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Many studies show that, within a certain distance (ca. 700-800 n mi), two typhoons forming a binary typhoon (BT) system would rotate as a whole and attract each other, which is known as “Fuji-whara Effect” (FE). This paper indicates that only 30.3% of BTs has experienced remarkable cyclonic rotation with a 12-hr angle ≥+10° when two components are less than 20° lat apart, and that the probability is much higher with the eastern, component in the NE than in the SE quadrant for the western one, implying the steering effect of the environmental flow field (EFF) on them.47 observations from 13 BTs are separately used for calculating the angular velocity due to FE and EFF and the results are compared. The conclusion can be stated as follows: FE is dominant with the centers of two elements below 7° lat apart; the EFF steering current plays a major role when they are in the range of 7-15° and for a distance above 15° the principle of FE holds no longer.  相似文献   
Understanding the hydrological processes of colloids within the karst vadose zone is vital to the security of karst groundwater and providing appropriate paleohydrological explanations of colloid-facilitated metals in speleothem. This study addresses the mobilization mechanisms driving colloidal organic matter (COM) transport in the karst vadose zone using a 15-year long monthly monitoring dataset from a cave drip point (HS4) in Heshang Cave, Qingjiang Valley, China. Variations in COM concentrations were reported as the fluorescence difference values of raw and filtered (<0.22 μm) samples at an excitation wavelength of 320 nm and emission wavelength of ~400 nm. A fluorescence humification index (HIX) lower than 0.8 and an autochthonous index (BIX) higher than 1.2 indicated that the origin of COM was mainly from the karst vadose zone, rather than the soil zone. The COM concentration varied from 0.001 to 0.038 Raman Unit (RU), with evident seasonal fluctuations. Rising limbs for COM values occurred prior to rising limbs within a dripwater hydrograph; moreover, the COM peak values corresponding to the beginning of the increasing hydrograph generally suggested that the mobilization of COM reflected the movement of the air–water interface (AWI) in the karst vadose zone rather than rainfall intensity or flow velocity. COM peak values were positively correlated with the antecedent drying duration and negatively correlated with HIX values. These phenomena may be explained by the increased amount of organic matter that was aggregated and absorbed on the surface of carbonate in the karst vadose zone during a longer drying duration. Moreover, the longer drying duration was also beneficial to autochthonous biological activity, which subsequently decreased the HIX value of the organic matter in the karst vadose zone. The movement of AWI and the drying duration are both controlled by the outside weather conditions. This study is therefore conducive to evaluating the security of karst groundwater in response to climate change, and challenges prevailing paleoclimate interpretations of colloid-facilitated metal abundance timeseries reported from speleothems.  相似文献   
阮广招  黄金灿 《探矿工程》1999,(4):14-15,21
深基坑支护设计与施工是当前城市高层、超高层建筑突显的技术难题。通过工程实例,从设计方案的选择到施工、监测,提供了有益的经验。  相似文献   
