variables; and deposition velocity derived by distributions of the species with height in CL. Variational rules of the concentration and deposi-tion velocity with both height and time are simulated with the model for both corn and forest canopies. Results pre-dicted with the bulk deposition velocity derived in the paper consist well with experimental data.  相似文献   
PVC(聚氯乙烯)基体和液膜电极直接电位法测定金(Ⅲ)已得到了发展,将膜同硝酸灵四氯金酸盐(Ⅲ)结合作为电活性物质,能迅速响应浓度范围10~(-5)—0.1M的金(Ⅲ),得到的响应斜率为52.8—55.2毫伏/组(十个一组),在许多阴阳离子存在的情况下,pH值为2—5时,电极对金(Ⅲ)有较好的选择性,PVC膜电极具有选择性较好(Cr~(3+)、Mn~(2+)和ClO_4~-除外)和热稳定性较高的优点,与PVC膜电极相比,液膜电极响应斜率高、响应时间短。在2微克/毫升—2毫克/毫升的测定范围内,AuCl_4~-的平均回收率为98.5%,平均值的标准偏差为1.0%,测定某些金合金(含金58.3—99.9%)和药品制剂中的金,平均回收率为99.4%,平均值的标准偏差为0.7%,该方法的测定结果可与孔雀绿分光光度法和美国药典重量法的测定结果相媲美。  相似文献   
关于《非参数地质统计学》的介绍法国统计学家G.Matheron的地质统计学均要求对母体作出多种假设。例如假定母体服从正态分布,二阶平稳性等等。由此须对分布参数(如均值)展开各种讨论。因而从统计学的分类上,它应属于参数地质统计学。地质现象的复杂性是有目共睹的,自然界中满足它们假设条件的观测对象实在太少了。在这种情况下,虽然采用较复杂的克里金变式以试图使观测数据符合这一理论,但它明显地增加了费用而降低了稳定性,它们的“最优性”充其量也只能是近似的。从统计理论和实用角度两方面看问题,较理想的估计方法应能在给定母体的一组观测时,有一个合理地拟合观测数据的简单模型,它应要求较简单的假设条件,同时模型应具有稳定性,能将特异值的干扰作用,以及有限观测带来的不确定性降低到最小程度。  相似文献   
Banno  S 杨永强 《世界地质》1992,11(4):103-108
在研究日本变质地质时意外地获得了牙形刺和放射虫生物地层学的新知识,而且促进了放射性测年法的新进展,同时这些研究结果敦促我们去重新认识年代问题以及深入研究变质带,将其与构造环境联系在一起,通过对桑甘(Sangun)、领家、阿武隈、秩父、四万十变质带的研究,获得了许多新的发现,而且对以前的一些传统理论进行了修正。  相似文献   
湿地一般出现在地质、水文及地形沉降发生变化的地区。它具有多种水文地质特性,更确切地说,湿地是一个有机层——它是整个水文地质系统的一个元素。湿地的三个明显而相关的作用是:(1)改变盆地的径流特征;(2)影响排水或补给水与地下含水层的关系;(3)在湿地控制的盆地中,影响地表水发育潜力。因此,研究湿地的主要目的就是解释它在区域水文中的各种不同作用,阐述地质、水文和地形因素在湿地形成、发展中的差别。地质和水文因素包括地表物质的特征和厚度,基岩类型,水文位置,有机层的渗透系数.湿地的导水系数,质量及与含水层的水文联系。地形因素主要与排水盆地、湿地的相对大小和绝对大小有关。为了给水文地质学家及土地规划者提供帮助,本文建议选择使用涉及水文位置、地形位置和地质类型的因素对湿地进行分类。  相似文献   
近十年来,不断加强对构造活动性的仪器观测和历史记录。人们把注意力集中于根据地质,地貌的记录鉴别和研究古地震上,重要的是识别断层地貌特片,例如,断层陡坎,它可能是某一区域构造活动类型及其活动时间的明显标志。  相似文献   
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