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The usefulness of the apparent redox potential discontinuity (aRPD) in assessments of marine benthic habitat quality was explored at two intertidal mudflats along the north Pacific coast of Canada. Two transects were established at each intertidal site, with three sediment biogeochemistry cores collected from each transect four times over the summer of 2016. Measurements of the sediment pore water dissolved oxygen (DO) content and redox (Eh) conditions were taken at the surface of the core (measured vertically), as well as at increasing depths (1 cm between readings) into the sediment (measured horizontally through predrilled holes in the biogeochemistry corer). While oxic, anoxic, oxidized, and reduced sediment pore water was observed above and below the aRPD, in general, sediment above the aRPD had higher DO content, and higher Eh values than sediment below the aRPD. Therefore, the aRPD depth can be used as a relative indicator of sediment pore water DO and Eh conditions: sediment with a deeper aRPD depth has more available DO, and the pore water has higher Eh values (more oxidized or less reduced) than sediment with a shallower aRPD depth. As such, the aRPD depth is a useful parameter to include in models that assess the quality of marine benthic habitats.  相似文献   
A rock magnetic and paleomagnetic investigation was performed on some selected, radiometrically dated lava flows from the Mascota Volcanic Field (MVF), western Trans- Mexican Volcanic Belt. A set of rock-magnetic experiments and standard paleomagnetic analysis were carried out on 19 sites spanning the time interval from 2268 to 72 kyr. The paleomagnetic directions are anchored to absolute radiometric ages while no such information was available in previous studies. This makes possible to correctly evaluate the fluctuation of Earth’s magnetic field from Pliocene to Pleistocene and reveal the firm evidence of possible Levantine excursion. Both Ti-poor and Ti-rich titanomagnetites seem to carry the remanent magnetization with Curie temperatures ranging from 350°C to 537°C. Thirteen flows correspond to the Brunhes chron, one of them exhibits transitional directions, while the remaining six sites belong to the Matuyama chron. New and existing dataset for MVF were used to estimate the paleosecular variation parameters. The selected data include 35 Plio-Quaternary lava flows. After excluding the poor quality data, as well as the transitional directions, the mean paleodeclination is 356.1° and oaleoinclination 39.9°, which agree well with the geocentric axial dipole (GAD) and the expected paleodirections for the Plio-Pleistocene, as derived from the reference poles for the stable North America. The corresponding mean paleomagnetic poles are paleolongitude 226.7° and paleolatitude 86.0°. The virtual geomagnetic pole scatter for the MVF is 15.2°, which is consistent with the value expected from model G at latitude of 20° (this model provides an interpretation of the paleosecular variation at different latitudes for the time of interest). The combined paleomagnetic data, supported by positive reversal test, indicate no paleomagnetically detectable vertical-axis rotations in the study area. The evidence of one transitional directions was detected, which may correspond to the Levantine excursion (360-370 kyr) or unnamed event between 400-420 kyr.  相似文献   

In this article, we undertake an analysis of accessibility to jobs from the perspective of single-parent household members. Individuals in this demographic segment are of interest due to the fact they often face the double burden of household and employment responsibilities. A case study of the city of Toronto in Canada, an urban area that has seen an increase in absolute and relative numbers of single-parent households in recent years, is presented. Analysis is based on the application of relative accessibility deprivation indicators (RADI), which are calculated using model-based estimates of distance traveled for various population segments, as well as employment data for the city and its surroundings. The results of the analysis indicate that there are substantial differences in the levels of accessibility to jobs between members of single-parent households, in particular females, and members of other types of households.  相似文献   
