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梭鱼仔鱼耳石日轮形成及自然种群日龄的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
梭鱼实验种群样本,系于1987年5月,从山东大沽河口搜集的亲鱼经人工授精后孵出的仔鱼在实验室培育取得;自然种群样本,于同年同地区采集。对于实验种群耳石生长轮形成的周期性进行了研究。结果表明,实验种群培育天数(D)与耳石生长轮数(N)之间的关系以回归式N=D-1.89表达之;根据实验种群耳石轮纹形成的周期性规律,鉴定了自然种群的日龄,表明二者具相似的周期性规律;协方差分析表明,梭鱼早期阶段的生长,自然种群比实验种群快。  相似文献   
样品于1986年11月至1987年10月在福建省罗源湾10个站位采集。经鉴定有52种水母。它们可分为沿岸暖水、沿岸暖温和大洋广布三种生态类群。水母类总数量和种类数的季节分布呈单周期,两者高峰均出现在7月。低谷分别出现于11月和1月。在平面分布上,以拟细浅室水母Lensia subtiloides占优势的月份,数量从湾口向湾顶递减,而以球型侧腕水母Pleurobrachia globosa占优势的月份,数量却递增。文中还讨论了水母类的分布和环境因素的关系。  相似文献   
以综合催熟措施和移植精荚手术相结合的技术方法,解决了鱼塭产斑节对虾催熟效应期长,产卵率低,易蜕壳失去精荚等难题。使用 278 尾雌虾,催熟率达90% 以上,在40 d 内共产卵608 尾次,卵量18 530 万粒,孵出无节幼体11 998 万尾,平均孵化率 64.7% ,平均每尾雌虾孵出无节幼体 43.1 万尾,育成商品虾苗 1 028.5 万尾,育苗平均成活率 13.6% ,试养成活率57.1%  相似文献   
本文从萤石资源的分布特点、开发利用状况、国内外市场需求及资源保证程度等不同角度进行综合全面分析预测,阐述了丽水地区发展氟化学工业的可行性。  相似文献   
重构核心素养导向的教学目标是推动课程改革的关键一步,为此亟需厘清核心素养视域下地理教学目标的表述误区。本研究采用内容分析法,选取《地理教学》期刊上123篇教学设计为研究样本,重点对其教学目标的表述模式、教学目标行为动词的类别和数量进行筛选、提取和量化。研究发现,在当前的教学设计中,中学地理教师对教学目标的误区大致有三类:(1)教学目标数量过多且不易测量;(2)机械地将课程目标与教学目标相对应;(3)应用教学理论或方法时忽略教学目标的表述。因此,研究建议中学地理教师在表述教学目标时,应当做到行为动词表述具体、素养维度突出重点、教学设计保证完整。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONDissolvedorganiccarbon (DOC)makesupthesecondlargestofthebioactivepoolsofcar bonintheocean ,secondtothelargestpoolofdissolvedinorganiccarbon .Theglobaldissolvedorganiccarbonpoolisestimatedtobe 6 85Gt,avaluecomparabletothemassofCO2 intheat mosphere (Hedges,1 992 ) .Thesizeofthereservoir,aswellasitsdynamics ,indicatesthatDOCplaysacentralroleintheoceancarboncycle .AsitrelatestogreenhousegasessuchasCO2 andassociatesclimatecycle ,oceanicDOCbiogeochemicalcycleshavebeenoneoftheh…  相似文献   
黄、渤海无机氮的收支模式初探   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据黄、渤海无机氮的收支状况,首次提出了黄、渤海无机氮的稳态收支模式。模式研究结果表明,大气沉降、陆源输入和海底输入的无机氮通量分别占黄、渤海无机氮浮游植物总需求量的3%、4%和12%。无机氮的外部输入约占总需求量的1/5,其他部分则由水柱中的内部再循环(再生)供给。  相似文献   
There are knowledge gaps in our understanding of vegetation responses to multi-scale climate-related variables in tropical/subtropical mountainous islands in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, this study investigated inter-annual vegetation dynamics and regular/irregular climate patterns in Taiwan. We applied principal component analysis (PCA) on 11 years (2001~2011) of high-dimensional monthly photosynthetically active vegetation cover (PV) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and investigated the relationships between spatiotemporal patterns of the eigenvectors and loadings of each component through time and multi-scale climate-related variations. Results showed that the first five components contributed to 96.4% of the total variance. The first component (PC1, explaining 94.5% of variance) loadings, as expected, were significantly correlated with the temporal dynamics of the PV (r = 0.94), which was mainly governed by regional climate. The temporal loadings of PC2 and PC3 (0.8% and 0.6% of variance, respectively) were significantly correlated with the temporal