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基于2019—2020年京津冀地区不同天气系统影响下的降水过程,采用交叉相关法和光流法对快速更新多尺度分析和预报综合集成系统(Rapid-refresh Multi-Scale Analysis and Prediction System-Integration,RMAPS_IN)的降水分析产品进行0~2 h临近外推预报的批量试验。结果表明:由交叉相关法和光流法计算的两种外推矢量在大小和方向上存在一定差异,直接差异与影响降水的天气系统位置有明显的对应关系,而方向差异受地理位置的影响更明显,台风类降水呈弧形带状分布,低槽冷锋类、低涡类、气旋类、暖切变线类等几类降水均呈西北大东南小的特点;预报效果方面,总体上交叉相关法优于光流法,尤其是预报时效超过30 min以后,各种降水类型的批量检验结果显示交叉相关法的预报评分优于光流法,且预报时效越长、优势越明显,但预报时效为10 min时,光流法在低涡类、台风类、暖切变线类的空报率上优于交叉相关法。此外,基于外推的临近预报方法对京津冀地区台风类降水的预报效果最好,其次为暖切变线类、低涡类、低槽冷锋类、气旋类。  相似文献   
??????GPS?????????????????????????????????11??PVA??Position??Velocity??Acceleration)?????????е?????λ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ó???????????????????????·??Ч?????????????????????λ????????????????????????????  相似文献   
在《中华人民共和国测绘成果管理规定》及其相关的管理规定中 ,对基础测绘成果保密等级的划分、调整和解密都作了详细的规定。但是在新形势下 ,现行保密法规的对象发生了变化 ,传统的保密管理方式已不适用 ,因此 ,应在保守国家核心机密的前提下 ,重新审定各种地理信息产品的密级 ,最大限度地扩大流通服务范围 ,使地理信息能更多更好地为国民经济建设服务  相似文献   
Data from July 2006 to June 2008 observed at SACOL(Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University,35.946°N,104.137°E,elev.1961 m),a semi-arid site in Northwest China,are used to study seasonal variability of soil moisture,along with surface albedo and other soil thermal parameters, such as heat capacity,thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity,and their relationships to soil moisture content.The results indicate that surface albedo decreases with increases in soil moisture content,s...  相似文献   
近年来,枣庄市国土资源局台儿庄分局以行风建设为抓手,以全面推进各项工作为目标,正确处理3个关系,健全制度,强化管理,做到了以行风促廉政,以行风增合力,以行风树形象,以行风促工作。1正确处理“三个关系”(1)正确处理行风建设与服务经济建设的关系。坚持部门围着企业转,职能围  相似文献   
First multi-wavelength photometric light curves(LCs) of the short-period eclipsing binary(EB)1 SWASP J034439.97+030425.5(hereafter J0344) are presented and analyzed by using the 2013 version of the Wilson-Devinney(W-D) code. To explain the asymmetric LCs of J0344, a cool star-spot on the less massive component was employed. The photometric solutions suggest that J0344 is a W-subtype shallow contact EB with a contact degree of f = 4.9% ± 3.0% and a mass ratio of q = 2.456 ± 0.013. Moreover,an obvious third light was detected in our analysis. We calculated the average luminosity contribution of the third light to the total light, and that value reaches up to 49.78%. Based on the O-C method,the variations of the orbital period were studied for the first time. Our O-C diagram reveals a secular decrease superimposed on a cyclic oscillation. The orbital period decreases at a rate of d P/dt =-6.07 ×10~(-7) d yr~(-1), which can be explained by the mass transfer from the more massive component to the less massive one. Besides, its O-C diagram also shows a cyclic oscillation with an amplitude of 0.0030 d and a period about 7.08 yr, which can be explained by the presence of a third body with a minimum mass of M3 min= 0.15 ± 0.02 M_⊙. The third component may play an important role in the formation and evolution of J0344 by drawing angular momentum from the central system.  相似文献   
Diverse and rich fossil wood records have been documented from the Mesozoic of Liaoning Province, NE China. The Tiaojishan Formation(mainly distributed in Beipiao, Chaoyang, Fuxin and Jianchang regions) is one of the most significant horizons for the Jurassic petrified wood in Liaoning Province. Previously, wood fossils of this formation were mainly reported in Beipiao and Chaoyang regions, whereas fossil wood record was merely known in Jianchang region. Here we describe new fossil wood specimens from the Tiaojishan Formation in Jianchang County, western Liaoning. Two fossil wood taxa, i.e., Protaxodioxylon jianchangense Tian et Wang sp. nov. and Xenoxylon peidense Zheng et Zhang were recognized on the basis of anatomical features. These fossil wood records add new data for understanding the fossil wood diversity, floral composition and palaeoclimate of the Tiaojishan Formation. The occurrence of Xenoxylon and Protaxodioxylon implies a cool temperate, wet and seasonal climate condition with interannual variations during the Middle to Late Jurassic transition in western Liaoning region.  相似文献   
到目前为止从陨石中分离出的太阳系外物质有金刚石、碳化硅、石墨、Si3N4、刚玉及尖晶石等。除金刚石为纳米级大小外,其他为微米和次微米级颗粒。这些太阳系外物质主要存在于原始的球粒陨石的基质中,并通过化学分离的方法获得。金刚石携带分别由p-过程和r-过程产生的Xe同位素组分(Xe-HL),其源区可能提超新星。绝大部分碳化硅相对于太阳系物质富^29.30Si和^13C,贫^15N,并携带s-过程产生的各  相似文献   
对鲁西地区石炭二叠纪煤系火山碎屑岩特征进行了分析,结果表明,火山碎屑物质以晶屑最为常见,常见的火山碎屑岩有凝灰岩、沉凝灰岩、凝灰质灰岩、凝灰质砂岩、凝灰质粉砂岩。还对在太原组煤层中发现的宇宙尘形貌及化学组成进行了研究,经与国内外相关资料对比,认为研究区宇宙尘为Si质玻璃球。提出了研究区石炭纪曾发生过火山地质事件、天体地质事件。   相似文献   
长输管道抗震研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要从以下4个方面:地震对长输管道的危害、长输管道震害的研究方法、管道抗震分析和管道抗震的措施,介绍了近几年长输管道抗震方面的研究进展,指出了今后长输管道的研究方向。  相似文献   
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