We determined the speciation of Zn in 49 field soils differing widely in pH (4.1–7.7) and total Zn content (251–30,090 mg/kg) by using extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. All soils had been contaminated since several decades by inputs of aqueous Zn with runoff-water from galvanized power line towers. Pedogenic Zn species identified by EXAFS spectroscopy included Zn in hydroxy-interlayered minerals (Zn-HIM), Zn-rich phyllosilicates, Zn-layered double hydroxide (Zn-LDH), hydrozincite, and octahedrally and tetrahedrally coordinated sorbed or complexed Zn. Zn-HIM was only observed in (mostly acidic) soils containing less than 2000 mg/kg of Zn, reflecting the high affinity but limited sorption capacity of HIM. Zn-bearing precipitates, such as Zn-LDH and Zn-rich trioctahedral phyllosilicates, became more dominant with increasing pH and increasing total Zn content relative to available adsorption sites. Zn-LDH was the most abundant Zn-precipitate and was detected in soils with pH > 5.2. Zn-rich phyllosilicates were detected even at lower soil pH, but were generally less abundant than Zn-LDH. Hydrozincite was only identified in two calcareous soils with extremely high Zn contents. In addition to Zn-LDH, large amounts of Zn in highly contaminated soils were mainly accumulated as sorbed/complexed Zn in tetrahedral coordination. Soils grouped according to their Zn speciation inferred from EXAFS spectroscopy mainly differed with respect to soil pH and total Zn content. Clear differences were observed with respect to Zn fractionation by sequential extraction: From Zn-HIM containing soils, most of the total Zn was recovered in the exchangeable and the most recalcitrant fractions. In contrast, from soils containing the highest percentage of Zn-precipitates, Zn was mainly extracted in intermediate extraction steps. The results of this study demonstrate that soil pH and Zn contamination level relative to available adsorption sites are the most important factors controlling the formation of pedogenic Zn-species in aerobic soils and, consequently, Zn fractionation by sequential extraction.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the local coordination of Zn in hydroxy-interlayered smectite (HIS) as a function of Zn loading and synthesis conditions and to assess the importance of hydroxy-interlayered minerals (HIM) for Zn retention in contaminated soils. Published and newly collected extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra of HIS reacted with Zn at molar Zn/hydroxy-Al ratios from 0.013 to 0.087 (corresponding to final Zn contents of 1615-8600 mg/kg Zn) were evaluated by shell fitting. In Zn-HIS, Zn was octahedrally coordinated to oxygen at 2.06-2.08 Å and surrounded by Al atoms at 3.03-3.06 Å in the second-shell. With increasing molar Zn/hydroxy-Al ratio, the coordination number of second-shell Al decreased from 6.6 to 2.1. These results were interpreted as a progressive shift from Zn incorporation in the vacancies of gibbsitic Al-polymers to Zn adsorption to incomplete Al-polymers and finally uptake by cation exchange in the polymer-free interlayer space of HIS with increasing Zn loadings. In a second part, we determined the speciation of Zn in eight contaminated soils (251-1039 mg/kg Zn) with acidic to neutral pH (pH 4.1-6.9) using EXAFS spectroscopy. All soils contained hydroxy-Al interlayered vermiculite (HIV). The analysis of EXAFS spectra by linear combination fitting (LCF) showed that a substantial fraction of total Zn (29-84%) was contained in HIM with high Zn loading. The remaining Zn was adsorbed to organic and inorganic soil components and incorporated into phyllosilicates. In sequential extractions of Zn-HIS spiked into quartz powder and the Zn contaminated soils, Zn was mainly released in the two most resistant fractions, in qualitative agreement with the findings from LCF. Our results suggest that formation of Zn-HIM may strongly retain Zn in pristine and moderately contaminated acidic to neutral soils. Due to their limited sorption capacity, however, HIM do not allow for the accumulation of high levels of Zn in response to continued Zn input into soils.  相似文献   


The isolation of highly pure copper-free methanobactin is a prerequisite for the investigation of the biogeochemical functions of this chalkophore molecule produced by methane oxidizing bacteria. Here, we report a purification method for methanobactin from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b cultures based on reversed-phase HPLC fractionation used in combination with a previously reported resin extraction. HPLC eluent fractions of the resin extracted product were collected and characterized with UV-vis, FT-IR, and C-1s NEXAFS spectroscopy, as well as with elemental analysis and ESI-MS.  相似文献   