dynamics of the PV of forests (r = 0.72) and the farmlands (r = 0.80), respectively. The low-order components (PC4 and PC5, 0.3% and 0.2% of variance, respectively) were closely related to the occurrence of drought (r = 0.49) and to irregular ENSO associated climate anomalies (r = -0.54), respectively. Pronounced correlations were also observed between PC5 and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with one to three months of time lags (r = -0.35 ~ -0.43, respectively), revealing biophysical memory effects on the time-series pattern of the vegetation through ENSO-related rainfall patterns. Our findings reveal that the sensitivity of the ecosystems in this tropical/subtropical mountainous island may not only be regulated by regional climate and human activities but also be susceptible to large-scale climate anomalies which are crucial and comparable to previous large scale analyses. This study demonstrates that PCA can be an effective tool for analyzing seasonal and inter-annual variability of vegetation dynamics across this tropical/subtropical mountainous islandin the Pacific Ocean, which provides an opportunity to forecast the responses and feedbacks of terrestrial environments to future climate scenarios.  相似文献   
Habitat use of the tapertail anchovy(Coilia mystus Linnaeus, 1758) from the Oujiang River Estuary and the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary was studied by examining the environmental signatures of Sr and Ca in otoliths using electron probe microanalysis. Individuals from the Oujiang River had higher and varied Sr:Ca ratios(expressed as(Sr:Ca)×1 000, 3.83–13.0 average) in the otolith core regions, suggesting that they were born in brackish or sea waters, and that a freshwater habitat might not be necessary for egg hatching and larval growth.While, individuals from the Zhujiang River had lower Sr:Ca ratios(0.39–2.51 average) in the core regions,suggesting a freshwater origin. After hatching, anchovies from the Zhujiang River migrate downstream to the river estuary close to brackish water. Our results demonstrated varied habitat use for spawning during stages of early life history between the two populations, and suggested that such variations are promoting diversity of life history strategies of this species.  相似文献   
4种海洋单胞藻生化组成的环境因子效应研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在实验室模拟条件下,应用14C示踪法测定4种海洋单胞藻的光合作用速率,研究光、温度和营养盐等环境因子对藻类细胞生化组成的影响.结果表明,三角褐指藻、盐藻、中肋骨条藻和等鞭金藻适宜生长的光强范围为5.8×103~15×103lx.4种单胞藻光合作用速率随光强增加而增大,其中盐藻和等鞭金藻的光响应比较明显.随光强增加,4种单胞藻细胞的碳水化合物含量及其变化量呈增加趋势,而蛋白质含量及其变化量则减少,脂类含量变化很小.三角褐指藻、盐藻、中肋骨条藻和等鞭金藻最适生长温度分别为:14、26、21、26℃左右.在上述4个实验温度时,4种单胞藻光合作用速率最高,细胞内的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂类含量及其变化量也达到最大值.三角褐指藻、盐藻、中肋骨条藻和等鞭金藻光合作用过程的表观活化能(E)分别为:23.2、38.5、22.4和61.7KJ/mol,温度系数(Q10)分别为:1.74、和1.69.三角褐指藻和中肋骨条藻在氮磷比(N/P)为16时,盐藻和等鞭金藻在氮磷比为28时,光合作用速率最大.在N/P为16时,4种单胞藻细胞内的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂类含量和变化量均达到最大值.  相似文献   
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