张致伟  程万正  阮祥  吴朋 《地震学报》2009,31(2):117-127
研究了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前龙门山断裂带及其附近地区的地震活动.利用区域地震台网和流动测震台的数字地震波资料,测定了震源机制解.结果表明,震中所在的龙门山断裂带震前地震活动平稳,未出现显著异常增强或平静现象.根据汶川8.0级地震前地震活动求出的震源机制解,其主压应力P轴方位为WNE——ESE向,震源断层面呈NE向与NW 向两组节面走向.其中NE向节面呈N50deg;——70deg;E,断面倾角均陡,达60deg;——70deg;,震源力学作用方式多呈逆倾型,少部分呈走滑型.震前地震活动呈现的主压应力方位、震源断面走向及其错动类型,与汶川8.0级地震给出的解是一致的.巨大地震发生前沿龙门山断裂带微破裂呈现的平均应力场与主震一致.起始破裂区东侧20km内是紫坪铺水库水域区,这一区域发生小震活动增加的现象处于水库放水的卸载阶段.本文研究了汶川8.0级地震起始破裂区附近的小震活动,其震源参数表明,震源位于8.0级地震之上的5——14km深度,其震源参数与8.0级地震给出的解也是一致的.   相似文献   
利用江苏省70个县级气象基本站1991—2020年逐日降水、日照时数资料,筛选出不同等级的连阴雨事件,建立连阴雨事件库。分析了江苏省连阴雨事件的时空分布特征和典型连阴雨过程,构建了区域连阴雨指数。结果表明:1) 江苏省以强连阴雨事件为主,事件年均发生次数、日数和降水总量从北到南依次增多。2) 苏北、苏中、苏南地区连阴雨事件的年发生次数、日数和降水总量表现出较明显的年代际差异,年际波动从北到南逐渐增强。苏北地区的连阴雨事件集中于盛夏发生,苏中地区多发于初春和盛夏,苏南地区于春夏大部分时间均较为频繁,秋冬亦较常见。3) 综合考虑连阴雨事件发生日数、降水量以及事件分布面积,构建区域连阴雨指数,以反映某一区域的连阴雨强弱情况。该指数较好地反映了2020年苏北、苏中、苏南三地区的区域连阴雨过程和强度变化。  相似文献   
三明市农业气候资源概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析三明市光照、水分、热量的时空分布特征及其与农作物发育生长的关系 ,指出 :三明市的农业气候资源丰富 ,其中 10℃以上活动积温为 6 6 77 9~ 5 2 4 0 2℃年 ,降水量为 14 4 0~ 182 5mm ,主要分布在 3~ 9月 (约占全年降水量的 80 %~ 85 % ) ,且随纬度、海拔高度的增加而增加 ,太阳总辐射量为 5 5 1~ 6 13MJ/m2 ,年变化为单峰型 ,2月最小、7月最大。  相似文献   
简要介绍了地球介质各向异性研究的发展历程,重点介绍了国内外有关上地幔各向异性的研究工作及成果;阐述了上地幔各向异性的起源及其地球动力学意义;较详细地分析了上地幔各向异性研究的各种方法及其优缺点;论述了川滇地区各向异性研究的意义和目的,并提出了整个研究工作的内容和步骤.  相似文献   
长江口内外悬浮体中Cu,Co的形态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阮正  王正方 《海洋科学》1990,14(5):25-29
Global warming poses a great threat to wetland ecological stability and water quality improvement. In this paper, we sampled six types of wetlands representing different kinds of land utilisation around the TaiHu Lake Basin in southeast China. An outdoor computerized microcosm was set up in May 2008 to simulate climate scenarios of ambient temperature (control) and a warmed ambient temperature (+5 °C) using a novel minute‐scale daily and seasonal temperature manipulation technology. The 18‐month incubation indicated that warming impaired the ecological sink of sediment (fixing P from porewater) while strengthening the role of the ecological source, moreover, the rate of P release from sediment into porewater (19–113% for total phosphorus) was much stronger than from top sediment into overlying water. Warming enhanced the activity of neutral and alkaline phosphatases for P‐deficient wetland sediments and neutral phosphatases for P‐rich sediments, at the 14th month of incubation. A significant increase in total phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) occurred under warming in sediments with relatively low levels of PLFAs, but bacterial abundance in the sediment biomass tended to decrease (18%) along with an increase (4·5%) of the fungi‐to‐bacteria ratio. The variations of carbon consumption and availability indicated by measured dissolved organic carbon in sediment may have contributed to P release from sediments to water. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
安徽省姑山铁矿床中赤铁矿微晶的聚合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾连兴  阮惠础 《地质论评》1996,42(3):275-277,T001
安徽省姑山铁矿床的矿石产在中生代辉长闪长岩与以三叠纪页岩,粉砂岩和砂岩为主的围岩的接触带上,矿石成分主要是微晶赤铁矿,其粒径为0.01-0.05mm,并与玉髓和细粒石英相交生,粒径达1-2mm的赤铁矿斑晶呈板状自形晶浸染于块状矿石中,显微镜观察表明,赤铁矿自形斑晶是在成矿期后由赤铁矿微晶聚合而成的。整个聚合过程包括微晶颗粒的相互靠近,颗粒旋转,结晶方位的定向以及最终的焊结,从而形成光性均一的变斑晶  相似文献   
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