In order to better understand the origin and enrichment mechanisms leading to elevated Zn concentrations in Jurassic limestone of the Jura mountain range (JMR) and the Burgundy (B), we investigated four locations of Bajocian age (JMR: Lausen–Schleifenberg, Gurnigel; B: Vergisson–Davayé, Lucy-le-Bois) and two locations of Oxfordian age (JMR: Dornach, Pichoux) for their Zn distribution and speciation. Measurements of the acid-extractable and bulk Zn contents showed that Zn is stratigraphically and spatially heterogeneously distributed, in association with permeable carbonate levels. Up to 3,580 and 207 mg/kg Zn was detected in Bajocian and Oxfordian limestone, respectively, with numerous limestone samples having Zn contents above 50 mg/kg. Using X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy and micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, the speciation and micro-scale distribution of Zn was investigated for selected limestone samples. In Bajocian limestone sphalerite and/or Zn-substituted goethite and a minor fraction of Zn-bearing carbonates were identified. In contrast, Zn-bearing carbonates (Zn-substituted calcite and hydrozincite) were accounting for most of the total Zn in Oxfordian limestone. The micro-scale distribution of Zn for Bajocian and Oxfordian limestone was however similar with localized Zn-rich zones in the limestone cement and at the rim of oolites. The stratigraphic sporadicity and microscale heterogeneity of the Zn distribution together with the Zn speciation results point to a hydrothermal origin of Zn. Occurence of Zn-goethite is probably linked to the oxidative transformation of framboidal pyrite and hydrothermal sphalerite in contact with meteoritic waters. Difference in speciation between Bajocian limestone and Oxfordian limestone may be related to differences in rock permeability and/or to various hydrothermal events. Isotopic dating of the different mineralizations will be needed to decipher differences in Zn speciation and the precise chronology of hydrothermal episodes.  相似文献   
Two nanociliates of the order Prostomatida,Pseudobalanion planctonicum (12–18 µm) andUrotricha furcata (12–21 µm), were found to be the most abundant ciliates in the epilimnion of Piburger See, a small mesotrophic lake. Temperature and food availability were the main factors controlling the sudden increase in abundance, which reached a maximum of 101 cell ml–1 at the beginning of summer. During their exponential development in numbers and biomass, a strong decrease in chlorophylla and in the abundance of phytoplankton, especiallyRhodomonas, was observed. We assume, therefore, thatPseudobalanion planctonicum andUrotricha furcata together with rotifers, mainlyPolyarthra dolichoptera, are able to reduce the phytoplankton biomass in the upper epilimnion to the same level as found during the clearwater phase. Preliminary results of grazing on bacteria suggest that these nanociliates are omnivorous, although their impact on bacterial assemblages was low (3.1% of the standing stock grazed per day). Feeding on the base of the food web combined with their high abudance at certain times makes them an important link for higher trophic levels. This study constitutes the second report onPseudobalanion as an important component of the microbial food web in lakes.  相似文献   
Recent studies demonstrated that Zn-phyllosilicate- and Zn-layered double hydroxide-type (Zn-LDH) precipitates may form in contaminated soils. However, the influence of soil properties and Zn content on the quantity and type of precipitate forming has not been studied in detail so far. In this work, we determined the speciation of Zn in six carbonate-rich surface soils (pH 6.2-7.5) contaminated by aqueous Zn in the runoff from galvanized power line towers (1322-30,090 mg/kg Zn). Based on 12 bulk and 23 micro-focused extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra, the number, type and proportion of Zn species were derived using principal component analysis, target testing, and linear combination fitting. Nearly pure Zn-rich phyllosilicate and Zn-LDH were identified at different locations within a single soil horizon, suggesting that the local availabilities of Al and Si controlled the type of precipitate forming. Hydrozincite was identified on the surfaces of limestone particles that were not in direct contact with the soil clay matrix. With increasing Zn loading of the soils, the percentage of precipitated Zn increased from ∼20% to ∼80%, while the precipitate type shifted from Zn-phyllosilicate and/or Zn-LDH at the lowest studied soil Zn contents over predominantly Zn-LDH at intermediate loadings to hydrozincite in extremely contaminated soils. These trends were in agreement with the solubility of Zn in equilibrium with these phases. Sequential extractions showed that large fractions of soil Zn (∼30-80%) as well as of synthetic Zn-kerolite, Zn-LDH, and hydrozincite spiked into uncontaminated soil were readily extracted by 1 M NH4NO3 followed by 1 M NH4-acetate at pH 6.0. Even though the formation of Zn-precipitates allows for the retention of Zn in excess to the adsorption capacity of calcareous soils, the long-term immobilization potential of these precipitates is limited.  相似文献   
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